Japan Today
Cars sit in traffic as they flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, on Sept 23. Image: AP/Mohammed Zaatari

Japan to send SDF plane to evacuate nationals in Lebanon


The Japanese government is arranging to send a Self-Defense Forces plane to Jordan to prepare for a possible evacuation of its citizens in Lebanon amid fears of escalating conflict between Israel and Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah, a source familiar with the matter said Friday.

Adding that SDF planes, including a C2 transport aircraft, are already on standby in Japan in case its citizens need to be evacuated from Israel, Defense Minister Minoru Kihara told a press conference that the government will "appropriately deal with the situation" depending on how events unfold.

The source said the government is considering sending an Air Self-Defense Force C2 plane to remain on stand-by in Jordan.

According to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, about 50 Japanese nationals are in Lebanon.

Israeli air strikes in Lebanon targeting Hezbollah have intensified.


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Japan's use of the SDF has improved greatly since the first Gulf War.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The 50 Japanese nationals should just fly out of Lebanon on their own expense. Why are they there in the first place?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Well unlike the people in Gaza, the Lebanese at least they have away out. The IDF is becoming the Bulldog of the middle east but not for too long.

At some point the the rest of the civilized world will put an end to this madness by either cutting off aid and supplies or bombing it's facilities.

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