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Japan's new 5-year ocean policy calls for tougher maritime security


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Nice plan but how do they plan to secure manpower for that?


-15 ( +5 / -20 )

Kishida buys all kinds of war toyz but in reality Japan is a paper tiger. It lacks the commitment to "execute" because there's a bureaucratic mentality that is pervasive at all levels in the government.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Typical Communist country reaction to justifiable concerns about its incursions into others' territories, counter with a threat; bolsters its image in the state-controlled minds of its own citizens, but is inflammatory internationally and totally unproductive. Wlll they ever learn? Probably not, short of an internal revolution or a sharp lesson!

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Well said Tony W

Many nations, ours included, are merely responding to the actions of China. Quite hypocritical what they say actually.

And I’d be really interested to know once and for all what the people of Taiwan want. Should have a referendum to put the issue to bed.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

And I’d be really interested to know once and for all what the people of Taiwan want. Should have a referendum to put the issue to bed.

Any referendum is implicitly held under the threat of PLA invasion. A referendum should be held, but only after the CCP is eliminated from the mainland.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

And I’d be really interested to know once and for all what the people of Taiwan want. Should have a referendum to put the issue to bed.

There is no shortage of polling. Here is one example.


Here is another:


10 ( +10 / -0 )

Chinese coast guard ships' repeated intrusions into Japanese territorial waters, growing unauthorized maritime activity by "foreign survey boats” inside Japan's exclusive economic zone,

It is time Japan returned the favor by sailing around Taiwan and through the Taiwan straights on a daily basis as China does around the Senkaku's, and deploying survey ships into China's recognized EEZ and any other nation that is sending survey ships into Japan's EEZ.

China seems to have no issue stirring the pot regarding Senkaku so Japan is justified in returning the favor re Taiwan.

It is clear from polls that Taiwanese people increasingly do not see themselves as Chinese but as Taiwanese, they prefer strengthening economic ties with the US and distancing from China. Even the KMT wants greater economic ties with both the US and China, while preferring China. Overall the picture is not positive for those hoping Taiwan will join with China. The numbers wishing for that are constantly dwindling on the island. Jinping recognizes this and is likely why he intends to use force eventually to subjugate the island under his rule.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

IMHO, most Asian countries misses the mark with China because China is a master manipulator.

The whole point of China behaving like a posterior orifice is to create a 'walk on eggshell' atmosphere so no development can proceed, and no country can progress. Just look at the sabotage against Phillipnes oil gas development, or Vietnam, or Indonesia. China's narrative is its own energy security, but it knows that one missile will take out the entire rig, so no energy security could ever be achieved, but it will go all out to stop others from proceeding. Narcissistic!.

Like wise all the ambiguity with different types of interest, colored lines is also to create ambiguities, gaps and lapses so China can manipulate the rest into a state of fear, guilt or shame, whilst itself behave shamelessly. Narcissistic, again!

So to deal with China effectively, you either have to ignore them, or be prepared to reciprocate, including being excessively ambiguous, so China has to walk on egg shell too.

Example: embarrass the CCP by running media crew to broadcast (via satellite so Chinese can receive it) every time a Chinese paramilitary vessel is forcefully expelled from Japan's territory, and do so as a core interest move LOL.

Or, get Nintendo to create a game with maps showing China's claim as belonging to others, then when China go into a hissy fit, release another title with exactly the same map, as a free open source, LOL, now China's hissy fit has consolidated solidarity movement amongst gamers as well.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

So much blubbering in this thread. China does not recognize Japan's EEZ related to Senkaku/Diaoyu. Japanese sovereignty has never been established in the international system, only possession because of the occupation (and hand over) of Okinawa and Senkaku by the US military following Japan's defeat in WW2.

It cited a list of threats: Chinese coast guard ships' repeated intrusions into Japanese territorial waters, growing unauthorized maritime activity by "foreign survey boats” inside Japan's exclusive economic zone,

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

There is no shortage of polling. Here is one example.


Chinese themselves are trying to escape, not surprising at all.


There's a very serious atmosphere in LA China town now, where Cantonese are very distrustful of mainland Chinese. I saw a commotion about a poor young Chinese man being accused of being mainland Chinese because he has a crew cut and looks like he just got out of national service. This is the kind of division I'm certain is sown by the CCP themselves, leveraging fear and shame to devide.

I would only say, be kind to each other, the CCP is your real foe.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Both countries seem to be inching little by little toward a real conflict and confrontation. China replaced their coast guard ships in the Senkaku waters to larger ones equipped with 76mm deck canons.

Is Japan's new ocean policy made in response to China's assertive movement?  China will certainly respond to Japan's build-up of weapons in kind. Thus, tension between the two countries may escalate up and up until it ends up popping miserably.

This tragedy must be prevented by all means.

As for the Senkaku issue, I suggest a civilian-level symposium be held to bring the core of the problem to light.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Senkaku/Diaoyu. Japanese sovereignty has never been established in the international system, only possession because of the occupation (and hand over) of Okinawa and Senkaku by the US military following Japan's defeat in WW2.

pot kettle black ^^^.

Formally, ONLY Bluegill Island (Pratas Is) was ever handed back to the PRC. Everything else as far as the legal sense is concerned, especially the SCS, is a prize of conquest and is a protectorate of USA. Because Japan surrendered to USA, and that makes USA the conqueror.

USA has much, much more right to the western Pacific than China will ever have, unless China starts a war to conquer the territories it claims.

But China knows it's on very shaky grounds so it tries the bully the weaker nations tactic instead. Note, the British surrendered to Japan over Hong Kong, so if USA wants to behave like China it could claim HK as well.

How does China feel about prize of conquest? It fully support Russia's conquest of the 4 Japanese northern islands.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Nobody fear Japan,Paper Tiger government

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Senkaku/Diaoyu really aren't worth it. Not even close.

This tragedy must be prevented by all means.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Oh, please. I do want to hear more about this claim. Are the roots of this argument an imperialistic war against Spain at the tail end of the 19th century, pray tell?

USA has much, much more right to the western Pacific than China will ever have

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Senkaku/Diaoyu really aren't worth it. Not even close.

Then why did China change decades old position of Mao (father of communist China), over islands China had no interest on?


Everything is worth it going by evidence.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

I don't know, maybe because the US 7th Fleet occupied the area until 1972? I'm getting images of Japan hiding in the skirts of the US military but it's not very pleasant.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Security, TOTAL ILLUSION with new weapons systems in place and coming soon.

China WMB Other Weapons capabilities & technologies massively enhancing due to Russian proliferation to their Ukraine war partners, especially China.

Deterrence ONLY viable Security

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I don't know, maybe because the US 7th Fleet occupied the area until 1972? I'm getting images of Japan hiding in the skirts of the US military but it's not very pleasant.

Or it could be because it was only then that oil was discovered there and it takes them awhile to find some lousy map that says the world was Chinese since ancient times.

Senkaku/Diaoyu really aren't worth it. Not even close.

You might be right, but China has to be forced to share the resources 50/50 and China doesn't share anything...

8 ( +9 / -1 )

For those of you that form your opinions from today's mass media or social media, spare some time for reading history. Deng Xiaoping on his visit to Japan in 1978 was asked about Senkaku/Diaoyu and he simply said that that wasn't important at the time. Work on cooperation and mutual benefit. A wiser, future generation can figure it out.

We are no wiser, unfortunately.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japan's new national security strategy that Kishida's government adopted in December in a major break from the self-defense-only principle

Principle? Are we not talking about the constitution? And why do we have a constitution? To protect the people, and ensure corrupt politicians can not arbitrarily change the laws. The constitution is the foundation of democracy, where the people have the ultimate power, not the elected politicians. No constitution, no democracy!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A nuclear strike from China, Russia and North Korea would take less time than a train from Shinjuku Station to Ginza Station,this is how Japanese lives are in peril, Russian never threatened the US , because the US has the ability to counter strike

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

the constitution is the foundation of democracy, where the people have the ultimate power, not the elected politicians. No constitution, no democracy!

ALL Fantasy here Fredrik, markets and assets not normally function of Central Banks either. Collapsing societies GET desperate, it's CONTROLLED chaos but let's just call it leadership, that'll make SHEEP happy. Better 're-set' your expectations!

After all, you could spend YEARS helping someone and on average they'd THROW you under bus in EARTBEAT if told to do so, as that's RULE, but again better to call it Harmony!

Better OPEN your eyes ASAP

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The actions of Russia, China, and North Korea over the last few decades all dictate that their neighbors who wish to remain independent and free must invest in self defense.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There's a very serious atmosphere in LA China town now, where Cantonese are very distrustful of mainland Chinese. I saw a commotion about a poor young Chinese man being accused of being mainland Chinese because he has a crew cut and looks like he just got out of national service. This is the kind of division I'm certain is sown by the CCP themselves, leveraging fear and shame to devide.

My wife is originally from Shanghai and her accent give her away. The last time we visited LA Chinatown a Vietnamese merchant threw her out of their store and at a nice restaurant where the owners spoke Cantonese they simply ignored us for half an hour until we finally got the message and left. Even asking directly for a menu and some water was ignored.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't know, maybe because the US 7th Fleet occupied the area until 1972? I'm getting images of Japan hiding in the skirts of the US military but it's not very pleasant.

Japan wasn't hiding. Until very recently every single nation in Asia feared a revival of Japanese militarism thanks to some loudmouth right wing politician spouting off nonsense every once in a while just to remind everyone that not everyone in Japan learned anything from WWII. The nations of Asia except maybe China and North Korea expected the US to defend Japan so Japan would not feel compelled to rebuild a big military that could again threaten its neighbors.

Now with the bellicose, cough cough, "diplomacy" of Xi Jinping, China taking Philippine islands and the rapid increase in the size and sophistication of the Chinese military, Japan is suddenly no longer threat number one in Asia and instead nations are now looking to Japan as an ally against China. Nations also see the threat Japan faces from China and no longer begrudge them a large standing military force as a necessary deterrent.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan needs to build a class of exceptionally rugged coast guard patrol ships that are specifically designed for shouldering and ramming other ships and station these around their southern islands to confront Chinese ships with. Look at the stunt the Chinese pulled on that Philippine coast guard patrol boat a few days ago. Now imagine instead of the skipper ordering full astern to avoid a collision the skipper ordered full power and sounded the collision alarm. The Chinese would only need to get one or two holes poked in their ships to get the message.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Until very recently every single nation in Asia feared a revival of Japanese militarism

This is the same nonsense that you have been spewing here for as long as I remember. In the hope that repeating a lie a thousand times will turn it into the truth.

A few nations in East and South East Asia might have feared Japan in the recent past, but that too was a manufactured bogeyman by their leaders for domestic political reasons.

My nation specifically looked forward to the day Japan begins her militarily buildup to balance China, because Article 9 was forcefully imposed upon Japan by the Western powers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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