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© 2013 AFPJapan on alert after H7N9 bird flu spreads to Taiwan
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© 2013 AFP
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Interesting, Japan is worried about Chinese tourists visiting Japan, but say nothing about the thousands of their own nationals who will visit the exact same places and then come back to Japan after their own Golden Week holidays. Oh, but I forgot, they are Japanese, they wouldn't spread a virulent pathogen to their own people. my bad!
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So how are they going to stop the birds flying up the Ryukyus?
Only a matter of time before it gets here. Time to don the antiseptic mask.
thank you once again for this lovely epidemic china when will you learn? stay strong japan!
Non-sense. The flu kills people everyday around the World. How is this one a threat? It is no more a threat than any other strands of influenza. More people have died in JP with other flu viruses than H1N1 and H7N9. Just another drama to make you feel unwelcome at arrivals!
Ewan Huzarmy
More scare-mongery by the Japanese media, to keep the populace in a heightened sense of fear, and suspicion of China. It's like a big neon arrow pointing away from the problem.
Droll Quarry
Oh, you see the arrow? Good. Rest assured the arrow is pointing in the right direction, you may have to move a bit to one side see all of it, since from where you are standing now, you can only seeing the very tip of the point.
Either this flu, or a variant of it, will be the next pandemic, and all our fault.
If it does spread here, lets hope people stay away from work/school for a week or so, and show consideration to others by not infecting them. Not betting on it though.
Ewan Huzarmy
Yeah, well you would have that attitude wouldn't you, beacuase Japan is just following in the footsteps of Fox News and America's scare agenda, 'weapons of mass distraction', so to say.... maybe I can't see the arrow properly as your fat head is in the way. Touche !
I wonder.. i sincerely doubt humanity is prepared for a pandemic, let us hope, a strain akin to that of the Spanish flu never ravages this world again.. 50~100 million dead, 3~5% of the worlds population, 500 million infected out of 1.8 billion, right after WW1.. gl world.
Verisimilitude: "I wonder.. i sincerely doubt humanity is prepared for a pandemic, let us hope, a strain akin to that of the Spanish flu never ravages this world again.. 50~100 million dead, 3~5% of the worlds population, 500 million infected out of 1.8 billion, right after WW1.. gl world."
It's not a question of 'if', but 'when'. We're messing around to much with nature, using too many medicines in daily life that are unnecessary, creating immune viruses, and the worst is what we do to farm animals.
"Made in China"
Except that they're not checking incoming passengers at the airport - I can tell you that first hand. Not that delaying everyone at the airport would do anything other than inconvenience people.