Japan Today

Japan plans to donate patrol boats to Manila


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It is high-time they do that. Chinese aggression against the weaker nations in the area has gone unchecked for a long time now. The Philippines have had only one WW2 frigate to counter Chinese encroachment until now.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

China is fast becoming a bully in Asia when it could have transformed itself as a promoter of peace and stability. Use their money to build rapport and help Asia to grow but its just the opposite. China could have been a leader but now it's too late. Except for Cambodia, the whole SEA countries has expressed their anger over Chinese intrusion and strong arm technique against its neighbors. Korea and Japan on the other side has always been an enemy.

Fighting at all front including subjugation of Tibet and Inner Mongolia... I think China will fail bigtime.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

As always. Japan helping neighbors

0 ( +12 / -12 )

As always. Japan helping Neighbors to Pursue their own cause!

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

A leopard never changes its spots ! They may drive BMWs but they are still communist dictators !

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Maybe it's just me but it would seem that Japan is very busy "financially helping" other countries while it's own citizens are still living in temporary housing "up north" and nuclear contamination is still rampant... I was always taught "Charity starts at home"...

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I forgot to mention the tax hikes and raises in electrical bills that the "ordinary" citizen in Japan is going to be saddled with... Are we supposed to be paying for these "presents" ?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

as we all know, Japan and China way of doing are totally opposite!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

What a waste of the boats. You think the Philippines care much either way? They're just milking off Japan on anything they can get their hands on. It is by the the most corrupted democracy in the world. Just wait until the Filipino gets in trouble and demanding help from Japan since Japan is acting like its ally these days.

Once you get mixed in with a certain crowd, its difficult to get washed off.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam etc..should also have JOINT naval training, kind of the way the USA and Japan do, and the way the USA and South Korea, Australia do, you know kind of to show the LAPD, oops!!, the CHINESE that they need to play a bit more by the rules, right??

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Make sue to add fire control radar. See how the PLA navy likes being painted.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Now who can deny that this is a serious containment of China by the countries that see it as a threat to their own interests?

Japan, or, more like, Abe seems to be ready to do more of this chicken race.

On the other hand, China is also to blame. It has pushed Japan too hard. Japan won't give in easily this time.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

it won't surprise me if Mr. Aquino turns the patrol boat into a personal luxury yacht

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

I think they need much more help!

3 ( +4 / -1 )


4 ( +6 / -2 )

mikihouse: "China is fast becoming a bully in Asia when it could have transformed itself as a promoter of peace and stability."

That's really only in the eyes of the Japanese and Japanophiles here who seem to think Japan has and can do no wrong while all the problems to date in Asia are strictly caused by China. China hasn't changed anything at all, save to respond in turn to Japanese provocation started solely by Ishihara and escalated by means of ignoring history, visiting rightist shrines, changing the history books, rescinding apologies, denying sexual slavery, and seeking to alienate China (as it's doing here) by uniting China's neighbours against said nation. The thing is, the Philippines is simply going to take these boats given to them through our taxes (and htat should be going to domestic programs) and do nothing at all about China.

Stop wasting our money abroad so you can pat yourselves on the back, and start using it at home for social services and reconstruction!

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

JAPAN is more friendly than the USA with the Philippines. At 1 Billion Yen each, the ships are brand-new

1 Billion Yen is almost the same price USA sold 2 40-year old ships (Hamilton-Class Cutter). The USCCG Hamilton and USCGC Dallas. When the USA sold these 2 junk USCGC Hamilton-Class Cutter, the ships were stripped-off with RADAR Equipments, Phalanx Close Support Systems, All the automated cannons and firing mechanisms. The Philippine installed MANUALLY-OPERATED 25mm chain gun, six mounted 50-caliber guns and two 20mm cannons as replacement for the equipment removed. The RADAR installed is for Surface-ship scanning only.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


" China hasn't changed anything at all, save to respond in turn to Japanese provocation "

Oh really now.? Lets see: China claims islands owned by Japan, China has invaded and annexed islands owned by Vietnam. China claims additional islands owned by Vietnam, China has occupied islands owned by the Phillippines, China claims additional islands owned by the Phillipines, China claims islands owned by Malaysia. China claims islands owned by Brunei.

Now call me a Japanophile fool for seeing a pattern here...

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Why do I suspect these boats will end up as dilapidated Filipino fishing vessels within a few years?!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Why do I suspect these boats will end up as dilapidated Filipino fishing vessels within a few years?!

Highball7 beat you to it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


0 ( +1 / -1 )

check book has boats in it. Who knew?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

A similar transfer occured several years ago to Indonesia. I believe they placed a very strict rule on how the boats must be used not to be incorporated into the Navy and today is enlisted as Sea police vessel. I believe the same rules will be stipulated on these vessels as well.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Totally in the best interest of Japan and the first steps of self reliance and less US envolvement in Japan's international affair's...build alliance's...!!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's a waste of money. It will be crushed by the next hurricane to hit Philippines or China shows up with a bigger ship. Isn't it silly? . Besides the average Japanese are getting poorer everyday. Nice job Abe for your generosity to Burma, Philippines, Vietnam while your average salaryman suffers!

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

And you think Filipinos don't have guts to fight ? They were mowing down PLA chinese forces in the hills of the Korean Peninsula War "Battle of Yuldong".

Keep it up you commie symphatizers. You hate the West so much because you don't have Disney World and Mickey Mouse. What you Have is Mickey Mao ! . What's next after Tibet ? ya all brainwashed flatulence smoking the hash in Peking.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

@TonyEw - Spot on!

-8 ( +2 / -10 )


" Once you get mixed in with a certain crowd, its difficult to get washed off. "

I notice quite a whiff of racism among some comments here. Yes, the the Philippines have their problems with poverty and corruption (plus on-going islamic insurgency in the South, which constantly drains ressources), but that does not mean that the country has no national pride and not the will to defend their islands from Chinese aggression. I find it both naive and arrogant to suggest otherwise.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

More and more the international community realizes that they have to prepare to stand against the true threat, China.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

This is a very wise and wonderful gesture of good faith. I am very glad to hear of such excellent working together. If all stand firm China will eventually learn to back down and be a good neighbor instead of a bully.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Send the Ospreys too since they hardly have enough to fly there directly. The vehicle is a perfect plane for surveillance.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

smithinjapanFEB. 12, 2013 - 11:43AM JST "mikihouse: "China is fast becoming a bully in Asia when it could have transformed itself as a promoter of peace and stability." That's really only in the eyes of the Japanese and Japanophiles here who seem to think Japan has and can do no >wrong while all the problems to date in Asia are strictly caused by China.

smith do you even read the articles before you post your standardized anti-j diatribe?

The thing is, the Philippines is simply going to take these boats given to them through our taxes (and htat should be >going to domestic programs) and do nothing at all about China.

There aren't a hell of alot of ways to utilize a Patrol Boat other than as a Patrol boat. Not sure how exactly you are suggesting they will be used.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

So nice to see TonyEW worried about the plight of the Japanese salariman.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Those boat are not to counter PRC activites although they may well be used in that fashion as well.

The main motive is to monitor and combat piracy within the Islands that is the main source of finace for the Islamic rebels. Both the Philipinnes and Indonesia have some Islamic terrorist groups that have connections with the middle-east. Japan is trying to weed out these groups before it becomes a serious threat before it comes closer.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

WilliB: "Oh really now.? Lets see: China claims islands owned by Japan, China has invaded and annexed islands owned by Vietnam. China claims additional islands owned by Vietnam, China has occupied islands owned by the Phillippines, China claims additional islands owned by the Phillipines, China claims islands owned by Malaysia. China claims islands owned by Brunei. Now call me a Japanophile fool for seeing a pattern here..."

I won't call you that for seeing a pattern, but perhaps the name applies for not reading -- I said nothing has CHANGED, as in China are as aggressive as they always have been, save where that has increased due to provocation by the Japanese over the Senkakus. Take your finger off the thumb-down button and read the post above it, first. Functional word: CHANGE.

Ossan: "smith do you even read the articles before you post your standardized anti-j diatribe?"

And as with yesterday, when you talked about 'hate flags' and posting anti-Japan comments when I was talking about how Yang should apologize for the poor choice of firework name (you just jumped the gun and assumed I was saying Tokyo should apologize without having read the comment at all, save the last line), you fail to read the comment.

"There aren't a hell of alot of ways to utilize a Patrol Boat other than as a Patrol boat. Not sure how exactly you are suggesting they will be used."

Further proof you're not reading -- I said the money, NOT the boats themselves, should be used for domestic spending in Japan. More than 2.5 billion yen allotted to training the coast guard in nations around China and giving them ships, which even as you point out, can be used for little aside from patrolling (and as such pose no threat to the 'growing threat that is China').

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Kwaabish: "More and more the international community realizes that they have to prepare to stand against the true threat, China."

And they're going to do that with patrol boats?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Ossan: ""smith do you even read the articles before you post your standardized anti-j diatribe?"

And just out of curiousity how is it 'anti-J' to say that the money would be better spent at home (ie. in Japan) on domestic social services and reconstruction (to this date only some 0.7% of promised housing has been built for refugees from the disasters of 2011!)? Don't tell me you're one of those incredibly insecure wingers who think that any criticism of a move clearly intended for political gain is automatically bashing the nation and its people. I care more about using that 2.5 billion + ON the people, not being thrown elsewhere to try and isolate China, which won't work anyhow. THAT is PRO-J, my friend. Agreeing to this waste is what's against the people and the nation.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I think it is an unusual move because I don't recall any other country giving away new boats.

The reason for the giveaway is because Japan and the Philippians have something in common, an aggressive China making moves to claim their territory, and every "patrol" boat helps to defend that territory.

However, it is a good idea since the whole problem for the Philippians is not having the resources to "patrol" (quoted for you smithinjapan) their waters for foreign invaders. It also occupies more Chinese resources that will not be used to harass other neighbors.

Japan and shareholders probably lost as much money or more on the trumped up boycots in China. This is a good move and one the Philippians will remember. Plus, this kind of spending helps the shipbuilders, yes it is pork barrel politics, but what isn't.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Philippines, according to several forums and blogs, has modest growth in economy so She can already buy missile frigates and anti-submarine and anti-aircraft defense. So I think, if Japan change or amend its constitution, the Philippines can convert the patrol boats into guided-missile frigate and anti-submarine ships. According to some news forum, the ships can be of 1,000-ton high-endurance open-seas patrol crafts.

In parallel with negotiation with Japan, the Philippines is re-arming the two Hamilton-Class Cutter (bought from USA at 1 Billion Yen each). The arms are said to be enhanced RADAR, Torpedo Tubes and 76mm-or-120mm canons.

In parallel with Japan purchase, the Philippines is already in the final stage of negotiation of buying two MAESTRAL-CLASS guided missile corvette from ITALY. Similar deals are also in the initial negotiation of frigates from South-Korea.

The Philippines also has a lot of marine engineers and deck-officers from Merchant Marine SHips and has the ability to maintain ships on their own. About 30 of the Philippine Navy SHips are WW-II vintage and still working fine. About 40 helicopters of the Philippines were Vietnam-war vintage and are still flying. 70% of the world's ocean-liners are manned partially or wholly by Philippine marine engineers and boilers and engine mechanics. So what the Philippines needs are friendly nations offering friendly price of modern hardware.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


" Kwaabish: "More and more the international community realizes that they have to prepare to stand against the true threat, China." And they're going to do that with patrol boats? "

Well yes, of course, it is a first step. The Chi nese ag gression starts with small steps too. They are not sending mas sive wa rships to the Senk akus either; they start with the small pi n-pr icks and see if the coast guard responds.

You should hope that this does not escalate further.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Japan isnt giving those ships for free, the Philippine govt will buy those ships thru loan.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Within the English dictionary the word "Donate" means to give and I do not see the word loan within the article so I believe the Japanese government is giving them for free like the ones that were DONATED to the Indonesian government.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Stop spending my damn tax and retirement money on foreign useless deals !!!! This government is getting more evil as it goes! Where the hell is the housing for the March 11th victims???? Tell me J government!

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Just so you guys know, even if our country was in poverty, it was not a place where hopeless people lives. Give us a chance and we'll show you.

Our country has been attacked by 3 nations in history with very big Gap of years being colonized but not 100% occupied, Spain-400 years, America - again many decades(they even tried to depopulate us), then Japan - another years .... But still we have our country with us, some resources still untapped. And now China......... Too bad, PH isn't going alone this time, in addition, our economy is doing great, and this move of Japan is just a starting step. If China sends their entire infantry in our forest, i doubt they'd win. Unless China use nukes, well they will end up being nuked by both Russia and US. As for Japan providing us with such boats, thank you. PH will always help back.

I wont believe this will be entirely a donation, probably a loan.. PH will still pay. There is no such thing as for free these days, common sense people. If the payment for this is for Philippines to go in the front line in the future like we always do in Korean war, It's not a problem for us too. We are used to war and slavery. If such things happened to your country, i doubt you'd still want to live like we do(trying their best to get a good life). Tough people shows up in tough times. China strong? yeah they got numbers and arms, Pinoys care less about it... even if we have to fight with bows and stones for freedom, we will. Compared to the Chinese citizens allowing their leaders stepping their rights, even us had a dictator. We beat him too :P -Proud to be Filipino

Arigatou Japan.

P.S. sometimes we think why the world hates us so much when we never did a thing. We never tried to expand. Even before the Spaniards came, our country has already its own technology and civilization. We love foreign people, we always welcome them, but you see, that was the reason why we were attacked...we kept on welcoming people. But hey, we know it's never wrong. Probably, the world is just too selfish to accept people as forgiving as us. Pinoys not gonna join Japan if a war against China happens? Dream on.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Awesome Ichiro.

Yeah, a great american commander have said this line before. "Give me 10,000 Filipinos and i shall conquer the world", it's an exaggeration but i believe his words meant "Equip the Filipinos and you wont regret".

Yes, I just saw the news in our country. THIS IS A LOAN, NOT FOR FREE. You guys are smarter than us so stop assuming this is for free. LOL.

Anyway, Thank you Japan. -From PH too

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I could already assume even if Philippines has to go alone against China, we will. US tried to depopulate us before when they already have guns and battleships, while we only have axes and bows, we still kept on fighting. It was an endless fight. Even if we know we would lose, there is just no giving up on this.

As for Japan, I believe our country appreciates this so much. It will help us alot. :) Again, thank you.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Thanks to the People of Japan,Your money will not be put to waste,yes the previous philippine government are corrupt,but this time we have seen that Pres. Aquino is serious especially this time that The thieves China already start stealing a rock formation on our shores, first they send fishing boats to the rock island,when the philippine coastguard try to intercept this vessels,the big Chinse marine survellance ship just came to their rescue and stand-off happens,ultimately philippine coasrguard withdraw from the area because the ship is not big enough to sustained the big waves in that area. At this time they stationed permanently 3 ships in the area which is 200 miles only from the nearest philippine island and 500 miles from the nearest hainan island of China.Only the Philippine could do is ask China to Leave the 3 ships in the area but The great THIEVES just ignore the demand. Now their ships just come and go ,The philippine navy can do nothing. Aside from what The Thieves has done,They put another economic pressure to the Philippines and advise their citzins not to visit the philippines. Again Thanks to the People of Japan,We value so much what ever help you can give,because someday both our countries will fight and cut-off the hands and feet of the THIEVES so that she cannot steal anymore to other smaller countries.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

smithinjapanFEB. 12, 2013 - 11:43AM JST "mikihouse: "China is fast becoming a bully in Asia when it could have transformed itself as a promoter of peace and stability."

That's really only in the eyes of the Japanese and Japanophiles here who seem to think Japan has and can do no >wrong while all the problems to date in Asia are strictly caused by China.

Ossan: ""smith do you even read the articles before you post your standardized anti-j diatribe?"

And just out of curiousity how is it 'anti-J' to say that the money would be better spent at home (ie. in Japan) on >domestic social services and reconstruction ......

Because that's not what you said at all. Read your own post.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

smithinjapanFEB. 12, 2013 - 03:49PM JST

smithinjapanFEB. 12, 2013 - 11:43AM JST "mikihouse: "China is fast becoming a bully in Asia when it could have >transformed itself as a promoter of peace and stability." .. That's really only in the eyes of the Japanese and Japanophiles here who seem to think Japan has and can do no >wrong while all the problems to date in Asia are strictly caused by China.

IOssan: "smith do you even read the articles before you post your standardized anti-j diatribe?"

And as with yesterday, when you talked about 'hate flags' and posting anti-Japan comments when I was talking >about how Yang should apologize for the poor choice of firework name (you just jumped the gun and assumed I >was saying Tokyo should apologize without having read the comment at all, save the last line), you fail to read the >comment.

How does the above address your statement that seeing China as a bully is only in the eyes of "Japanophiles"?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The patrol boats, according to some news forum, are 40-meter (132 feet) high-speed ships not necessarily for war against the Chinese Navy.

Accordingly, they are intended for Chinese Poachers and thieves/pirates attacking the natural resources of the Philippines, even those seas within the 12-nautical miles uncontested waters. Chinese poachers are fond of harvesting and stealing sea horses, corals, star fish sharks etc in order to increase the libido of the Chinese Communist Party members. Many rich chinese including communist party members still believe that these natural and traditional medicines are better than the US-made Viagra. Before FIJI, PALAU etc got high-speed vessels from AUSTRALIA, Chinese Thieves and Poachers are rampantly stealing precioius sea resources as if PALAU/FIJI territorial seas are CHINESE LAKE within the MAINLAND

At several instances, CHINESE NAVY take opportunity of these Chinese Poachers/Thieves in a disguise of protecting allegedly their fellow Chinese (Taxpayers) Citizens..... but actually is already moving in advance of taking territories of other countries. This is also called as CREEPING ATTACK STRATEGY.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Wow! I've never seen so many Chinese nationals post propaganda against Japan giving the Philippines these patrol boats. You would think that if it wasn't a big deal for Japan to give the Philippines these expensive patrol boats, it wouldn't matter to the Chinese. Makes me wonder why there is so much anti-Japanese dialog. Why is China so overly sensitive? Let's say Japan give the Philippines short range missiles, drones, and fighter jets, and allows Japan to port their military ships there. Unless China is planning on invading and stealing territories that according to international laws are NOT China, why should they care? Chinese fear of a Japanese invasion isn't the reason. If Japan wanted to attack and invade China again, do you think Japan would of waited this long? They would of done it decades ago. So why? Because China is a liar and is planning on taking the entire South China Seas by military force.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Of course Japan is looking any country that can help boosting their actions against China either a small or big help. And or perhaps Phils. is not a big help to Japan, and also many Japanese investors in Phils. must be protected, just imagine the Phils. will be conquered to China that's a big lost for Japan as a friend and her investment area.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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