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© KYODOU.S. advises citizens to 'reconsider travel' to Japan
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Well, well, well. How the turn tables.
Actually, Japan has not started to combat the pandemic in reality. Just the Olympics is on their mind.
Would that also include the Olympic athletes?
AKA "Don't send athletes."
The US Embassy put out a notice to its citizens yesterday and it did not advise not going to Japan.
Kay, whomever posted that last post...thats too long! lol
Reconsider to travel except for IOC American officials, dignitaries and guests including perhaps the president and VP and other US government guests to the COVID safe event
As if Japan could hardly wait for the influx of people from a country where they had almost lost control of the epidemic.
Aly Rustom
I personally read this as the US does not trust Japan's figures. simply put
'reconsider' is always governmentspeak for 'we really don't advise it, but if you go, you go at your own risk'. So anyone related to the Olympics, do you really want to risk your long term health and athletic power? Is it worth it? And just to let you know, much as many people were originally happy the Olympics were coming here to Japan, right now, people here in Japan overwhelmingly wish you would vote with your feet and stay away. That would do us a huge favour. We really wish you the best of luck in your athletic career.
All this indignation in the comments FOR NOTHING! Japan already banned all visitors and students and workers also. That's just a shame for the country
Over three million infected Americans, we should ban them from entering.
Private Internet Access
This is a HUGE blow to Japan! Watch, next the US will withdrawl from the Olympics, as they should. Once the US withdrawls, other countries will follow!
I've been checking some other countries.
Most Europe is "Level 4: Do not travel"
Japan is not doing that bad, if it's only "Level 3: Reconsider Travel"
Hopefully this includes those on service duty.
Apparently, most of the World has more sense than the Japanese government in terms of health and safety issues.
This warning has no effect. Tourists are not allowed in Japan.
By the way, what about interstates border crossing in the US ?
Kazuaki Shimazaki
The US is hardly in a position to complain about anybody elses' record on dealing with COVID-19. On April 26, they had 47,430 new cases.
They did not downgrade the country's status as a travel destination is all it's basically saying
Tables turn?
So nothing changed, and this is basically non-news. I wouldn't expect them to remove the warning, after all.
Means Japan remains a safer destination than others
Seth M
Is this a stealth jab at Japan? I think Japan has literally banned entries from many countries, including the US
Michael Machida
What are the real numbers for Japan? Double? Triple?
Such shock and horror Japan! Maybe pressure from overseas like this will make force a change in policy now. How embarrassing. But really, Japan should be at level 4.
What are you thinking, Biden ?
And another thing, Japan is at 3, the same as New Zealand.
This makes a mockery of the whole US travel advisory.
Just what else took place af the meeting between Suga and his new mate?
Maybe the US State Department advice should read 'U.S. advises athletes, coaches and Olympic officials to 'reconsider travel' to Japan'
LOL, do you honestly think that Japan's case numbers, death numbers are actually higher than the United States, and they are hiding it?
Yep. If they really want to travel to feel exotic oriental, visit China. Enjoy!
But the USA government is still planning on sending it's team to the Olympics.
As long as the USA and western countries don't withdraw the IOC has no motivation to cancel.
I don't get it. Nobody can visit Japan anyway right now.
Are people being allowed back in???
This is what happens when you spend 2 months playing around, or as they say in Japanese MAYOOOOOO.
This advisory has been in place since August! They simply issued an update that says nothing is changing for now. Why is this news?
It's kind of a moot point though isn't it; because Japan isn't allowing tourists into the country.
I'm ready to go back to Japan. Don't worry about me, like most Americans, I am fully vaccinated.
And here's the much expected "there's always worst elsewhere" rhetoric.
Not only usa, the world too until the world is safe not only Japan. Everyone please be very responsible.
Understandable. In Australia we have a similar travel advisory system as well for the rest of the world, not sure what it is for Japan but it might be very similar given the Covid 19 situation.
Well tourists aren't allowed in anyways so what difference does this travel warning make?!
Wait – I was under the impression that Americans cannot go to Japan, period.
I've been vaccinated, my wife has been vaccinated, our three-year-old son has not. Can we go visit our family in Japan?
As others mentioned above, New Zealand with close to zero infections and Japan with thousands are on the same travel advisory level...smh!
Lots of over reaction here. Every country on the planet was given an assessment, not just Japan. “Reconsider travel” is the best possible rating.
Over three million infected Americans, we should ban them from entering. WOW what such nonsense post!! The logic here is so screwed up, some people let their fingers think because their minds can't. First the US has banned anyone from traveling on an airplane who has a high fever and you have to show proof you are not covid positive before traveling!! THERE GOES your ban. Second, you are doing fuzzy math if you compare the size of japan to the US its like walking through your apartment one step and you are out the door. Japan is smaller than the size of San Francisco. Population wise if you want to compare numbers based on size and population Japan is worse off. There are more people in the US who has taken the vaccination shot while Japan is still trying to get the government to agree on a SOE!! Goodlucktoyou
@Kazuaki Shimazaki
The US is hardly in a position to complain about anybody elses' record on dealing with COVID-19. On April 26, they had 47,430 new cases. In comparison to a country the size of San Francisco, in comparison to a country who has not approved a vaccination for its people, in comparison to a country who is so set on putting on a spreader Olympics event and not ruling out canceling the event. In comparison to a country that keeps kicking a rusty can down the road by having 3 or more SOE and nothing is working. This is nothing but SUGA Fuzzy logic it appears world over that Japan doesn't have a clue!!!
robert maes
Arimasu. You’re funny, the US Embassy in Japan you mention did not ask its citizens not to travel to Japan.
well, that might be because the Enassy is addressing us citizens already in japan
Robert: Good point and noted. It does talk about coming and going however, so it comes to mean two points of persepective. Leaving and coming.
Japan, abunai?
Damn! What a turn of events. No foreign visitors and maybe no foreign athletes but don't try to blame outsiders as you brought it upon yourself, Japan.
Here’s the advisory; level 3.
a country the size of San Francisco
FYI: San Francisco 121.4 square km (46.89 square miles) Japan 377,975 square km (145,937 square miles)
A few days ago, saw a sub-$300 airfare to Japan from my home airport. That's 50% less than the best prices I've ever seen. Heck, sometimes I've paid thousands for a flight.
Only 29% of Americans are fully vaccinated. Nearly 68% of Americans over 65 are fully vaccinated.
If Japan wants to be more fine-grained, by state, for whom they allow from America - Costa Rica did that - the data is available for most states.
The US still has over 400K COVID infections. , so Japan really shouldn't allow normal Americans into their country until they have many more local fully vaccinated people. Just permanent residents for now.
I wouldn't want to carry COVID to a place where I could spread it to unvaccinated locals, even if I feel fine and show no symptoms. Limiting travel will probably be required for the next year, at least outside my country.
Samit Basu
Level 3 rating on Japan is wrong.
The correct rating on Japan is Level 4 - Do NOT travel.
Of course, being vaccinated means nothing in Japan even though there is evidence linking immunity to infection and being vaccinated.
Good old Japan, behind the curve as always...
Happy Day
Moot point. Unless you’re a resident or have compelling reasons, you can’t enter.
Aly Rustom
I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth Ossan. What I said was is that they don't trust the numbers coming out of Japan. That's it.
A Johnson
your perceptions of the size and population of Japan are way way off. It is a very large land mass and has 1/3 the population of the US.