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© 2023 AFPJapan reports warmest spring on record
By Hiroshi Hiyama TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2023 AFP
That's going to ignite a few on here.
Possible effect of Hercolobus, as Carlos Muñoz Ferrada explains in YouTbe.
More excuse for Japan to restart aging power plant also excuse to keep using coal energy.
Don't worry. Coolbiz, driving a brand new EV and eating ze bugs will save the day.
Meanwhile the war rages on.
The hottest spring in Japan since records began 125 years ago - not just "warmer". And the country is heating up, just as climate scientists predict.
Your attempts to belittle the science on ideological grounds ("I don't like your facts so I'll pretend they don't exist") sums up many on the right these days.
All the while we destroy the planet for future generations so that we are not mildly inconvenienced today.
And to pre-empt it, the opinion of science in the 1970s was not that we were about to enter an ice age - it was that of a tiny minority of scientists that the media picked up on. Even back then, global warming was the consensus.
Peter Neil
Good planets are hard to find.
Why is it just a chance of increased temperature?
We're continously pumping CO2 at an increasing rate into the atmosphere. If that is the cause of global warming then it should be a certainty that the temperature be continously increasing accordingly
Seems no one really believes in the climate emergency
Not as many as the climate alarmists would like you to believe.
I mean country leaders and policy decision makers.
There should have been decisive actions like in the pandemic, and in a much larger scale.
We been stuck in a "climate emergency" in one way or other since the 70s. The rhetoric is just part of everyday life so get on with things like you have always done. You're just a cog in the system.
And if you are really worried about it, just look at and follow in the footsteps of our leaders and the elites.
Warm is good. Plants thrive in warm weather. All the cold places on earth are uninhabited. We like warm weather. People who have sound correct scientific knowledge are not swayed by this agenda.
Aly Rustom
Well, I for one am seriously dreading this summer
Nobody wants to take responsibility and nobody wants to reduce the current life style. As long people are ignorant there will be no change. During COVID when travel was for many not possible there were slight signes of recovery but now normal life is back.
I won't be here anymore when it is to late but the coming generation with the addiction to TikTok and showing off long distance travel in first class for some likes will have a hard and different life coming.
Hervé L'Eisa
Yes, a warm spring, but after a colder than average winter. ICYMI, there was a record-breaking 3-year La Nina (a cooling cycle) which just ended in the months following the start-up of the new solar cycle (increased solar irradiance).
Meanwhile, the winter in many places has not ended yet, and in fact much cooler than "average".
It's amazing how many climate change deniers still exist. I guess they just believe in "alternative facts" because all of the facts reported by climate scientists point to human-caused climate change that has accelerated over the years and will become increasingly worse.
Climate is not a simplistic system where only one single variant is changing, variations depending on a myriad of factors affect how the rest of the system behave so pretending everything should behave homogeneously is a terribly bad way to try to understand the whole phenomenon. If the scientists of the world are in consensus about the role of human derived CO2 (and other gases) causing climate change, what actual scientific arguments do you have to demonstrate they are all wrong and you are right?
That is a non-sequitur, if a patient haves a serious disease and three different doctors recommend three different treatment schedules that does not mean the doctors believe the patient is healthy. It can be as simple as each one trying to push for the treatment that they can get the most benefit from.
Is this the only example you can think about where politicians do not prioritize solutions but personal profit? most of the current problems of the world could be solved if everything that "should have been done" was actually done. Climate change is not different in this aspect.
Except that the people you are looking at will be much more likely to be unaffected, its like saying that they must also be right when they push for less taxes for the rich and more for the poor.
Unless you have data of at least equivalent quantity and quality as the ones that makes the scientists of the world be in consensus contradicting your claim then you have no argument.
So if you say we are responsible for global warming whats your excuse for when the earths temperature lifted and melted all the ice of the ice age 12,000 years ago? Don't think there were too many diesel truck driving around then. This planet is doing what its been doing since the big bang, heating up.
You didn't even understand what I said lol
You keep saying that.
Why don't you show here what exactly they have said?
April/May were nothing special, indeed farmers have been moaning about low nighly temps and poor growth, but March was way way above average. Anyone who skis will have seen the snow disappear in double quick time. Cherry blossom were also very early.
In May we had two extremely wet days with three inches of rain, and a nearly record hot day that was 31.7C. Its chucking it down again today, enough to close roads but hopefully not get hillsides sliding. Regardless of what the averages may be, the weather strikes me as very spiky. Its weather spikes that cause trouble, not averages.
You don't even understand what people are saying you just keep saying they are wrong and that the scientists are right even though you're also not saying here what the scientists said exactly and how
I wonder if the same climate change people that drive turn down their A/C in their cars as well or just not use it at all when the temperature is over 32 degrees Celcius.
Personally, I liked this past spring's weather and temperatures. Relatively pretty comfortable. I wouldn't mind it being like this every year.
I noticed the cherry blossoms are blooming a bit earlier compared to a couple of decades ago.
And it is June now, SUMMER in the UK, and it is still only 12c with a strong wind. Its freezing. Bbbrrrrr.
Peter Neil
Revisit this in about 20 years.
Jonathan Prin
I do agree about climate change and continuous impact of human activity on temperature average.
What I don't agree are on the consequences.
It has been recorded higher average temperatures in the very recent past historically speaking, ie apparently in roman times and Viking times at least regionally :
And we are heading on geological times for a loss of temperature :
What to think ?
Humans have to adapt and a few degrees more is not going to change much anything on our development since we adapt within years very easily to any change by now thanks to our technology.
Moreover, if climate change was deadly then how could you explain our species still thriving so much everywhere on Earth, especially in India. 200,000 more human beings on this planet PER DAY does not tell me something very bad is happening.'s%20population%20is%20expected,billion%20in%20the%20mid%2D2080s.
And notice the replacement level no longer achieved for some countries not related at all to geographical reasons.
Hard times for faster adaptation totally true but nothing our species cannot handle very easily. Some valuable human assets will be hit hard and lost (building monuments, cities...) but this is just material and had happened in the past (think of the Sphinx in the Sahara).
Never happened before in the history of the planet....OK....
Any argument for this claim? because it still completely refutes your point, just claiming it was not understood (without being able to say how) is not an argument, is at much an excuse.
So your argument is that you don't even know what the scientists say? arguing from ignorance is not an argument either, is not even an excuse, you are just saying you are wrong because you dind not know the first thing about the topic.
Plenty of references (over 160) for you to get this information.
What evidence do you have to contradict what multiple associations of experts have to say about the consequences of climate change that clearly contradict your conclusions?
All the information you give is easily accessible for them, but they still conclude the consequences are going to be disastrous based on well described projections using objective data, how is it that the scientific community gets wrong something that according to you is so easily refuted?
Lol I don't know what you're saying the scientists say
As expected, you just direct people to look for something you're referring to.
Post here what you are saying every scientists in the whole world says virusrex
So the lord Jesus is giving us the answer…more solar panels!
Excellent point. Some people want to claim "Climate Change" after a warmer than usual weekend.
Doesn't work like that.
Means absolutely nothing
To look in the exact page I am directing you too? the evidence is there, the opinion of the scientists extensively covered, pretending the sources included are not exactly what you asked for only make it evident you are choosing not to accept clear evidence.
Actually it is a terrible point, the strawman of "climate change means stable slowly increasing temperatures homogeneusly for all the world" irrelevant, the scientists of the world clearly coincide on it being real, even when people without name and credentials think weather and climate are the same. Doesn't work like that.
@NoTricksZone. Formerly permanently suspended for being uncooperative on Covid, climate science. US expat in Germany, NO CLIMATE CRISIS, twitter goober
Usually you would like the best possible reference to support a point, not something already discredited for pushing false and misleading information repeatedly debunked by experts.
Yes, note the glaring absence of qualification in the subject.
The planet has its own climate cycles, of course. Do you seriously think that this is something that every climatologist has overlooked? What they are worried about is human's contribution to these cycles, which in the short-term at least, make the weather more extreme and unpredictable, and over the medium term, warmer.
And it is the consequences of this that greatly concern scientists, even if you do not understand it or are unwilling to find out about it, preferring instead jejune tabloidy points about ice ages and diesel trcks.
Probably in the same way that people talk about gun control after a mass shooting.
But it wasn't a warmer than usual weekend, it was the hottest spring ever recorded - big difference.
If you go through Japanese temperature history, the lowest maximum day for each month, or lowest minimum for any given month all happened in the 18th and 19th century.
The highest maximum and highest minimum days nearly all have happened in the 21st century. In fact, the highest minimum is probably a better indicator of overall warming, and the oldest was in December 1998.
The scientists expected this - the denialists didn't. Today the denialists try to explain it away, unsuccessfully.
Average sea-surface temperatures for waters around Japan in the same months were tied for the third-highest recorded since 1982, the agency added.
40 years ago.
Going way back for that one.
That's because 1982 is when the current methodology for measuring sea temperature around Japan was introduced. But I doubt that's as important to you as getting a cheap shot in.
Peter Neil
Do nothing and predictions overestimated = OK
Do something and predictions overestimated = OK
Do something and predictions are true = Better than nothing, OK
Do nothing and predictions are true = Bad
It sure is.
It's been going on for millions of years.
Wick's pencil
Do something and predictions overestimated = massive funds wasted.
Peter Neil
No. We get to live in a place with cleaner air.
What kind of person doesn’t like clean air?
Peter Neil
This is why we can’t have a nice planet.
And apparently giving the governments billions of dollars is going to stop the so called "Climate change" This is a bigger cash cow for the governments than Covid!! I'll keep driving my V8
For the current phenomenon this is false, what is being discussed in the world is not the same as the natural phenomenon. The increase of temperatures making more and more common to reach higher numbers (enough to having to go back 40 years to find another example of what is happening right now) is not in the same time scale at all.
Global Cooling since 1500s. Have to look at the big picture.
“on record” is from such a short time ago. no meaningful conclusions can be drawn except that there is a lot of money to be made from selling uber- expensive EVs, unreliable short lived solar panels, unreliable short-lived wind turbines, etc. etc. that will make all of us poorer and poorer