Japan Today

Japan saw over 16,000 deaths from COVID-19 in May-Nov 2023


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As usual the article omits the ages of these 16,000 covid victims. The vast majority are 85+, almost none under 70 years old. Old people die, it is a sad fact.

21 ( +45 / -24 )

I know a few people who've got covid recently, resulting in lost income and a host of other hassles. COVID is not to be sniffed at. My ward kicked me off their vax program a long time ago, and I'm not exactly sure how to get my fifth booster.

-6 ( +21 / -27 )

Some of the most vaxed in the world and they just keep on getting COVID. Know some who are up their 8th vax.

Also know plenty who got zero vaxes and never had any symptoms of COVID.

Also look up John Campbell for information on excess deaths in Japan. Very interesting.

3 ( +32 / -29 )

How many of those death are unvaccinated?

5 ( +19 / -14 )

As usual the article omits the ages of these 16,000 covid victims. 

True. Yet, regardless of the ages, COVID was apparently about 4.5 times deadlier than seasonal influenza if influenza deaths in 2023 were similar to those in 2019. According to data presented in the article, there were “16,043 COVID-related deaths between May and November last year. Meanwhile, deaths from seasonal influenza totaled 3,575 in 2019.”

15 ( +29 / -14 )

@tora - It's an nice try to make us view another 'theorist'. No need for it.

-3 ( +15 / -18 )

Some of the most vaxed in the world and they just keep on getting COVID.

Tora, the reason that they just keep getting COVID is that the vaccine does not prevent infection.

It reduces the fatality and severity of the symptoms.

20 ( +40 / -20 )

I was one of those in Okinawa, last year ,that caught COVID. I was lucky compared to many others, but it still kicked my butt, and I have had lingering side-effects for quite a few months now.

COVID is no joke, and combined with the seasonal flu, which seems like, down here at least, is literally all year round, is nothing to be taken lightly.

Stay healthy folks!

20 ( +32 / -12 )

The problem with many government surveys and media reports is that they often deliberately confuse deaths from Covid infection with deaths from vaccine side effects.

-16 ( +20 / -36 )


Today 07:41 am JST

The problem with many government surveys and media reports is that they often deliberately confuse deaths from Covid infection with deaths from vaccine side effects.


3 ( +17 / -14 )

The numbers are still quite high.

I'm thinking of taking my first vaccination soon as I was foolish enough not to take it before.

Stay safe and take care of each other.

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

Tora, the reason that they just keep getting COVID is that the vaccine does not prevent infection.

It reduces the fatality and severity of the symptoms.


Amazing that there are still so many anti-vaxxers out there who cannot grasp this very basic fact. Education was never their thing, I guess.

Without Japan being very widely vaccinated, you could add another zero to these fatality figures.

-6 ( +26 / -32 )

i’m lucky to have never gotten it. but, i wipe the screen on my ipad, which is about as much human contact i can tolerate now.

i know, covid isn’t a joke. quick recovery to those still getting it and good luck not getting it.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

The problem with many government surveys and media reports is that they often deliberately confuse deaths from Covid infection with deaths from vaccine side effects.

They also deliberately confuse deaths from Covid infection with deaths with Covid infection.

1 ( +17 / -16 )

As to masks, people in Japan and other Asian countries wore masks decades before Covid-19. There were several reasons for this, but none of them had anything to do with Covid. Mask use went up during the worst of Covid, but will probably continue to be worn, albeit in smaller numbers, for the same reasons that they were worn in the first place.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

As usual the article omits the ages of these 16,000 covid victims. 

From what age do you consider people should be let die? ageism is a terribly bad justification for not listening to the experts when they say this is a serious problem that requires more attention.

Also look up John Campbell for information on excess deaths in Japan. Very interesting.

When your reference is a source repeatedly found to be mistaken and that never recognizes thos mistakes and instead repeat the information known to be false that means you could not find anything actually valid to defend your position. Vaccines work, they have saved millions of lives around the world and the people that know more about human health, immunity, infection, etc. recommend them as safe and effective, they are a much better source.

Tora, the reason that they just keep getting COVID is that the vaccine does not prevent infection

To be prices It does, just not to 100%, a reduction on the rates of infection has been demonstrated, specially for those vaccinated specifically against the predominant variant at the time.

The problem with many government surveys and media reports is that they often deliberately confuse deaths from Covid infection with deaths from vaccine side effects.

There is no evidence of this being true, it is just an excuse conspiracy theorist try to use to mislead people into ignoring the huge risks that come from covid and pretending the vaccines are not as safe as they have demonstrated to be, wild impossible claims without any evidence behind can be safely ignored.

It seems people who persist in wearing masks catch covid far more often than those who have returned to normal life

Any source for this? because that is not what can be demonstrated scientifically.

-9 ( +18 / -27 )

Trust and follow the science. According to Health Canada, the science says that I do not need another COVID shot in the fall. The scientific experts at Health Canada are saying, besides seniors and immunity compromised people etc., only people who are "equity deserving" should get another COVID shot. The experts at Health Canada are saying that straight white men under the age of 65 don't need another shot.

Obviously, the science must say the straight white men will not get COVID. The only conclusion that can be made from the expert recommendations from Health Canada is that some people have superior genetics and are no longer at risk.

-5 ( +11 / -16 )

Much much less than those vaccinated. Vast majority of Japanese people over retirement age are multiple vaccinated, they are also the vast majority of the 16,000 here.

But (and that is the important part here) it has been repeatedly confirmed that the rates of death are much higher for unvaccinated people. If you have 99% vaccinated people but you have 5% ofr the deaths from unvaccinated people that still means the risk is 5 times higher for those not vaccinated.

*They also deliberately confuse deaths from Covid infection with deaths with Covid infection.*

Still a false argument, when the infection do contribute to the death that still means the patient would still be alive if he was not infected. This is a known non-argument from antivaxxer propaganda groups.

That is nonsense because countries with very low vaccination rates have in many cases much lower fatality figures.

That is false, it has been demonstrated that the cost on human lives was higher in countries with low vaccination rates.

Obviously, the science must say the straight white men will not get COVID.

Terribly bad misrepresentation of what is actually recommended, if you need to present false information to defend what you believe that means the actual evidence contradicts those beliefs.

-5 ( +17 / -22 )

It reduces the fatality and severity of the symptoms.

Apparently not for these 16,000 people.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )


How so?

Health Canada only recommends another COVID shot for Canadians who are equity deserving.

That means:


First Nations and Metis

Racialized persons

Black folks

Persons with disabilities


Experts in Canada are clearly saying that straight whit men do not need another COVID shot.

Or are you trying to say that health recommendations in Canada are politicized BS?

The question is; how long have experts in Canada been giving politicized BS health recommendations?

6 ( +16 / -10 )

I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist at all, but there are far too many reports of covid vaccines causing turbo cancers, giant white blood clots in veins, and changing the DNA in cells far from the injection site, etc for me to consider getting any boosters.

The school I work at got us our first two vaccines almost as soon as they came out in Japan. But no more for me thanks.

8 ( +21 / -13 )

Apparently not for these 16,000 people.

No medical intervention is 100% effective, people can die even if the intervention importantly reduce their risk.

How so?

The moment you refuse to include a link to what is actually recommended is where you are recognizing your misrepresentation is completely false


Experts in Canada are clearly saying that straight whit men do not need another COVID shot.

No they are not, that is a claim only you are making, the actual source says absolutely nothing about it, instead it recommends the booster for anybody who is at an increased risk from covid, why insist on false information that is so easily debunked?

I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist at all, but there are far too many reports of covid vaccines causing turbo cancers

The problem is that those reports are from antivaxxer conspiracy theorists, there is no such thing as "turbo cancers" and vaccines do not cause an increase, the same as the supposed sudden deaths happening to thousands this is just an attempt from antivaxxers to mislead people away from a safe and effective medical intervention. If every respected institution of medicine says one thing and present the evidence to prove, while a guy in youtube says the opposite and his only evidence is saying "trust me, bro" it should be clear who is in the wrong here.

-9 ( +10 / -19 )

Considering experimental vaccines require years/decades of testing to ensure they are safe, it's odd that anyone questioning them is labeled an anti-vaxxer. Perhaps this is one way people reassure themselves.

Regardless, research data is now coming in. A major study on COVID vaccines in Japan was published recently:


7 ( +15 / -8 )

That's almost the same number you get from common pneumonia, especially among the elderly.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

We were shocked to discover the elderly father of a friend was vaccinated at the end of last year. After 5 hours could no longer move and died within a month.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

The question is; how long have experts in Canada been giving politicized BS health recommendations?

I guess for the last 10 years or so, since Canada's once-great but now-pathetic public healthcare system was taken over by the far-left apparatchiks who have ideology rather than medical science utmost on their minds. We're so much better off living in Japan.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Considering experimental vaccines require years/decades of testing to ensure they are safe,

No they don't, they may require years/decades to get funding in order to be tested for safety and efficacy, this was not the case for covid.

 it's odd that anyone questioning them is labeled an anti-vaxxer.

Antivaxxers would be those that purposefully use false arguments to mislead others away from vaccines, for example that vaccines requires years for testing when that is not the case.

Regardless, research data is now coming in. A major study on COVID vaccines in Japan was published recently:

A heavily criticized study that could only be published in a journal repeatedly accused for being predatory thanks to deeply insufficient (if any) peer review? that is nowhere near the level of confidence that is necessary to contradict much better studies pointing to the opposite direction. If the only place you can publish is in cureos that means the report is not of enough quality (and do not resist actual peer review) to be published in an actual respected journal.

That's almost the same number you get from common pneumonia, especially among the elderly.

Without a source this is not an argument, just a baseless claim.

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

The report should have included statistics on the number that perished because of COVID, and those that died of other issues whilst having COVID at the same time. Also, the age group.

Looking forward to the end of management enforced virtue signalling and forcing staff to mask. Time to return to normal.

2 ( +14 / -12 )

The report should have included statistics on the number that perished because of COVID, and those that died of other issues whilst having COVID at the same time. 

As long as covid is relevant to the health of the patient that has no importance. Otherwise things like malnutrition would magically stop being any problem, after all almost all patients end up dying from other causes (infections, electrolyte imbalance, organ insufficiency, etc.) and only with malnutrition.

Time to return to normal.

The experts say the problem is still serious and requires more attention, they are much more likely to properly understand the situation and make a valid recommendation that applies to the real situation.

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

Looking forward to the end of management enforced virtue signalling and forcing staff to mask. Time to return to normal.

Tell us you didn't know about Japanese widely using masks in medical (and non-medical) settings BEFORE Covid without actually telling us.

Wearing masks is hardly "virtue signaling". You always have options if you do not like the Japanese practice of wearing masks.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

Antivaxxers would be those that purposefully use false arguments to mislead others away from vaccines, for example that vaccines requires years for testing when that is not the case.

Time is not required to test long-term safety? This lesson was learned painfully.

A heavily criticized study

Criticized by whom? The research findings are plain to see. If indeed there are studies contradicting this, please share the links.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

As usual the article omits the ages of these 16,000 covid victims. The vast majority are 85+, almost none under 70 years old. Old people die, it is a sad fact.

Your sources for this? Is it a fact or your guess?

1 ( +10 / -9 )

wallaceToday  09:35 am JST

We were shocked to discover the elderly father of a friend was vaccinated at the end of last year. After 5 hours could no longer move and died within a month.

Are the downvoters here upset that Wallace seems to be hinting that the jab was responsible for the man's death?

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Bad Haircut

wallaceToday 09:35 am JST

We were shocked to discover the elderly father of a friend was vaccinated at the end of last year. After 5 hours could no longer move and died within a month.

> Are the downvoters here upset that Wallace seems to be hinting that the jab was responsible for the man's death?

I am not an antivaxxer. This story was personal and a shock. The man had no preconditions but he died from the vaccine. I am not "hinting" I am saying it was the vaccine because after five hours he could no longer move.

10 ( +17 / -7 )


Did you even read the recommendations from the link you posted?

I will provide quotations for you:

"COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for previously vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection or severe COVID-19 disease as follows:

Members of racialized and other equity-deserving communities"

Equity-deserving communities includes everyone except straight white men.

Either the experts have looked at peer-reviewed published studies to exclude straight white men or they are completely full of crap.

Please provide a link to a peer reviewed study that show that only equity-deserving communities should be recommended for a fall COVID shot.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

I am not an antivaxxer. This story was personal and a shock. The man had no preconditions but he died from the vaccine. I am not "hinting" I am saying it was the vaccine because after five hours he could no longer move.

I'd be shocked too. On the face of it, it does seem that the jab was closely linked to his death due to the timing. Please remember that questioning the safety and effectiveness of experimental medicines and not taking them for that reason doesn't make someone an "anti-vaxxer", despite what some here might like to claim.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Tora, the reason that they just keep getting COVID is that the vaccine does not prevent infection.

It reduces the fatality and severity of the symptoms.

finally a person who knows WTF theyre talking about, my sister in law same age as me unvaxxed got covid, was sick asf for a week.

I got covid, vaxxed , felt like a mild cold. seems like the science is on my side

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Bad Haircut

I am not an antivaxxer. This story was personal and a shock. The man had no preconditions but he died from the vaccine. I am not "hinting" I am saying it was the vaccine because after five hours he could no longer move.

> I'd be shocked too. On the face of it, it does seem that the jab was closely linked to his death due to the timing. Please remember that questioning the safety and effectiveness of experimental medicines and not taking them for that reason doesn't make someone an "anti-vaxxer", despite what some here might like to claim.

Hundreds of millions had the vaccine without harm.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Hundreds of millions had the vaccine without harm.

And millions have had it with harm, some of it severe enough for death. Any wonder why The AZ and J&J jabs were quietly withdrawn, and more and more news is coming out even in the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media about the harms these things have been causing? It's got to the point that even they can't cover it up so they're trying to downplay it instead.

Do you think your friend's father made a worthy sacrifice for it? Or could it be the straw that broke the camel's back for you to question this product's safety and effectiveness?

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Time is not required to test long-term safety? 

Time yes, years and decades as you claimed? no, that is a false claim made by antivaxxer groups, the protocols for testing of the covid vaccines were adequate according to the people that know more about the topic in the world, and the results corroborated without problems in what was observed in the general population.

Criticized by whom? 

By people that actively try to prevent false information being presented as if it was actual scientific evidence thanks to predatory journals that do not conduct even the minimum peer review.

The research findings are plain to see

And so are the methodological flaws that should have been detected (and probably were in proper scientific journals) there is no correlation demonstrated, no control for the expected selection of the groups (people on the vaccinated group being able to survive even when having cancer as an underlying factor, which would make it appear as higher), no discussion of the evidence that contradicts the conclusions for this report, and the authors accepting there was no clinical validation of their results. The authors did not even validated the vaccinations, they just assumed it, for all they know the patients with cancer had higher rates of not being vaccinated.

I mean, there are a lot of criticisms about the report, that usually would have prevented it from being published in a serious journal (and maybe did) so the authors had no choice but to submit it to cureos.


The man had no preconditions but he died from the vaccine.

That is not a valid conclusion unless it was diagnosed this way by a professional (which is not mentioned in your comment), for example no evident preexisting condition is not the same as being actually free from them, and there is always the possibility of other cause of death.

Of course the vaccination may have been the cause, but epidemiological studies (and the opinion of the medical professional that said the patient could be vaccinated) are strong arguments to think otherwise. Saying the vaccine can be related is not an invalid claim (it happens with every medical intervention), saying this is the only explanation is what requires much more evidence.

Did you even read the recommendations from the link you posted?

Yes, and they completely contradict your personal claim, people from any race, gender, age are recommended to have one extra booster for the season as long as they have any reason to be considered to be at high risk from covid.

This is completely different from your claim that people were actively being selected against the booster, being part of a community that is systematically marginalized is included as a risk factor, so the link still debunks completely your claim.

Once again, in no point the recommendation says any specific group should be excluded from the booster even if considered at higher risk as you claimed.

Please remember that questioning the safety and effectiveness of experimental medicines and not taking them for that reason doesn't make someone an "anti-vaxxer",

That is still false, making false statements, claiming things without evidence in order to mislead other people into making much worse decisions is what makes people be called antivaxxers,

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Yey, there are still those in the community who believe Covid is a scam and refuse to get vaccinations.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Bad Haircut

Hundreds of millions had the vaccine without harm.

> And millions have had it with harm, some of it severe enough for death.

You can post a link for that.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

That is still false, making false statements, claiming things without evidence in order to mislead other people into making much worse decisions is what makes people be called antivaxxers,

This is exactly what you do. You've been doing nothing but trying to gaslight anyone who has the temerity to question the safety and effectiveness of these things since day 1. Isn't enough to accept that several countries, including the Scandinavian countries, no longer recommend them, especially for children, because they recognise that the risk is greater than the benefit. They wouldn't do that under all the pressure from the industry unless they have to admit that these products are causing harm that outweighs the benefit.

But go on taking your 30 pieces of silver.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

You can post a link for that.

Isn't the fact that some countries have withdrawn these jabs enough reason for you? Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with vaccination in principle. Just the covid ones.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )


Woman are not systematically marginalized in Canada, especially for COVID vaccines.

If anything, in Canada it is straight white men who are the least likely to be "up-to-date" with vaccinations.

Stop being racist in claiming that Japanese immigrants to Canada are not smart enough to go to the doctor.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Woman are not systematically marginalized in Canada, especially for COVID vaccines.

Moving goalposts again? woman are a group of special vulnerability to covid including reproductive risks, that still does not make it true your claim that specific groups were systematically excluded even if a higher than normal risk for covid would justify the recommendation of another booster.

If anything, in Canada it is straight white men who are the least likely to be "up-to-date" with vaccinations.

Which would make completing their vaccination the default recommendation, an extra booster for people at increased risk is something different.

Stop being racist in claiming that Japanese immigrants to Canada are not smart enough to go to the doctor.

Are you confused? nobody has made that claim.

Isn't the fact that some countries have withdrawn these jabs enough reason for you? 

Which countries? for which people? if a local situation means the risk is decreased enough for people to have enough immunity after their vaccinations that does not mean the vaccines are being uneffective, it means the opposite. Misrepresenting this situation completely disqualify your argument.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

This is exactly what you do.

False accusation, easily proved every time you make it because you can never quote anybody actually doing, the people that are called antivaxxers are those that promote falsehoods in order to mislead people, not the people that are being mislead into having unnecessary anxiety.

Isn't enough to accept that several countries, including the Scandinavian countries, no longer recommend them

They do, and they will increase vaccination seasonally, which completely contradict your claim.


When you feel the need to use false information to supposedly support your beliefs you are also accepting truthful information debunks those beliefs.

False information that mislead the public into rejecting safe and effective medical interventions is morally inacceptable.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Bad Haircut

You can post a link for that.

Isn't the fact that some countries have withdrawn these jabs enough reason for you?

That does not qualify your comment

"And millions have had it with harm, some of it severe enough for death."

I like data whenever possible.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Time yes, years and decades as you claimed? no, that is a false claim made by antivaxxer groups ...


By people that actively try to prevent false information being presented as if it was actual scientific evidence.

The research of 5 Japanese PhDs with expertise and years of experience in epidemiology, hematology, cardiology, and oncology is not actual scientific evidence?

You post a link to a site called "techarp". The menu at the top of that page lists 'computer', 'mobile', 'games', 'enterprise&biz', 'cybersecurity', 'photography', etc. A more credible source would be helpful.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

I like data whenever possible

An intellectually curious person would go looking for it themselves if they were moved enough by what you're admitting yourself - that the jab caused the death of your friend's father even though he was in good health. Don't take my word for it. Go digging yourself. You might come up with nothing. Or you might be confronted with evidence that jolts you out of your comfort zone.

Go see the FLCCC site, run by actual frontline doctors who actually deal with with this disease instead of taking my word for it. Doctors who risked everything in the face of tremendous slander to actually help their patients, and who have seen the adverse effect of the experimental jabs for themselves.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Hundreds of millions had the vaccine without harm.

That's a strawman argument. No one's saying everyone was harmed by the vaccine. We're saying some people were, grievously so.

I am one of those people. I was perfectly healthy until I got the vaccine. Now I have rheumatoid arthritis.

The vaccine needs to trigger an immune system response, or it serves no purpose. You get protection against Covid because your immune system learns by attacking the vaccine.

The problem is, in some cases, the immune system response is severe. That's when people suffer physical harm or may even die.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Amazing - and a bit tragic - how after all these years the anti-vax, tinfoil hat brigade still haven't moved on. They are still lurking on every forum, every media, playing their broken records about "turbo cancers", "excess deaths", railing against masks, boasting of being "pure-blood" - and citing crackpot "Doctors" who obtained PhDs in teaching, not medicine.

It's like they are permanently trapped in 2020.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )


Thanks for proving your own claim is false, as the link clearly indicates.

Can take a long time to accumulate cases to assess vaccine efficacy outside pandemic

Being in a pandemic can let people accumulate cases much more easily and quickly, without any sacrifice on the quality of the testing.

The research of 5 Japanese PhDs with expertise and years of experience in epidemiology, hematology, cardiology, and oncology is not actual scientific evidence?

No when perfectly valid arguments destroy their conclusions, that is the problem with people with antiscientific bias, that think credentials is what magically make something scientific, when in reality that comes as a consequence of valid data, methods, discussion. The article is heavily criticized even on the own comment section on Cureos, which means it may end up the same way as other examples and be retracted since that is also part of the business model of the predatory journal.

You post a link to a site called "techarp".

With links to professionals in the field destroying the report, it simply congregate arguments from many sources. Arguments that neither your nor the authors have done anything to refute, meaning they are valid and continue to prove the report is so flawed that the conclusions become irrelevant.

Even the authors have recognized their conclusions are better expressed as "rates of cancer increased from one year to the next in Japan after vaccination initiated" (leaving out the part "...in a very similar way as the cancer rates increased the previous years before any vaccine was used".

An intellectually curious person would go looking for it themselves if they were moved enough

And if the other person did not find a source then they would prove YOU wrong, that is why it is on your interest to find the evidence for your claim, if another person says this is not supported by evidence and you say "look for it yourself" then it automatically means you are disproved. The same as finding evidence opposite of what you claimed, (as in the Scandinavian countries recommendations)

Go see the FLCCC site

Horribly flawed reference, from a group known to lie and mislead people with recommendations that have been demonstrated to increase the risk for the patients and whose proponents fail at supporting with evidence, they even purposefully avoid mentioning the opposite evidence in order to mislead people into believing what they claim, that is the opposite of what any person with an interest on what is accurate should read.

That's a strawman argument.

That is not what a strawman mean, first because the claim is easily prove true, and second because this is not being represented as said by the opponent.

A real invalid argument is to use hearsay, when something is presented and expected to be believed without offering any evidence to support it. For example if someone came and said that after vaccination his arthritis was cured.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

/dev/randomToday  11:34 am JST

Go see the FLCCC site, run by actual frontline doctors

A site with a high-faluting title, founded by two antivaccination cranks, one of which has made "professional victim" his official job description and the other does not even have a medical license anymore. I agree, we should look at information on the most obscure, most contrarian websites, and then think long and hard about why that information is only provided on the most obscure, most contrarian websites.

LOL. These doctors are people with integrity and expertise, unlike yourself.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Amazing - and a bit tragic - how after all these years the anti-vax, tinfoil hat brigade still haven't moved on. They are still lurking on every forum, every media, playing their broken records about "turbo cancers", "excess deaths", railing against masks, boasting of being "pure-blood" - and citing crackpot "Doctors" who obtained PhDs in teaching, not medicine.

One unfortunate consequence of most media acting against people trying to spread misinformation and disinformation is that these people end up congregating in the few outlets that still let falsehoods and conspiracy theories be used to mislead people and lead them to higher health risks,

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

LOL. These doctors are people with integrity and expertise, unlike yourself.

First, people with all the credentials you need have demonstrated the group is mistaken, and worse that they lie after their mistakes have been proved.


Second, pretending to know what other people are or what expertise they have is not only trying to argue from imaginary facts, it is also against the rules of the site.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

While life has gradually returned to normal

Life has not returned to normal

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Vaccinations for the coronavirus will now focus on the elderly and other groups at high risk of developing severe symptoms.

Which is what it should have been all along!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

According to Statista

In 2019, 3575 died from seasonal flu,

In 2020, 956 died from seasonal flu,

in 2021, 22 people died from seasonal flu,

In 2022, died 24 died from seasonal flu,

Can anyone explain the mechanism that caused the seasonal flu to become almost nonexistent during the worst years of the pandemic? I can't believe that wearing masks and washing hands were the only reason for this drastic drop in deaths!

And why are so many people still dying if they're all vaxxed up to their eyeballs!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Again, this proves the vaccine is extremely effective,

The long term sides effects have yet to be evaluated to you have no proof how extremely effective it was

Personally not ever have received the vaccine was extremely effective as i never got sick or missed a day at work

However everyone i know that received the vaccine got sick

1 ( +9 / -8 )


You have been fueling disinformation and misinformation since 2020 and you continue with your usual nonsensical poorly written posts. I told you this many times, you have no expertise in this field, no scientific background in anything and no right to call people out who disagree with your madness. You have zero credibility in all of this, just stop. You were wrong all along.

You seem to be an unstable individual seeking validation on forums. Seek help fast, you need it.

2 ( +13 / -11 )

Anyone has data on comparative number of deaths when the vaccines were actively promoted and now that they're not?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Thanks for proving your own claim is false, as the link clearly indicates.

That page details the typical schedule of vaccine development, which takes years as time is needed to confirm safety and effectiveness. It also mentions there being an accelerated timeline during a pandemic - perhaps you think this proves your point. The accelerated timeline is not typical, which is why the experimental vaccine for COVID includes the word "experimental". As more research is done, the word "experimental" may be dropped. But research in Japan and many other countries is raising important questions.

No when perfectly valid arguments destroy their conclusions, that is the problem with people with antiscientific bias, that think credentials is what magically make something scientific

OK, so you're saying 5 Japanese PhDs with expertise and years of experience in epidemiology, hematology, cardiology, and oncology = antiscientific bias. Basically anything you disagree with is antiscientific bias?

With links to professionals in the field destroying the report,

I'm not sure a website about 'computer', 'mobile', 'games', 'enterprise&biz', 'cybersecurity', 'photography', etc. is a place of professional discussion. If you provided links of a somewhat higher caliber, I would be interested in reading them.

And before you repeat your claim about the veracity of Cureos, it a plane crash is reported on FOX News, would you assume it not to be true?

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Japan’s paranoia with COVID had become grotesque and the government continuing to send out there poor credible data without any peer reviewing is a pathetic try to continue to fuel fear mongering in order to give itself credibility and establish even more efficient mass controlling.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Go see the FLCCC site, run by actual frontline doctors who actually deal with with this disease instead of taking my word for it. Doctors who risked everything in the face of tremendous slander to actually help their patients, and who have seen the adverse effect of the experimental jabs for themselves.

Yes, it's a great site, filled with safe/effective/cheap prevention and treatment protocols developed by experts who aren't in the pocket of big pharma... so the usual crowd will of course criticize them.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Japan’s paranoia with COVID had become grotesque and the government continuing to send out there poor credible data without any peer reviewing is a pathetic try to continue to fuel fear mongering in order to give itself credibility and establish even more efficient mass controlling.

You are always free to go home to your paradise if you wish to escape "Japan's paranoia" and "fear mongering".

I'm sure there'd be plenty of Japanese folk willing to drive you to the nearest airport for free.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )


Today 12:22 pm JST

Anyone has data on comparative number of deaths when the vaccines were actively promoted and now that they're not?

> If it existed, which it doesn't, what would that number tell you?

Lol what?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

We were shocked to discover the elderly father of a friend was vaccinated at the end of last year. After 5 hours could no longer move and died within a month.

Wallace, do you know whether his death was officially recognized and recorded as a vaccine death?

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Raw Beer

We were shocked to discover the elderly father of a friend was vaccinated at the end of last year. After 5 hours could no longer move and died within a month.

> Wallace, do you know whether his death was officially recognized and recorded as a vaccine death?

Only know that my friend told us that the doctors said his father died from the vaccine. I don't know what was on the death certificate.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

Today 01:02 pm JST

How many of those death are unvaccinated?

> Indeed, and how many were vaccinated? The numbers for the two groups should be compared to get a clear picture. I'd wager that a vast majority was since almost all Japan elderly followed the government vaccination recommendations.

Yep the number of unvaccinated probably so low practically everyone of those deaths was vaccinated. what picture emerges?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The problem is, in some cases, the immune system response is severe. That's when people suffer physical harm or may even die.

as with all modern vaccines, they have some allergic reactions but the numbers are very few. as compared to the actual 7 million dead worldwide from covid. over 60% of all deaths are over the age of 65.


3 ( +8 / -5 )

I understand wearing a mask if your sick but the vast majority of people wearing masks are kids particularly Junior high schoolers who are now embarrassed to show there faces.

The social damage caused by Corona fear mongering has caused lasting damage

6 ( +13 / -7 )

How much evidence do we need?

The study of more than 99 million people from Australia, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland also confirmed how rare known vaccine complications are, with researchers confirming that the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines still “vastly outweigh the risks”.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

16 000 died because of covid or with covid?

If the disease contributes to the death is should be counted, there is no real mystery about it.

 I'd wager that a vast majority was since almost all Japan elderly followed the government vaccination recommendations.

But according to the evidence available unvaccinated people still have a much higher rate of death, that is the important difference.

Yep the number of unvaccinated probably so low practically everyone of those deaths was vaccinated. what picture emerges?

That more people are vaccinated? again, the rates are what is important.

Lets say that 99% of the people are fully vaccinated and boosted (which we know is not true), and out of the 16,000 deaths 1,600 (10%) are from unvaccinated people, even if the vast majority of the deaths come from vaccinated people that still leave ten times more than what would be expected from the unvaccinated population.

the vast majority of people wearing masks are kids particularly Junior high schoolers who are now embarrassed to show there faces.

A source for this? obviously if you are going to use this as an argument it should be supported by some demographics, else someone else could say the opposite with no evidence either.

The social damage caused by Corona fear mongering has caused lasting damage

Justified warnings and recommendations according to scientific evidence is not fear mongering, the disease is still important, the pandemic is not over, masks and vaccines work very nicely. Fear mongering would be to claim the social damage is more important than what is actually happening and that it is not justified by the huge benefit of the measures against corona.

It is amazing that after so many bad effects from the mRNA treatment and the spike protein are coming to light, people still claim this so-called vaccine was a success.

You mean the medical and scientific communities of the world? there is nothing amazing, the benefits are hugely more important than the negative side effects, pretending everybody is lying is not an argument, is accepting you don't have one.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

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