Japan Today

Number of COVID patients in Japan rises for 9th straight week


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I’ve met Japanese 5-6 times vaccinated but they are still paranoid about wearing masks

Good news is this strain is not so bad but it is more transmissible

I stated that the virus was on the rise several days as I have close access to those working in a dedicated Corona ward

-6 ( +15 / -21 )

That obligation doesn't seem to have been fulfilled

That depends completely on twisting information and pretending the experts guaranteed absolute, eternal efficacy and safety against any and all possible variants. If the criticism depends completely on imaginary things then there is no argument to say pertinent information was hidden. The vaccination is recognized as a huge achievement between professionals that have dedicated their lives to protect public health around the world, pretending they must be wrong (or worse, part of a global conspiracy that includes every single institution of science and medicine in the whole world) is not something rational or believable.

-3 ( +22 / -25 )

I stated that the virus was on the rise several days as I have close access to those working in a dedicated Corona ward

The article clearly says Omi said the same since last month, it was obvious for anybody with an interest and access to his declarations.

-1 ( +17 / -18 )

There was a responsibility to tell the participants of the Covid vaccination program the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about actual safety and effectiveness of the injections.

Only those who choose to remain ignorant dont believe the vaccinations worked. Vaccinations are not a preventative measure against catching the illness. Just like getting the flu vaccine, does not prevent catching the flu, EVERYONE with even 1/10 of a brain understands this. But when it comes to COVID, they leave their brains in their butts and sit down.

0 ( +25 / -25 )

Here in Okinawa it was up to around 40,0 and I just caught it the 2nd time last week.

Wasnt pleasant at all, to say the least, and it's taking longer to recover. Fatigue and shortness of breath are pretty rough this time. Drinking plenty of liquids and getting rest, and this too shall pass!

10 ( +21 / -11 )

Living in fear doesn’t keep you healthy.

15 ( +29 / -14 )

Covid long gone. Surprise to see in the news again

-2 ( +20 / -22 )

Living in fear doesn’t keep you healthy.

Being prepared and informed so reasonable preventive measures are taken is not living in fear.

-1 ( +21 / -22 )

Being prepared and informed so reasonable preventive measures are taken is not living in fear.

Yup! This here! Folks should take this advice to heart and live it! Screw what other's think, do what you have to do for yourself and your family.

You dont want to take precautions, well and good, just dont call out others when they do.

-4 ( +14 / -18 )

What about numbers with the flu, or other Coronaviruses?

6 ( +15 / -9 )

I am proven right yet again.

"Flattening the curve" only spreads it out for a longer period of time.

The Covid era is one that will remembered for insane levels of malinvestment and poor policy that had generational consequences.

Everyone who pushed these ideas has lost literally all credibility.

As for Japan, groundhog day continues...

-8 ( +20 / -28 )

Flattening the curve" only spreads it out for a longer period of time.

Which is the whole purpose, to let people be much better prepared, so people get infected some sick, but much less complicate and even less die from it, instead of the alternative that is letting countless deaths happen to be "over with it".

The Covid era is one that will remembered for insane levels of malinvestment and poor policy that had generational consequences.

According to what respected expert on the field? It is much more likely that the antivaxxer propaganda is the one that will be remembered as horribly wrong.

-10 ( +15 / -25 )

Had Covid 4 times already, lol. Wasn’t too bad, made me feel lethargic more than anything to be honest. Was ok to still go out and do things I needed to do.

-5 ( +15 / -20 )


Hope you are feeling better soon!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

So? Want to declare state of emergency? Lockdown? WFH ?

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Fatigue and shortness of breath are pretty rough this time.

Are you still smoking?

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Are you still smoking?

Actually stopped nearly 6 months ago.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Nobody cares. Covid is a part of our lives now, like the flu. Stop sensationalizing it, Japan. Covid cases will come and go; that's just how it's going to be.

4 ( +19 / -15 )

Stop sensationalizing it

Who’s sensationalizing it?

The most hysterical types is a toss-up between those terrified of Covid and those who get hysterical whenever news of it gets reported.

In my experience, the latter probably edge it.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Where have all the statistics for each prefecture gone? I used to use Yahoo but I can't find any concise numbers anymore. Does anyone have a site for Japan?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Which vaccines were prevalent in Japan? The ones with 95% efficacy from the West, the one with 65% efficacy from China, or the one with 45% efficacy from Russia?

I have been told that the newest Covid vaccine is for the latest strain, and that it is very effective on both the original strain and on the newer strains. God bless modern medicine. Three people my age on this block passed away from Covid before the vaccines came out. No one has died on the block since they came out.

Some anecdotes....

I talked with a health professional who told me that she has been sick with Covid twice now, and had to take time off both times.

A younger neighbor came down with Covid twice, and he died after his second bout with the disease. The vaccines became generally available the month after he passed. I miss him. He had never been vaccinated for Covid.

Another neighbor works in the ICU at a local hospital. A year ago she told me that they were still treating a lot of patients in the ICU who had Covid. I asked her how things are these days, and she said they have almost no Covid cases at all. Because of her job, she and her husband were some of the first to get vaccinated.

Another neighbor is a Vietnamese-American, who goes back to Vietnam on vacation. He told me that rich people in Vietnam were paying a thousand dollars to get a dose of the American Covid vaccine. They know full well that the Chinese and Russian vaccines are not reliable.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Where have all the statistics for each prefecture gone? I used to use Yahoo but I can't find any concise numbers anymore. Does anyone have a site for Japan?

Since Japan downgraded covid to the level of the yearly flu virus, on it's scale of infectious diseases, the "numbers" are no longer published, and only data reported to the central health center authorities is given out to the public,

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I have had four jabs, and I never caught it. I haven't worn a mask except in a doctors office in the past year. Clearly the vax works, although I suspect that my living a healthy lifestyle also helps.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

Yet plenty of people still wearing masks though. My uni students in one class all gave each other Covid last week. 11 of them. They all had masks on still and have been wearing the whole semester. The ones that didn't get it - including myself, were maskless. Go figure. Lolz.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

A pandemic should never last this long. Policies were poor. We are only lucky this disease was not as lethal as historical pandemics because otherwise we’d have been in even worse trouble. We human societies in 2023 that like to think we are so advanced! What a sad joke we are! Hopeless and helpless.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

rumble.com. The goobersphere.

A previous June 2022 review of posts from Rumble's 200 most prominent accounts found that 49 percent had posted about guns or gun rights, 48 percent had posted about abortion, 44 percent had posted about LGBT topics, 42 percent had posted about the January 6 Capitol attack, and 26 percent had posted about vaccines.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I will catch it again soon, but luckily I’m a vegetarian and not vaccinated. Last time was four days and just like a cold. My hospital has double infections in just one week. I’m eating loads of fruit and drinking a lot of water in preparation.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Shigeru Omi, stressing the importance of protecting vulnerable elderly individuals from the disease.

More flip-flopping from the Top Doc. Not so long ago, Omi was taking the one-size-fits-all approach and pushing for the entire populace to get vaccinated, including healthy individuals with no comorbidities, and children.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

I’m just glad I didn’t take the juice. Dodged a bullet on that one.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

More flip-flopping from the Top Doc

What flip-flopping? vaccination is justified according to risk, if by now the population in general is at a lower risk obviously the need for further boosting is not there anymore. There is nothing wrong with actually reflecting the changing realities of the pandemic instead of pretending measures are eternal no matter what.

You really don't get to choose to stop and not be massively hypocritical.

that is a terribly flawed interpretation that do not correspond to reality, the vaccines are still safe and effective, and they allowed for most of the population to be immunized instead of having to run the much higher risks from the natural infection until the risk from covid became much more manageable and the benefits for further vaccination are not so important.

This is precisely what was the objective of vaccinating the general population, the purpose of the vaccines was reached and countless people survived thanks to them and are now at a much lower risk even if infected. There is nothing hypocritical about that, now people can stop getting further boosters (except for specially vulnerable people) which is the opposite of what antivaxxer propaganda said it would happen.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Wasnt pleasant at all, to say the least, and it's taking longer to recover. Fatigue and shortness of breath are pretty rough this time.

Doesn't sound like the average influenza to me...

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Is it really worth people the wellbeing of the locals for a few extra dollars from tourism?

Right, another "it's the foreigners fault" bs rant! You obviously do not realize that the overwhelming number of tourists in Japan, right now, are JAPANESE!

Down here, we are getting close to 700,000 tourists per month, with over 600,000 being DOMESTIC!

It's the "locals" as you call them, that are spreading the virus. How about foreigners stop coming to protect themselves from Japanese!

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Covid19 positive rate is also rising.

Medical services are tight day by day.

Ambulance crews and medical staff are already in overload nationwidely.

Increase of patients will caused increase of deaths sooner or later as same as until domestic 8th infection wave.

But present Kishida regime who has no interest to health and the lives of general citizen don't intend to defend people from current Covid19 9th wave, continue to increase victim.

Political downgrading Covid19 at May was clearly misstep.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )


Most Japanese are still wearing masks, unlike the tourists.

And, it's the Japanese that are getting covid. So what's your point? A few million tourists from overseas is not going to be the cause of a "9th wave".

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Political downgrading Covid19 at May was clearly misstep.

You have something wrong here, the downgrading wasn't "political" but medical!

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Unfortunately, large numbers of people are still uninformed on what exactly Covid -19 is and what it does to a person. JT and other "reputable news" sources limit real discussions on the virus and help to perpetuate the notion that Covid can be associated to something as simple as a common cold or flu virus.

Sad, that scientists have already discovered so much about this virus over the past few years and the public is still kept in the dark. I mean since when has a common cold been proven to cause "brain shrinkage," "heart disease," and "systematic organ failure." Aside from other things depending on the variant you catch. smh

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Best time ever to look back and validate that decision to refuse vaccination.

No COVID, no future medical issues.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

A few million mask less tourists a month are not helping

Really now? I havent been around a single foreign tourist, yet I caught it again, as well as a number of co workers too!

You are just fishing for excuses that are meaningless.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

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