Japan Today

Japan should accept more refugees, fix asylum system: UNHCR


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Great idea. The Europeans have had a great success assimilating their Muslim immigrants and refugees, well, except for all that terrorism.

Fatwas against Manga artists! Little Molenbeek in Kawasaki! Japan's future would only be brighter, happier...and safer. Right?

7 ( +35 / -28 )

Japan should accept more refugees but will not accept any more refugees.... they would rather throw money at the issue and hope it goes away.... Japan has enough problems assimilating any kind of foreigners let alone dealing with refugees...

3 ( +16 / -13 )

Japan's response No. 1; Here's $10 Million dollars, (get off our back) Japan's response No. 2: United Nations? (Time to cut payments) Japan's response No. 3 We already accept 10 per year! (Japan is an ethnocentric society!) Japan's response No. 4 Hey, If they are "professionals" we might take a few. (Current "immigration policy") Japan's response No 5. Hey why doesn't North Korea have to take any? (Japan's typical "Obfuscate & Deflect policy)

Japan's response No. 6 All of the above!

14 ( +27 / -13 )

Japan should be doing more to help with the global catastrophe of asylum seekers, the head of the U.N. refugee body said Wednesday.

Bravo. Good to see the UNHCR is calling Japan out for its decades of check-book diplomacy. 11 asylum seekers last year -- disgraceful. I'll be the first to admit that proposing Japan start taking large numbers of refugees from the Middle East is foolish. Given the recent events in Paris, the Japanese citizens would never hear of it -- and probably rightfully so. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of deserving asylum-seekers from Asia, Africa, etc. that Japan could admit, if it had the heart. And that ladies and gentlemen is the rub.

-11 ( +17 / -28 )

Japan ,only accept refugees if you want terrorism.

Refugees will bring nothing but terrorism and an unstable society as they try to change everything towards their cursed religion islam.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Great idea. The Europeans have had a great success assimilating their Muslim immigrants and refugees, well, except for all that terrorism.

Just because 0.3% of a population die in traffic accidents, doesn't mean we ban all motor vehicles. On the whole immigration in 'The West' has been a good thing and it ensures I get a pension in a currency that will matter in 15 years time.

However I know where you're coming from. South Africa was so much safer under Apartheid.

Personally I’m sick of Asia getting a free ride in an internationalized world. ‘ Let us sell you our cars and computers, you can sell us your resources, but God forbid that we have to share your problems, when called on to do so’.

The Netherlands takes more refugees in one day than Korea, Japan and Taiwan combined take in a whole year. That’s pretty shocking, but hey, why let the real world and it’s problems disturb my little Japanese bubble?

6 ( +25 / -19 )

Wealth re-distribution at its best. The third world immigrants will have rights to emigrate to leading global nations. What's next, a shift in wealth from the leading nations. What a world will result as a result?

Japan is one a fewer and fewer undiluted cultures left. Why disrupt that? Europe has lost its cultural differences. USA is very differs from decades ago.

An interesting time in humanity which has never taken place at such a scale in history. Add to that today's political correctness we may as well burn all nations flags now. We'll have a one world flag.

0 ( +21 / -21 )

It's probably worth mentioning that the UNHCR isn't actually saying that Japan is in breach of its obligations under the Refugee Convention. They are just asking Japan to voluntarily adopt looser criteria (as many western countries have done).

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Better not to say Japan "should" become more humanitarian and compassionate. It will cause resentments in Japan and you cannot really force these qualities on anyone. It would be nice but it is not in the country's nature to willingly be sympathetic.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

However I know where you're coming from. South Africa was so much safer under Apartheid.

Only if you were white and lived in the right part of town!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I'm sorry but not in favour of this request from UNHRC.

9 ( +23 / -14 )

spent a couple of months in the JP Immigration myself, and I doubt they will change their minds any soon. They give random deportation orders for people who commit minor offenses suck as driving without a license or simply engaging in paid activities unrelated to your visa. (guy with cooker's visa works 2 hours in a konbini) Oh but you have kids? A house? Just got married? Forget it! Any statement you do wil lbe considered as "groundless" and more than 90% of the people there simply give up to never be allowed in again, at least not for 5 years. Only the stron "survive", thank God we live in a democracy, with the proper right to sue this country. The Immigration Officers are the most heartless people I have ever met.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The Netherlands takes more refugees in one day than Korea, Japan and Taiwan combined take in a whole year.

Sorry but you misunderstand take and be forced to accept.

Japan is one a fewer and fewer undiluted cultures left. Why disrupt that?


3 ( +11 / -8 )

In the late 1800s into the early 1990s the Japanese government actively encouraged massive emigration of Japanese people to North/South America and elsewhere in Asia as a means of alleviating poverty in Japan's rural areas (not to mention the enormous emigration push by Imperial Japan).

It is time for Japan to return the favor and accommodate many more refugees who need a fresh start.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

YubaruNov. 26, 2015 - 07:30AM JST

Only if you were white and lived in the right part of town!

Nope, even homicides among black South Africans were lower before 1990 and the process of dismantling the Apartheid system began.

However that was not the point I was making. Sarcasm being the highest form of intellect, might be the cause of you confusing.

My point was that there is an ethical duty of care which also enriches our life, as well as the new Porsche and recently bought 3 LDK. One without the other, means we will always remain a poor man.

The present refugee crises is more a global ethical question, rather than an issue of terrorism or whether recently arrived Hassan is going to steal that dead end job in Macy D that I didn't want to do anyway.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Japan has enough problems assimilating any kind of foreigners let alone dealing with refugees...

Japan does not assimilate foreigners, foreigners have to assimilate to Japan. Even so called "educated" and self-proclaimed "Global Person's" will sometimes be heard to tell a "gaijin", "If you don't like it here why stay? Go back to your own home country"

9 ( +15 / -6 )

European countries that accept refugees have reasons. They exploited them in the past as their colonies. From similar reasons, Japan should accept more from other asian countries.

2 ( +13 / -11 )

"Japan should accept more refugees, fix asylum system: UNHCR"

Japan does not consider its system broken so why are they using the term "fix". Seems typical of the west, if Japan doesn't do it as we do then Japan must be wrong.

Japan and only Japan should decide this, I hope they stand firm.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Refugees who hates you and your nation but loves to get free food and shelter, and cry racism while working against your fabric of society? No thanks.

17 ( +23 / -6 )

Sure, why not. Let's just depopulate the 3rd world, move them to the 1st world, have the 1st world taxpayers pay for it... and then use the 3rd world to store nuclear waste and other stuff.

That, of course, is a ridiculous statement, but it highlights the idiocy of what the UNHCR is advocating. Refugees are not migrants. Or shouldn't be. However, it seems that everyone at the UN has bought into the idea that refugees have the right to be treated as migrants, meaning that they have the right to migrate away from the country from which they are seeking refuge and seek permanent status in some other country.

If these are refugees, should not the UN be directing its efforts to the TEMPORARY housing of these individuals in proximity to their home countries, the resolution of the situations that caused them to be refugees, and the eventual return of the refugees to their home countries?!? Because, otherwise, they are no longer refugees, but migrants.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Japan is clever: it has always exploited the foreigners. It takes but do not give, except money from increasing perpetual debt. No wonder why it is so wealthy. It is a cultural choice that shall be respected. If other countries want to change the system, it has to be forced.

Any call from the heart is useless and only economic measure could move the lines of definition of "Japanicity".

Good luck when you know that culturally speaking, Japanese prefer to die off demographically than accept any new blood, even considered "high grade" (professionally or culturally or ethnically...).

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

But if Japan did that they might actually have to HELP instead of just throwing money it doesn't have... and... ummm... it might adversely effect the depopulation problem that only just yesterday was saying by 2030 there are going to be all sorts of problems... and... ummm... might have an effect on the announcement that the government is pushing more drone and robot use because there won't be enough engineers in a few years... ummm...

But, what were those practical reasons for refusal again?

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

"In the late 1800s into the early 1990s the Japanese government actively encouraged massive emigration of Japanese people to North/South America and elsewhere in Asia...."

It was largely a disaster. Most would have been way better off and safer if they had stayed in Japan. In Dominica, it was a story of misery and exploitation, and survivors have tried to sue the Japanese government.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Time to up the payments to the UNHCR

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It is hard enough being a white living in the sticks in Japan and we are supposed to be on the top of the pecking order. People stare all the time, giggle and whisper. Kids do not think I can understand Japanese blah blah

Japan has had a bitter experience with the large Iranian population which like magic has dwindled a lot in recent years. Some events stick in my mind. The dodgy phone card scam, dealing drugs and remember the two murdered on 2f of Roppongi Starbucks a few years back?

So for Japan to take in Syrian refugees, which they should, will never happen. They think of how they will live here. Break every toilet they use, need halal food and a prayer room etc.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Japan should be doing more to help with the global catastrophe of asylum seekers, the head of the U.N. refugee body said Wednesday

I want a job of UN high-ranking pen-pusher. High salary, no serious responsibilities, just travel around the world in first class and give advice which are worthless, but sound good for media.


"If you don't like it here why stay? Go back to your own home country"

Exactly. What's wrong with that approach? "When in Rome, do as Romans do", right? In several cities in Germany Moslems (and now in Germany there are a lot of them, thanks to Merkel's stupidity) demand that young German women stop wearing short skirts, because "we consider it offensive". If you do not like skirts (or anything else) in Germany (or any other country), go back to your home country. Fix it, and enjoy it.

No, thanks, Japan does not need all these.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

More major companies should donate more money if Japan can't accept refugees.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Why cant the rich Islamic gulf states take in their own Arab refugees?

21 ( +25 / -4 )

Never in a million years. They will just continue to throe huge amounts of money or come up with any excuse to keep people out. They would rather die that allow anything but short term immigration, limited to people with money or professional skills.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Leave Japan alone. If they don't want to accept refugees, then so be it. It's their choice. Plain & simple.

5 ( +17 / -12 )

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised eyebrows recently when he suggested Japan needed to first deal with its own problems before taking in newcomers.

We have our own refugees from 2011 that the government has totally ignored.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

My point was that there is an ethical duty of care which also enriches our life,

so it's a moral imperative that every country allows for freedom of movement and habitation? sounds like moral imperialism to me. this has white guilt written all over it.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Asakaze: "I want a job of UN high-ranking pen-pusher. High salary, no serious responsibilities, just travel around the world in first class and give advice which are worthless, but sound good for media. "

You can do that still... It's called "Japanese bureaucrat".

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Why cant the rich Islamic gulf states take in their own Arab refugees?

Is it because these fragile, brutal dictatorships are financing the slaughter of Syrians in the first place?

Back on topic:

Does Japan profit from Middle East oil?

Does Japan profit from countries that do give safety and security to refugees?

Clue Japan profit from giving a flying fig?

(Clue: the answers all rhyme with 'yes')

4 ( +9 / -5 )


You can do that still... It's called "Japanese bureaucrat".

Not only Japanese, I think. Are you sure bureaucrats are better in other countries?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Japan does not consider its system broken so why are they using the term "fix". Seems typical of the west, if Japan doesn't do it as we do then Japan must be wrong.

Japan and only Japan should decide this, I hope they stand firm.

I wish liberals would take the same position when it comes to most in the US not wanting to accept refugees. If Japan doesn't want them or feels it's a serious security risk, then that is their choice, it should be respected the same way that many in the US feel equally apprehensive.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

The headline itself is a joke. Ain''t gonna happen. And it's not the politicians in the way, it's the mindset of the masses. Been there, as have too many of you on this board.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

nakanoguy01Nov. 26, 2015 - 09:51AM JST

so it's a moral imperative that every country allows for freedom of movement and habitation? sounds like moral imperialism to me.

No.... It's called empathy to my fellow man, something severely lacking in Asia.

There for the good grace of God go I.

Nobody's talking about freedom of movement and habitation, we're talking about a couple of million people who at present find them themselves in a nightmare not of their own making and that nightmare cannot be resolved, at the moment by relocating them a couple of hundred miles from the area of crises and throwing them a few dollars in the form of aid.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Better Japan stay out of this and don't listen to UN suggestions with exception taking refugee fleeing North Korea regime and some Chinese from Tibet..

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I wish liberals would take the same position when it comes to most in the US not wanting to accept refugees.

Seeing as America created the situation which led to the existence of the refugees, they have a moral obligation to take in some of them.

And don't forget, there isn't a terrorist problem because of refugees, there is a refugee problem because of terrorists. These are people whom by their very definition are anti-conflict. They are not the ones you need to worry about.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

"Seeing as America created the situation which led to the existence of the refugees"

Syria's civil war sprang directly from the "Arab Spring," which was welcomed and encouraged by the anti-American, anti-Western contingent, who stressed to us it was a manifestation of regional aspirations.

And thus we have the classic lazy liberal knee-jerk reaction: When things seem to be going well, the local people are to be credited. When the same things sour, it's immediately and automatically all the West's fault.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I am totally against accepting refuges. Just look at the Brazilians and Peruvians that have Japanese blood and how they refuse to assimilate. They do not even learn the language and hang out with their own. The men sit on the train station steps and drink Cevesa (Beer), while their women climb into vans in mass right in front of them and are shipped to factories in my town. If these people with Japanese blood do not want to lean about Japan, then how are a bunch of young Muslim men going to assimilate? I say NO WAY!!!! You will be sorry if you do.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

And thus we have the classic lazy liberal knee-jerk reaction: When things seem to be going well, the local people are to be credited.

Not everything is along ideological lines. I think that the west should get out of there and let the local people take all the responsibility and credit and everything. We can't even figure out who our allies are there.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Seeing as America created the situation which led to the existence of the refugees, they have a moral obligation to take in some of them.

I'm going to take that comment as an early April 1st fools joke.

And don't forget, there isn't a terrorist problem because of refugees,

Even though there are ISIS fighters mixed in with the refugees.

there is a refugee problem because of terrorists.

That the current US president failed to address the problem years ago when he was a advised to do so, but now that he's sure that the reason they are killing people is due because of climate change.

These are people whom by their very definition are anti-conflict. They are not the ones you need to worry about.

Once they are properly vetted, monitored and deemed not a safety or security risk, by all means and Japan should do the same.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

You know it tears my heart about when I see what is happening over there. However, I don't like the idea of Japan opening their doors to them. If Japan wants to give money and housing elsewhere than so be it. As bad as I feel for them, I see opening the doors to them creating major problems in years to come for Japan. American and Europe have seen these problems. They don't deal with these problems well but continue to accept them. Please let these countries take them in and God knows, I hope that they do to help them.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

The Japanese culture is very different to that of the West and our society is structured in a very different way, so just allowing refugees to come to Japan will create another issue in itself, its not about the relocation of people but how people can live in harmony and with certain level of self fulfulment. Hence relocation is not the solution, the solution is global disarmament and allowing countires to prosper by trade without military threats and killing innocent people with weapons of mass distruction deployed from 6000 ft up in the sky. Killing innocent people only creates terrorism and refugess so the solution is at the root.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

European countries that accept refugees have reasons. They exploited them in the past as their colonies. From similar reasons, Japan should accept more from other asian countries.

Japan did not colonize asian countries the way the west did, completely different scale.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You know it tears my heart about when I see what is happening over there. However, I don't like the idea of Japan opening their doors to them. If Japan wants to give money and housing elsewhere than so be it. As bad as I feel for them, I see opening the doors to them creating major problems in years to come for Japan. American and Europe have seen these problems. They don't deal with these problems well but continue to accept them. Please let these countries take them in and God knows, I hope that they do to help them.

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

Anyone with a milligram of intelligence knows that Japan shouldn't take refugees.

The Arab countries should be the first ones, not Japan, Europe or America.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Antonio Guterres is from Portugal I think and the last time I looked Portugal has taken about 40 refugees ( I might be wrong). He travels the world trying to spread middle eastern misery to the West. Don't think it will happen in Japan. I just saw that Sweden has shut the gates, must be something in it.

8 ( +10 / -2 )


The Japanese culture is very different to that of the West and our society is structured in a very different way.

German culture is very different from Spanish culture which itself is very different from Serbian culture, and Turkish society is structured very differently from Greek society which itself is structured very differently from Swedish society!! What's your point?

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Gary, you should study how the west colonized other countries and the time length.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan does not want them period! They will not assimilate and will cause stress in our country.

2 ( +15 / -13 )

The UNHCR thinks refugees are checkers on a board, to be moved around based on available positions.

Do the refugees have an environment where they will be able to find employment? Is there a support structure in place to help them assimilate?

Japan is not ready for refugees and probably will never be.

Refugees get radicalized because they do not fit in, the failure of the European experiment should be a wake up call.

Rather than focus on resettling refugees there should be effort to have an environment where people do not have to risk their lives to travel thousands of kilometers for a better life.

Safe zones around the Turkish border should be a first step.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Should I choose to move to another country...Japan lets say. Then I would learn their language...their customs in order to fit as best I could, and would be thankful for the opportunity. These refugees will come into a country then push their views/religious dogma onto their host nation. For instance....I read about a Muslim whom stated he was discriminated against as he was not allowed to pray several times during his work shift. Then many others joined in and said they needed a "Prayer Room" at work. If your religion is so enlightening then one would think that your god would be tolerant/understanding that you did not pray while you are at work. Take a look at the EU right now and all the problems they have been having with the massive influx of refugees. I realize I speak only for myself but I think it would a bad decision for Japan to take in the refugees. Even their neighboring countries do not want them. Many will not mix....their culture is the only one that matters and if you do not believe in their religion then you matter not.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

What do Japans taxpayers want? Thats what the decision should be based on. A protected safe zone in Syria would be best.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I am totally against accepting refuges. Just look at the Brazilians and Peruvians that have Japanese blood and how they refuse to assimilate. They do not even learn the language and hang out with their own. The men sit on the train station steps and drink Cevesa (Beer), while their women climb into vans in mass right in front of them and are shipped to factories in my town. If these people with Japanese blood do not want to lean about Japan, then how are a bunch of young Muslim men going to assimilate? I say NO WAY!!!! You will be sorry if you do.

Let's break that down:

I am totally against accepting Muslims.


3 ( +5 / -2 )

Asakaze: "Not only Japanese, I think. Are you sure bureaucrats are better in other countries?"

Oh, there are DEFINITELY bureaucrats that are just as bad if not worse in other countries, but since you're busy slamming the UN simply as a knee-jerk reaction for the way Japan has raked in criticism of late (its own fault, really), and since you post with a Japanese name and defend Japan and it's a Japanese news forum, I thought I'd just point out how utterly useless most politicians here are (and yes, some more than in some other nations, for sure). Seriously, what do they do besides form panels and 'think about it' before forming more? THen it's musical chairs and the agricultural minister becomes the defense minister, and a former wrestler becomes Finance Minister, then they 'retire' to an office in a nuclear power plant or something they also have no qualifications for.

YuriOtani: "Japan does not want them period! They will not assimilate and will cause stress in our country"

"Our country", Yuri? You live in the US. How many articles are there in the news TODAY ALONE that talk about the current and worsening depopulation crisis, increased taxes to cover social systems, lack of workers, lack of children, lack of money in general, graying society? The stress you speak of is self-inflicted, Yuri, and Japan is going to collapse if they don't let people in. This is the perfect example of win-win, with the only 'lose' being dreamed up scenarios based on paranoia, or that paranoia painting everyone as potential threats to the nation when in reality they would be its saviours.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )


A better idea would be to just dismantle the U.N so that we don't have to hear their tripe any more.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

The UNHCR doesn't care about the later consequences of all this resettlement. They are already getting a taste of it in Europe for opening their doors. I know loads of citizens from those countries who are completely fed up with it and want it stopped. Personally I would tell the UNHCR we will stop the aid which is actually needed here in Japan. Then they would have cause to complain. Japanese culture is really not set up for refugees from anywhere and would be a disastrous for the country!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I am for diversity but I have an issue with the religion of Islam, so NO!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Come to think of it, I'm British, well educated, have a Japenese wife and two children and I barely fit in, if at all! What the hell are Syrian refugees going to do. I can't think of a better breeding ground for discontented radicals!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

No they shouldn't accept refugees, but advocates and trolls to defending refugees will push Japan to do it anyways! And the good people who pay taxes will pay the price to support them and their families!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

If radicalism is the flavor of the Middle East seeking such refuge, send them to China and North Korea, where they support their mentalism. Japan is Japan. This is why it is much better that foreigners here in Japan are not allowed to speak of something they have no idea about. Other countries who have been infiltrated by these radicals are now facing more problems than ever. Look at the US an ally of Japan and see what opening themselves and trying to help the Middle East has caused them.. Nothing but an over extended budget and nightmarish result for payback, does Japan need that NO. Middle East people can go and live elsewhere too much a headache and pain to deal with. We don't need that headache here, we have China to deal with if Japan needs problems.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

My personal opinion on the matter is purely mathematical :

Many Muslims = Many problems

9 ( +13 / -4 )

I always find it amazing how so many Western, mostly white, middle-class or upper-class westerners can come to Asia and proudly criticize their adopted homelands for all the ways that it fails to accommodate their culture. Then the moment we get news of some non-white refugees with a non-western religion in desperate need of someone to take them in, suddenly these exact same immigrants think immigration can't work because those non-white immigrants won't adapt to their host society. Isn't it peculiar that "we" expats expect to be able to stand astride oceans with a foot in both our home and host countries, beholden to neither, but "they" immigrants and "they" refugees can't be trusted not to disrupt the delicate balance of society, because "they" are too different from "us"?

shonanbbNOV. 26, 2015 - 10:44AM JST I am totally against accepting refuges. Just look at the Brazilians and Peruvians that have Japanese blood and how they refuse to assimilate.

I understand it to be that "they" Brazilians and Peruvians struggled to assimilate because when the Japanese government invited them to return here, the assumption was that Japanese blood would overpower years of cultural change and that they would just automatically conform. Hence language and cultural integration classes were not initially organized, leading the immigrants to turn to themselves for support, which further separated them from Japanese society at large, which in turn made it easier for the government to turn a blind eye to them.

No one (well, no one with a jot of sense anyway) advocates dumping Syrian immigrants in Bumblefart, Inaka and leaving them to their own devices. Resettlement programs with comprehensive language, cultural, and employment integration programs have been proven to work. All it takes is someone with an iota of imagination to get their act together and organize a plan.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

TOKYO — Japan should be doing more to help with the global catastrophe of asylum seekers, the head of the U.N. refugee body said Wednesday.

Realistically, the only solution to the refugee's endless crises, is sending endless boxes of condoms. And is not the role of the UN to tell sovereign countries what they should do with their borders.

4 ( +8 / -4 )


I'd just point out how utterly useless most politicians here are

Most politicians are utterly useless in any country, and while it is Japanese forum I see no need to single out Japanese as particularly horrible specimen. Foreign politicians may be more outspoken and agressive in speeches, but in the end of the day they are no more useful then Japanese. Look at the EU, for example. Van Rompey and Ashton, too big colorless nothing. And legions of others, immediately forgotten after they leave their office (and migrate to UN). I'd like to attract your attention to the fact that with all hordes of its useless politicians Japan managed to live not bad.

While I do not like all things in Japan now, I'm sure that the Japanese government is absolutely right in its approach to immigration. Japan does not need immigrant ghettos like in France or hordes of freeloaders like in Germany. No, thank you!

1 ( +7 / -6 )


The question of Muslims is the explicit or implicit message of most of the posts here but I think people do have some justification in being particularly concerned about accepting large numbers of Muslims into their societies. Being from the UK, you've seen people marching in favour of murdering novelists, preachers calling for the overthrow of democracy, scores of people blown up on public transportation and military personnel hacked to death in broad daylight in the name of this faith. This does not go unnoticed in Japan. Our government has committed atrocious acts in the Middle East but I'm sure we can all recognise that that those innocents killed cannot be written off as understandable blowback. It also has to be said that at this moment in time, Islam does tend to produce more violent fanatics than other faiths.

One of the many blessings Islamists have given the world is a hardening of attitudes even towards the decent who are seeking a better life somewhere else. In a culture like Japan which often makes jaw-dropping generalizations about 'foreigners', an even greater reluctance to accept 'foreigners' after seeing the carnage in Paris ( a city many have travelled to ) is understandable. This is a tragedy for the decent who really could make a contribution to this country.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

A better idea would be to just dismantle the U.N so that we don't have to hear their tripe any more.

Yeah, because having a system for countries to communicate with one another is such a stupid idea.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

@osaka_Doug: Countries, societies, UNHCR which are open to accepting refugees believe a more diverse society is beneficial to the country. Others, such as Japan it seems, disagree.

Well, every country has the right to disagree and decide on what it thinks is best for its people. It seems that UMHCR is pushing Japan to accept refugees without considering that the nation is not ready to accept large numbers of people from other cultural backgrounds (high societal and legal hurdles and whatnot). And let’s be honest: European countries, which are much more open to other cultures and have done quite a lot (much more than Japan will be able to do) to accommodate the immigrants so far, are now facing problems with Islamic radicalization. How do you think immigrants and later their children will assimilate into the Japanese society?

@ Gary Raynor: Nobody's talking about freedom of movement and habitation, we're talking about a couple of million people who at present find them themselves in a nightmare not of their own making and that nightmare cannot be resolved, at the moment by relocating them a couple of hundred miles from the area of crises and throwing them a few dollars in the form of aid.

But still… why are most of the migrants young men? In all the coverage in the media, I have seen so few women with children? Why do those young men feel that they can go out and settle anywhere they feel is good for them and leave the women and children in the country tortured by war? How is their leaving their homes going to resolve the nightmare of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters? Are the women and children going to fight to defend themselves?

@smith: But if Japan did that they might actually have to HELP instead of just throwing money

Yeah, because giving money where it is much needed is no help. Actually, such acts are worth of ridiculing and demeaning while the people who sit at their PC and write statements like the one above have probably done nothing to contribute at all to the solution of the problem.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It is possible that there is hypocrisy on both sides. Some people don't want Japan to accept immigrants and refugees even though they are foreigners living in Japan. But maybe others hope that immigrants WILL undermine Japan (well Japan is doing a great job by itself) and use liberal and compassionate arguments for their entry. You will know who you are on both sides.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Japan should be praised for its humanitarian aid. It is much cheaper to support a Syrian refugee in Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon than it would be to support the same person in Japan. By keeping the refugees in countries neighbouring Syria more of them can be helped for the same money.

The majority of Syrians reject women's equality, gay rights and freedom of speech (especially when it comes to criticising religions). They cannot be happy living in societies that value these rights. Much better that they stay in culturally similar countries where the populations share similar, backwards views.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

One missing point here is that Japan looks like a wealthy country but actually it is not. We have 8 million yen debt in each one of our shoulders. The only reason that we don't go bankrupt like Greece is that we borrow from our own bank and people save instead of spending because we are worried about our future which inadvertently end up supporting the government. One in six children live under poverty line. I know a park in a central Tokyo filled with homeless people. The comment of Mr. Abe that we have our own problems to take care of first, is very true.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Looks like your putative Syrians will fit right in in Japan then, Scrote.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Long-term solution: Muslims, especially young men, should stay in their own countries and resolve their own governance problems or migrate to other Muslim countries. Which non-Muslim countries can understand them? Who want to accept angry and sometimes violent young men? USA & other countries should stay away and let them resolve their own issues. Its almost impossible to manage or assimilate them as proven by Western Europe. Just look at Paris and its suburbs, the yearly riot, street protest and the latest bombing violence. There is little Japan can do, other than humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid should be channeled to Muslim countries that take in Muslim immigrants instead.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised eyebrows recently when he suggested Japan needed to first deal with its own problems before taking in newcomers.

Absolutely not! The Japanese public did not elect this government to take care of their interests. They elected it to fix the thousands of years of misery in the Middle East and Africa.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Japan shouldn't touch the Syrian refugees crisis with a 10 foot pole. It isn't Japan's responsibility. Let the Europeans deal with it. Merkel has made her bed, now she has to lay in it.

2 ( +8 / -6 )


A better idea would be to just dismantle the U.N so that we don't have to hear their tripe any more."

Easier to ignore valid criticism and pretend there's not a problem than address the problem itself, eh, Alex? Who are you kidding, anyway? you'd keep the UN around, so long as they unconditionally praised Japan and never criticized. You need the inflated ego because looking at the way things are headed is too depressing. Just look at your comments on the threads about depopulation; you'd rather criticize people bringing up the facts than present a solution to deal with them.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The best thing Japan can do to "help with the global catastrophe of asylum seekers" is to tell its friends to quit messing up the Middle East and Africa and ....

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

If those refugee does not assimilate, out. Simple. Mr Abe need to fix internal problems first. Thats what donations for which get 2 japanese hostage killed. Even brazilian with japanese ancestor were move back to brazil. Cant assimilate. Go back n be proud and fight n die for survival in Syria. Or ask UN to accept refugees since they so busybody.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

On the one hand, Japan is not involved in the meddling in the middle east that led to this crisis to begin with to the extent that a lot of Western countries are, and it's not fair to expect Japan to shoulder that burden. From a humanitarian standpoint, accepting more is the right thing to do though. And from an economic standpoint, it could help Japan a lot, particularly if they placed them in areas that are practically ghost towns now. There's no shortage of vacant housing available in those places, and unlike the smaller housing units in places like Tokyo or Osaka, rural houses are typically big enough to comfortably accommodate fairly large families. People can be taught how to farm or do other work to rejuvenate rural industries which the increasingly urban Japanese population is abandoning. The mostly elderly Japanese populations in those towns could help teach language classes or language immersion programs. I used to live in a town in Western Japan which hosted refugees from Vietnam (from a few decades back, but their younger relatives were also moving in). They were well-integrated in Japanese society while also having their own community. Granted, religious and cultural differences between Japan and Vietnam are not as stark as between Japan and Syria, but I think overall it could work if handled similarly.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


in the name of this faith

I've seen lots of sectarian murders by the UK's most loyal, union jack-waving citizens. I know that they aren't representative of their own community, and bear no grudge against them for the horrors visited upon mine in the (mistaken) name of their faith

Each hardening of our hearts towards our fellow human beings brings ISIS closer to its apocalyptic goal.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Not in several generations will this happen willingly. The citizens are not ready for it. The infrastructure is not ready for it. The social and public services are not ready for it. The general political will is not ready for it. The culture is not ready for it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Currently, the biggest refugee camp in the world is here in Kenya hosting about 330,000 of them. It has been there since 1992 following Somalia's political turmoil which has not been corrected todate. Unfortunately, there has been linkage between radicalization of the youth (terrorists) and the camp and the govt has advocated for it's closure although this has been objected globally. Personally, I do not wish to link the two directly but I may support 'Japan's assistance from a distance'. I sympathize with refugees but with the current terrorist insurgence, I would advocate that we host refugees with greater attention.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

UN has no authority to enforce anything, anywhere, anyhow for any reason. They can suggest all they want. The right to determine one's destiny is with each individual country.

UN has done enough damage to the world in the name of humanity, when it has become a self-serving, self-righteous body reflecting those who have gained the "majority" in their ranks. Sadly, those in the majority are not necessarily the most desirable people or nations when it comes to saving mankind.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Sense not so:

Nice words.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The refugees have absolutely no place in Japan`s society. Japan is right by contributing financially and then slamming the doors on most asylum seekers.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Because Japan really really really cares about what y'all think….

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

President Trump and GOP (sarcasm) dont want them. china dont want them. Russia dont want them. Arab dont want them. Jordan and Turkey cant accept them.

Yes asylum system require change. That is change refugee religion and mindset. And accept any conditions set by host country.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

One honest good reason why should japan accept foreign refugees? Not their country, no body should force another country try to take people it does not want or need. Let japan take care of its own problems first before taking on the burdens of others.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

it i strange how there is a push for a small island nation to become a haven for refugees. perhaps the real idea should be to build a new island on a reef and resettle them there .....

i think China has that island building program going on right now- they should be able to help.

though it would be better if countries surrounding the one in question would actually do something- the current syrian issue is a perfect example. middle eastern countries taking refugees- zero, the rest of world ?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"I've seen lots of sectarian murders by the UK's most loyal, union jack-waving citizens. I know that they aren't representative of their own community, and bear no grudge against them for the horrors visited upon mine in the (mistaken) name of their faith".

I'm not sure about the 'mistaken' but that's an argument for another day. You are clearly as familiar as I am with how vicious and divisive religion can be. Thankfully, the UK has made progress in recent decades and the general collapse of Christianity in the UK may be partly attributed to a realisation of how dangerous these ideas can be when taken too seriously. It's undeniable that Islam with many followers who do take their religion very seriously, has brought new religious divisions to the UK and some have been deadly. Mehdi Hassan, a practicing Muslim, wrote of rampant anti-Semitism among Muslims of the UK. This was progress from a man who has desperately been trying to distance himself from a quote he made in the past which described UK people as living like 'animals'. Let's not forget 'moderates' like the ex-leader of The Muslim Council of Britain who said 'death was too good' for Salman Rushdie.

Don't you find it tragic to see a new form of sometimes violent division after all that you've seen? I believe Japan should do more on the refugee situation but hand on heart, could you blame them for being particularly apprehensive when dealing with this situation? One of the beauties of this society is that it isn't divided along religious lines. How many countries would wish for that?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

please cite one example where Muslims have successfully immigrated and become an integral part of that society. And I don't necessarily mean a lack of terrorism. I mean where they haven't huddled together in their encloves and have actually assimilated.

If you're literate enough to enquire aloud here, you're quite capable of Googling this information yourself.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

@Mr. Noidall

Let's show the invalidity of your question through a simple transformation:

Mr. NoidallNOV. 26, 2015 - 05:28PM JST might have written:

To those of you who are screaming discrimination against men at the top of your lungs and are mumbling under your voices that some of us on this forum are misandrists, please cite one example where men have successfully immigrated and become an integral part of that society. And I don't necessarily mean a lack of violence. I mean where they haven't huddled together in their encloves[sic] and have actually assimilated.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

In five years they'll have a meeting to talk about when their next meeting should be to talk about the refugees. That meeting will just be talking about the refugees, not being hasty to make a quick decision about receiving the refugees not just yet. Then they'll have a meeting talking about the Japanese interest of the situation. They'll thoroughly talk about that situation until they feel 100% secure about their situation. By that time the refugees around the world would've had grandchildren and the problem would have been resolved and the meetings dissolved.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I am for diversity but I have an issue with the religion of Islam, so NO!

One can not be for diversity and then state in the same breath that they are against over 1 Billion people who live on this planet, and who happen to be of ALL races as well.

Chances are you have met a person of the Islamic faith and never even knew it. Muslims have been in Japan for centuries but I'll bet you didnt know that either.

Accepting diversity means accepting people of all creeds and walks of life, not just the one's you feel comfortable with, otherwise you truly are NOT for diversity.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Not only in your country yuriotani.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just because 0.3% of a population die in traffic accidents, doesn't mean we ban all motor vehicles. On the whole immigration in 'The West' has been a good thing and it ensures I get a pension in a currency that will matter in 15 years time.

Maybe don't rely on a retirement system that assumes ever expanding population and GDP numbers? How selfish do you have to be to not recognize this hypocrisy. Never mind the greed in selling out your country's character so that you can have an easy retirement. And saying that only a small % does a bad thing is a nonsensical argument once you recognize it can be applied to literally everything. Murder, rape, robbery? Hey, only a small % of the total population are victims, so no problem!

However I know where you're coming from. South Africa was so much safer under Apartheid.

I take it you believe that so long as you use the racism card you win any argument, right? If you think that South Africa is what a successful multicultural society looks like, God help us.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Let's not forget 'moderates' like...

Here we are: advancing ISIS's agenda of division.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

As a foreigner in Japan I could care less about what they do with accepting refugees. I am more focused on things like what my children are going to do when they turn 20 because Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship. Fix things with people who contribute to this country before worrying about people who don't.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

As a foreigner in Japan I could care less about what they do with accepting refugees. I am more focused on things like what my children are going to do when they turn 20 because Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship. Fix things with people who contribute to this country before worrying about people who don't.

Suggestion, dont worry about the citizenship issue, it's a grey area that Japan really doesnt enforce. There are PLENTY of people who are Japanese citizens that carry passports and claim citizenship of another country.

It's not like Japan goes out of its way to announce to whatever country that your children can or do claim citizenship in that they chose one or the other. Stay cool do what you have to do to be considered Japanese, like vote, pay taxes, health insurance etc, and the government will automatically think you are Japanese.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Let's not forget 'moderates' like..."

"Here we are: advancing ISIS's agenda of division."

I think it's obvious why you cut my sentence short at 'like'. I'll give you the full sentence again: "Let's not forget 'moderates' like the ex-leader of The Muslim Council of Britain who said 'death was too good' for Salman Rushdie". The Muslim Council of Britain is hardly a radical jihadist movement. That statement is utterly disgusting, inflammatory and could easily be taken as incitement to violence. It goes without saying he finds homosexuality unacceptable but I think he stopped short of saying it should be criminalised ( unlike large numbers of Muslims in the UK ) which I suppose is a small mercy.

Oh, I forgot to mention this particular gentlemen was knighted.

Don't you regard rampant homophobia, widespread anti-Semitism, attacks on freedom of speech and calls for death for writing novels divisive? I'm not sure what you're proposing here. Are you saying we shouldn't point out and attack disgraceful ideas for fear of causing division? Do certain religious groups or any other groups get a pass here?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

As a 40-plus year resident of Japan, I will add my two cents. I am no fan of Japan's xenophobic immigration bureau, but I agree with the readers who say Jpn should not accept Muslim refugees. Most immigrants are will willing to assimilate, but Muslims generally will not--they expect you to accommodate them. Witness what has happened in France with face coverings, etc. I found this out when I was teaching ESL to Muslim students in the U.S., a diverse and tolerant country. It was at a community center. The women Muslim students (mostly from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) demanded to be taught separately from the men, and they further demanded a female teacher, i.e. not me! Had they been paying for the lessons, that would have been one thing, but these were FREE city-sponsored classes. Needless to say, it gave me a bad impression of conservative Islam.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Most immigrants are will willing to assimilate, but Muslims generally will not--they expect you to accommodate them.

Exactly. This is another reason why some americans don't want them coming into the US.

The women Muslim students (mostly from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) demanded to be taught separately from the men, and they further demanded a female teacher, i.e. not me! Had they been paying for the lessons, that would have been one thing, but these were FREE city-sponsored classes.

What nerve. Yes, I've seen them act very rude and demanding in public in my native southern, CA. They act like they own the place. Its nonsense.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

If any type person/group is using any type of ideology, belief, system, etc in order to instill violence or disorder (even corruption) then they, having understanding reason should and need change their value. If she/he is here to talk about ways that we could actually formulate a plan (regardless how theoretical or practical it is), that individual should do whatever it takes to get the first step in.

But unfortunately in Japan, disorder is covered up as order.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What nerve. Yes, I've seen them act very rude and demanding in public in my native southern, CA. They act like they own the place. Its nonsense.

Like yourself?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Are you saying we shouldn't point out and attack disgraceful ideas for fear of causing division? Do certain religious groups or any other groups get a pass here?

The shrill thesis on this thread is that MUSLIMS! aren't to be trusted. NONE OF THEM! And woe betide anyone who doesn't stand shoulder to shoulder with that position.

A tide of humanity tries to escape hell on earth and all we can say is screw them!!

Is this really what we have become?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

If Japan took care of a mass of foreign refugees half as well as they took care of the refugees from the Tohoku disaster....well....they would all be dead in days!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

they can be programmed to be robots - a perfect assimilation into japanese society.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ilyas - RIGHT ON!!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Back in my student days I had a weekend job in a warehouse, and during a 12 hour shift we got 1 x 15 minute break and 1 X 30 minute lunch break (unpaid for the lunch break) but all the Muslims who worked there were aloud to go and pray several times a day, each prayer session lasting 20 minutes for which they were still paid while the rest of us worked our socks off. The thing what really got on everybody's nerves was the vast majority of the Muslims were not even praying, they were just stood there smoking, laughing and scratching their bums. In England, there's many other examples of how Muslims use their faith as a tool to basically twist lots of laws, regulations and society as a whole. Japan knows this and would be wise to ignore the interfering UN. Muslims never assimilate, they segregate themselves away from their kind host countries and force governments to pander to them by protesting and with threats of violence.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

No country is obligated to take refugees. Especially refugees who have dangerous violent rapists and killers in their midst pretending to be refugees.

The UN should be looking at getting the world to exterminate the violent groups causing the refugees to flee.

By what international law does a group or country get to.systematically mass murder, rape little girls and establish open slavery and slave trade? The world stopped slobodon Milosevic and Serbia from doing the same war crimes and atrocities.

Japan would be making a horrific mistake if they import these insurgents pretending to be refugees. These insurgents in Europe are raping, robbing,assaulting, attempting to force host countries to comply with their religion and starting riots whenever they need. Any government is obligated to protect it's citizens not import insurgents and endanger everyone.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Sigh. No matter how many times people post the vetting process, and how difficult it is to pass, there's always someone who's going to go on about rapists and terrorists in the group.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

T"Are you saying we shouldn't point out and attack disgraceful ideas for fear of causing division? Do certain religious groups or any other groups get a pass here?"

"The shrill thesis on this thread is that MUSLIMS! aren't to be trusted. NONE OF THEM! And woe betide anyone who doesn't stand shoulder to shoulder with that position."

That's about as shrill as it gets. I'm talking about people being understandably apprehensive. You didn't deal with any of the problems outlined and didn't even deal with the two questions you quoted from my post. I didn't say all Muslims are not to be trusted. I said this religion at this moment in time is producing more murderous extremists than any other and the beliefs of mainstream Muslims are very often antithetical to what what you or I would regard as acceptable in modern Britain or Japan ( I'm sure I don't need to bore you with the terrifying results of opinion polls - I know you've seen them ).

You and I have had great fun commenting on the nonsense and prejudice coming from the Christian Right in the US. You know as well as I do that it doesn't come close to widely held beliefs held by people from many Middle Easetrn countries. Have you seen the views on apostasy?

You haven't dealt with much I've posted so far in your replies. I'll try once more. Why are you happy to point out the nonsense from the Christian Right in the US ( I could throw our very own kippers in here ) but are so reticent to deal with something much worse from many Muslims? You must admit it looks a bit disingenuous.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

European countries that accept refugees have reasons. They exploited them in the past as their colonies. From similar reasons, Japan should accept more from other asian countries.

True. If Japan were to accept refugees, it should accept those in its backyard - East/Southeast Asians.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Every sovereign nation should be able to do whatever they want to do.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I never heard of UN Chief or UNHCR Chief asking Saudi or UAE and other rich Muslim Countries to accept Muslim refugees from Middle East and Africa. Do UN and UNHCR Chiefs know there are Middle East and Africa on the world map?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

NO! Do not take in 'Islamic 'refugees'. Might as well take a gun and point it at your own head. Does Japan want all of it's traditions, historical places destroyed !?? It will happen, just look at the W.Europe, USA, and any Islamic controlled area. This isn't 'Islmophobia' I'm talking about, it's survival !! Taliban blow up Buddha's in Afghanistan, ISIS blows up everything non-Islamic in Syria-Iraq. Wake up!! If you are so 'pro-refugee' now, where were you when the tragedies of Darfur, Uganda, Congo, Haiti ?? Why weren't you pro-refugee types screaming to take in all of those 'Black' people?! They were all war refugees except Haiti. Proven factually that already, 5% of the 'Syrian' refugee's are 'radical' Islamist fighters, do you want to take that chance? Don't do it !! That 'coexist' mantra is a myth. Ask yourself this, do you get along with all of your own neighbors, people in your neighborhood, no one makes you feel uneasy? Why isn't Saudi Arabia taking in all of those 'Muslim' refugee's...they have the money, resources and space??!!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I find most of the pro muslim immigration people on here are quite hypocritical.The majority of them live in Japan but come from multicultural, multi-religion countries so why have they decided to come and live in Japan?! lol It's ok for them to criticise Europe and America for not taking in enough Muslims, while their sat there wearing yukatas, feet up, a glass of Ume wain in their hands, surrounded by millions of peaceful Buddhist or Atheist Japanese people! If you are all so pro muslim immigration then why live in Japan? Lol Go try living in Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, Birmingham or most other cities in England for a year or two! You'll soon change tunes and come running back to Japan lol!

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The UN again, omg! I hope japan learns from Europe! Look at Sweden! Don't take any!!! It will mean the end of japan...

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Rick Shinjuku,

Respek (as me Jamaican pal will say); you're da man!!!

You tell them, those bleeding heart liberals.

I sincerely hope that Japain DOES NOT go the British way.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


Killing machines don`t care about nice.

Western nations have had their doors open for decades to help others. If they have to close that door once in a while it doesnt mean they arent being nice.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@PeepingTom lol Respekkkk monnnn!! Hey, I too hope Japan keeps it's culture intact and never ends up like Britain, Britain now has no culture thanks to mass muslim immigration. If Japan ends up like Britain I'm moving to the moon! Take care bud -^

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Sense: The whole world would be better with peace. Shalom

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan should be doing more to help with the global catastrophe of asylum seekers

If asylum seekers are allowed into Japan, only women, children and old men should be accepted. The mostly young men among the asylum seekers should be sent back to Syria to fight for their country, i.e., either for or against Assad.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The Saudi elites must be laughing their man boobs off at the success of their $100 billion investment proselytising the rabidly intolerant Wahhabist brand of Sunni Islam, bulldozing the more moderate strains of Islam to replace them with the theo-fascist Saudi variety:


But why aren't we more critical of the head-and-limb-chopping, blogger lashing, ISIS mentoring Saudis who, the BBC reports, are to imminently execute 50 people in one day?

Because they're the world's biggest arms importer? Because of the oil? Because they turn a blind eye to other abuses in the region?

Is it because, although Prince Alwaleed bin Talal this year divested most of his 6.6% share in Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the Saudi still has a 6.6% share of 21st Century Fox, home to Fox News?

Or is it because of Saudi Arabia's hatred of Shia-majority Iran? (Those who grew up watching the latter chant "Death to America" might wonder how Iran was robbed of democracy [and Time magazine's Man of the Year 1952]: it wasn't the Ayatollahs wot dunnit).

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34931205 http://money.cnn.com/2015/02/04/media/prince-alwaleed-news-corp/index.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/08/bps-long-history-of-destr_n_604511.html

Back to the present day: the stabbings,the terrorist attacks, the high definition bloodbaths and the resultant polarisation are so much Viagra for the Apocalypse fantasists of the three Abrahamic faiths.

And if these ghouls make indecent profits on their respective journeys to the Rapture, what better validation for their righteous causes? It is God's will!

Well, it's not my will. And it's not the will of the vast majority of the hugely intelligent and genuinely concerned posters on this thread.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And don't forget, there isn't a terrorist problem because of refugees, there is a refugee problem because of terrorists. These are people whom by their very definition are anti-conflict. They are not the ones you need to worry about.

Strangerland would do well to remember that while the current wave of terrorism has been largely due to US and others interfering in the region, one of the Paris terrorists entered the country AS a refugee, and that the rich Gulf Arab countries have refused to take any for the very reason that they are afraid of terrorists being amongst them. Japan would do well to stick to its guns and not take any. After all, the problems in the Middle East are not of its making!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Rick Shinjuku - Exactly right!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Thanks for equalizing it. Are we just suppose to use English here?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Don't do it Japan taking in these people will result in the same things happening in the West these people have no gratitude take a look at the "refugees" that have arrived from Africa and Middle Eastern countries into Western Countries in the last ten years - terrorism, rampant gun crime, drug wars, substantial representation in crime rates than most other nationalities, recruits into overseas terrorist organisations, demands that host countries change for them and not to mention the financial burden on the local taxpayer.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Before that, Japan should build up the counter measures against terrorism.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If NEED of more workers hasn't awakened this nation to open its doors to immigration, this culture of self-importance definitely won't open doors to the outside needy.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

If NEED of more workers hasn't awakened this nation to open its doors to immigration, this culture of self-importance definitely won't open doors to the outside needy.

Immigration is not the answer to "Need of more workers". Once its done its irreversible and should not be taken lightly. I'd like to hear the proposals of repatriating "refugees" to their own country once its safe to return.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Unless the family can speak Japanese and understands the culture, the Japanese government is doing them a favor. Japan is not an easy country to assimilate into, even if the governments accepts them it does not mean the community will, and could actually create additional hardship for the families.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Forget the idealistic "humanitarian" rhetoric. One cannot "survive" by idealism.

The "threat" is real, it is physical and it is growing. It is not economics or even world opinion, it is "survival".

Japan has as with any other nation have the right and responsibility to ensure its security. No world power or groups have the right to demand Japan to open its doors to possible threat. It is for their convenience and not of Japan.

Stand firm, Japan. Do not be like the USA.

Find the right time and timing for any assistance to refugees, especially when terrorism is the cause.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I find the anti-Arab racism among the presumably white commenters here quite surprising, considering how worked up they get when they are the object of racism from the Japanese. The same with the Japanese commenters, considering how they complain when they get treated badly in Europe or North America.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Unless you live where there is a significant Muslim population, you have no idea how they do not adapt to their surroundings. As others have noted above, they tend (in large percentages) to not assimilate, demand that local governments kowtow to their religious beliefs, and pretty much destroy the lives of those around them that are non-believers.





I think Japan has it right by not opening their doors.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Letting in more refugees could be a good thing for the ageing problem in Japan. However, in order for these people to learn the Japanese language, they need several years. For people older than 30 learning a new language is no easy task, and don't count on your English inside Japan, cuz some places you are nothing with English. So the question is, what will these people do after they immigrated? Except for the few that might relate to terrorism after realising that learning Japanese is impossible.

I'm sure after the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Japanese, who don't know anything but what the media tells them, are quite reluctant to allowing possibly dangerous people into their country. Also, if the goal of IS is world domination, aren't we helping them by alowing refugees in all countries in the world? Just makes you think.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan should agree to take one less refugee than Saudi Arabia. Oh, and they aren't taking any.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Recently in Sweden a refugee knifed to death a mother and son in IKEA , for nothing more than looking Swedish. Letting in refugees that cannot be assimilated nor have their backgrounds checked is tipping Europe into chaos. The Japanese need to only cast an eye on Europe and see the problems that occur.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Accepting refugees has already taken it's toll on my country and nearby countries. I don't want to see Japan suffer the same fate. Stand firm Japan!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Lol funny with the so-called "migrant crisis" to "isis" then shouldn't the yankees and the brits own up to the mistakes and their failed policies in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why should, the average Japanese pay for the yankee/brit governments arrogance by letting in the refugees for so-called political correctness when in reality the fault lies with yanks and the brits in the first place? Maybe yanks should quit with that regime change games "in the name of hypocracy and freedumb", like what they did in Latin America. Btw oh yeah yankee wasn't the only one and the first to have "9/11" (anyone remember 1973 Chilean coup d'état? the other 9/11?) to Contras to 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état to Bay of Pigs invasion (the other terrorists... more specifically the US funded one)..... to something more sinister, like selling chemical weapons to Saddam in Iran-Iraq war, then he later used it against the Kurdish people, now yanks use that as a pretext for war on "terror" to Saddam hiding "WMD" for invasion of Iraq 2003, to top it off the Iraq's missing $12Billion, that was supposed to go to the Iraqi people. Now funny going back to the tasteless topic of "migrant crisis" and "isis" terrible as it may be, but people should look at the fundamental cause and looking at it rationally.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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