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Japan 'should watch' China's naval reach: report


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While Noda Gorilla-chan,was the Beijing,negotiate a buy Chinese government bonds,chinese Communists plan the invasion to the Senkaku. What is happening with the Japanese people?

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Wow! This is a no brainer! Should Japan, South Korea, the USA etc..be on alert of the growing power of the Chinese navy, but this should not be taken just in a negative light, oh the Chinese are coming to attack us and take over the world, etc..their economy is still growing by leaps and bounds while the USA and Japan are stagnating or almost stuck in reverse, the whole world sooner or later will have to work together for PEACEFUL PURPOSES. Yes, those huge naval ships can also RESCUE many people, bring help etc..as the US navy tried to when the big mess up in Fukushima clobbered us here in Japan last year. China is next to Japan, in times of need do people care if the navy help is American? Japanese? Chinese? Heck, even Russian?

-1 ( +3 / -5 )

China is waiting for the U.S. Military to move out of Okinawa. Then BLAM! They will control the Asian seas.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

peanut666, Japan can defend itself from a Chinese invasion of Okinawa. Old Soviet trash is no match for our American type equipment.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

This assertiveness goes well beyond the seas around China, as evidenced by the number of arctic class icebreakers presently in use and planned. The Chinese have as many arctic class icebreakers as the U.S. and Canada combined, with plans for more. I expect that once experience has been gained in the building and operating of these type of ships that they will be used to escort commercial traffic through the Arctic ocean and thence to Europe. Whether the Russians Americans or Canadians like it or not.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

stop! or I'll say stop again

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Japan has nothing to do with Chinese advancement...what rights america has on East Asia, a security Job ?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

In history china never invade any other countries, they always being invaded. Why should china invade japan, can you all tell me? did japan invade other countries in history? can you all tell me? did japan invade china before? why was japan so scared? US should play a part in east asia stability and peace not just behind playing fire!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

The Chinese invasion is happening quietly for decades.If you doubt,just walk the night ikebukuro because they are scattered in every corner.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The silent invasion is worst of all because few realize,so I prefer the "official" invasion. Come on, we look forward to greets them.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

@Kokuchihai: Tibet, Vietnam or India may beg to differ with your "In history china never invade any other countries".

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

this articles is nonsense!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Kukuchai, have you ever heard of Tibet?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Watch, this they will. Do something? now that's a totally different question.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Well, that about all Tokyo can do; "watch".

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Kukuchai, have you ever heard of Tibet?

One country? So he was 99 percent correct then?

@Kokuchihai: Tibet, Vietnam or India may beg to differ with your "In history china never invade any other countries".

I will give you Tibet. But Vietnam and India were border wars and the Chinese withdrew of their own accord both times, despite having the upper hand. I do not congratulate China on the show of force, but, both withdrawals show a restraint not at all common in other belligerents and certainly not Japan.

We have been warned about China for decades now and its getting old.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Kukuchai- China has had ambitions to rule Japan for numerous centuries. Do a search on Kublai Khan in the 13th century. Ever wonder where the term "kamikaze" came from? Not WW2.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

You've been politely told.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

But Vietnam and India were border wars and the Chinese withdrew of their own accord both times, despite having the upper hand.

In Vietnam they got squarely kicked out, no question about it. In India they were winning during the governmental confusion. They moved out "of their own accord", once they realized the Indians reorganized and were ready to move in. There was NO good will in either case.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Kukuchai- China has had ambitions to rule Japan for numerous centuries

They may have before. What would China get out of Japan by Invading it today? Nothing. Why would they ruin a symbiotic relationship (China gets technology, Japan gets labor). It would be pure madness. I don't mean it would throw the area into chaos --it would, but there would be no benefit from it. So what'd be the point?

What China wants is what most powerful countries want -influence. They like having the upper hand (in negotiations/treaties, etc.) That's all. It's not as if Japan were sitting on vast deposits of unobtainium and research universities were turning out technological miraculum.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

China has had ambitions to rule Japan for numerous centuries. Do a search on Kublai Khan in the 13th century.

@ElJeffeEnJapon: Its already a stretch to go back 50 years. But 800 years?

In Vietnam they got squarely kicked out, no question about it.

@Zybster: I was wrong when I said they had the upper hand earlier. A bloody stalement was ensuing. But the Chinese did decide to withdraw. The were not "kicked out". They were going nowhere and called it a day.

They moved out "of their own accord", once they realized the Indians reorganized and were ready to move in.

We could argue the psychological tarot readings all day. I will pass.

There was NO good will in either case.

Who said there was? I said "restraint".

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

No way will China attack Japan. A good businessman does not kill his good customer.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The Chinese invasion is happening quietly for decades.If you doubt,just walk the night ikebukuro because they are scattered in every corner.

Surely the Chinese government is not to be trusted (like any administration which spends a huge amount on an unnecessary military build-up while it still has millions of peasants living in near-poverty), but that remark smacks of deluded racialism.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Chickedy China and the Chinese Chicken

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Dear fellow armchair strategists , I seriously doubt the US will involve boots on the ground in any Asian " conflicts " ( in this case Mainland China ), nuclear warheads is also out since China has quite a few of them too. China, most likely will not invade Japan since it'll be a Pyrrhic victory. Tibet ? poor Tibetans, they are on their own. So what can japan realistically do ? Nothing much, keeping " watching " is an option. Restart military buildups ?That could be good to jump start her economy ( esp. ship building playing catch up to S. Korea ). Frankly I can't see how Japan can pull herself out of this hole except sitting on the fence playing US and china off each other. Like it or not, japan appears to be on the way down while China is on her way up . While you can maintain China military hardwares are " self destructive " ( read craps ), I would not say the same about the PLA ( just ask any korean war veterans what happened to 2 ID after the Inchon landing on their push to Yalu River ) . AND time is on the side of China.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@redandblack - In response to your history on the border skirmish between China and Vietnam, it was more of China getting their A$$es handed to them as opposed to them having a kind heart and withdrawing on their own accord.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@toguro: I guess its your business if you choose to beleive the casualty account issued by one side over the other. Just don't go around demanding people accept the "official" claims of one side over the other as fact, m'kay?

I also never said the Chinese did anything out of kind heartedness. I said they showed restraint. In fact, the whole plan was to punish Vietnam all along, not make a colony. And that is exactly what they did. The words match the action, even if the details are a little messy. But I suppose if you just hate China, you are not going to give them a fair shake. I am no fan either. But I don't feel the need to withdraw credit where its due just to feel better about my stance.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Though they were already watching... ...just the rest of the world news/afp is catching up?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"No way will China attack Japan. A good businessman does not kill his good customer."

if only they would be good business men...again another reason for the ongoing poor relationships and yearly negative views of china.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

For islanders like Japanese people, the slightest move around Japan, propaganda supported by the conformist media, will be exaggerated as 'crisis'. Japan should watch the frequent visits of Russian planes touring around Japan ? Assertiveness ? Just ask who started it first ? The US aircraft carriers getting in and out of East Asian waters as a routine assertiveness ?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

China's ultimate goal is total military and economic dominance of Asia and beyond. Nothing Japan or anyone else is doing at this juncture can curtail that. The question that must be asked is, why not? There is only one option: This is the time for Japan's hands to be untied from its 6 decades long restriction from securing their own offensive military capabilities. Furthermore, Asia's four largest military countries are nuclear powers and there is no reason why the sovereign nation of Japan, who has not made declarations of destruction or military threats to anyone, not be the logical exception to develop their own nuclear weapons. This generation of Japanese leadership does not desire world domination. China will only respect and be neutralized by an equally strong or superior military force in its region or beyond. Remember U.S. President, Ronald Reagan's STARWARS contribution to Soviet Russia? Problem solved!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@redandblack - LOL... Point number 1.) Where in my post did I make any demands that people accept the official claims of one side over the other? Point number 2.) The "kind heartdness" remark was sarcasm. Point number 3.) I never claimed or insinuated that I hate China. A question I have for you is, who's "official" claims do you accept as fact, for you to "withdraw credit" from Vietnam just to feel better about your stance? FYI... I feel pretty good about my stance regardless of which country gets the "credit".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan should develop nuclear weapon which is the best defensive and deterrent weapon.

Japan should redevelop her military industry. US may not be a reliable ally.

Chinese never invaded anyone in her history? Well, Japanese was pretty inward looking until WW2. To assume Chinese as inherently peace-loving is as discriminating as saying they are war-mongering. We are all capable of the most beautiful and the most evil things.

IMO, China currently has many similarities with Japan before WW2. Let's hope I am wrong.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan should develop nuclear weapon which is the best defensive and deterrent weapon. Japan should redevelop her military industry.

Why waste billions of dollars (with the vast majority of that money spent on American advanced warfare technology and armaments) on something you'll never use?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Exactly... Japan should watch... as really, that's about all Japan can do in this case! The US will never let Japan re-arm just like they will never leave Japan. So, the Japanese can rest without worries and continue lving their modern Heain fantasy....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Anything new about China? They are now a super power and will bully anyone opposed to their will. Of course US will never let Japan re-arm. hehehehe. If Japan can re-arm, Japan don't need US Military bases in Japan. Japan can defend their country. They almost conquered asia. Beside, it's another expenses for Japanese government and taxpayers in helping US in maintaining their bases in Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

ww3 baby n it's coming this year, don't take things for granted lol i'm partying hard (>.<)m/

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just an imagined illustration of what may be happening....

Much of those in Japan are "blind" to the world.... lost in material abundance and personal "cuteness" (false pride)... (Just a personal observation.)

Those that have come to Japan to take advantage of the abundance and the lack of "resistance" on the part of the people have been too busy "enjoying" their own "plunder" of the Japanese people.... (Also an observation.)

There are nations all over the world that do not enjoy the abundance, and people "jealous" of such material wealth and personal freedom that are willing to "take" it with force... be it by terrorism.

There are nations for generations without the natural resources but with huge populations that need to be taken care of.

They cannot do it by force then they can do it over "time". Their only resource to do that are the people. Let the people populate the world then they can dominate the world and get the resources of the world. (That is... if those who spread out, stay unified with their nation of origin. There are religious groups that are doing that right now. Religion is used to "unite" populations that a central source may "control". There is one already in existence that is beyond most government control.)

Basically, economics and military power allow a group to "dominate" and "control". So it was with the USA. (Economically you need the natural resources and the people to be take advantage of them. USA had both in abundance.)

China learned that lesson many many times over, over the centuries. They have the population but not the natural resources to support them. Now they have the population and the economic power. (As they own much of the world's debts, including the USA). They can start becoming militarily strong without getting too much resistance from the rest of the world, since most of the world's needed daily products are being produced in China.

With the fall of Great Britain the USA helped to stabilize the world. Now with USA becoming "jealousy" target of the less fortunate Arab and the rest of the developing worlds (as indicated the the United Nations) with everyone asking for "handouts", including military security, China is in a position to make a move. China can give economic "assistance" and gain political power, using their "profits" from supplying the rest of the world with "cheep" goods. (They have already started to buy up the natural resources of the world. )

Once that is in place... all they need is the military might to "control".... the world.

You have to remember.... the world was not as peaceful only 60 years or so ago.... with nations trying to dominate the world....

It was only 200 years ago that USA (the land of the FREE) became free pf British dominance.

So Japan be forewarned...

China really does not have to make a major move... all they have to do is use N. Korea...

But for the rest of Asia... Naval power is needed....

The only escape routes for Asia are by SEA....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

YuriOtaniFeb. 11, 2012 - 09:34AM JST peanut666, Japan can defend itself from a Chinese invasion of Okinawa. Old Soviet trash is no match for our >American type equipment.

Japan cannot protect itself from China. There are over 1 Billion people in China. There are more soldiers in China than the entire population of Japan! China has ICBM. They are nuclear capable. China will eventually control S.E. Asia and all the seas surrounding Asia. They are currently constructing the aircraft carriers and just finished the first one recently. China now has nuclear capable submarines. In 15 years they will surpass America in the sheer number of troops, ships, subs, and weaponry. In 10 years they will surpass America in technological and biological innovation because they do not have the limitations of ethics and environmental laws we have here. In 5 years they will fiscally own the U.S. since they own much of our debt.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

To think that China isn't going to provoke war is ludicrous. If they are so peaceful, then why all of the military build up? Japan only has 127 million people. Maybe only 1/4 are young enough to be soldiers. China has over 1 BILLION people. Over 60% of them are young enough to be soldiers. So being fearful of Japan's military is a stupid excuse. What China wants is military power and might so they can dominate the region. Isn't it obvious?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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