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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013.Japan slashes greenhouse-gas reduction goal target
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how exactly is Japan going to accomplish this while all nuclear plants sit idle while oil plants burn around the clock?
ares7. By implementing a very serious and far reaching energy saving campaign. Put people on the streets forcing shops and companies to turn off their outdoor lights during the day. Encourage people to use public transport. Enforce a no idling policy for people who are reading a magazine inside 7-11. The average heated toilet seat uses about 40W. Times that by about 50 million toilets. That is a lot of energy. Encourage people and companies to use their brains.
You notice you don't hear the "Kyoto protocol" thrown about much these days. Has to be pretty embarrassing when the nation it was signed in reneges on the deal. Blame it on natural phenomena all the government wants, they have other options than to go back on the deal they bragged about so much in the past.
It's even more ironic if you read the latest IPCC report. If you look at the fine print (the scientific part with the long words) it appears that Co2 might not be as big a factor in climate change than was previously thought. But never let facts get in the way of science, especially when billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grant money is at stake.
This decision will come back to haunt people in Japan living near the coast (most people) and in flood and landslide zones.
The problem goes back to the sly way the LDP government thought to appeal to the international community and promote the nuclear industry at the same time when the Kyoto agreement was made. Instead of looking for real and sustainable energy alternatives, Japan just thought it could keep building nuclear plants without any plan for nuclear waste disposal and complete disregard for all the seismic activity.
It was an utter lack of leadership and vision for the future and the same posterity hating bunch are now back in power and still talking nuclear.
All nuke plants on east coast tsunami prone areas should be dismantled. All nuke plants on or near fault lines should be dismantled. Convert a few nuke plants to thorium and Japan's electricity needs will be met and so will greenhouse gas targets and so will the most important targets of all: human health and safety.
Why bother? The population of Japan is set to fall by a full 1/3 by the middle of the century. This means 1/3 less homes, 1/3 less businesses, 1/3 less vehicles, and 1/3 less pollution.
The government estimates on CO2 production are made taking into account supposed economic growth of at least 2% per year. This is hopelessly optimistic. Japan will eventually exceed it's CO2 reduction goals, it's inevitable.
Jeremy Rigby
A very sad day.....Perhaps it will take more than their past mistakes to learn.
Jeremy: "A very sad day.....Perhaps it will take more than their past mistakes to learn."
They'll never learn. We are talking about a government who has decided to renege on their own protocol because the NPPs are shut down while at the VERY SAME TIME pushing through orders to restart the NPPs. I doubt anyone thinks they'll suddenly go back to the former greenhouse gas reduction goal once they restart the MONJU and other reactors that have failed continuously. And when the next quake hits or when TEPCO drops fuel rods and irradiates Tokyo it'll be, "Who could have predicted this! It is unprecedented! We need to slash carbon dioxide reduction goals to support people in the north!," etc.
Success requires planning and taking action. Failure takes doing nothing and listening to corporations
They should publish more the rank of how much energy/emission there is per person per country. Might make interesting reading if complaining about Japan. So attention can be in the right places.
For half a million barrels of oil, Japan will gladly rename the Kyoto Protocol to a city of your choosing.
There is no need for Japan, or other any country, to reduce carbon emissions. The entire "global warming" religion is a fraud. CO2 is the lifeblood of the planet, not an evil pollutant. I am glad Japan is using fossil fuel power stations. Its good for the planet. In Warsaw, the annual Climate Change Alarmist Jamboree is underway, spouting their usual scaremongeting lies, and trying to "save the planet" through cutting caron emissions. The facts are that the ice caps have more ice than ever before at prsent, and we have been in a period of global cooling since 1997, despite rising levels of CO2. More and more people globally are on to this scam. In Warsaw, 50,000 people protested about the Climate conference, yet this eas not reported in the mass media? Why? Because so many people around the world are making money out of this scam. As Tony Abbott of Australia said the other day. "Enough of this Socialism masquesrading as Environmentalism." Its really not about Science, but Marxist Politics and the redistribution of wealth.
@ Realist
I don't even try to argue about climate any more, because life is too short. But just curious... You said that ice caps are cooling. Where did you get that "information"? I want to laugh. Humor me.
Open Minded
realist: you are pathetic, apart from a few US "scientists" paid by the oil lobbies, all others recognize the warming issue. At different level of severity, but this is a now FACT!
Warming effect conspiracy is now a myth! The same as safe nuclear energy!
You asked for a nuclear free Japan, this was always going to be the consequence. And possibly the reason that the leading climate scientists spoke out about the need for nuclear power to be the driver for the world's energy needs.
To suggest that global warming is not an issue is ludicrous.
Well, what do you expect? If you replace nuclear energy by burning more fuels, OF COURSE you produce more CO2. That is just basic laws of science. These environmental clowns who want to have it both ways should read up on fundamental facts.
Japan just being realistic about their prospects since Fukushima.
Better to be honest, than to lie happily and later be proved a liar like some other countries. In the long run, Japan may easily improve on the new figure and come up smelling roses.
Or be like the US which never signed up to the protocol in the first place.
realistNov. 15, 2013 - 10:26PM JST
We have a name for you, realist. You are an environmental terrorist..
I live in one of the most beautiful places everyone wants to come and live. It is wonderful to know everyone here are always focusing on a quality of life with fresh air and clean water. I live in Switzerland of US. I made a conscious choice to live here. It was not an accident. I bet you are stuck in the most polluted place to write this moron article. You are breathing the dirtiest air and you are the last one to know the difference.
Realist wrote 'CO2 is the lifeblood of the planet, not an evil pollutant.' Isn't CO2 the 'food' of botanic plant? People inhale air and exhale CO2. Plant inhale CO@ and grow. BTW, I live in a city south of Las Vegas Strip, Henderson, In Forbes magazines and a variety of respectable organization every year place our city as the safest city, best retirement community, top quality living city etc in the world every year but description of Swiss of US does not fit, unlike former cowboy town where shooting people from front is honorable but not from back bang bang town that has clean air and stream water shooters and cowboys drank. OK, back to climate change, our area emit co2 more than other places because of tourists. We have lake Mead. Why we don;t have Tornado and Hurricane with our CO2 emission. More CO2 climate change than other places in USA. We don;t even have snow or rain (sprinkling 1 hour is rain here)/ We should have tornado and hurricane every year. Maybe Climate worrier must be thinking resolution to CO2 problems in Vegas is gambling? Almost all year around we have to use air conditioners.
toshikoNov. 18, 2013 - 05:10AM JST
?? Oh dear, please, do not down grade my place with Henderson with no nothing. I was there, and it is a dirty city. We are distributing your drinking water to you.