Japan Today

Japan society on transgender issues to drop 'disorder' from name


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ThubanToday 07:13 am JST

Children should to be taught to love their bodies as they are.

They should be taught to love their brains as they are and not try to fit in unless they want to.

0 ( +18 / -18 )

It's about time this gender insanity was put to rest. Happiness comes from facing reality, not from chemical castration and mutilating the body.

14 ( +31 / -17 )

Yeah almost everyone on here, as usual, has no understanding of the issue and this lack of empathy is just depressing in this day and age.

-10 ( +15 / -25 )

Japan society on transgender issues to drop 'disorder' from name

sounds totally reasonable to me. why the fuss?

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

If my kid wants to be transgender, that's between me and my kid. If it would be a mistake, that's our mistake. Everyone else can screw off. It's weird how many people think they have a right to other people's bodies and families. Very right-wing extremist, to want to know what's going on with peoples' genitals.

-14 ( +13 / -27 )

It may sound harsh, but I couldn't give a flying feck.

Compared to the actual tiny population of people who are transgender, the amount of attention this gets is ridiculous.

Sounds exactly like you do give a flying feck.

It’s nobody’s business what someone does with their life.

1 ( +13 / -12 )

 Happiness comes from facing reality,

Whose definition of "reality"? Certainly not yours I hope!

Each persons reality, as you certainly don't seem to understand, is different, and each person has their own right to do with as they choose with their bodies.

No one has a right to tell anyone otherwise!

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

Utter insanity.

3 ( +17 / -14 )

Talk about a disorder.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

Compared to the actual tiny population of people who are transgender, the amount of attention this gets is ridiculous.


It's almost like someone wants us to be concerned about this topic so we ignore much more important things.

5 ( +18 / -13 )

It’s nobody’s business what someone does with their life.

Totally agreed! You can have a penis, wear a dress, call yourself Shirley and anything else as long as it does not negatively effect other people. That includes forcing them to accept your version of what a woman is, when you are clearly wrong. Hint, the penis.

4 ( +22 / -18 )

When a man is ill, his judgment is little worth.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

That includes forcing them to accept your version of what a woman is, when you are clearly wrong.

The issue is that misgendering people does demonstrable psychological harm. It's emotional abuse. No one is "forcing" you to accept the complex realities of the gender spectrum, but don't be surprised when people think you're a jerk.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

2 years ago, it seemed like transgender identity was the most pressing issue on the planet, pushed hard by a militant and extreme minority in the West, so this; 'expressed hope that the name change would help increase public awareness of transgender people', certainly isn't an issue there. The pronoun thing remains one of the biggest loads of social nonsense and hysteria I have ever witnessed.

But Japan and other countries in Asia do things at their own pace, according to their own values and social perspectives, and I respect this about them - I admire the fact that they don't bend to the extreme agitation and hype of the social media generation from the West, and chart their own course according to their own cultural norms.

See, the 'D' in DEIJ is about respecting a diversity of views and perspectives on all issues, and you can't be liberal and tolerant if you don't allow others to think differently to you. So if Japan, and other Asian countries need to work through these kinds of definitions at their own pace, I have no issue with it whatsoever.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Same-sex gay and lesbian people are just subtypes of transgenderism, according to GLAAD, a pro-transgender group that formerly pushed for civic acceptance of homosexuality.

The push to convert homosexuality into transgenderism threatens the political and civic status of the gay and lesbian communities — and also widens the growing splits within the overall population of sexual minorities that mostly vote for the Democratic Party.

The subordination of gays and lesbians to the very different — but far more aggressive — transgender movement is urged in the “11th Edition” of language instructions for journalists promoted by the Hollywood-backed and funded GLAAD advocacy group.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

I see there are some “parental rights” people posting.

Do parents have a right to physically abuse - beat - their children? When a child’s right to security is at stake, is it wrong for legitimate authorities to intervene?

How many here think permanent changes to a minor’s body*, produced either by hormone blockers or surgery, are not harmful?

(BTW, these changes ARE permanent and NOT reversible as proponents falsely claim.)

Adults may abuse themselves as they wish.
8 ( +17 / -9 )

The issue is that misgendering people does demonstrable psychological harm. It's emotional abuse. No one is "forcing" you to accept the complex realities of the gender spectrum, but don't be surprised when people think you're a jerk.

The only "forcing" happening here is people insisting that "gender" should mean something other than "sex". When we mention a "woman", we are referring to who a person is, specifically, what their sexual organs are. It's not an obsession as Gaijinland so unimaginatively suggests, but a method of categorizing people to facilitate social interactions. If someone becomes emotionally disturbed upon hearing this truth, it indicates some form of disorder... which brings us back to why this news on the Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder is so odd.

4 ( +14 / -10 )

 Very right-wing extremist, to want to know what's going on with peoples' genitals.

Tell that to female athletes, women who want to change in locker rooms or use restrooms. Funny you never hear about trans men trying to join men's sports. So please stop with the "It's just people living their own private lives". And yes it's a disorder if it can be destroyed by aa few Yes/No questions.

11 ( +18 / -7 )

’mental disorder’ seemed to be the correct term from everything I’ve read.

8 ( +18 / -10 )

The only "forcing" happening here is people insisting that "gender" should mean something other than "sex". When we mention a "woman", we are referring to who a person is, specifically, what their sexual organs are.

Maybe you are, but that's not the consensus of the scientific or medical community, nor of most people with actual intelligence.

 Funny you never hear about trans men trying to join men's sports.

I don't think this is making the point you're trying to make...

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Same-sex gay and lesbian people are just subtypes of transgenderism, according to GLAAD, a pro-transgender group that formerly pushed for civic acceptance of homosexuality.

Absolute nonsense.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

It is a mental disorder.

3 ( +17 / -14 )

AnonymousToday 09:00 am JST

How many here think permanent changes to a minor’s body*, produced either by hormone blockers or surgery, are not harmful?

The hormone blockers are for the most part not permanent. They are what allow transwomen to fool you 100% of the time, though. Transmen already fool you 100% of the time.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Glad to see most of the posters here have common sense and are concerned about children, women and same sex attracted people.

Let's keep protecting them and keep stating the obvious facts:

Gay and lesbians are same sex attracted. They should not converted into loving/being attracted to a "same-gender" person.

Children should be protected against chemical castration and puberty blockers.

Women are entitled to same-sex spaces, not "same-gender" spaces and these categories have been designed for safety, privacy and dignity.
8 ( +15 / -7 )

The hormone blockers are for the most part not permanent. They are what allow transwomen to fool you 100% of the time, though. Transmen already fool you 100% of the time.

In your dreams.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

The tone, the threats to teachers, innocent misgendering, the activism, the danger to women's apports, save spaces. J. K. Rowling has been ostracized, threats to her life, demonstrations outside her home/residence

However, trans bigotry must be confronted challenged, .

1 ( +8 / -7 )

The hormone blockers are for the most part not permanent. 

“… for the most part …”?

Which part? How often? To what degree?

This is part of the big lie that has been promulgated and, because it’s “Science” (which it isn’t, of course), it cannot be questioned (which is the antithesis of the scientific method).

6 ( +12 / -6 )

based on the latest understanding of people with gender identities differing from those assigned at birth.

Nothing is ‘assigned’ at birth. Biological sex is recorded at birth.

Gender? Nowadays that’s developed to mean the ‘type of personality’ a person chooses to assume and present.

As such, it’s currently regarded as ‘fluid’ and ‘on a spectrum’.

In which case, it doesn’t matter what ‘gender’ I was at birth or last week or yesterday, as I can simply choose a different one for myself today and tomorrow.

(I’ll never be a woman, though, however much I pretend.)


5 ( +12 / -7 )

Biological sex is recorded at birth.

It's the same meaning, essentially. But even sex is on a spectrum. We are all biologically female in the womb. Intersex babies are born every day. They're more common than redheads.

Nowadays that’s developed to mean the ‘type of personality’ a person chooses to assume and present.

This is not true.

I can simply choose a different one for myself today and tomorrow.

That's not how it works.

So much willful ignorance here, but I can't say I'm surprised. There are no real compelling arguments for the discrimination against trans people that don't boil down to, essentially, "well, I think it's weird and gross. It makes me uncomfortable, and my feeling of comfort is more important than the mental wellbeing of other people". No one is performing gender corrective surgery on children. Trans women aren't hanging dong in locker rooms. All ridiculous straw men fed to you by a media more concerned with generating clicks through outrage than than actual truth or compassion.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

One of my most treasured pastimes is my traditional hot spring, Onsen's experience , the warm, mineral-rich waters bathe together my cousins, niece's.

The thought, any possibility that biological men, enabled through laws that deem force acceptance that there presence has to be tolerated is just frightening to me, to awful to contemplate.

My friends say never going to happen, well we have all heard that before

5 ( +10 / -5 )

The general hostility toward this issue - and refusal to accept it, or to even try to understand it - is saddening. But it just doesn't resonate much with those who have not experienced it in a close relative or family member. That is why it takes so long to make progress.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

“Biological sex is recorded at birth.”

nabelito: It's the same meaning, essentially. But even sex is on a spectrum. We are all biologically female in the womb. Intersex babies are born every day. They're more common than redheads.

“Nowadays that’s developed to mean the ‘type of personality’ a person chooses to assume and present.”

This is not true.

“I can simply choose a different one for myself today and tomorrow.”

That's not how it works.

So much willful ignorance here…

You said it!


1 ( +5 / -4 )

AnonymousToday 10:21 am JST

The hormone blockers are for the most part not permanent. 

“… for the most part …”?

Which part? How often? To what degree?

This is part of the big lie that has been promulgated and, because it’s “Science” (which it isn’t, of course), it cannot be questioned (which is the antithesis of the scientific method).


It says they are "known to be safe and physically reversible treatment if stopped in the short term".

Nothing is perfect, but preventing certain people from terrorizing you for life for not being able to fool them is quite important.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

They're following America's lead, if you want to call that leadership.

In the US, only 8% of the population -the voting population at that- considers themselves staunch liberals/progressives. But they've got the other 92% scared as hell to say a peep in opposition, less the progressives try to get them shunned or fired from their jobs and other tactics they regularly use. Their greatest accomplishment is convincing everyone that there are far more of them than there really are.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

You know what hurts the most, the trans, crossdressing men I count on as dear friends are the most caring people I know and have ever had the pleasure to meet.

They are walking fashion icons, with the personalities to match.

So to air what many will consider to be my prejudice, intolerance, discriminatory views is difficult to accept.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

It IS a disorder, of which we will probably never know the true cause, but that doesn't mean there should be any kind of blame or shame thrust upon that person. There is a huge number of disorders out there. I also believe people in that mental state differ from people who just decide on a whim one day that they want to be something else. That is a different kind of disorder but a disorder nonetheless.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Not a very controversial one, this. An organization campaigning for trans people should not have a name that upsets trans people.

The amount of influence such organization has or should or should not have is another issue altogether.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

We also need to stop grouping the Ts with the LGB. Completely different stuff.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

I absolutely love how science has come to understand this stuff more and more over time, has shifted the narrative accordingly, and people somehow still can't get behind it. I mean, we used to think that writing with your left hand was demonic. Some countries don't even allow gay marriage yet, but we understand that there is nothing wrong with it. Suddenly this logic doesn't apply to transgender people? Totally weird, try actually interacting with a trans person and you'll quickly realize that your biases are blinding you to the issue.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )


@ nabelito

You need help. You seriously need help.

Japan society on transgender issues to drop 'disorder' from name

This is insane. Thery are trying to suppress the reality in order not to hurt the feelings of a minority who have clearly mental disorders and are unquestionably sick. They need to be treated instead of trying to impose on us, the sane people, and on the whole society their insanity.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Totally weird, try actually interacting with a trans person and you'll quickly realize that your biases are blinding you to the issue.

This is NOT the solution. We are not going to "hang out" with a trans person just to prove a point. That is disingenuous to say the least.

Equivalent: I'm going to hang out with a black person to show the world I'm not racist. Or I'll do that and realize that they are not criminals.

What the LGBTQ community wants is more attention. If a transperson wants to take a shower with the women, but they are physically male, this shouldn't happen. I'm fair though. They don't want to be in the men's shower, so don't go in there either.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

> The Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder, a body promoting transgender studies, has decided to drop "disorder" from its name based on the latest understanding of people with gender identities differing from those assigned at birth.

Sex is not assigned.

Speaking of gender , how is it determined and assigned at birth?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Japan is slowly going to lose everything it holds dear if it continues making decisions like this. Transgenderism and gender ideology are by definition disorders. 20 years ago we had tomboys and feminine boys who largely for the most part end up with straight healthy relationships. A few were gay, no problems there. But now we are dealing with and pushing (in the west) irrevecable damages on these kids bodies. I have my theories on why that is but the problem lies with the medical and pharmaceutical industries which are profit driven. Transgenderism is repackaging mental illness as a product thats being sold. All affected will then have to rely on medical care for the rest of their lives while forfeiting the ability to reproduce. Defending it is madness.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

However, trans bigotry must be confronted challenged, .

There you go.... Just to have the belief that "trans" women are not women makes you a bigot.

Who are the real bigots? Those forcing the nonsense idea that a man with male chromosomes and genitalia is a woman because he wants to be one.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

If my kid wants to be transgender, that's between me and my kid. If it would be a mistake, that's our mistake. Everyone else can screw off. It's weird how many people think they have a right to other people's bodies and families. Very right-wing extremist, to want to know what's going on with peoples' genitals.

sorry man but the dangerous of allowing it society outweigh the no benefits, you mention right wing extremism but what about the parents whose children are taken away and being put into the system under state control became the parents won't "affirm their gender" ?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@ itsonlyrocknroll

Perhaps, it is time you start looking inside yourself as to why you are so scared to share a bath with someone which was deemed man at some point in their life is so much of an issue for you.

What about non-penis XY holder ? what about gay men (with or without penis) ? what about lesbian ? what about biological woman having to take hormone to be allowed to compete in women category ? what about woman which were reclassified without any surgery or so as they were deemed to be have been misclassified at birth ...

The list is long.

Mr Kipling's among other is a perfect example or hypocrisy : they should not be forced to accept Shirley interpretation of what a woman is but Shirley (along with the whole world) should accept their version of what a woman is (and the one not fitting it being hammered down until she does, see female athlete forced to take hormone instead of a simple rethink of the category like for boxing &co).

I have no idea what make a woman or what make a man, so I do not care. Everyone should feel safe but that go with increasing safety not throwing the blame over a whole group, like the misandrist usual rant about trans : men are sexual predator so they will just claim being trans to sexually predate on women if not for that they will never ever predate on women, yeah sure.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

if your very existence requires you to have an extensive complex surgery by trained surgeons then I don't understand how we could not consider that a disorder, ADHD is a disorder, just something that you take a few pills for, by saying that it's not a disorder they are saying this is perfectly natural

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Sex is not assigned.

Which is why it is not what is says in your quote.

Speaking of gender , how is it determined and assigned at birth?

Do you believe at birth all people are treated as genderless babies? if not you can easily answer your own question.

Japan is slowly going to lose everything it holds dear if it continues making decisions like this.

Lose everything because it adequate itself to the best possible standards of human health according to the scientific consensus? not likely at all.

 But now we are dealing with and pushing (in the west) irrevecable damages on these kids bodies

But thanks to improvements like the one in this article this damage is less and less accepted. Again, this is based on the best available scientific knowledge, and it is not refuted just because "before it was different".

There you go.... Just to have the belief that "trans" women are not women makes you a bigot.

You mean denying something that can objectively be proved just because you don't want to accept it? that would be a valid way to define bigotry. Do you know an easy way to find out who is wrong? just check what the scientific authorities (worldwide) have to say about a topic, if the person says you have to ignore the experts and listen to him then this person is wrong.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Next you're gonna say again what you say is supported by all the institutions of science and medicine.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

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