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© KYODOJapan starts COVID vaccination for children aged 6 months to 4 years
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Concerned Citizen
Not necessary in almost all children.
Just so sad... Can't believe any parent would subject a healthy child to these "vaccinations"! They are not even designed for the current variants!
You should submit your expert opinion to the health ministry so they may be guided accordingly
The risk versus benefit is statistically in favour of not doing this.
The children don't get to give their informed consent to be part of this clinical trial.
EUO vaccines are only for supposed to be for emergencies.
I see no evidence of an emergency for children at this time.
Bigpharma again, children do not need that and we all know that.
Why don't you show us the risk benefit stats you're saying?
Hermitage Nads
My 3 and 1 year old kids already had covid. No different to a normal cold for them. They won't be getting vaxxed.
If it's all about money then they would sell the best products they can produce instead of the poison the antivaxers are imagining.
If they sell poison theyll definitely be shutdown and jailed.
But antivaxers seem to think they can get away with that sort of thing
Funny how many lawsuits have there been against Pfizer again??!! Definitely not corporate angels ..
Antivaxers seem to think that pharma companies are all powerful entities with unlimited resources tht can control the hearts and minds of doctors and governments.
But they can't make a working vaccine even with the unimaginable man-hours and resources poured into it
Which do you think don't work, the vaccines or the brains of these antivaxers?
Just say no.
Whatever happened to the good old "flu"? Everything is automatically COVID now.
Completely false, vaccines prevent complications and even deaths on children, protection without the higher risks is much better than with them.
According to whom? you? the experts say something completely different, pediatricians are a very important group that push for covid vaccination on children, do you have evidence to demonstrate they are all wrong?
False translation, try hundreds of thousands with symptoms, hundreds that got gravelly ill and dozens deaths
that is not an argument, even first generation vaccines reduce the risk compared with unvaccinated children, why insist on full risks for them just so you can avoid thinking you are wrong?
Mostly the point is that your beleifs can be demonstrated as wrong, all of them, covid has much more long term risks than any vaccine.
No, it is not, in fact it is the opposite, which is why the experts and professionals recommend vaccination of children.
Again the experts do, refusing to recognize the evidence is not an argument to say there is none, it just helps identifying personal bias.
Antivaxers are doing the phar a companies a favor by keeping on harping about vaccines not working.
They would be so happy for you to keep the spotlight on that for all eternity.
You should focus on the pharma's actual shady actions if any.
Show your data, because the pediatricians know the opposite of you.
No data except of course of the plenty of data that shows children are still exposed to unnecesssary risks from the infection that are lowered by the vaccines.
So you think a "social media army" makes national and international health organizations recommend the vaccines? how does that work? is the whole scientific and medical communities of the world in some sort of conspiracy?
Which is your decision to make, same as parents that refuse to use antibiotics or to let their children have necessary surgeries, it is all based on a mistaken perception of the risks.
How many lawsuits do you think can change the results of the studies that show vaccines are very beneficial even for children? your argument makes no sense. If you can't deny the evidence then it does not work.
finally rich
Honestly I would think about vaccinating my son (as we've been doing since he was born, some days 4 shots at once) if these people wouldnt come up with these boosters every year. I got my 4th shot ticket last month but I'm enough with this bs for now.
You may have not noticed, but people are using measures to prevent respiratory infections, that have a huge effect on diseases that are less transmissible than covid, which explain why there are not many cases now, it is not a mystery it was predicted from the beginning of the pandemic. And no, without a positive test of infection it does not automatically becomes covid.
Whatever happened to the good old "flu"? Everything is automatically COVID now.
Alive and well - I have my Covid Booster and Flu shot booked a week apart.
I got my 4th shot ticket last month but I'm enough with this bs for now.
Like millions of other people in this world.
People finally see and understand the reality that this vaccine is not the silver bullet.
People are doing their own judgement now, which is much better, than listening blindly to the so called experts and self nominated experts who completely ignore the reality and just stuck their noses into Data which are already proven as completely wrong by the reality.
And who the hell is so stupid and gives a 6 months old baby 3 shots of this vaccine within the next 11 months?
When you say "finally" you mean from even before the vaccines were even developed, right? the only ones that repeated the idea that vaccines were a single point solution to all the problems and that they were supposed to work forever and against all and every variant possible were antivaxxer groups. From the very beginning the experts have said vaccines are a part (an important one) of the effort, and that their most important value comes from reducing the risk for the patients.
Caring for children and reducing their risk of serious consequences is not stupid, neither are the doctors that recommend vaccination. Stupid would be to reach wrong conclusions because of false assumptions not based on reality.
I know people who didn't get side effects from the vaccine and I know people who did (myself being one and I refuse to get vaccinated again). I know people who are fully vaxxed but suffered big-time after getting the actual COVID. I also know people who aren't vaxxed and only got mild symptoms from COVID.
I, personally, don't think kids (definitely not babies!) need to get the vaccine. As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone needs to get the vaccine. As long as these shots aren't mandated, it should continue to be a personal choice.
For all the vaccine study and data addicts, this is a part of an article about the 4th dose, published in July this year on CBC health.
It is not directly related to Kids vaccine, but to everyone who is considering to take the 4th shot.
Read it and then make your own decision:
*— *a fourth dose gives only marginal benefit against severe COVID-19 for most, including short-lived protection against infection, even in vulnerable groups.
*"That fourth dose does add a small, modest decrease to your risk of developing severe illness," **said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan.*
*"But I think that also it's limited what we can expect from it — *I don't think certainly that we can expect it to stop this wave."
*A recent study from Israel published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) found that while protection against infection and severe COVID-19 increased after a fourth dose in those over 60, the effectiveness of the vaccine against infection began to wane after just several weeks.*
*A second study from Israel published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that while people aged 60 and over gained additional protection against hospitalization and death in the three weeks after a fourth shot *— protection against infection "quickly decreased."
Vaccines have proven to work against COVID and, as it can happen with a vaccines developed so fast and with a new disease from which we do not know yet as much as we want, some secondary effects and other body reactions are being found.
For example:
some articles about how COVID speeds the aging of some organs
how it has affected women periods
how it's being studied right now a relation with COVID, vaccines and increase of Herpes disease.I will vaccinate my kid, but as she is still 3 years old and in the safest range, I would prefer to wait for more research, so vaccinations can be even better thanks to new knowledge adquired through investigation and experience.
You mean the data supplied by the company that has been sued for falsifying data.....oh dear.. not much credibility now is there...
Absolute insanity!
Raw Beer
Yes, that is what the data is increasingly showing for the young, especially in this age range.
Yeah, they temporarily decrease the risk of severe symptoms and death from Covid. But in terms of all cause mortality, they increase the risk. And since this age group is barely affected by Covid...
Algernon LaCroix
My boy is never getting this stuff, under any circumstances.
See? you have been the one that repeatedly have said that vaccines and boosters are recommended no matter what for everybody, your own link contradicts this by showing how a third booster is enough for the majority of the population, which means that a recommendation for a fourth is going to change and will be limited to those with special vulnerabilities or that have had their 3rd booster long in the past so the gained protection is again significative.
Also, protection against infection is not the main purpose of vaccines (not only including those against covid but in general) protection against the disease is the main point, reducing transmission and infection is just a very nice bonus from covid vaccines.
No, because vaccines reduce the risk of the vaccinated, including children, so they are much less likely to develop important complications or even dying, the same reason why all other vaccines are used.
The important point is that waiting is not a choice free of costs, what happens if you wait for a year, your kid gets infected once and new research shows that children that got the infection without the protection of the vaccine have an important increase of something serious? This is not something new or even infrequent with viral infections. Waiting means giving a lot of importance to unidentified risks from the vaccine that have no indication of happening, while at the same time disregarding important risks from the infection that have even already been identified.
What lawsuits have been done for any covid vaccines? you understand these are the most closely observed clinical trials that have ever been done, and with results that have been corroborated by data from vaccinated population for which no company has any kind of control, right?
Again, the conspiracy that you need for your argument to have value would necessarily include every government, hospital, research institute of the world that have provided results that support the value of vaccines, that is not believable.
In fact is the opposite, risks associated with the infection are increasing, while the benefits from vaccination for children are being proved, this means that vaccination of children is much better justified the more time it passes.
No, they don't, that is just disinformation being repeated by antivaxxer groups by misrepresenting studies even against the explicit opinion of the authors of those studies that clearly say this is not the case. There is no vaccine that increase the risk for any population for which is being recommended.
This is not a feasible scenario as research has already been done on this subject.
third booster is enough for the majority of the population
Since the discussion about a 4th shot came up, You and all your expert friends do Nonstop pushing the people to take the 4th shot by telling us how effective it is.
And me, and many other people here are telling you Nonstop that you are wrong.
And this article clearly proves that you and your expert friends are wrong.
This article debunked everything that you and your experts are telling us about the effectiveness of the 4th shot, but you and your experts are still pushing people to take this 4th shot.
This article clearly proves that the 4th shot is absolutely unnecessary and meaningless to take.
a fourth dose gives only marginal benefit against severe COVID-19 for most
That fourth dose does add a small, modest decrease to your risk of developing severe illness,"
*I don't think certainly that we can expect it to stop this wave."
*the effectiveness of the vaccine against infection began to wane after just several weeks**.**
— protection against infection "quickly decreased."
Steven Mccarthy
This is great news for the vast majority of responsible and caring parents .!. A parents primary job is to protect their children.!. This is another necessary, safe and effective tool for parents to do all they can to protect their children.!. Kudos to the scientists who have developed another life saving , serious Illness preventing vaccine.!.