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© 2013 AFPJapan stations missiles on Pacific gateway island
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© 2013 AFP
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Does China also stop by and make conversation with those cardboard cutouts of construction workers waving a swinging arm at traffic?
Why aren't the Okinawans protesting in the streets about this?
Hope they aren't surprised and don't protest when China holds drills this afternoon.
Why should anyone protest if China holds a drill within OWN waters like this Japan is doing in this article? Which begs the question why should China even be concerned about this one?
Japan want to start war. never learned thier past idiot mistakes! If they start, UN will will take action against them. Abe, you just an idiot!
Don't quite understand the reason for installing dummies and publicly saying so. There are 3 better options. 1. Install real ones and say so, 2. Install dummies and say they are real or 3. Don't do a thing.
Ouch! Nicely done!!!
Unarmed missiles? What does that do for anyone?
Well, THIS is a new one for Japa....wait, I just saw that their missiles are just dummies. How well did the placement of fake owls help the crow problem in Tokyo when tried a few years back? Think the dummy missile thing will work as well or worse.........?
This military posturing on both sides is getting to be a concern. They need to find a common solution or intransigence from both sides may lead to a more serious situation.
Simple. If China wants a safe passage along the island chain, ask Japan nicely.
That's the point that I just made thank you. People like you say it is 100 percent the fault of the Chinese and we are doing nothing wrong. The Chinese on the other hand says it is 100 percent the fault of Japan and we did nothing wrong. Keep up your intransigent attitude and see where it gets you. You can at least listen to the other side, which you are unwilling to do and which is why you may end up in a conflict with a country that is becoming (or may have already become) a superpower. Will you keep your pride to the end when China is bombing your cities and killing your children? I come from a place in the world where people have been intransigent to the end and unwilling to listen to the other side and it always ends in bitterness, tears and violence. Good luck to you, I don't envy your future with such a narrow minded and tunnel vision attitude to the word.
Strong deterrence's capability is one of the best signal against the bullies to think twice before taking any nonsense act.
Put these things on the Senkakus already, and arm them!
Jeff Ogrisseg
Inert weaponry would be normal for a "first time" self-defense exercise like this. It's a rehearsal of the safe transport and deployment of personnel and equipment. Logistics.
Fox Cloud Lelean
Some commentors here failed to notice that this was a self defense EXERCISE. If it was the real deal, then of course live missiles would have been used instead of unarmed ones. This is good training for Japan. China is predictably antsy about this, as it shows yet again that Japan isn't going to roll over just because China says so. Japan is the chess club otaku standing up to the bully, and the mention of China being nervous, if true, shows that the big bully really is nothing more than a coward, relying on size to intimidate smaller countries. I hope the rest of Japan's exercises go smoothly, and that China takes the hint (we can all dream right?).
It sounds like the Chinese are trying to meddle in Japanese internal affairs (again). Why don't they take a leaf out of their own book and mind their own business?
Those missiles can barely reach senkakus. Maybe there are some others that are being built with a little more range
Those 'Land to ship' missile batteries Japan has deployed were no chance to survive in case of a real war. You think the Chinese fleet coming along without backout of their airforce? China has sent cruise missile armed 'Tupolev16 bombers' flying round trips for three days between the 'Okinawa-Miyako' strait at the end last month. That means China is ready to play up the conflict to be a 'stragetic' one instead of what Japan see is a 'tactical' one. That means China could launching cruise missiles from her air space or her air-superiority controlled airspace at any targets in the western pacific, maybe Japan's southern homeland was within her firing range. Mr Abe is tracing teh tension in a 'military solving' manner which is exactly China wants to escalate the situation and Mr Abe is tracing their pattern to heighten the tension which is definately unwise for japan!
Since 1945 up to 2013, during this period every Japanese government has did many good job and always try to keep the peace as well as upgrade good diplomacy, do exchange the trade, technology, education and etc. with global countries particularly with neighboring countries. Beside that Japanese government has never to develop their military sector or not develop any project activities is involved to weapon or arms! The feed back from those input, Japanese ppl should deserve the peace, trustworthiness and sustainable growth especially from neighboring... Unfortunately, a short time ago Japanese people always was threatened from neighboring. I believe , Abe government has good started and moved to the right direction to improve and upgrade their military and self defense!
Unarmed missiles? point wa?
@Monoidesu :"Japanese ppl should deserve the peace, trustworthiness and sustainable growth especially from neighboring... "
Maybe this is true for many previous japanese PM and their cabinet but this is definately not true in terms of 'Shinzo Abe". He has a plan or a plot to escalate the tension in asia for his own political agenda. Especially to abolish the pacifist constituion! And that is to be done without consultation with neighbouring countries. And why did he played up the terrotorial disputes with others? Not just China but S Korea, Russia also having uneasy relations with Japan. Japan has a record of expansion of territorial after a servere natural disaster like the 1920s Kwangtung earthqukes which is resemble as today 's Fukushima nuclear accident! Japan's motives regarding her territorial expansion with neighbours wasnt a pretext to re-arm! If Mr Abe ignored this, he has committed a very serious mistake and bears a very heavy responsibility to his own countrymen!
It's a training exercise. It's what NATO used to do all the time in Germany - that never led to a war despite the Cold War era.
Sorry , but can you explain your ideas on example of Russia ?
also neighboring country....
It's comments like this that show just how paranoid some people are. So because Japan had a devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011 and is beefing up it's military in response to the build ups in China and N Korea that means they will all of a sudden become a junta-controlled militocracy and invade the likes of S Korea and China?
Pardon my French, but that is a load of bollocks.
Japan is begin smart, if it sits back like Chamberlain and that mindset it's people would be doomed....
I am so glad that the DPJ and it's stupid policies are no more......
I just wish that Abe would hurry up and get rid of Article 9!!!!!!!!
Masaki Miyamoto
Japan should eliminate "article nine" and the GHQ constitution.
ASEAN is friendship alliance countries in Japan from the 16th century to now. ASEAN welcomed the scope expansion to Southeast Asia of military strength reinforcement of Japan, and the right of collective self-defense.
"The first islands line" This will become a front of Japan and freedom ally vs communism China and S.Korea and N.Korea. Japan reinforces the military strength quickly by the cash deposit of 5 trillion dollars, and will begin to oppose communist China.
the U.S. should prepare for the threat of communist China.
If Japan were that peaceful, why is it that it still refuses to comply with the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Potsdam Declaration (terms of surrender for Japan in WWII) which resolved Japan's territorial disputes and were meant for developing peace in east Asia?
For example, Article 2 (c) of the San Francisco Peace Treaty says
"Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of 5 September 1905."
Article 3 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty says
"Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole administering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29 deg north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands but excluding the Diaoyu islands which are located further south between 25 to 26 deg north latitude)...
And Article 8 of the Potsdam Declaration (terms of surrender for Japan in WWII) says
"The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we (UK, US, China and Russia) determine."
And if diplomacy were that important to Japan like what you said, why is it that Japan has refused to pay reparation to China, Korea and some south-east Asian countries saying that the US government had waived Japan from paying reparation to them in the San Francisco Peace Treaty?
And if diplomacy were that important to Japan like what you said, why is it that Japan only started to take the issue of apology seriously in the 1990s when the war had already ended 5 decades? However, when the socialist PM, Murayama submitted his sincere and official apology to the Diet for approval in 1995, it was rejected by the Diet, forcing Murayama to offer only a personal apology using the singular first person "I" instead of on behalf of Japan throughout the apology. So, If Japan were that serious about diplomacy with its neighbors, why is it that the Diet members of Japan have consistently turned down apologies to their victims?
When the 10 ASEAN countries celebrated their friendship with China during the 16th ASEAN-China summit held just about a month ago, Shinzo Abe publicly announced that he will also invite the 10 ASEAN countries to Tokyo to have a summit with Japan by the end of the year.
Guess what? The ASEAN countries rejected his invitation even when Japan is the biggest investor and biggest ODA provider in ASEAN. So it is not only China and South Korea that have refused to have a summit with Japan. The 10 ASEAN countries also did the same.
"Since 1945 up to 2013, during this period every Japanese government has did many good job and always try to keep the peace as well as upgrade good diplomacy"
Japan has and IS in compliance. It's only China that is trying to re-write the outcome of WWII. China even dehnounces the San Farncisco Peace Treaty as "Invalid" so I don't know why you keep bringing this same point up.
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"ASEAN is friendship alliance countries in Japan from the 16th century to now.
"China lays claim to 80 percent of the South China Sea, overlapping those made by several neighboring countries. And its officials this week have expressed no enthusiasm for outsiders applying pressure regarding the disputes. China wants to settle the issue country-to-country, not collectively as Washington, Tokyo and some ASEAN members prefer."
Chinese economic growth is increasing by about 4% per year. They say 7- 10%, but I think they are exaggerating somewhat. Anyways, in about 20 years, China will drawf Japan in every conceivable measure of a nation (except clean air, of course). So, if China just waits Japan out, Japan will no longer be able to pose a credible threat to them. The U.S. cant afford to militarily protect Japan anymore. Japan cant afford military spending themselves. Be patient China and you will win over the long run.
Somewhat is putting it mildly. China does not revise it's figures quarterly as most western nations do. But then, they are a state run economy.
China will dwarf Japan in population as it does every other country on the planet. But whether China's economy will continue to grow, or certainly whether GDP per capita will surpass Japan in 20 years is extremely doubtful.
LOL. Japan isn't a threat to China now, credible or otherwise.
Maybe, if the Chinese public doesn't turn on the CCP dictatorship. But you're right China should be patient and drop it's military and territorial expansion policies right now.
Theola Medley
Japan would do well not to poke a stick in China's eye. I am sure feelings between the two countries have not healed going back as far as 1931.
Dennis Smit
china could never risk to start a war they are just showing of like so many times in history the japanese should get scared and drop on their knees and beg for forgiveness. luckely the japanese never did, the chinese should have learned as they allready invaded japan twice and never succeeded. the japanese did it once and bullseye, if the usa never had intervered the chinese would be speaking japanese right now. then they would have had a culture and a asian tradition now they are just communist and very bad ones. decency should never give in to brutal behavior, china could star something but if the eu and usa pull back the chinese shitty qualities products from their markets china is gone again which it really allready is. shout about the foreigners is a policy so nobody mentions what is going wrong internally, bankrupcy for so many is coming in china, they have the crisis coming which the world allready had in 2008. hopefully japan and india can grow more in economy and become the central dominating powers by technologie end knowledge. this powerbased on violencce and intimidation must stop, this china is no china, mao ze dong was a cowardly loser which attacked shang kai check at it's weakest, just like chinese are only fight when they know they can win so dont worry, as japan keeps it stance they will shit their pants as they know their own history, the odds are very much against them.
First try reading these:'s_Republic_of_China and
Second, please explain how Japan holding a military drill on it's own territory in it's own airspace and waters is "poking a stick in China's eye".
Elbuda Mexicano
So the Japanese ines are empty?? But not the AMERICAN ones!!