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© KYODOJapan to decide COVID quasi-emergency extension in 1st half of week
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Mr Kipling
Who are they trying to kid? Numbers going up, hospitalizations going up. The outbreak is predicted to peak at the end of the month... Put the farm on it.
Of course they are going to extend..... Why the slow release of bad news?
It's a pantomime isn't it.
Stop just picking on bars and restaurants !
it's funny how this is worded, like the news is that they'll make a decision. Oh and they hate alcohol and karaoke so that will be punished. Seems like they take any opportunity to slag on those no matter the reason
Aly Rustom
Japan to decide COVID quasi-emergency extension in 1st half of week
So let me get this right- the gov is going to deliberate and discuss the extension of REQUESTING the restricting of business hours of bars and restaurants and REQUESTING people not travel between prefectures.
And even if they did extend that request local gov can choose to not extend it themselves, in which case you have to ask yourselves "what's the frigging point"
Good point
Yes. Its Japan.
Of course they are going to extend..... Why the slow release of bad news?
The slow release of information a familiar pattern:
We are not considering extension;
We are not considering extension at this time;
We will consult with experts on extending and make an appropriate decision;
We will make a decision on extending based on all available information;
We will extend.
As long as you can decode it, you can stay a step ahead.
Then what exactly is the point? This entire thing reads like a poorly executed joke. They need to stop letting clowns run the country and actually appoint someone competent who's willing to make the hard, concrete decisions.
Hold up…
Kishida instructed his subordinate to “speed up the process” of booster shots you say?
Well thats all we needed as a nation. That and a panel of millionaires to take all week to decide that they didn’t know if toddlers must wear a mask.
Yet another quasi SOE. Take the jab or you don't take the jab, makes little difference really, considering the jab doesn't prevent infection or transmission. Still, best line up for number 3, then 4 etc etc.
of course they're gonna extend it. it's the only way to show the japanese people that the gov't is doing SOMETHING about the problem, when in actuality they are doing NOTHING but rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
It’s just comical. We first became aware of Omicron in late November. Other governments around the world swung into action.
I was home in Canada in December and the attitude of the govt was since we have this highly transmissible variant out there let’s act now and get people their third shots. I was able to get a booster even though I’m no longer a resident.
but here in Japan they hem and haw and wait and now it’s too late. It amazes me that these clowns are still in office and the general public doesn’t seem to care.
Michael Machida
The Japanese Government requires additional time to come to terms of what they should do in terms of the Quasi State Of Emergency due to the need to think about what is best for Japan hence your cooperation is valued over the time required to make a firm decision after total agreement by those involved.
I assume these long daily government meetings go a little something like this:
1) Radio Taiso 2) Chorei 3) Listen to aisatsu from eldest for 2 hours 4) Gather in a separate meeting room on the far side of the building 5) Take a nap during Kishida's presentation 6) Lunch break 7) Go back to the first meeting room 8) Discuss keizai for 10 min. 9) Discuss Covid for 5 min. 10) Otsukare sama deshita 11) Gather at steakhouse in Ginza to discuss how to spend tax payer's money
So Wednesday.
I hope this means they have projected cases to peak within this week
Sheikh Yerboaby
"....1) Radio Taiso 2) Chorei 3) Listen to aisatsu from eldest for 2 hours 4) Gather in a separate meeting room on the far side of the building 5) Take a nap during Kishida's presentation 6) Lunch break 7) Go back to the first meeting room 8) Discuss keizai for 10 min. 9) Discuss Covid for 5 min. 10) Otsukare sama deshita 11) Gather at steakhouse in Ginza to discuss how to spend tax payer's money..."
Ha! With a little substitution in here, it's pretty much the boilerplate standard for any work meeting I've ever been involved with....minus the spending tax payers money of course.
More quasi nonsense. More people asking for full SOE on's ridiculous. Full SOE won't stop anything now, IT'S OUT THERE.....the only thing that will help is vaccination. The vaccine doesn't stop transmission, but severely reduces symptoms and impact from virus.....leaving it like a bad case of flu. The central policy of hospitalising all 50 years and over who give a positive test is what's clogging up the vacant beds. Most of these people don't NEED to be in hospital, they can have the flu at home. Old people at the best of time love a bit of hypochondory (made up word of the day! :D , this just gives em all an even better excuse. Stay away from the bloody hospitals if you've only got flu symptoms.
Sheikh Yerboaby
"..Extend it as long as possible.
Keep the borders close..."
yes, I agree! I hate when the borders are far...
It just further proves the incompetence that there is even any supposed question that this will be extended until end of Feb.
Mr. Kipling: “Of course they are going to extend..... Why the slow release of bad news?“
Lots of faxing and hankoing to do. Besides, the government thinks the people of this nation are stupid — they know they should implement a full-on SOE, but the longer they delay it and make like they are even considering an extension on a quasi-SOE, the more they think the people will believe the government’s doing something.
Aly Rustom
Aly Rustom
HAHA! Brilliant Sheikh!
Quasi-state of emergency is totally meaningless! It's just a charade to sutisfy fearfull public!
If the quasi actually works Okinawa daily count should be less than 100 at this moment.
Welcome to 2022, same as 2021.
I feel like we were in the exact same boat last year. I am not anti-lockdown, but really do these quasi- and semi- measures do anything at all anymore? Especially as willful compliance drops month to month?
Either do something with teeth behind it or don't even bother, the waffling doesn't help anyone.
Aly Rustom
A Canadian
I would love to see the government do some research and base decisions on actual fact because I would be willing to bet that more transmissions of COVID are from commuting on those packed trains and within the office once people get to work. They need to stop picking on bars and restaurants.
Wasted of time this current SOE lark. Only a few places round here stopped selling alcohol and close early. Everywhere is busy as usual. Omicron will run its course and be over soon. Restrictions don’t work, lockdowns do more harm than good.
No rush take you're time
My wife and I got our boosters yesterday in Shinjuku. It was efficiently done.
And your enemies closer.
Why such hostility?
because we need our lives back. It’s been two years of this half-assed nonsense. I have friends who have lost their business over this dithering approach.
yes the numbers of deaths may be low but how much longer can we go on like this?
When you tell a bar/restaurant to close at 8 pm you might as well tell the owners not to open at all.
back in my country all the bars and restaurants are operating with proof of vaccine. Why can’t Japan take this simple step to keep things open?
Groan! Isnt one definition of insanity repeating the same action over and over again, expecting a different result?
....and in Denmark since last week, all the bars and restaurants are operating WITHOUT proof of vaccine. In fact, the entire country does. Restrictions are done with.
Would it not be nice if your countries health authorities (and Japans) talked to the Danish ones?
Demark doesn't even have as many people in the entire country as the overwhelming majority of the prefectures in Japan. Why would we listen to a tiny little group of people to determine the path for 7 billion people? And in that case, should the world not have followed NZ's lead for the past couple years? Honest question, though I would be amazed if I got an honest answer.
What does the size of the country have to do with anything? If population sized mattered, we should emulate CCP China, or India. The Danish health authorities (who base their decision on the best testing analysis anywhere) have to decided to lift the Covid restrictions. You dont think that is interesting information?
LOL, have the pro-vaxxers here not been touting NZ for a long time? I dont remeber the complaint that NZ does not count because it has only a population roughly like Denmark.
And btw, NZ is a remote island nation with no land borders, so not comparable to many other places. And they are now looking at never-ending lockdowns, as Omicron runs rampant. In what universe is that an example to follow?
Can't do the wrong thing, if nothing is ever done. Always able to make the right choice, if the choice is yet to be made