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© 2020 AFPJapan to lift virus ban on re-entry of some foreign residents from Aug 5
By Kazuhiro NOGI TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2020 AFP
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4 months! Remember the virus doesn’t discriminate but the Ministry of INJustice Japan does!
If they don’t update this page why can’t we update their name to Ministry of INJustice Japan? Well at least in English...
This is good news and was always unfair, but the timing is strange given the record numbers of cases being reported around the globe - including Japan.
I don’t understand why any of the above posts are championing this “change", it is still extremely discriminatory of those who live and work here, pay taxes, have families but are NOT Japanese. If anything, it’s made it even more difficult.
This is scandalous and disgusting what Japan has been doing to foreign residents who pay taxes, contribute to pension premiums that are used to pay the pension of Japanese elderlies, pay rents, and contribute their work and talent to many companies and institutions in Japan. The fact that they are treated as second zone, dangerous threat to the country is a horrible horrible picture of the country and sadly depicts how little minded, disrespectful and plain inhuman the people in this country can be.
No reason to praise the government. They have banned foreign residents from re-entry despite them having valid visas. That is not only discrimination, but also shows the real level of omotenashi towards foreigners. I can understand gaijin complaining about being treated like second degree residents here.
So the same does not apply for Japanese nationals? I.e need to be virus free 72 hours prior to arrival?
What does this "From Sept 1, those conditions will also apply to foreign nationals in other categories, including permanent or long-term residents and spouses and children of Japanese nationals or permanent residents." mean? Does it mean people in these categories stranded abroad?
This is a BS argument. We are talking about foreign residents. Not tourists. If limiting the spread of the virus was the main reason why then not impose the same restrictions on Japanese citizens who have been in those same countries. As far as we know, the virus does not make any distinction between people ethnicity and won't choose to infect a foreigner and not a Japanese. These residents could have been treated like any other Japanese citizen who have been in those countries and be imposed to do take tests and stay in quarantine. The fact that they distinguish here between foreigners and Japanese without any rational reason shows how xenophobic the country can be.
And this is argument is even more hypocrite since the government has done everything to hide the extent of the infection by low testing the population.
This is insanity. Why should I apply for a "re-entry confirmation letter" if I am in that category. What is the difference between me and my Japanese wife traveling with me in any of those countries? I presume she does not need that "re-entry confirmation letter" so why should I? The xenophobic thinking used behind the making of these rules is just so apparent. Sick.
Nihonhin need a test too before returning to Japan?
Only foreigners?
And where are the small letters of this announcement? I mean if the 'lucky stranded before the ban' foreigner decides to apply and return to Japan he will become literally Japanese prisoner! Not?
This all applies only to those who left Japan prior to their country having been put on the "denied entry" list. The article would be more helpful if it told us when which countries were put on that list. Or at least a link. Doesn't mean you can go fly somewhere (if even able) and come back into Japan.
Well said. Vote with your feet and their tax money...
Exactly. The change has actually made it nearly impossible for some to return now, as you simply can not get a PCR test done in some countries without symptoms, or the results together with the flight time will take longer than the 72hours. And if you can get it done, it's very costly. As is travelling to the Japanese embassies in many countries, to get this additional piece of paper that is now demanded.
Also, if you leave now, there's no returning back, no matter what kind of visa or PR you have.
Yes, people who belong to these categories who are now outside of Japan, wishing to re-enter. If you leave now, it's sayonara, as you won't be able to come back.
If it has been so dangerous for those pesky foreigners until now (but not their Japanese spouses, with their unique body temperatures and what not), why will it suddenly be safe from the date of August 5th? Why not from RIGHT NOW?
Peter W.
I sympathize with those who complain about the re-entry ban for foreign residents in order to limit the spread of the Corona visus. However, in European countries it can be seen that foreigners are less disciplined regarding Corona precautions than locals, including not observing quarantine rules.
Oh really? Do you have any data to back up this silly argument? And who have been going to hostess bars, izakayas, karaokes, massage places and in large group of people to any sort of restaurants and bars?
It's a hard one for the government but given the clear evidence that the virus is attenuating, it is the right call.
@Reckless: Agreed, people should show their dissatisfaction with their feet and money by leaving the country. I'm always amazed at how many expats here complain about being treated as dehumanised second class citizens and entertaining curiosities at best, yet continue to live here for decades with a smile on their faces asking for more. I don't know how anyone with a shred of self dignity can put up with such daily humiliation.
So Japanese can still go overseas to whatever country for whatever reason, and permanent residents who are more likely to have family overseas or work that necessitates foreign travel can't.
They've had a chance to review the unfair situation regarding permanent and other residents and kept it the same.
About every 10 years something happens to just remind me that I am not, and never will be, Japanese. No matter how long I live here or no matter how many taxes I pay,.
But then I remember I actually am not Japanese in the first place despite feeling like I am, then I am ok with it.
Yup, very true. But it would be nice if Japan treated us foreigners also as human beings.
Permanent Residents yes! But students, residents, interns? Not yet.
This is common practice around the world.
Not to be snide because what I think what you say makes sense. But I hope you realize that you just described perfectly what every immigrant who is not caucasian feels in many countries. The United States, most certainly.
As suddenly banned reentry permanent residents return and settle in there will be a lot of painful and angry stories to tell. Abe did a great job on losing friends for Japan.
The difference in the USA is that large groups of immigrants now seem to demand that the USA change to suit the values and culture of their own home country. There seems to be entire communities of people from similar geographic locations with much less urgency or desire to assimilate to US values and culture. I think that is even considered an "anti-immigrant" stance for someone to even say they still expect such to happen.
For Japan, I really dont expect much. I think signs and announcements in English and some of the Asian languages are about all we are going to get. Not expecting any big housing or employment changes until desperation over the aging population really sets in 10-15 years from now.
the whole thing is beyond ridiculous ... ... a reminder of how Japan will always treat foreigners ( or as they love to call us: “gaijin” -_- ) as second or third class citizens, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been living in this country for 50, 60, 70 years, their mentality is not gonna change anytime soon.
Oh I know very well you can't make a direct point-for-point comparison of the circumstances. Far too many differences in the host culture. I'm only addressing the feeling of being treated unfairly.
I pray and hope they allow normal UK citizens entry by the 23rd of October.
I was due to marry my beautiful Japanese fiancee in April, but we had to cancel due to flight and border restrictions.
We have rearranged the wedding for the end of October.
I see 5 countries including Netherlands have lifted their entry ban on couples in a long term relationship.
I really hope Japan will see and consider this .
That Chicom pressure made Abe fold like a paper napkin.
Here here I agree 100%
Nothing at all to praise the Japanese government for. Those of us who have been here through this entire pandemic still cannot leave and return back to Japan. The devil is in the details...
To Japan long term residents are like cattle to be milked dry...for knowledge, taxes, and to support the economy (cheap labor).
You can also watch the press conference with Motegi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here. The arrogance is amazing
Watch the body language starting at 3:45 in the video
Starting around 7:05 he complete lies and Japan is not being abnormal and it is not abnormal for Japan to ban Permanent Resident foreigners (every other G7 country allows this!!).
The selfishness starts around 10:49 where he says says they want to ensure Japan can have manpower (cheap labor to be exploited like cattle)Heckleberry
In any developed functional country, the residents who were denied entry could sue the government for wrongful denial of their rights to return to their homes, their families and their jobs.
But this is Japan.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, surprises me about how things are done in Japan anymore.
The illogic just becomes part of the background noise.
It’s still dodgy, you have to re-apply for entry, whatever that means, and obtain a letter from your nearest Japanese consulate, which could be miles away, and a negative Covid test done within 72 hours of departure. Good luck getting those.
@Citizen...stayed here through 2011 (even went up to Ishinomaki in March of 2011) and stayed through this.
So you think it is OK for foreigners, even those married to Japanese, to not be able to return if they leave (but the Japanese spouse can)?
From the above contributor: "And who have been going to hostess bars, izakayas, karaokes, massage places and in large group of people to any sort of restaurants and bars?" It may well be that returning permanent residents have one more thing to fear: bon vivant Japanese.
All countries typically allow their own citizens to re-enter no matter the situation. They have a duty first and foremost to those citizens.
Permanent residents, unfortunately, aren't always treated the same. I'd prefer to be treated the same as citizens, as this is where I live, work, and contribute to society, but it's not an inherent right. I do think it's unfair that permanent residents can't go through a period of quarantine to gain right of re-entry though. That issue should have been addressed before now.
Gagan Narang
People those who were left stranded in their countries without re-entry provisions, I am interested in knowing that were they allowed to work from home or they were eventually let off by their companies? Were their any security measures taken for them?
"So you think it is OK for foreigners, even those married to Japanese, to not be able to return if they leave (but the Japanese spouse can)?"
Irrespective of the merits of parts of your sentence, Japanese can ALWAYS return and enter Japan.
They cannot be banned; that's their right.
They were born and will die with it, unless they change Nationality.
That's the Law.
In all countries, not just Japan.
You cannot be barred from entering your country; I can/could (provided you're not from the UK) be.
It doesn't matter if you're a resident, pay Tax (everyone must do), have lived in the country for a millennia, your Swahili is better than the locals, bla, bla, bla, if you're a foreigner, you CAN be barred.
People should stop this silly "but the Japanese can enter Japan"!..
Yes, they can.
They are Japanese!
@Peeping Tom;
I will accept your argument. In this case I believe all other G7 countries should do the same to Japanese (only Japanese).
I understand you likely are Japanese and you do not have a foreign spouse or children so this is why this is OK for you.
Simples back at you
"I understand you likely are Japanese"
Did you bother reading my post? Or it's argument for argument's sake?
It's up to every single Government to set rules concerning immigration. If other Governments made rules banning foreigners, including residents from entering, there's absolutely nothing the Japanese residing abroad can do about it.
Why is that so difficult for some people to understand that nationals and foreign residents are NOT the same?
@Peepng; I respect your consistency. I read your post completely.
I am not being argumentative for that sake only. Let's take the case of my wife (100% pure Japanese Yamato). She is disgusted by this government policy. She feels the stress due to this as I have aging parents in the U.S. and I cannot go check on them. I have asked her to consider going as it is understood she can return and I cannot. She has trouble with this and understands that she is at no higher risk of spreading the virus than I am if I leave and return.
How is this rationalized?
Of course it is absolutely Japan's right to set its own immigration policy. China and North Korea have their sovereign right to do so as well.
Very strange timing. Most foreigners needed this for the start of August, not September, when a higher percentage go on holiday to their home country. The Abe administration has been both discriminatory and slow to address the needs of visa holders!
Tokyo-Engr must remember this does not allow foreigners that are in Japan now to leave and come back. It only allows those .... well from the article
It is even worse than your concern.
Plain and simple racist policy - especially for permanent residents. Yet, we can become Japanese nationals, but none of us do ... I wonder why? Must be the years of listening to ignorant people ask you the same question over and over again. Yet, why stay? Well, there are too many positives that outweigh the ignorance in my opinion.
The permanent residents seem to be At the bottom of the totem pole - below the interns, tourists, and new visa holders - regardless and it’s a sad time all over the world for a lot of mixed families. We are not Japanese and we have to live with our choices. Yet, I agree with a lot of your comments above.
I am not for a single moment saying that I support this policy.
At the end of the day, I am a British guy, living in "sin" with a Japanese girl.
She's been in the UK since she was a child; speaks better than lots of natives; got her full education, including a Degree over here; pays Tax, just like everyone else. Given that she refuses to become British, she can't vote.
She couldn't care less.
If Boris was to change immigration rules, barring her entry, then there's absolutely nothing she, (even I) could do about it.
However, try as he might, Boris can NEVER stop me from entering the UK.
That's the issue here.
Fairness aside, this is a matter of policy.
I understand the situation. I also get your argument. It is fact based (right of return for citizens) but I do not think it is right. That is all.
Like your partner there I have no desire to vote in Japan - I understand for that right citizenship is required. However having a property here, and a business, it would be nice to know I can come back. In the end this is going to really hurt Japan more than it would hurt me (I know of people who are leaving and I know of people who will not invest in Japan anymore because of this law).
I understand your arguments and what you are saying but I will stand on principle and say that what Japan is doing is wrong; especially if they claim to want to attract "highly skilled foreigners". In my case I fall into that category and acquired Permanent Residency before marrying my wife.
I do not know about the visa status of your partner but if you are married or fully committed I would imagine you would want her to be able to leave and return if necessary. Is this the case in the UK (I do not know)?
Good discussion - I still believe Japan is 100% on the wrong side of this issue.
Agreed. Policy rules in countries, so like @reckless pointed out better to vote with your feet. It’s FIFO I’m afraid.
Of course no foreign resident will not feel aggrieved. I’ll admit whatever benefits financial or non-financial I gained from Japan I’m paying back now with access to re-entry into Japan only with conditions made by Japanese policy.
Btw, Japan is not the only country from banning foreigners coming back ‘home’. Same in the human rights violator China and some other Asian countries.
And for any "resident" the new found knowledge that you are nothing in the eyes of the government and maybe the wool has been removed from your eyes. Maybe time to join another team
Some posters here don’t seem to be rational-that’s ok as it is not my loss.
No, the right to enter a country should be via lack of infection, quarantine periods and compliance.
That is a logical scientific method.
I’d be willing to do the above but the ‘logical’ option is not on the table...
Why did these people leave Japan in the first place? Maybe 1-2 % left for genuine reasons like death in the family or seriously ill family members on the death bed. But bulk of them deserted Japan for the fear of getting infected. Now that the infection in their own country is higher then Japan they want to escape beck to Japan... you can’t have it both ways! Permanent residence maybe could be given the green light but it’s not necessary for other visa holders! It’s nothing to do with discrimination but everything to do with policy implementation. These foreigners knew very well that re-entry into Japan will be very difficult because it was announced by the Government a long time ago but they made the choice to travel so they should be prepared to face the consequences! I’m one of those currently stranded in the US but I blame myself and no one else because I decided to “ run away “ from there when the going got tough!
And yet a work colleague of mine was able to fly into Narita from the USA two weeks ago. Yes, that place with lots of coronavirus. So is this article accurate?
"Good discussion - I still believe Japan is 100% on the wrong side of this issue."
I agree; entirely.
My only "beef" is with some posters who expose steadfastly the notion that foreigners have an unfettered right of entry, just because they pay Tax and speak with an accent better than the natives (if only they could see themselves in the mirror while saying it....).
As an aside:
"Living in sin" i.e. we're not married; she's lived here longer than in Japan where she was born, and her entire family lives. Simply abhors the notion of becoming a Brit; she's a Permanent Resident though.
My issue is: should the Government pass an ordnance barring foreigners, (including residents) from entering, can she, in good faith, complain about it? Should she? Is she entitled to any exemption, just because she wants to live here, came over voluntarily and refuses to take up nationality (offered in a plate, time and time again)?
Who's fault is it that she refuses to become British, even though she intends to die in this country?
I do recon that the Law could be different; perhaps it should.
Not that it must.
Thanks a lot; we've managed to keep it civil.
Blacklabel: "About every 10 years something happens to just remind me that I am not, and never will be, Japanese. No matter how long I live here or no matter how many taxes I pay,."
If you weren't supporting a man keeping children in cages, separated from their parents, as well as supporting him for telling American citizens like AOC to "go home", you might have a bit more sympathy and credibility on the issue.
Don't be fooled by all this talk. Whatever happened to the Vietnam and Taiwan travel bubbles. Nothing.
The Vietnam business travel bubble was just to get their government execs off to pitch business. No Vietnamese are permitted here. The Taiwan business travel bubble is supposed to begin on Monday. Radio silence since they talked about it.
It's a disgrace that the 90,000 residents have to go and get additional permits when they already had one when they first departed.
And as we are seeing, they can't even manage Covid-19 amongst their own immune race.
No, not because we pay tax and speak with a better accent than the natives. (Dunno about anyone else; I can hold my own accent-wise, certainly wouldn't say I was better.)
Because we jumped through all the hoops required of us by the Japanese government who then gave us the right to Permanent Residence. They acknowledge that this is our home, where our life is, where our family is.
Yet we are not allowed to travel in and out of Japan with our family members? We are denied the right to return home? To the home the Japanese government has itself acknowledged is our home? While students, migrant workers, businessmen and US military with no real ties here are allowed to come and go as they please?
I'd hazard a guess at the Japanese government, which refuses to recognise dual nationality. Becoming British would mean giving up her Japanese nationality, just as becoming Japanese would mean me giving up my UK nationality. Having a Japanese passport wouldn't make me any less British, and no civil servant is going to tell me it does. I imagine your lady feels the same, from the opposite standpoint.
Invalid CSRF
You aren't from the UK, though.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of those returning will be doing so just to tidy up, collect their stuff and leave Japan permanently. And Japan still wants to have the Olympics and grab some of the business leaving Hong Kong? Dream on.
Sarcasm and Discrimination that no other countries imposed to legal residents.( at least G7 and whole EU)
I'm not against test, but then make a requirement from everyone that is about to fly to Japan regardless of their passport incl. Japanese Citizens.
Why PR with re-entry permit must ask again Embassies to allow them to come back home? I guess no trust in issued test result by foreign authorities. So need hanko from Embassies.
From another media quote:
So, re-entrants enter a light sentence "prison" which they may want to leave again temporary for business or family matters, but then will be banned to come back. Ridiculous!
It's obvious that Citizens will always be allowed to return home. However, why Japanese are free from test requirements. What make them different? They may be potential spreaders of virus too, as it happens now inside Japan.
Quote from another media:
Really? So nice. Then, what happens when infected Japanese (cluster) is on the plane because they are free to go out/in as they wish. Who will be to blame for infection of others? Foreigners again?
If they want bring everyone safely then require test result from everyone regardless of their citizenship and not discriminate people.
And all these is based on.
“Article 5 (1) A foreign national who falls under any of the following items is denied permission to land in Japan
“Paragraphs (i) to (xiii) (abbrev.)
“(xiv) Beyond those persons listed in items (i) through (xiii), a person whom the Minister of Justice has reasonable grounds to believe is likely to commit an act which could be detrimental to the interests or public security of Japan."
That's what I was thinking. Hell, you can hardly get tested in Japan, either. It's as if the Japanese government are pretending to allow some residents back, when they know fully well the conditions they set out will make it extremely difficult for those people to come back. Two-faced.
Tokyo-Engr Thank you for highlighting this. I think I may have misinterpreted the Sep 1st announcement. If it is only applicable to those already outside Japan and not visa holders within then people are still being discriminated against! Oh Japan, when will you evolve to see everyone as equal?
Christopher Glen
Let all legitimate visa holders back in. Right now
My husband and I can both go to the UK for business and to visit family but, even though we stay in the same place and do the same things, only he can come back to Japan even though Japan has given me the right to live here. Just be honest for a change and admit our visas/PR are no longer valid and we are no longer welcome in Japan. This isn’t about the virus. I have to go into hospital next week for various tests, I’d much rather go home for this for various reasons, but I can’t. I do not believe the arbitrary humanitarian exemption, that depends solely on the immigration officer you meet on arrival, will enable my return. If I need treatment I will go home, not knowing if and when I will ever see my husband again. Don’t anyone tell me this is anything but cruel and discriminatory.
I feel the same, Japan is not really advancing
I have just received confirmation from one of the Western European country where they do 120,000 tests a week. I asked if one can get tested without any symptoms just to confirm as requirement to travel to Japan. The answer was: "No, we do not test people without any symptoms". I said, but this is requirement by Japanese Government. The answer was: "We don't do it here, sorry"
So, here we go guys. As someone mentioned above here, J-Gov. made more difficult to re-enter than it was so far. They don't want residents to come back home after all. However, those people must keep paying their dues for whatever is left behind. Work will likely be gone, Family not seeing each other except online video. Amazing policy.
It's not just Japan. If you need to go to China from Japan, then (1) the Japan based Chinese Embassy is dysfunctional - you can't get a visa - you call go to their internet page, which says you should call them, which in turn gives you a voice message saying to go to their internet page... Not smart peoples... (2) China has stopped issuing passports for their Nationals (3) should you manage to get to the mainland, then, you're unlikely to be able to come back to Japan for the reasons mentioned by others above...