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© 2021 AFPJapan to lift state of emergency one month before Olympics
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no, it doesn’t
Good to see the government are placing all our safety first. This is a step in the right direction, let’s go out and support local businesses whilst taking the same precautions as we are now.
Encouraging to see the majority are now in favour of the Olympics being held, it’s what the world needs to take our minds away from the last 18 months.
Yup, from here on in, the propaganda machine will be in FULL swing.
Trying to make it seem as if the athletes (foreigners, basically) are the ones who pose a risk to the public here. What's the percentage of the public that's been vaccinated? It's definitely a lot lower.
The silky circus continues. Why not 9pm? Or 10pm? Or earlier, 7pm? What, the virus has a small watch to check the time? Just stop with these silly measures that make no sense at all. It’s so stupid.
Is there a source on that? Or have we gotten to the "if you say it, it will come true" stage of denial? I did a quick search and only found recent polls in which less than 20% in favour of holding the games this year.
and what was the source of that poll? and how many were asked? and what was the credibility interval of the poll number, 19 times out of 20?
Anyone surprised!
We said this many here have the blow by blow long before and were right at every step, from reducing testing to permitting spectators, to backing down on the promise of testing daily all those coming.
Remember the " held only if safe" was a lie and we know this because the IOC spokesperson said:
the games will be held.
Remember that ONLY ARMAGEDDON!
So we knew that even if the IOC experts told the IOC every Japanese would die, that would not matter as that is not Armageddon.
Bjorn Tomention
It is ridiculous , why not open things up properly, if the airport is allowing in the athletes and officials why can't the locals go about their daily lives having a meal and a drink while enjoying the summer evening?
After all, the IOC and govt officials will be , you can bet those guys wont be locked up in their hotel rooms by 8pm every night , they will be out wining and dining striking up new deals and stuffing envelopes in each others pockets while greasing each others ego's up.
Tokyo is already swarmimg with olympic types taking in the scenes, sights and culture, easy to spot them all over town.
From the stuff they churn out, seems like some people's minds were long taken away - to cloud cuckoo land.
But yes, the IOC-J-gov 'playbook' is the Big Lie playbook, from Goebbels - repeat it enough times, and you can at least convince yourself and some people that it is true, and that everything is just fine. Except of course, Okinawa shows what happens when you have a large number of people travelling and intermixing. But let's pretend this just once that Okinawa is not actually part of Japan and hope those pesky foreign media don't snoop around and report anything inconvenient.
"Japan to lift state of emergency one month before Olympics." This is one more excellent reason to stay away from the Olympics. As far as you can.
The deceit continues.
The virus doesn't care about how you label it...
Latest poll afaik was from yomiuri shimbun 50% pro 48% against
clown world
Daily cases have since subsided significantly ??
501 new cases in Tokyo yesterday (June 16) disputes this statement with a more sober persecptive of the situation...
Youmiuri says it all!
LDP ardent supporter, mostly LDP readership.
Sort about as credible as any Fox News poll.
That poll didn't give "postponement" as an option, only lowering the "holding the Olympics without spectators" as an alternative to holding the Olympics and cancellation.
But yeah, it seems to be the most recent one and it looks propaganda works wonders and a poll worded like that one is a part of it. It's like more and more people are getting convinced they'd prefer not to move out of the way of an oncoming truck.
Can you please point us to that poll showing that the majority of Japanese people are in favor of holding the Olympics?
Warning: more poll results and my take, skip if you're easily offended:
Last poll that most media refer to was from asahi shimbun 43% cancel 40% postpone 14% (not sure) push thru as scheduled.
This is what most people and news source refer to when they say 80% of Japan wants the Olympics cancelled.
But postpone really shouldn't be interpreted as cancel since it means people want to push thru albeit at a later date.
So only 43% want Olympics cancelled, 40+14 % want Olympics to push thru
@ Ian
Isn't this one the poll where people were asked whether they THINK the Olympics should be held? Has there been a new one since?
How does it make any sense at all to not allow half a dozen people to be in a bar after 8pm, yet it’s OK to have 10,000 people in a stadium?
The argument of a stadium being more spacious than a bar is not an acceptable answer though as that doesn’t explain 10,000 people commuting to the stadium, going for refreshments, going to the toilet etc. etc. and then the next 10,000 people replacing them in the next session of events.
It’s almost like they need to benefit financially from these people.
Antiquesaving, Yotomaya,
For info only since I've seen a few posts above asking for a source.
Theyve just spent the best part of a year figuring out how best to ‘manage’ the number of tests and positive cases. They know what numbers they can get away with, and how many reported deaths are deemed ‘acceptable’.
They won’t regret anything!
Yes, I think that was the one reported in this site and others as well saying THINK
That was deliberately misreported as far as I know.
You can check yomiuri to confirm
Conducting Olympics itself a huge decision and now lifting SOE
those who really experienced pain due to covid alone can judge this decision.
I really would like to know Nippon scientists/experts strategy behind these decisions.
Not "think should be held", what I remember being reported here was if the people "think will be held_
I also would not trust Chinese athletes, tourists, or any visitors coming from countries receiving Chinese vaccines.
I have been telling everyone for a while that Chinese vaccines could not be trusted. There is a reason why China has not published any results, and wealthy Chinese have been coming to the US to get vaccinated. The same is true with wealthy Russians.
The Olympics will be a "hot mess" of infections!
Yes, the latest poll, done by NHK, shows more people prefer to go ahead than canceling it.
64% vs 31%, in fact.
There won't be or more precisely we will not know about it.
Simply because there will be near zero testing done on the public in the week prior or during the Olympics.
Tokyo can barely manage to test 10,000 daily using every available resource.
It will have to test nearly 20,000 daily starting a week or so before the Olympics start and every day until it ends.
On top of those 20,000 for the first few days they will have to somehow test nearly 100,000 total daily (something rarely reach in the whole country) and after the first few days keep testing nearly 80,000 every 3 days, so if they break the 80,000 into 3 groups that means 26,000 daily added to the other 20,000 daily and Tokyo somehow will need to test a minimum of over 40,000 daily nearly 4 times more than the highest number of test Tokyo has ever done.
So the only way Tokyo can test those at the Olympics will be by not testing anyone outside that group, in other words no or very little testing of the Japanese.
I wasn't trying to be contrarian. Even if I don't agree with the newspaper's politics and think the wording of the polling is dubious to say the least, the results can be used as "proof" that the public is becoming more supportive of holding the games.
Also, as infection numbers decrease, it's easy for a lot of people to fall back into the mindset that everything's okay and, as long as those pesky foreign spectators are kept out, the games will be safe. It's a lie pushed by corporate Japan so persistently that it wouldn't be surprising if many actually started believing it.
Chris Ghaar
This virus is politically correct so it will not attack during the Olympics. But, I bet we will see a new version soon after Olympics...
On time for the long awaited Olympics. Perfect !
Did you even read the article you linked to?
It points out that in the earlier polls, NHK asked simply what people thought about the holding the Olympics.
The choice of responses was from
They should be held
They should be cancelled
They should be postponed again.
In the latest poll, the question was altered to include The IOC is going ahead with plans to hold the Olympics. The choice of responses was also altered to
They should be held normally
They should be held with spectator numbers restricted
They should be held without spectators
They should be cancelled.
In other words, even given the premise that the games are going to be held come what may so sucks-boo-to-you, a third of respondents still answered that they should be cancelled, regardless of the dictates of the IOC. That does not indicate that more people prefer to go ahead. It means shoganai.
The doughnut graph further down the page shows responses to the government's explanation of the importance of holding the games and the safety measures to be put in place; only 25% of respondents said they were satisfied or very satisfied; 68% said they were not satisfied or not at all satisfied.
Which would indicate that a goodly number of those who opted for holding the games as planned, with or without spectators, would rather the games not be held at all, or be postponed (a choice that wasn't offered this time.)
Fascinating how a 'slight shift in public opinion' can turn an 80% opposition to holding the Games next month into a 'majority in favour' of holding it...
Thomas Tank
Glad to hear they will stop the state of emergency. Good news!
Good to see the majority of people support Olympic. SOEs to be lifted. Good news for all!
Kaoru Mugen
The Olympics are just a colossal waste of money even under normal circumstances. Under these, should've just burned all the money that went into them, would have been way more time-efficient with the same result.
Alcohol still the scapegoat somehow. And the clock passing 8pm still deadly.
Do the hustle
Lift SOE one month before and reinstate it two weeks before when new case numbers jump back up to thousands every day.
Who decides???.
So bleeping tired of the experts and their advice and recommendations that would work in a perfect vacuum but entirely unrealistic for people to live under.
Enough's enough. Vaccinate more aggressively and let's do away with any and all of these ridiculous restrictions.
Alexandre T. Ishii
Corona-infected persons in Okinawa Prefecture need to be tracked the infection. Without thorough tracking, it is not possible to know whether it is due to the U.S. military or from of nationwide travelers visiting there.
Oh no that trip again!
Get off it, it is common knowledge that it came from golden week and had nothing to do with USA service personnel.
The USA military does far more testing and is far more secure than anywhere in Japan and far more are Vaccinated!
Unless golden week was a USA holiday and suddenly all ran out around Okinawa your attempt at somehow connecting the covid outbreak to them us a miss.
Even those in Okinawa blame the over 100,000 visitors during Golden week
Do we remember the vaccine?
Remember the government said that it planned on having the elderly Vaccinated before the games?
Well nice on paper but then they realised oops they didn't have the needed doctors, supplies ( syringes) then it was something else they didn't have and so on and so on.
So on paper they claim things will be safe, on paper they claim they will test nearly 20,000 daily and 80,000 every 3 days sounds nice but do they have the resources, the testing facilities, etc...or is it like the above, just numbers on a piece of paper.
Remember Tokyo has only a few times succeeded in testing over 10,000 a day and all of Japan has only a few times passed the 100,000 tests in a day.
Actually I did my own little test.
I put on my Olympics t shirt and went for a walk around Nagoya.
The shocked looks on people's faces didn't suggest massive support.
I'm surprised a few people didn't throw stones at me.
Must be the omotenashi
Japan to lift state of emergency one month before Olympics after the Olympics Japan RE-INSTATES the emergency
Hello there
Not like it matters. Been drinking at the local spots anyways. Store owners need to make a living.
Designer 02
No surprise to hear this. Obviously the fairy dust worked and everything in the garden is now rosy, coincidentally in perfect time for the Olympics.