Japan Today

Town to block Mount Fuji view from troublesome tourists


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A huge black barrier to block Mount Fuji from view will be installed in a popular photo spot by Japanese

During pandemic Japan complain about not having Tourist, after pandemic now they complain about tourist. Not only that Japan try to make inconvenience for those tourist.

And this summer, hikers using the most popular route to climb Mount Fuji will be charged 2,000 yen each, with numbers capped to ease congestion.

That's the exact reason why that spot is being blocked, because no money can be make.

-13 ( +34 / -47 )

Gee, isn't Instagram wonderful!

13 ( +24 / -11 )

Town to block Mount Fuji view from troublesome tourists

When there is no revenue stream to the property owners the tourists automatically become "troublesome" and measures are taken.

Citizens and service staff who have to deal with the influx of tourists drawn by the weak yen BOJ policies and their behavior on a daily basis for little or no compensation just have to deal with it so rentier asset bubbles can grow and grow!

-4 ( +25 / -29 )

I totally support this. Current tourists in Japan are rude, loud and cheapskate.

-12 ( +22 / -34 )

It's a shame that such a big fuss has to be made for no rational reason; of far greater concern is that a Moroccan tourist is currently lying in hospital nearby in a coma, after being struck by a car as she crossed the road, whilst visiting this 'prettiest combini'......

12 ( +26 / -14 )

Ya know, if they handed out or sold nice postcards of the scene, nobody would bother climbing things for photos.

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

If the yen were strong like it used to be, the number of idiots visiting would dramatically reduce.

-4 ( +25 / -29 )

What are they doing to do when that mesh net itself becomes the attraction as people flock to take pictures of it to show how just welcoming Japan isn't?

And, despite everything the Japanese do to thwat the antics of a few rowdy, "rule" breaking tourists, I'm sure they will just move onto the next attraction that offers that best Instagram shot, ad infinitum.

The irony is that the game of Whack-A-Mole is a Japanese invention.

-9 ( +20 / -29 )

make a high resolution poster in a parking lot that tourists can take their selfies in front of.


12 ( +19 / -7 )

Proof that they are not Japanese?

-12 ( +15 / -27 )

Japanese people complaining about tourists is the most insufferable trend right now.

Seriously, their money and their economy are starting to bottom out and THIS is what they are worried about?

-17 ( +29 / -46 )

make a high resolution poster in a parking lot that tourists can take their selfies in front of.


Exactly, believe me people will pay, that happens lot in many developing countries. Not only that they also have price for domestic tourist and foreign tourist.

-5 ( +11 / -16 )

Ya know, if they handed out or sold nice postcards of the scene, nobody would bother climbing things for photos.

It's a great idea. Exclusive to the area, so it works as an 'I was here!'

It can't be posted to the 'gram, though. I don't think the majority are artistic photographers examining the juxtaposition between the nature of Japan and its modernity, or traditional values vs present day consumerism or whatever. They just want validation on the socials.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

"Tourists", more like Instagram sheep who only go somewhere only after it becomes "famous".

17 ( +21 / -4 )

During pandemic Japan complain about not having Tourist, after pandemic now they complain about tourist. Not only that Japan try to make inconvenience for those tourist.

It was not Japan who complain about the closed border. In fact, most Japanese wanted the border to remain closed.

-10 ( +15 / -25 )

Japanese people complaining about tourists is the most insufferable trend right now. 

Seriously, their money and their economy are starting to bottom out and THIS is what they are worried about?

You clearly don't live here, or if you do are lucky to not have to encounter these obnoxious creeps.

People in Tokyo can't go about their business without tripping over tourists and their antics.

Those silly damn mario carts an example.

-4 ( +15 / -19 )

@Sitting Bull JR

It was not Japan who complain about the closed border. In fact, most Japanese wanted the border to remain closed.

They might don't want it, however their wallet need it.


-16 ( +12 / -28 )

Foreigners I know, they are spending big here.

The business owners aren’t complaining about foreigners dropping a million yen on a week’s trip, are they?

-7 ( +16 / -23 )

Let me guess where the majority of these tourists behaving badly are from. Probably they have traveled less than 1,000 km to get there...

-4 ( +14 / -18 )

of far greater concern is that a Moroccan tourist is currently lying in hospital nearby in a coma, after being struck by a car as she crossed the road, whilst visiting this 'prettiest combini'......

This happened about 1km from this conbini. The two are unrelated.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

How friggin ridiculous! When I visit, I will make sure not to come to your silly town!

-9 ( +11 / -20 )

Good on them!!

We don't allow tourists in our village unless they are personally known to residents. Excellent!

-13 ( +6 / -19 )

Sounds UGLY and Selfish.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Seesaw7Today 07:10 am JST

I totally support this. Current tourists in Japan are rude, loud and cheapskate.

The real money in tourism is from food, hotel rooms, and plane flights, not tchotchkes.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

An article in japanese with a video quite illustrative of the issue at hand.

「富士山を遮断」人気撮影スポットに幅20メートルの黒幕を町が設置へ 観光客の“マナー違反”に「最終手段をとらざるを得なかった」 観光客・住民から様々な声【news23】(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN) - Yahoo!ニュース

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Funny how people choose to be mean instead of kind.

The tourist are paying for the sushi you eat.

Bite the hand that feeds you.

-11 ( +14 / -25 )

Greed can be extremely UGLY.

The problem is some one is NOT making MONEY$$$$ from this spot, instead of building an UGLY wall how about making it a money making spot with a small fee!???

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

Blame the Smart phones.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

If these people can't handle it how about making it clear upfront and publishing it , inform tour companies so the don't bring people there, Problem Solved.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Build an area for tourists to park and to take photos. Install litter bins. Bank extra revenue.

Antitourism is spreading. They are almost as unpopular as migrant labourers. If you want to see Japan or any other place you wish to visit, go soon, before countries crack down on it everywhere and tourists become 'enemies of the people'.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Seesaw7Today  07:10 am JST

I totally support this. Current tourists in Japan are rude, loud and cheapskate.

Sadly, wherever you go in the world, there are 'rude' tourists, and there probably always will be.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

exasperated by crowds of badly behaved foreign tourists

Wow! Way to start an article.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Tourists are not the problem, instagramers are the problem. This isn't a Japan only issue, they are everywhere and expect you to get out of their shot or wait for them or hold up traffic, without a care in the world.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Ya know, if they handed out or sold nice postcards of the scene, nobody would bother climbing things for photos.

Don't understand do ya ?

It's a photo being taken of them at the location

Now if someone was taking their photo and charging a cost perhaps everyone would benefit.

There's plenty of photos or postcards of Fuji san available already

0 ( +7 / -7 )

exasperated by crowds of badly behaved foreign tourists

After living in japan for over a decade i have to agree the percentage of badly behaved tourists is aweful

Then again the percentage of Japanese prejudices towards foreigners is also aweful

Leaving their personal trash wherever is a problem by both Japanese and tourists

However blocking the view does seem a bit ridiculous

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

Although garbage is a problem I’d find it hard to imagine if a security guard asked someone to pick up their garbage they’d refuse . And they might be a minority. Maybe the shop could, have bigger bins, are they overflowing? Most tourists don’t dump stuff on the street. Accept maybe the odd fag butt. But Japanese are guilty of this too. As for the parking situation, the Japanese do this too. We have all been guilty of it at times. But I think most tourist use the trains rather than the cars. As for the photo problem, im sure the shop owner must be creaming in some money from all these tourists. Maybe the franchise is part of the problem by not emptying bins or not often enough or not having enough bins, Didn’t we have some neighbors in an article complaining about garbage and noise with some Kurds being accused and it turned out after investigation, just to be some excuse to complain because they “felt uncomfortable” which I can understand.(rightly or wrongly).if the tourists are doing this, this doesn’t bode well for people who live in Japan who look foreign, anyway whether I’m foreign or not this is still my home. So it’s not only a problem for the so called “Japanese”

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

It’s the same solution to any change that occurs in Japan that isn’t completely without some issues - instead of trying to adapt to it in a creative way, they simply ban it. They banned the Shibuya Halloween and NYE festivities - every other major city in the world manages to cope with similar in a safe manner but not Japan. And it is always when the problem is seen as caused by foreigners. Fireworks festivals attracting 1 million Japanese are OK. The millions of Japanese tourists all over Japan during the bubble resulting in unsightly buildings dumped all over Japans pristine locations were ok, but a few foreigners taking snaps outside of a combini they want to put up a huge screen to block the view. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Really the burgeoning tourist numbers overall must fall at the feet of the BOJ whose inaction is causing 34 year lows in the Yen against the US$. I mean the latest against the AUD is Y103.40 to AUD1.

Australians are calling Japan the new Bali which is not good news for Japan.

I have to say in our 3 extended trips to Japan since 2019 I haven't personally witnessed rude tourists, but I'm sure they exist.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I’m not sure if I’m amused or disappointed. Either way, it’s a stupid idea.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

The barrier won't stop tourists from coming. Fuji is not visible every day. They still come.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Make the Japanese yen currency stronger than the dollar

That'll help the overtourism and the economy both

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Instead of thinking outside the box, they choose their typical solution. To ban.

They could have think of a creative, interesting solution to make money out of this, however, since Japan is the least country to think outside the box this is happening.

And we all wonder why the Japanese economy is going down to drain...

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

climbed mt. fuji in a rain storm in august 2000. we didn’t know it was going to rain. we were young and dumb and fresh off the boat. a monk at the 5th station prayed for us and bought us bottles of sake. we drank them and started walking up at 4pm. was no one on the walk up. just rain. at dusk, we found a hut midway and knocked on the door of it. they had a fire going for cooking and we sat and ate cup noodles and slept there. the next morning the typhoon had gone and it was cloudless day. at the top at sunrise the whole mountain was red like mars and the sea glimmered.

Awesome. Been up twice. Your story is way better! Cheers!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

More anti-human action from the Japanese governments.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

They could have think of a creative, interesting solution to make money out of this, however, since Japan is the least country to think outside the box this is happening.

And what is your solution?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I have one solution.how about someone make some big or more Pokémon, Doraemon, ONE PIECE, Totoro,Gandam, bins, for the tourists to be nudged/ encouraged to throw their garbage in. (Could be helpful, could make it worse). But it could tick a few boxes. Encourages people to clean up, very Japanese, sounds fun, and another reason for a photo (helping them clean up as they’re standing right next to it) and who doesn’t love those cute characters. Japan does love to ban stuff, or throw up more traffic lights. LoL

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Really? Tourism is less than 1% of Japan’s economy.

Record Japan Profits Show Nikkei Is Primed for All-Time High


Really? Tourism is less than 1% of Japan’s economy.

Big companies in Japan and people involved in investing are doing well. But do ordinary Japanese getting any of this money?

Tourism directly injects money into the local encomy.

I was in Osaka about 2 months ago. I went to a restaurant near Shinsaibashi at 1:00pm on a weekday and all the customers inside the restaurant and those waiting outside were tourist.

All the money I spent on that trip goes directly to the transportation companies that I rided, the restaurants that I went, the shops that sold me the things I wanted.

Better management is what is needed.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

@Ed, I can confirm "the new Bali" moniker. Since the yen has crashed I've definitely noticed a different kind of tourist. Not all of course but many uncivilized bogan types that I'd only experienced in Bali. I've witnessed some really embarrassing and disrespectful behaviour.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I take all these accusations with a mountain of salt!

Most if not the vast majority of tourists in Japan don't rent cars but use public transportation or tour buses.

I travel a lot for work and yes Yamanashi, Shizuoka, etc...

I stop at plenty of areas especially rest stops on the highway.

Yes a lot of foreign tourists but look around and 99%vof them are on tour buses the cars are nearly all Japanese.

This claim that tourist are not following road regulations or parking at the dentist office smell fowl.

It is more likely people in the area see/hear non Japanese speaking see the cars and say "oh must be the foreigners parking or driving badly" while totally ignoring the fact that 99% came of busses!

Are we to believe that there are that many foreigners renting cars to drive there?

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

"a reputation has spread on social media that this spot is very Japanese, making it a popular photo location," said the town official who declined to be named.

The mostly non-Japanese tourists are overcrowding a stretch of pavement next to the Lawson shop, he said.

ahh the hypocrisy….

isn’t this the exact same things, Japanese tourists do in non Japanese countries?

they see something on a tv show, in a magazine or social media, and then they just HAVE to go and see the exact same place or take the exact same picture everyone and their mama has/does. And they think it’s fabulous.

also, Japan talks about WE WANT TOURISTS……money. But we hate tourists being here……

turn the tables around and it’s appalling.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

The real Japan. Be sure to get the utility pole in the picture too.

-9 ( +13 / -22 )

A problem that is easily solved by charging for access.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

So if something can't be monetized, then you are going to block it? Talk about building your own prison.

I usually drag people who make ridiculous takes here, but in this case, I'm willing to accept that whoever came up with this idea, and those that support it, really have no idea where that missile ends.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

charged 2,000 yen each, with numbers capped to ease congestion.

What a joke :D

If you told me they're charging that money to help cleaning up the mountain, if believe you. But to help combat too many people??? Get out of here. And by that, I mean locals, get out of here. Coz 2,000 yen will soon be the same as $10. So... Same as raising the bus fares in Kyoto to "unencouraging tourist from using the same buses as locals."

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

I would love for someone to sit there one day and count how many cars are rentals and how many are not!

Then because we know the rental cars from non rental ( the license plate tells us that) go to each rental care and ask if they are Japanese!

I am willing to bet 90% of the cars are not rentals and 90% of the rentals that are there are driven by Japanese and are Time share!

I am sure like in Yanaka Tokyo where there is an explosion of tourists this year and illegally parked cars 99% of the cars are Japanese driven and those great big buses are where the foreign tourists are getting around/out of.

But like I heard last weekend locals were trying to blame all the cars on Chinese tourists but when I pointed out none of the offending cars were rentals and pointed to the big yellow buses, they still tried to claim "Japanese don't park illegal".

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

This is a bit like when Mr Burns tried to block out the sun in that famous Simpsons episode. All to do with forcing the residents to spend more on energy in that. Is this about money too?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Perhaps it would make better sense to keep the views of Mr. Fuji, which is economically good for business . . . and deal with troublesome tourists in different ways, e.g. using hidden cameras to photograph violators, then send them a bill for violating the law . . . .

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Next whine about FOREIGN tourists coming up shortly. What would it be without at least one per week? Kyoto, Mt. Fuji, ski resort in Hokkaido. Maybe a famous spot in Kyushu could do the "honors" next.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Japanese authorities exasperated by crowds of badly behaved foreign tourists.

Their country..

Their rules..

Well done..

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

If the yen were strong like it used to be, the number of idiots visiting would dramatically reduce.

then those repatriated profits from overseas would be dramatically less, Japanese workers would be more expensive than their overseas counterparts, profits would be far less if any at all, wage hikes would be non existent for Japanese workers, back into the deflationary cycle again. Notice how many J companies are doing far better making record profits under the weaker yen, Japans economy was built on cheap exports when the forex was 250yen/ 1$

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Next whine about FOREIGN tourists coming up shortly. 

yes they were complaining there were no tourist during covid, ow they complain theyre too many LOL

-4 ( +10 / -14 )


1 ( +1 / -0 )


Today 12:15 pm JST

Japanese authorities exasperated by crowds of badly behaved foreign tourists.

> Their country..

> Their rules..

> Well done..

Except the fact that few tourists in Japan have a car or rent a car!

So odds are all those "badly behaved tourists" are Japanese!

A bus full of Chinese or others yes, I would believe that, but a supposed large number of foreign tourists driving in cars!? Really?

Again 90% if not more of the "cars" are Japanese driver's, probably private cars or my favourite danger on the roads "time share" drivers, they don't know where they are going, don't drive often, don't actually know the rules, most have been paper drivers 90% of the time since getting a driver's license!

This is just another "blame the foreigners" because they see or hear non Japanese spoken and "assume" the cars and everything else must be them!

Ever gone up Mount Fuji?

I did multiple times including over 30 years ago!

Very few foreigners back then but trash everywhere and it was not from tens of thousands of foreigners, that trash was from mostly Japanese.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Ah.... but someone is sure to take a photo of the black screen and post it.

Then every one will want to do that.

Can't win either way. LOL

1 ( +5 / -4 )


This "town" was created in 2003 by the merger of 2 smaller towns!

Anyone want to take a guess why?

Because the 2 towns were broke, failing businesses, dropping population, they had to close the senior highschool leaving only the prefecture senior high for both towns.

Today tourism is the only major business revenue based around the Fuji 5 lakes.

This idea and the complaints I am willing to bet are from people that are retired, live in the past, don't understand or care about the real world today and those not on a secure pension.

But once the city funds run dry because they have chased all the paying tourist away.

Then they will whine and "demand" the prefecture or national government save them!

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Was there about a month ago and totally agree. I used to live there and when I went in 97 there were hardly any foreign tourists except for the foreign exchange students and military people from the US bases and other intrepid tourists who wanted to hike up to Mt Fuji. Went back in 2005-6 and it was still good. Everyone treated each other with respect and courtesy and even found place one time which let me hold my bags for free while I climbed. Now it is so different. I met so many foreigners that they outnumbered the locals there and it was sad because a couple of times the foreigners were rude even to me. Even on the train ride up from Tokyo to Kawaguchiko station. It was totally ridiculous to experience that much rudeness from foreigners who had no respect. An example was tourists riding the rental bicycles on the sidewalk. In Japan you do not ride your bicycles on the sidewalk when people are walking. As for the convenience store. Good for them. I saw that and I was just blown away of some many foreigners taking selfies, posing like they are models and being just plain dumb. A couple years from now they will not even know where that photo was taken or why they did that.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )


In Japan you do not ride your bicycles on the sidewalk when people are walking.

we clearly live in different Japans

13 ( +14 / -1 )


Today 02:10 pm JST

First Fujikawaguchiko didn't exist in 97!

It was created in 2003 out of desperation because the 2 towns were dying and broke!

I would go fishing in the area even back in the 90s and sorry other than myself, no foreigners but plenty of trash especially beer, coffee cans etc...and no again this was not foreigners dropping this trash.

As for mount Fuji! In 95 the governments officials and operators of the mountain stations were complaining about the trash, and then again in 2000, 2005, and no it wasn't foreigners leaving all that trash.

And as


Today 02:17 pm JST

we clearly live in different Japans

But your entry rant forgot to point out the complaint is supposedly about tourists in cars and everything you said was public transportation and bicycles!

So again I say it is all just them and your perception based on preconceived ideas!

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

"Tourists", more like Instagram sheep who only go somewhere only after it becomes "famous".

Yep, it's the same at that train crossing near the sea which merely looks a bit like a frame in a famous manga.

A lot of this can't be helped, but as a partial solution, in fact the best one, would be for Fujikawaguchiko to have a visitor center and viewpoint with lots of parking, lots of space and an unobstructed view of Fuji. Somewhere you can guide all the sheeple so they are not standing in front of a dentists stuck unwillingly opposite a now-famous convenience store. If there was a better place to take photos, tourists would go there and not here. Note that the people going to take this photo will be mostly Asian. It won't be Australians, bogans or otherwise. I have a mate who's chauffeured for Asian tourists and he said he was constantly being asked about viewpoints and where to take photos. He said he would just stop the van anywhere with a half decent view and say "Look its the Northern Alps!" etc. It resulted in big tips.

When I went to Castle Coomb in the Cotswolds in the UK, one house had a sign in Japanese saying "this is a private garden so don't come in and take photos". So Japanese do it too. A famous mega random Japanese tourist destination in Hawaii is the park that is home to a massive tree that appeared on Hitachi adverts on Japanese TV, shown often during "Sekai no Fushigi Hakken" on Saturday nights. The advert makes the tree look like it is standing alone, but it is actually about 50m from a four lane highway. We went in 2012 and there was police car parked there specifically to watch out for Japanese tourists and stop them getting robbed.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Another NIMBY Japan town/city like Kyoto!

That is until like Kyoto during COVID they end up broke because they chased away all the tourist money and then will expect the rest of the country to bail them out!

I say let them do it but have them sign an agreement that in the future they cannot ask for any financial help from the prefecture or national governments once they no longer have any money!

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

But your entry rant forgot to point out the complaint is supposedly about tourists in cars

this article doesn’t actually say anything clearly about tourists in cars though. You’re right though, if it’s tourists in cars that are the main concern then it’s not likely to be majority foreigners.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There are many better locations to take a selfie with Fuji without a konbini

11 ( +11 / -0 )

The real Japan. Be sure to get the utility pole in the picture too.

Great comment.

Still giggling.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Is there a single JT poster who would visit this location?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

wallaceToday  03:33 pm JST

Is there a single JT poster who would visit this location?

Lived in Japan for 15 years and visited many times and have never had the desire to go on or even near Mt Fuji. I know what it looks like already. :)

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Shadows of the Rising Sun


> Is there a single JT poster who would visit this location?

> Lived in Japan for 15 years and visited many times and have never had the desire to go on or even near Mt Fuji. I know what it looks like already. :)

My question is not about Mount Fuji but about this location. I am happy to visit places with a view of Fuji. Our family grave is there. But I have never climbed it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Way to turn an opportunity in to a problem.

Typical NIMBY behaviour.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Is there a single JT poster who would visit this location?

Yes, me. I visit it several times a week and have seen what it has become.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

In America it would be called a spite fence,blocking your neighbor view that they enjoyed Google Spite Fence

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This fiasco is the "local council" failing to manage the simplest of tasks.

Blaming "foreigners", everyone except taking responsibility.

Construction of the mesh net -- 2.5 meters high and the length of a cricket pitch at 20 meters -- will begin as early as this week, an official from Fujikawaguchiko town in Yamanashi Prefecture said.

"It's regrettable we have to do this, because of some tourists who can't respect rules," leaving litter behind and ignoring traffic regulations, he told AFP.

Are you out of your flipping minds, "2.5 meters high and the length of a cricket pitch at 20 meters" so to alleviate littler bugs, tourists taking keep sake of a volcano, all at the local tax payers expense!!!!

If local bylaws are broken, if anti social behaviour is causing a nuisance this is a matter for the local constabulary.!!!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Antiquesaving is asking the pertinent questions, I mean *2.5 meters high and the length of a cricket pitch at 20 meters* when simply a police presence to deal with the anti social behaviour is do the job.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


Today 08:29 pm JST

If local bylaws are broken, if anti social behaviour is causing a nuisance this is a matter for the local constabulary.!!!

The problem is in the article!

leaving litter behind and ignoring traffic regulations, he told

Let's be honest here! Few and I mean very very few foreign tourists are going there by car, tour bus, yes, public transportation, yes, but cars!?

Those cars are more likely all if not 99% driven by Japanese and having the police get involved would ruin the "it's the gaijins that are the problem"

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Let's be honest here! Few and I mean very very few foreign tourists are going there by car, tour bus, yes, public transportation, yes, but cars!?

True. Most of the people go on foot. The station is about 100m away.

Tour buses, no. Thats a different Lawson in a different part of town with a bigger car park that welcomes them. They don't go to this one.

Those cars are more likely all if not 99% driven by Japanese and having the police get involved would ruin the "it's the gaijins that are the problem"wson.

Untrue I'm afraid. Most of the cars that go there are foreign driven. Few Japanese go there except to purchase stuff.

But the cars parking aren't a big problem. It's the pedestrians that are causing the problem.

I mean *2.5 meters high and the length of a cricket pitch at 20 meters* when simply a police presence to deal with the anti social behaviour is do the job.

There is a koban right next to the store but I never see police there. They do have a little old guy vainly trying to make people use the zebra crossing. Tough gig.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Antiquesaving this alleged so called "anti social behaviour" can be simply managed.

Without the need for 2.5 meters high and the length of a cricket pitch at 20 meters**** preposterous barriers, and crazy media statement to quote....

"It's regrettable we have to do this, because of some tourists who can't respect rules," leaving litter behind and ignoring traffic regulations....

This is bonkers.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

“Ignoring traffic regulations” applies not only to motor vehicles, but to cyclists and pedestrian traffic as well. Crowds of people holding up traffic is also “ignoring traffic regulations”. It’s not clear that in the article that the complaint is about large numbers of cars.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There must be thousands of locations in and around Tokyo that are just as good! Ridiculous.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Arrange Mount Fuji viewing days, erect a platform, advertise, charge a fee.

Just manage, take advantage of a gift going begging and funnel the profits back into the community.

Hells teeth.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@ itsonly

Thank you!

Haven’t heard anybody say “Hell’s teeth” for forty years.


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Yes lucabrasi my grandfather used to bark it out playing bowls.

Bless he couldn't see the hand in front of his face.

But this Mount Fuji farce is nuts really.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Arrange Mount Fuji viewing days, erect a platform, advertise, charge a fee.

It's a good idea, but they'd have to buy the land from the dentist, who might be happy to relocate now. Space is pretty tight and traffic heavy on that narrow road even without the Lawson thing

The insta fad may be gone by the time they sort it.

Personally I quite like it, feels a bit like Khaosan Road.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

ClippetyClop, yes indeed trespassing on the dental surgery premises is a no no.

Clambering on the roof is outrageous.

Clearly this is not straightforward, could move Mount Fuji, excuse my humour.

There is always a way, trust me on that, finding it is another matter.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I would have thought that the best solution to this would be to install more litter bins, and put up more traffic regulation signs.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Yes Alan Harrison bingo....

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Proof that they are not Japanese?

Was there last November and that was exactly what caught my eye as well. Unruly tourists hopping in the middle of the street to take selfies of each other with car traffic actually having to honk their horns to get them to move aside. Won't go into shaming individual nationalities but let's just say they sure didn't speak Japanese.

I can very much understand the vexation of tourism in Kawaguchiko, Kyoto, and Osaka in particular. Even as a tourist myself, the stuff I've seen others do is often just plain embarrassing and totally disrespectful.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

There is always a way, trust me on that, finding it is another matter.

Agreed. Maybe they are working on that, and in the meantime a cheap screen will just have to do.

Either way, I have no doubt that some cunning tourists will still find ways to get that snap. They are about to make it more valuable.

The thing is, it isn't even that bad there. A bit chaotic, but quite a good place to be. And Lawson are making a killing, as is the 7-11 over the road.

There must be thousands of locations in and around Tokyo that are just as good! Ridiculous.

I think those conbinis may be missing a vital element though. Wonder what it could be.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

ClippetyClop, tourists will always present one challenge after another.

I really don't know what to make of these strange occurrences.

Lawsons and Mount Fuji?

Its me, I really don't desire photos of one or the other.

That is after a lie down

1 ( +2 / -1 )

You know ClippetyClop, you are clearly aware of this area, its struggle with the task at hand.

I think best for me to base my comments on that fact.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Toon12:, An example was tourists riding the rental bicycles on the sidewalk. In Japan you do not ride your bicycles on the sidewalk when people are walking. 

You can’t be serious? I’ve lived in Japan for over two decades and have been annoyed for almost all of that time by people, Japanese, riding their bikes on sidewalks. I know very few people who have not at some point been ridden into by someone riding their bike on the sidewalk whilst the other person was walking It is very common in my neighborhood and other neighborhoods where I go walking, to have a cyclist ding their bell while riding behind you even though they aren’t supposed to be doing that either. I am so certain these cyclists are Japanese and not tourists that I would happily bet a year’s salary. People already make up enough unwarranted complaints about tourists that you don’t need to be making up lies.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

An example was tourists riding the rental bicycles on the sidewalk. In Japan you do not ride your bicycles on the sidewalk when people are walking.

By law, bicycles are classified as vehicles, and are supposed to be on the road. However, there are multiple exceptions to this rule, making the grey area so large as that the rule is never enforced. In practice, people ride on the sidewalks all the time, and the overwhelming number of those people are Japanese, so it's not something to be blamed on tourists.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Unfortunately, Japan has entered the era of cheap uncultured tourist.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Unfortunately, Japan has entered the era of cheap uncultured tourist.

Yep. This

From another article on the exact same topic.

Visitors regularly lie in the road as friends take photographs, while others stand in the road and block the traffic or obstruct parking spaces.

Not one word about cars other than what you see there "block the traffic or obstruct parking spaces."

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Number One Lesson in Life that you learn in elementary school:

No matter what the activity is how much fun it is, there is always some boorish butt-head who has to pull stupid stunts and pranks (thinking it's funny) and spoils the fun for everyone. Then everyone suffers, the teacher stops the pleasant event because one brat had to ruin everything for everyone.

Such is life.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

To be fair to the Japanese, the kind of tourism experienced all over the world at the moment has never been ruder, more selfish, more inconsiderate and just plain dumb.

That doesn't mean all tourists or most are like that - it means those who fall into the other category are bringing a negativity way out of proportion and refuse to listen to anybody ask them to observe rules etc because they have made themselves an azz hole bubble of smart phones and social media.

Meiji Jingu has that problem - you're not supposed to take photos of videos, there are signs there saying in languages apart from Japanese and there are security guards saying 'No photos/videos please'. Yet tourists especially ones from South America - Brazilians and others - completely ignore the security and keep snapping/filming with no shame whatsoever. Most of those doing this don't even bother looking at the security guards just like those pedestrians spilling over into the street near that conbini don't give less than a shizz about why they shouldn't do it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Relocate the conbi and dentist, make a scenic spot ecofriendly viewpoint from recycled materials.....charge gaijtourists global warming entry fee of 20,000 each, and await whatever manmade crises the global elite come up with next. Then rinse and repeat

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Ban all tourism to Japan!!! Mount Fuji will be happy and residence around it will be happy! No foreigners throwing garbage everywhere and no over-tourism!!!! All problems solved with JUST one action!!!! Perfect!!!!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Part of the problem of the current tourist boom is that people from overseas do not travel in the way that is typical of Japanese tourists. The 'cool Japan' campaign really bit them on the bottom because the infrastructure was completely unready for it. Foreign tourists are getting the blame because they don't tend to travel in tour groups, they prefer individual freedom. The irony is that they often tend to end up doing the same things anyway (because of the promotional campaigns?), but without being nicely organized.

The hotels here are designed with businessmen in mind. The trains are designed for commuters in mind. The tourist destinations have long been adequate to deal with organized tour groups and school excursions, but there is very little consideration or provision for people who do not conform to these norms.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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