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© 2013 AFPJapan trying to confirm N Korean missile launch status
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Stupid...wating fuel...the little they have.
Stupid....wasting fuel...the little they have.
Stupid...wasting fuel...the little they have.
Have ever played with a laser and a cat?
North Korea has the laser. They are fooling around.
Yeah, because moving a few missiles from place to place is really going to confuse the image analysis teams working with billion dollar satellites...
Just start the war and bomb the hell out of NK!!
If you can do it in Afghanistan and Iraq, you can do it in NK.
Iraq is a hell-hole now and we are losing in Afghanistan. Why should we want another war? When people are desperate and see no future they will do anything. If you attack NK and they feel they have nothing to lose they will unleash what nuclear weapons they have. You would be also be killing innocent people for the sake of regime change... but nothing new there.
Jeff Ogrisseg
NK General: Sir, you do realize that we're not fooling anybody by just moving things around.
Kim: Yeah, but the eyes of all the world are on me. So, I win!
NK General: Of course, Sir. It's true because it's funny.
A laser and a cat. Spot on TumbleDry.
The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is different to that in the Korean peninsula. If NK got it's ass kicked, it could re-unite with the South. Iraq and Afghanistan are going to be toilets whatever happens.
Surgical strikes could take out their nukes before they have the chance to arm them, let alone fire them.
They're getting killed by the regime anyway. Besides, if the strikes are done right, there will be limited civilian casualties.
Probie... there's no such thing as a surgical strike, and even with highly advanced systems the wrong targets are still hit. All it takes is for some pilot to THINK he sees a launcher, fires and later finds out it was a bus full of kids.
We should be hoping this calms down, not speculating on what a war will be like. Only idiots want a war.
Im not a war monger at ALL however one has to wonder how long this is going to go on, realistically.
He is just like his father - playing games with international security, making threats but being too chicken to actually follow through on them. It will continue, without any course of action for the next year, or decades, until he dies and his equally idiotic and brainwashed son will replace him.
As I said, I don't want a war. I would however, very much like someone to be provoked to the point where they get into that country, and knock him off his pedestal. He's the playground bully who needs a bigger kid to come along and put him in his place. Cant we arrest him for something? Throw him in jail for something? Elect a new leader of NK who will have the best interests of the North Korean people (as opposed to world domination) at heart?
Alex Einz
Nobody actually interested in stopping this game... US / JP and KR military has excuses to do some military training + spending...while China enjoying the embargo by being the only one with trade relationships...
The theatre will keep on and on
North Korea's leaders know they stand no chance in any actual conflict. Unfortunately they've been playing this deceptive game for years, with everyone in the global community lapping it up and making political concessions to stave off violent actions that never really become reality. Time to /ignore for once and let them figure out that the rest of the world is done with their games.
This is just a diversion put on by NK, to provide cover for their agents who have infiltrated TEPCO and continue with their fiendish work, releasing specially trained gnawing rats and poking holes in the ponds plastic linings.
(This is meant to be humor, not serious)
Reading other reports on this whole fiasco, Im not understanding why SK Japan and the US won't shoot the missles down if they deem they will fall into the ocean. Would shooting them down be an act of war considering NK has repeatedly made threats to fire nuclear weapons? How would anyone know if the missles are not carrying a nuclear payload? How does anyone know if the missles were programed to hit a target but was a failure? Why should any country give NK another chance to test missles to gather more information to increase thier capabilities?
I still think anything leaving NK airspace should be destroyed.
Christopher Noland
They will take out. North Korea when china says its ok.
In the past china has always defended them.
But this time they won't..
North Korea has nothing to lose
When they attack Japan the US will have to defend Japan against North Korea
So it's already planned its just a matter of when it happens.
China needs to grow a pair and bring this charade to an end. We all know they're calling the shots...
House Ten Bosh
North Korea is behaving like an angry child threatening with a fire arm, while the parents are saying, you don't dare to shoot. All three they know however that one false move can have fatal consequences.
What if the US and SK try to intercept a test missile try and fail, will it not only encourages the North ? If we succeed, they get valuable data on our capabilities. If we shoot it down and the debris causes any damage or casualties, then we share in the blame for it. If we launch an interception missile that is misconstrued as an act of aggression, it could start a wider exchange. Japan has never threatened such a reaction before and there are lots of reasons not to start now...
This is what happens when you let children play with guns (missiles). Make no mistake, this child leader does not care about repocussions from a missile attack. He will let loose with more than one missile and quite possibly will arm them with nuclear warheads. He doesn't care! He just wants his people to love him for killing US soldiers. He will only target the US bases.
Like they are going to hate us any more than they already do now?
No they don't.
It's pretty hard to cause damage wen something falls into the sea. Launching an interception against an already launched missile is hardly an act of aggression.
Japan has never threatened such a reaction before and there are lots of reasons not to start now...
Sure there is. You weren't around in 1998?
You give NK too much credit. They aren't intelligent enough to do that. Just take a look at any image of Un's face...
Nothing will happen friends. Focus on your work so your employer don't fire you :)
nK say they have closed the northern border crossing to China. Why would they shut out their only friend in the region? Meanwhile in Chinese media, they report closing off the China/NK border crossing to prevent an expected and uncontrolled influx of NK refugees into the country should NK invoke military action against outside forces. I hope they packed a lot of cut lunches before they started this because there are no aid or supplies coming in anywhere now. How does the fat guy expect to back down from this trumped up emergency while saving face? Everyone has had it up to the neck with this dysfunctional family. The last thing SK wants is integration. The skill level is so low in the north, and the south is so technologically advanced that to integrate risks bringing down the economy and draining the coffers of the UN. They say they can only employ so many farmers and gardeners. Stuff needs to settle down and everyone stay where they are.
To resume aid, NK should be made to exchange both nuclear and conventional weapons for food.
If the USA can see a missing tile on the space shuttle, it can see the launching pad in NK. Unless these missiles are totally solid fuel, there will also be a visible plume coming from them. The headline is so misleading.
No country, besides NK, really wants to start a war because we want peace. It would cost money, lives, and resourcesto start a war, even if all of our forces combine could wipe NK into oblivion. Though if NK did in fact attack a country no one would stand down from the fight.
Russia&China totally dislike US bases in Japan&S Korea .....
So - it's a big game ....
(US bases are not for peace )
Nah, we just need to send a "Special Envoy" to North Korea & Ive got the The Perfect Man for the job:
Morgan Freeman
We need Morgan Freeman because he's The Best at explaining things and when he explains things, somehow it makes sense. If he can make sense in Hollywood, then he can certainly make sense to North Korea.
I really hope their celebrations of their slavery end soon so the Un can go back to doing whatever a despot does with his free time and leave the rest of us alone. Better yet, maybe China should do something constructive for once.
Can we give them bennigan's coupons and free bubblegum ?
I believe a first strike is in order. Militarily - a first strike is considered a defensive move. For example, if an attacker is about to punch you and you hit the attacker first to avoid being punched, this is considered a defensive first strike. N.Korea needs to be taught a lesson that using war threats is not a way to gain respect in the international community, and it will not be tolerated.
If China is involved, this is how it is played out. China pretends to denounce N.Korea. China promises to give aid to N.Korea in return for their cooperation. The whole exercise is to see how the U.S. and Japan will react to N.Korea. China gathers military intelligence on how quickly Japan and the U.S. can react, their capabilities, and how the international community reacts.
Maria Ybanez
The only reason I would wish americans would fight North Korea is in order to liberate the people from their concentration camps. I saw a report about it on CNN and it seems terrible. I don't like wars but maybe is the only way to save them.
The one good thing I take away from this is the Obama Administration's insistence that North Korea will not gain any concessions from this shell game they're playing. As long as Obama sticks with that stance, North Korea can play "hide-the-missile" until their country collapses for all I care.
Except that's exactly what Pyongyang wants. If they're attacked first, then North Korea attains the moral high ground and can launch missiles "in its defense". That's exactly why it's not going to happen that way.
China has no interest in North Korea being attacked because they like the idea of a buffer country between them and South Korea. China will tell Pyongyang to stand-down as soon as they feel the rest of the world has had enough with fatboy's antics and is about to forcibly remove his regime.
This is foolish. Obviously NK isn't fooling anyone. Yet I rather play 3 Card Monte then real life Missile Command.
@ olegek. Russia&China totally dislike US bases in Japan&S Korea .....
So - it's a big game ....
(US bases are not for peace )
I never said U.S. bases are there for good. I never even mentioned U.S bases. I simply stated that we want peace. Please,if you are going to rant on me, stay on the topic i choose. Furthermore Russia and China are not trying to wage war against other countries. Where did you get from my statement anything about U.S. bases
baka gaijin
Please be rest assured that a first strike by the Allies (US, SK, and Japan) substantially would reduce NK's ability to respond. NK has troops massed on its border with SK, because NK doesn't have enough fuel to move troops much of any distance. Also, Japan could the test the combat readiness of its F-35.
baka gaijin
Good points and precisely why the Allies should first strike @ NK.
I'm still not giving him a Happy Meal.
baka gaijin
China and Russia use NK and Iran as client/proxy nations to tweak the US' nose and the US stupidly responds to these client/proxy nations. As I've written before, the US should engage China and Russia in turn-about-is-fair-play. Accordingly, the US should give to Japan, SK, Taiwan, Israel, and the Philippines nuclear-armed missiles and the most sophisticated anti-missile defense systems.
Then, when these countries tweak the noses of China and Russia, the US can issue statements, such as, 'China and Russia are interferring with the sovereignity and internal politics of these countries.'
Or, 'Hey, all of you cool the rhetoric and try to get along.'
Or, 'Hey, don't cause problems in the Middle East [or Asia, as applicable].'
The DPRK is just a Proxy for China. No one can say that China is pulling all the strings but it will be ignorant to think that no strings are in chinese hands. The US use to be smarter than this but apparently the rest of the world is catching up to the level of US sophistication in the global political arena. Or at least the regimes that have survived this long.
no one seems to get it...the DPRK is a proxy for China. The North koreans will one day fight the south in the attempt to unify the peninsulla. But no one knows when the time will come. They tried 60yrs ago and failed because of the U.S. and Nato. So today, the rhetoric has been fire hot to bait the U.S. into showing their cards if there were to be a real conflict. And sadly the US is showing North Korea and China exactly what to expect and prepare for when the real dance starts.
The North Koreans can't really gather the kind of intel they would need in preparation for an actually conflict so they basically create this situation to get the US to show its hand.i.e. B2 bombers, Cruisers, Radar Equip. Missle defense, THAD,etc. Basically , this also shows China what to expect from the US in the region when things get hot. In a few years when the DPRK can actually match all the talk and rhetoric with real proven advancements in missle tech, and nuclear tech this threat will be real.
And even today the Pentagon announced that they believe the Koreans have a nuclear capable missile. Not years away like the biased "experts" have been saying. SO I guess thats why the Chinese have been supplying the North Koreans with Mobile Launch Pads Vehicles because what is a missle if you don't have the ability to transport.
4/12 - Missile launch? Try "military intelligence." The pentagon reports that NK is capable of placing a nuclear weapon on one or or both of the missiles. The USA strings people along telling them, don't worry, it isn't possible. Then on the eve of launch, "military intelligence" says it really is possible and likely. A definite MAYBE.
The situation is not very nice because the North is provoking US to think something serious may happen and US in response is doing same thing.
So far, with the help of the Western media, the North Korean actions have had some impact. Closure of the industrial complex and warning foriegners to get out of both North and South Korea in particular caused a distinct negative reaction in the Korean equity and currency markets. American language has toned down as well. They have scored points in showing that they can knock the markets around.
The ultimate goal of one on one negotiations with America won't be achieved. However, they do succeed in exacting a price for the sanctions and the larger scale than usual military exercises around their territory. Things will go quiet again soon enough.
A childish dream without any connection to rude reality. Uncle Sam likes to be a World Cop and considers all other nations as loyal puppets.. So, the USA will never give a nuclear weaponry or up-to-date high-speed rockets to Taiwan, Japan or Philippines. As for Russia or China , they have nothing against small independent nations with well-developed weaponry for self-defence. That's why Russia and China support Syria, Iran or Venezuela. The aggressive foreign policy of USA caused the current crisis with North Korea, constantly "pulling a chain of sleeping hound". Instead of congratulations with the first ever successful launch of North Korean satellite, the UN after Uncle Sam's leadership imposed much more tough sanctions to North Korea. You know it would be a clearly visible act of insulting for ANY nation of the World. Now people of Russia and China are looking calmly on another one international show with "North Korean threat" and attempts of US leadership to regain an image of Big Brother and Main Protector of Japan and South Korea.
The US should do a first strike. Any missiles that N. Korea launches will be shot down by allied forces. N. Korea is limited in the number of missiles they have. They are so poor that they will use up 90% of their arsenal in the first few counterattacks.