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Japan, U.S. urging more students to study in each other's countries
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It's a tricky situation for Japanese students while university administration encourage students to study abroad, each department will treat these students differently since many of department won't recognize semester when they study abroad so they end up more years in university.
Beside that it will ruin their job hunting schedule, and give no better chance to get into Japanese company of their choice. Since study abroad doesn't count in most of cases.
yep, and I don't claim to know the perfect solution , but I think it's a very good problem for the two countries to work on.
Japanese students, think twice before going to study in the United States, there are better and more civilized places to study without suffering racism and armed violence..
European countries for example..
@Tokyo living
My wife studied abroad in both the U.S and the U.K.
She had a better experience in the U.S ( California) than in Sussex England.
I have also visited the U.S many times and not once felt in any danger or suffered from discrimination... unfortunately I can't say the same for the U.K and the place of my birth.
Jim kirk
U.S. is most violence place, I won’t recommend it to students. So much racism, guns and can’t trust anyone.
Not sure both countries are needed, US only care more Japanese study abroad in US. Pretty sure US can not help Japanese students to increase their future employability in Japan, especially many Japanese companies doesn't count study abroad despite University say nice things.
Remember Yoshihiro Hattori, Rest In peace..
This is going to take a lot more than hashtags to have an effect, for the Japanese part the ingrained culture of education being just what you have to do to get the diploma that will let you be hired makes it studying overseas in general a disadvantage, and any US student only have to do a cursory research to see the quite low international level of Japanese Universities and choose instead something more worthy of their money in another country.
Sh1mon M4sada
Very poor timing on USA's part given the strength of the USD. It's currently more economically viable for Japanese students to study abroad, anywhere, except USA because of currency weakness everywhere against the USD.
Japanese should wisely consider the cost, which has risen nearly 30% due to yen depreciation over the past 10 months.
European countries for example..
Nobody wants to study in Europe currently, as long as the Russian war aggressiv mass murdering country is around and threatening Europe and the whole world with war and using nuclear weapons.
After Russia falls, Europe will be safe again.
Too few Japanese students who can actually use English in a social setting.
Too few young Americans willing to put up with Japanese rules/restrictions on covid.
It ain't gonna happen.
The difference in higher education style will always restrict the amount of students coming to Japan from western countries. Single sex dorms, curfews, insane rules for adults in their mid 20s.
If I knew, I probably wouldn't have done it myself. Covid just makes it even worse now.
says the people who get paid in USD, not yen.
exchange yen for dollars first, and then come tell me this again.
how do they expect students to fly abroad, specifically to the US, when US nationals living in japan, can’t buy a ticket to the states, because of the useless yen?
Japanese parents do know that parts the US is a cesspit of drugs, gangs, violence and racial hatred? It is also entering a recession that will probably last for years. Better to study in Aussie or Kiwiland.
For USA students this is a great time to come to Japan because of the low yen, low prices, lower inflation, safer place compare to other countries, friendly people.
Michael Machida
An American education is best. So, the intelligent people of Japan will study in NYC, Seattle, San Diego, and Hawaii for sure.
An American MBA is bank.
"We must take action now. Otherwise, it will be too late."
Too late for what? What are you worried about?
How long ago? Pre-Trump? Post Trump?
Right, and with the yen rate being what it is now, only those with money can reasonably afford to actually go to the US to study.
By comparison Japanese schools are far less expensive and affordable for folks from the US.
US schools are over priced for the education people receive.
Sadly the overwhelming number of Japanese it seems dont go there for a "university" education really. They go for "Study Abroad", meaning working to improve their English.
Yet how many actually achieve that goal?
I disagree, In todays modern world parents can get easily accessed information as to where it’s safe to reside and where it is not, not hard to do, and unlike the Aussie or Kiwiland, there are more choices, States, living conditions, educational institutions, selections of study, scholarships, job opportunities.
LOL. I think you meant to write: An American education is the best.
Yeah right, go take a look at the test scores in the US.
I wonder, how many American and other foreigner students improve their Japanese skills?
Europe is no better. It would better for our young people to stay in Japan. The west is out of control.
Public schools yes, you are right, that’s why private schools is a far better choice.
Depends, but I wouldn’t “entirely” disagree with that statement.
Good idea, let's add Canada to the rotation as well. Wonderful learning about each other's culture.
What planet are you living on? The yen is getting hammered in all currencies hell look at the SD$ and dont forget the countries that charge in US $$ too!
Widen your horizons and you'll see it is far from "viable" for anyone other than those with money!
We know several young people who are studying at US universities. Their courses were delayed because of the pandemic.
Japan should not have banned returning foreign students who were at universities. It had an effect on those wishing to study here.
UK universities are another country for students to attend.
Depends which University, not all are woke or like Berkley or Columbia.
Happy Day
Sad, but true. Stay awake from the schools trying to create woke soldiers. So, that includes pretty much the West and East Coasts. They're far too dangerous anyway. Some places in the Midwest are fine, though stay away from Chicago. The South is your best bet. They don't see too many Japanese, but they're the friendliest people once you get to know them.
Daddy gonna get poor with the exchange rates like this.
A lot of my Japanese friends, family and students have told me that even-though they'd like to study in the U.S., they are afraid to because they don't think their English conversation skills are good enough. I think a lot of Japanese actually enjoy western cultures and such but for them to fully enjoy it enough to feel confident enough to enroll in a U.S. university will require better teaching programs and methods at public schools here, ESPECIALLY in the speaking department. ECC, NOVA and other eikaiwas where students go only once a week or twice a month isn't enough to retain what they've learned, either. Most Americans I know living here took some pretty intensive Japanese language classes back in the States or were self-taught, came here and enrolled in language schools all over the country studying 3 to 5 days a week and now they speak Japanese pretty well. I think both of our countries can learn from each other from this alone.
I suppose you could go to one of those US universities which teach the world is 6,000 years old.
The US has many great universities.
Which ones aren’t woke?
Which American university has the most Japanese students?
List produced by the Facts
California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA): 39.90%
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, HI): 39.62%
University of Hawaii — West Oahu (Kapolei, HI): 38.59%
University of California, San Diego (La Jolla, CA): 37.61%
University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA): 36.96%
Very true. I lived in the US South and the religious types can be very intrusive and narrow minded.
Give me the woke crowd over that lot.
unfortunately I can't say the same for the U.K and the place of my birth.
yet the statistics show that the US has higher violent crime rates and homicides per capita than the UK
homicides almost 5 times higher, also the US has the highest incarceration rate of any 1st world country
finally rich
Whenever you talk about "guns", "violence" in the US this concerns pretty a single portion of the population.
Find a very nice state in the West/New england and enjoy the best the US can offer you without the undesirable aspects.
Haters can hate on America all day long but they are just mad and jealous because when all is said and done, the U.S. still comes out on top of the heap.
Sven Asai
The best solution is another: building and founding of US universities’ branches here in Japan. Sounds a bit one-sided, yes, but this is the only way to bring the numbers up significantly. And it has the most merits for all sides involved and avoids most demerits of those you’ve already named in the comments.
Are they going to supply the Japanese in the USA with free bulletproof vests?
Yep of dung!
No thanks, you're forced to be fully vaccinated against COVID if you want to go to the US...
Good for universities. It will keep the average intelligence level of the students up.
AntiquesavingToday 01:44 pm JST
Weak. Your country probably isn't even worth the tiny postage stamp it's printed on.
maybe east coast the rest eaugh no thanks
Most Japanese students have no desire to study abroad, especially USA. And USA is now desperate because their biggest cash cow, rich Chinese students either can't come because of the pandemic or refuse to come because of the violence, the insane Sinophobia and the threat of arrest because they may be accused of being a security threat. What was that about gun and foot?
Maybe USA can attract Ukrainian students.
Seth M
ugh no.. Americans are already squeezing into Japan, and Japanese students certainly have no interest in living in a country of crime rampage, if they want to study abroad there are better choices
Seth M
@Pukey2 interestingly, China still are still their largest source of international students, I'd thought India had surpassed but no.
The issue is big here,in the last decade many young Japanese people lost their interest to study,work or even just travel abroad.
Most of them would say that they’re not interested in foreign stuff.
Aren't they aware of the exchange rate?
My country flushes it's toilets it goes down south right into North America's cesspool.
Many of the world’s top universities are in the US.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Harvard University.
Stanford University.
Yale University.
University of Chicago.
Johns Hopkins University.
University of Pennsylvania.
California Institute of Technology.
Experience studying abroad is valued by Japanese companies in the job hunting process, and there are universities that convert credits earned abroad as core or elective credits.
The College ranking systems are a scam designed to deceive and take advantage of Chinese students that need a college degree to work in their country but can't test into their own colleges.
Covid really screwed things up, especially on the Japanese side due to the closed border on this end.
There is a huge imbalance between the US and Japan in terms of their ability to attract international students to their universities.
American universities have a huge advantage since all their classes are in English, which makes them accessible to a huge number of international students who speak it as a second language. There are only a small number of Japanese universities that offer programs (by which I mean “real” programs that lead to degrees in math, physics, economics. Law, etc) taught in English, and even those tend to be very small. At all the other universities everything is taught in Japanese which means 99.9% of potential international students just aren’t interested or able to study there.
Aren't they aware of the bedlam, mayhem, gun ownership, murder and mass shooting rates in the USA?
Three goals
My guess is studying overseas isn't popular in Japan for various reasons. For South East Asians studying in Australia is very popular. They bring in a lot of money. Also working abroad for Japanese is not popular. One would think getting international experience and improved English communication skills is valuable. It's not in Japan. It's not valued by employers. So why do Japanese have to study English? Most will never use it for the rest of their lives after graduating and then working for 40 years for a company.
How about raising the spend on education in Japan first - one of the lowest in the OECD!
Three goals
So true. You ask them which country would they like to visit? Many have no answer as they are not interested in any. They are only interested in Japan. Only 16 percent of Japanese have passports.
I think many Americans would jump at the chance to study for a year or two in Japan, although I do not know how many American students are fluent in Japanese. Would they be able to enroll in college, without being fluent in Japanese?
I had one Japanese professor at Uni. It was not a good experience. He taught Japanese politics, but seemed lazy to me, so I dropped the course.
The best universities in the world, many are in the US in good places (ex: Harvard and MIT in Boston, Cornell in Ithaca, Stanford in Palo Alto, etc.)
Those universities are giants and a town unto themselves - ya don't even have to go outside campus to get everything ya need. They have endowments the size of small countries' entire GDP
Just avoid southern states to be safe
George Berninger
The exchange rate doesn't help Japan, either.
Japan needs a little bit of 'out of control '. Might add some excitement to people's lives.