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© KYODOWhaling town Taiji begins dolphin hunt
TAIJI, Wakayama©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Sad news, one after another.
Mister X
I love Japan's culture and tradition but this display of animal cruelty makes me sick to my stomach.
Yeah you can be real proud if yourself...
Bruce Lamarche
Awfull !
Oscar Wilde was referring to fox-hunting, but the same applies here; The pursuit of the inedible by the unspeakable.
Invalid CSRF
Thanks to the security they can continue their barbaric practice, make huge amounts of money from sales of live dolphins to oceanariums around the world and can continue to give their children mercury tainted dolphin meat deemed unfit for human consumption by the WHO. Just another day in blissfully ignorant and belligerent Japan.
First three paragraphs are about the dolphins, and one more later in the article then the rest about whale hunting! The writer should be ashamed! While both are important issues, THIS is about the dolphins and their hideous slaughter!
DO everyone a favor and quit mixing topics PLEASE!
i hope they will not catch anything and they will fail every time they go out finishing for dolphins or even whales, the way they do it with dolphins is just brutal.
this excuse have been used since 1988? what a lame one
he's proud of going out fishing those poor animals what a shame
There are just some animals that are respected, and not among those not to be eaten. Dolphins are amongst that group. Disgusted. If one is a Christian yes the good book did say God put the animals for man to eat but he also gave a list that one should not eat...
One must look at cultural challenges by first looking at their own. Personally, I find cows and pigs to be such kind creatures and enjoy their company. So cute, so dependant on us.
Hardly a hunt.
The Avenger
When are they going to stop this? It's a disgrace.
Ganbare Japan!
Everyone commenting against the tradition of dolphin hunting themselves has cultural practices other cultures disagree with, and foods other people find "barbaric" to eat.
Please, respect Japan's culture, tradition and RIGHT.
Richard Burgan
Japan should know that the MAJORITY of the world hates this. It is a black mark on an otherwise respected country. The same can be said for whaling. Both of these practices are allowed only to placate a relative few people.
When 99% of people disagree with something you're doing, it would be a good idea to listen to what they're saying.
I'm all for keeping traditions but definitely not barbaric ones like this dolphin hunt.
Derek Grebe
If it's your culture, be proud of it. Don't hide it away behind tarpaulins. Show it to the world!
Look! This is traditional Japanese Culture! Please visit and spend tourist revenue which we desperately need.
Not a chance. They hide it because they know it is a disgrace.
Most Japanese I know have been kept wilfully ignorant of this massacre.
Cruelty against animals is not a specific about Japan: look at the Danes and the awful way they slaughter dolphins around the Feroe islands... It is unfortunately also true in so many countries around the world that we should at last start questioning why we, as human beings, supposedly created by a god, are so obviously delighting into blood, massacres, and killings of all sorts of innocent creatures...
Japan leading’ from the back again. Shame on you.
A toxic town full of toxic people eating toxic meat. But yeah, 'culture' etc
How those officials can keep number this low that should be another article.
Oh, I don't know, maybe some people enjoy eating mercury. Not my scene, but hey, go ahead.
Good luck and good hunting!
Their country, their culture, their right. No one has a right to criticize how other countries hunt and eat their animals.
Dom Palmer
The restrictions are all in the Old Testament. Christians follow the New Testament which changed the Old and contains no food restrictions.
The USA allows whale hunting. Canada allows whale hunting. Denmark allows whale hunting. Norway allows whale hunting. Iceland allows whale hunting. Russia allows whale hunting. None of these countries seem to suffer the abuse heaped on Japan. And none of these countries, including Japan, seem to have suffered any significant loss of respect due to whaling.
I know some foreigners living in the West are bothered by such things as dolphin hunting. I get it.
None of this animals are in danger of going extinct.
The amount of dolphins lost to such practice is small by any standard.
Many other animals are truly in danger of going extinct and never receive the amount of attention dolphins get or whales.
Exactly AlexBecu and others.
Other countries hunt whales and engage in mass killings of other animals for food and other reasons. But none of them have received the sheet amount of vicious racism and hatred Japan has.
Why is that?
Agreed, there is no immediate danger of extinction for this species, but it is the manner of the dolphin hunt that disgusts people. It is a needlessly cruel and savage way to hunt a highly intelligent animal. Add to that the inedibilty of the meat and you can see why people feel such revulsion.
We go through the seas with nets and hooks and spears killing everything
Stubbornness is hard to fight.
The more the world community will press against this outdated barbaric thing the more they will stamp their feet and scream of uniqueness and culture.
Jim Poushinsky
Dolphins and whales are highly intelligent mammalian creatures, and likely far more so than we humans! Here's why I think this:
What does dolphin meat tastes like?
I hope we all have a right to criticize what we disagree with. I also think it's up to the people of Taiji to decide how to handle the criticism.
For people talking about respecting culture: Just because it's a culture doesn't meant it's a good thing.
In fact, like hunting dolphins into a bloodbath trap, is nothing short of barbaric.
Japan has a lot of great qualities. This old tradition? Not one of them.
Don't these guys eat enough fish already? The earth's oceans are stretched thin already.
Dom Palmer
Really Jim?
Norman Goodman
Taiji is such a win-win. They get their dolphin meat and everybody else gets to forget about the real and daily animal holocaust as they focus on a relative handful of dolphins.
It's not what they are doing, it's how they do it. Torture the dolphins until the are weak and or die.
Why should that make a difference. We aren't against their slaughter because they're endangered... we have a little thing called empathy for fellow self-aware beings.
I eat steak and bacon and hamburgers. I also eat all kinds of ocean life and fish for food. I've even ate shark meat (but not the fin soup). It's all for our consumption and use. But hunting and fishing for its own sake is stupid, and we should not waste this life to the point of extinction. Is dolphin meat edible or nutritious? If not then then we should leave them alone.
StarKist tuna guarantees on every can that there is nothing but tuna in there and that no dolphins were caught in the process.
It should make every difference. If there's no edible or consumable meat for us, or any industrial products we can make from these animals then we should leave them alone. It's just like foxhunting in the UK - and that practice is totally pointless.
Tina Brown
I love Japan the people the whole culture but I hate this barbaric sport in the name of fun. I admit i am vegetarian so dont eat meat but tokill or mame for the sake of it it is attrocious, I love all wildlife be it air land or sea and these poor creatures (dolphins are so intelligent do not deserve to be treated this way). Wake up Japan dont do this in the name of fun it will stop many coming to your beautiful land
I eat meat, all kinds but I don't believe in hunting just for kicks. Animals provide meat for food and other resources come from animals too. For instance, insulin for diabetics (my sister is one) comes from cows and pigs. Fat, skins, bones, etc. can be used for industrial uses too. Still, I hate killing animals with no intention for their use - it's wasteful, wrong and stupid.
The same goes for plants. They also are a source for food, medicines, industrial uses. Even traditionally 'bad' things like cannabis and mushrooms can have medicinal or industrial uses. Then there's the Amazon rainforest, which potentials we don't know of - and it's on fire!
Jeff Jones
I’m sorry, but after seeing the senseless slaughter of dolphins and whales on Instagram I am canceling my trip to Japan in 2020.
i find it hard to believe that a culture so sophisticated would still allow this barbaric practice to continue.
Everone in the world needs to see what I saw on Instagram to help stop this disgusting activity.
Reality Check
Hunting dolphins? 何 Completely uncalled for, Japanese look like barbarians.