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© KYODOJapan zoo worker dies after apparent lion attack
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Dave Fair
Stephen ChinToday 05:23 am JST
Japan Today !
Because there is no way to ascertain the lions side of the story as it has remained silent on the issue ;)
There were two people in charge. One was in the monitor room, I read. He was found inside the cage where he had been dragged by the lion.
The police will keep an open mind on exact cause of death (despite the obvious probability) until it has been medically established that it was the lion, and there were no other suspicious circumstances.
Stephen Chin
Japan Today !
Why? Man dies after apparent attack by lion?
Why not just: Man dies after attack by lion?
Stephen Chin
The worker is innocent.
The zoo is guilty!
Shluld never have happened !
His wife handed his son to him it was so irresponsible.
Yes I believe I covered that when I said, "If you only want to see them from afar, that is fine".
Nothing childish about it. If you have partaken in an animal's flesh today, you have caused more suffering than Steve Irwin ever did on his escapades.
I'll take that as a "no, I have not seen any video".
You clearly don't know what it takes to be an expert in something.
I'm not the one making all kinds of wild accusations about the man.
Back on topic please.
RIP to the poor zookeeper. Working with dangerous animals is always a risky job.
We will never know why the lion acted like he did - but Lions will always have a killer instinct. I suspect the beast will receive the death penalty as punishment - which I'm sure this zookeeper would not have wanted.
Rest In Peace, sir.
It was an infant; 1yrs old. At that age it's not being educated on crocs when brought into a salty enclosure by her father holding him with one arm. It was careless and irresponsible.
I've watched lots of naturalists and scientists. Some don't even handle the animals. Just film them like David Attenborough. Irwin could've done the same without overhandling them which has been noted by others.
It's not that the animals are detained. It's that he went overboard and was unnecessary. Some even clain that he purposely antagonized and provoked them. Your comment on being vegetarian is entirely irrelevant as well as being childish.
I didn't need to see a video. His accident is well documented by people who were there. He was supposed to be an expert. If you are, before you encounter them, it's common sense and logical to learn as much as you can about their behavior especially if there are safety concerns.
For someone claiming to know a lot of Irwin, you don't seem to be well informed at all.
That's the thing, though: he knew crocs really well and got everyone involved in handling them that wanted to, including his wife, iirc. He said it would be irresponsible not to educate his kids about the crocodiles.
No animal wants to be detained, though. If you only want to see them from afar, that is fine, but Steve wanted to give you more than that. If you are vegetarian and detained animals upset you, you don't have to watch.
So I suppose you have seen the video that no one has? He used to say that he didn't want someone to say, "I knew a croc would get 'em!", and whatever else you can say, you can't say that. Unfortunately one can't be expert on every single animal under the sun or under the waves.
David Brent.
Not sure how many documentaries and other TV shows you have seen over the years, but as an avid admirer of such a man I could not fault his love and passion for animals big or small.
Hope the correct name is to your satisfaction.
I visited Australia Zoo when I lived in Brisbane for a few years. Pretty good zoo and I think it's Irwin's family that now run it.
I admired his passion for animals. It was sincere but he was often careless. He entered a saltwater crocodile enclosure holding his infant daughter in his arms. If he tripped the results could've been disastrous. He also overhandled some animals in the wild, messing with them for too long all the while saying, 'you're alright mate' over and over.
But I guess the best example of carelessness was his death. Yes it was a freak accident but he hovered over that stingray for too long and he was too close. Some experts said later that it's better to be in front of the ray away from his tail where the barb is located.
Some people climb mountains. Some people mess with animals. I doubt you would have lasted any longer than him doing the things he did.
David Brent
You might want to get his name right.
Also, he got killed due to his stupidity; hounding and goading a wild creature. He made a career out of doing it.
David Brent
HAHAHAHAHAHA! By whom? Japanese TV talents?
Based on what information, what criteria?
Japanese Zoos barely rate in any top category.
Only Ueno gets mentioned here and there - but it's far far from being a San Diego Zoo or Singapore Zoo.
But Japanese zoos - esp the lesser ones - are well known for their outdated-ness and boredering on cruel conditions.
And the article's Zoo Tohoku Safari fits this category. It's drive through "safari" experience with open spaces is it's only blessing, because many many animals are kept in cramped poor cage like structures.
This Lion will now have the taste for blood. The only choice is to put it down. This is common in the world of wild animals. Unfortunately people want to see these wild animals, and the only way to do it in one place is in a Zoo. Japanese Zoos are considered to be some of the best in the world. Ueno is a very famous international Zoo with visitors from all over the world.
I'm trying to put a little bit of positive philosophy into this poor guys tragic accident.
I remember a few years ago an Australian Zoo owner ( Steve Erwin if you wish to research this amazing guy )
He died while scuba diving, but unfortunately met his death with the sword of the Stingray.
Despite the families tragic loss, they came to accept he died do some he loved, his passion for wildlife.
Maybe we can take something from this for this poor guy and his death by a lion attack.
I certainly don't think the lion should be put down and if he had a say from up above I doubt he would want it putting down.
Probably makes sense to have two workers attend to enclosures on a regular basis.
The two zoos I've been to in Japan were horrendous. Especially Ueno Zoo. For some animals the lack of space was abuse.
I've been to western zoos and they are much better in terms of space and cleanliness. However, their enclosures are so big with so many nooks and crannies, it's hard to see the animals sometimes. That's why they often have feeding times listed cause it's the only time you can see them.
What's just as bad are all the SeaWorlds especially with Orcas. There has been some staff deaths resulting from psychologically damaged orcas )fin droop). The enclosures are way too small for such massive and intelligent animals.
Hazards of the job.
It stop being a lion the day it was imprisoned. From that day on it a inmate No 48422#7. So the head line should be inmate attacks and kill prison guard. The inmate is now on death row await his death sentence.
Jesu... RIP MR KATO 25 yrs of service
Dave Fair
Ummm, stupid question but here goes! I'm guessing by the fact that this is a LION, not a mere house cat, that when you have an animal of such power and unpredictability that such an animal is required to be removed from the enclosure when cleaning or maintainable is being performed and put into a separation unit/cage or am I just completely off the mark here?
You'd think people working with potentially dangerous animals would be obliged to work in teams of two or more, to prevent just this kind of situation.
Poor man.
Poor lion.
Nothing apparent about that or to be suggested.
Sometimes translations from the original Japanese have to be "word perfect" as stressed by upperlings.
Trans software / AI does it these days.
Big predators that are caged for all or most of their lives will kill when the opportunity arises. I cannot blame them being on display for human amusement.
What a tragic end to this mans life after working there for 25yrs, I hope his family will be OK and get any help they may need to cope with his loss. And I do hope the zoo do not put the lion down for doing what lions do.
David Brent
Simply not true. I have been to zoos in the US and Europe which were amazing. Large, stimulating enclosures for the animals, zookeepers with strong backgrounds in zoology and biology etc..
Zoos in Asia, Japan included, are disgusting.
All zoos are inhumane, especially the dreadful, third world Japanese zoos, concrete and more concrete.
It's a wild animal that has been forced to live its life in a prison. OFC they lash out. No doubt they will put the lion down, for simply doing what lions do.
Isn't that obvious? Another obvious fact, he was inside lion cage.