Japan Today

Japanese carrier joins drills with British warship heading to contested South China Sea

By Tim Kelly

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The Argyll, Kaga and its destroyer escort the Inazuma should proceed to Kao Hsiung harbor and upon arrival , PM Abe and PM May should simultaneously announce the re-establishment of full diplomatic ties with the ROC-TW!

This is a more meaningful show of support for a fellow democracy that is bullied left and right by Beijing since the day the USA treacherously switched sides with the PRC.

Otherwise all these so-called FONOPS are just a charade!

2 ( +12 / -10 )

The Argyll, Kaga and its destroyer escort the Inazuma should proceed to Kao Hsiung harbor and upon arrival , PM Abe and PM May should simultaneously announce the re-establishment of full diplomatic ties with the ROC-TW!

There is a difference between containment and outright aggression. An act like this would more than likely lead to full diplomatic withdraws from both sides and would be devastating for the region and would be the spark that ignites the powder keg!

This display of force is a way of showing Beijing that just because it build a few islands and says it owns all the sea around it, doesn't mean is actually true! Small displays using a few, albeit, advanced and powerful ships, contains the issue and put the ball firmly in Chinas court. It knows if it attacks it will be seen as the aggressor internationally and while it will protest it knows realistically it is powerless to do anything as even they don't want to rock the boat. No pun intended!

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Hope they're not surprised when China sends ships and fighter planes into what Japan calls its territory. This is a show of aggression by a nation that is not even supposed to have an army, and whose leader has been more than open about the fact he wants to return to the days when Japan was Asia's bully.

-26 ( +7 / -33 )

Sounds like 3 ships sailing through International waters. No big deal. International law says they have every right to sail where they intend on sailing.

22 ( +26 / -4 )

Well, people are going to need to stand up to the PRC. Many may complain about America (we DO have our faults, we’re NOT perfect), but the PRC is NO ONE’s friend.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hope they're not surprised when China sends ships and fighter planes into what Japan calls its territory

And that's exactly the reason why Japan needs a Navy, to counter actions like that and deter foreign powers form taking advantage of it! You want to talk about bullies of Asia, I think China and North Korea are doing a pretty good job at filling that role at the moment! Japan seem to be the only ones with their heads screwed on!

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Plus 1 @ Peter14 , Britain has no disputes with China & needs to ensure and test the free waterways but these little stunts have a habit of bringing out lice from the woodwork

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

Good on nations who are going to uphold rule of law, and not resort to bullying. Its everyones sea, not China’s.

23 ( +25 / -2 )

China has claimed the entire East China Sea with what has been called the seven dash line or nine dash line but has never pushed for international recognition nor have they ever produced any evidence of traditional control over the area, no country has ever accepted this so it only exists on chinese mapsl.

24 ( +25 / -1 )

It's good to see Japan and GB to have a close relationship, particularly in security issues.

19 ( +22 / -3 )

Well, one good turn does deserve another. China should set up shop in the Japan sea.

-22 ( +3 / -25 )

There is a difference between containment and outright aggression. An act like this would more than likely lead to full diplomatic withdraws from both sides and would be devastating for the region and would be the spark that ignites the powder keg! 

This display of force is a way of showing Beijing that just because it build a few islands and says it owns all the sea around it, doesn't mean is actually true! Small displays using a few, albeit, advanced and powerful ships, contains the issue and put the ball firmly in Chinas court. It knows if it attacks it will be seen as the aggressor internationally and while it will protest it knows realistically it is powerless to do anything as even they don't want to rock the boat. No pun intended!


If small uninhibited islands are more important than the democratic nation called the ROC-TW , then it's really just a show !

A charade!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What is Britton doing in Chinese waters it’s the other side of the world what are they trying to do what are they trying to steal?

-22 ( +1 / -23 )

Hope they're not surprised when China sends ships and fighter planes into what Japan calls its territory. This is a show of aggression by a nation that is not even supposed to have an army, and whose leader has been more than open about the fact he wants to return to the days when Japan was Asia's bully.

Japan is free to interpret its constitution how it sees fit, which means it is supposed to have a military because that is how it has interpreted its constitution.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

What is Britton doing in Chinese waters it’s the other side of the world what are they trying to do what are they trying to steal?

If you actually bothered to read the article, which it seems you didn't, it clearly says the UK is part of a United Nations task force monitoring sanctions against North Korea.

In regards to what they are trying to steal? I'm not sure what you are implying there, are you suggesting that the Royal Navy is there to plunder and engage in piracy? Come on, grow up and get with the programme and join the 21st century and stop being disrespectful!

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Japan needs some self-respects and self-containment. To be against neighboring superpower-to be is fully foolish and suicidal. Allies are for peaceful time and meaning nothing during a war. No one would sacrifice his/her own life for Japan if Japan starts another world war.

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

Japan is free to interpret its constitution how it sees fit, which means it is supposed to have a military because that is how it has interpreted its constitution.

Your posts indicate you are very anti-Japanese. Do you live in Japan. If so, why don't you return to your home country. It's one thing to constructively criticize, which you often do, but another to simply criticize, which you often do.

The Japanese government has reinterpreted its constitution because it has not been able to change it. The opposition parties, which are generally left-wing, have not allowed it in the legislative chambers. Imposing a blockade that prevents the holding of a referendum that consults the Japanese people for more than 70 years.

Fortunately, there are already parties like Yuichiro Tamaki's Democratic People's Party. They are beginning to have a much more favorable position when it comes to negotiating future constitutional amendments. And that is a significant change in the traditional position of the opposition parties.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

GoodlucktoyouToday 06:49 pm JST

What is Britton doing in Chinese waters it’s the other side of the world what are they trying to do what are they trying to steal?

Briton is nowhere near Chinese waters. Sailing in International waters like the South China sea is the right of all nations. No idea what your talking about. The closest Chinese waters are 400 km away from where these 3 ships will be sailing.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Dear Kabukilover. I agree with you that the LPD government should not re-interpret Article 9 of the constitution alone. But you must understand that this article is too obsolete today. But the reason for the deliberate disobedience of the constitution is the result of that outdated text. And it is something that all political parties have to understand. It is clear that the LPD has a nationalist agenda in mind. But the opposition parties have to impose their criteria so that the constitutional change does not include the nationalist pretensions of the LPD. And that is called negotiation and a minimum of consensus.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Notice the empty flight deck as the UK's navy has become so pathetic!

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Notice the empty flight deck as the UK's navy has become so pathetic!

No, what's pathetic is scrambling to be offensive and in your haste not bothering to read things.

Frigates don't have flight decks. The helicopter carrier in the photo is Japanese.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Chip Star

Right on I thought the same thing myself about that guy lol!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

In ref to Mr Hiro S Nobumasa, sir the U.S. did not nor will they ever forsake the ROC-TW. We have a commitment to their sovereignty as well as all members of SEATO!

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Good to see Britain and Japan reaffirming a friendship that goes back well over 100 years as regards naval cooperation, and which among other things helped give rise to the unique Japanese affection for curry! :)

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Thank you Japan and the UK !

That the way to enforce international laws of freedom of navigation, and upholding UNCLOS. That’s the only hope for poorer nations like Vietnam can fully utilize our exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

China has put pressure, stopping our government drilling for our much need nature gas, in our southern coastal zone.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Dear above writer: “Japan,” meaning the LDP government, is not free to interpret the constitution as it sees fit. That, is not democracy but autocracy: “A word is what I say it is,” say Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. Dictators have said as much. This has been an unspoken line of the LDP when violating the letter of Article 9. 

Joining the British fleet may only be a show of force, but then China may feel a need for a show of force. That could very well lead to an armed conflict that neither side needs nor can afford.

I note, above writer, that you end your missive with a personal attack. That is a violation of logic, of rational debate and, being racist, of elementary decency.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Viet Nam Youth, there is a reason for China to do so. China claimed the 11-dashed line, while Vietnam didn't. Vietnam recognized Chinese claim in 1957 when the 11 dot line changed to 9 dash line because China gave Islands to Vietnam to support Vietnamese against foreign invasion, thus two dots are missing. Vietnamese can rejoin China if she wants a part of 9-dashed line.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

For one Japanese warship go through South China Sea in a name of freedom of navigation operation, there are 1000 Japanese ships coming back to Japan freely, and another 1000 Japanese ships leaving Japan toward South China Sea. Japan should be thankful to China for the freedom of navigation, everyday. It is insane for Japan to challenge China in even smallest way: it is not in the benefit of Japan, and it is not in the benefit of other Asians.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

I guess i can sort of see some connection and relation for the Japanese involvement in the South China Sea, but i struggle to understand what exactly is little England doing there, and what are they hoping to achieve exactly?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Beautiful picture. Wonderful to see two traditional allies, Japan and Great Britain, in Joint Naval exercises, Freedom of Navigation. Two of the strongest Navies in the world. PRC will not like this, but this is INTERNATIONAL waters.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Japan and Britain have so much in common as island maritime nations off the shore of a continent with which they have experienced a lot of conflict over many centuries and from which they feel somewhat alienated; it is only natural that they should work together.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Bill WrightToday  10:03 pm JST

In ref to Mr Hiro S Nobumasa, sir the U.S. did not nor will they ever forsake the ROC-TW. We have a commitment to their sovereignty as well as all members of SEATO!

Hello Sir Bill, SEATO already belongs to the dustbins of history just like the first and greatest treachery of the century that was committed by an ally to an ally !

That started when the USA masterminded the isolation of TW by in fact being the first to throw the stone that broke the diplomatic relations with the 'ally ' that then cascaded to TW suffering massive hemorrhagic diplomatic loss in favor of (Guess who?) the PRC!

Hoping PM Shinzo Abe would correct the mortal sin Japan committed against the most Nippon-friendly nation on this galaxy and order the Kaga to visit the ROC-TW instead of docking at VN the PH and participating in this so-called FONOPS charade !

I'm sure this Bushido move will make PM Abe the greatest Statesman of the century!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What is Britton doing in Chinese waters it’s the other side of the world what are they trying to do what are they trying to steal?

Old Hat

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Honor every threat.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

As I said before, the wound and the scar between Japan and China's Taiwan hasn't been healed yet. Any attempts by Japan to try to separate Taiwan from mainland only invites trouble and resentment from 1.5 billion people. Next time if there is a war, it will not be pretty and China will not rest on only liberate her own territory but take land from enemies as what other western countries did.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

@Hiro S Nobumasa

PM Abe and PM May should simultaneously announce the re-establishment of full diplomatic ties with the ROC-TW!

Only after when all Japanese business and residents in China returned home.

There would be a mass lynching of Japanese citizens on China's streets if that were to happen.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Dear above writer: “Japan,” meaning the LDP government, is not free to interpret the constitution as it sees fit. That, is not democracy but autocracy

Democracy means the party that was voted into power makes decisions. The LDP has been voted into power and is free to interpret the constitution as it sees fit.

I note, above writer, that you end your missive with a personal attack. That is a violation of logic, of rational debate and, being racist, of elementary decency.

Pointing out facts is not a personal attack, violation of logic, of rational debate, being racist, or if elementary decency; it is pointing out a fact. I would note that the above is an ad hominem attack on the "above writer."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I don't think it's right for them to be practicing battle scenarios and war maneuvers at a friendly neighbor's doorstep. Perhaps Japanese don't care but it still doesn't make it okay to do so.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


The whole world know China took advantage of the war in Vietnam, and took over those islands in the South China Sea by forces in 1974 & 1988.

Agreeing to the ridiculous 9 dash line claims by the CCP is just like.. agreeing to a bullying neighbor, to come into your back yard, demanding to share your resources.. Don’t you see how ridiculous that sounds ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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