Japan Today

Japanese missing out on orgasms, Durex survey shows


When it comes to hitting sexual heights, the average Japanese lover is among the least likely in the world to have an orgasm with only 27% coming to a climax almost every time they have sex. Only the Chinese and people from Hong Kong (both 24%) are less likely to make the earth move and make their partners say Yes! Yes! Yes!

Globally the Italians, Spanish, Mexicans and South Africans are the most likely to climax every time with 66% usually managing to hit the spot. And the Brazilians could also show us a thing or two when it comes to having an orgasm with 65% feeling the earth move almost every time they have sex.

These eye-watering statistics are the latest findings from the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey, released earlier this month. The survey has been examining the sexual behavior and attitudes of men and women across the globe. The survey found that, globally, 58% of those who usually achieve orgasm were content with the emotional aspects of their sex life compared with 29% of those who rarely climax. And people who regularly feel the earth move say their relationship with their other half is strong. Eight in 10 (77%) who frequently orgasm feel close to their partner during sex – a figure that falls to 54% for those who have difficulty hitting the spot.

People from Japan though, are feeling some of the benefits of orgasm, with 72% who frequently orgasms feeling at ease with themselves sexually, but only 19% are happy with their psychological health – the lowest in the world. Contrast this with the rest of the world: 50% of the British and 74% of the French who usually orgasms enjoy good psychological health. And while 43% of Japan’s males almost always climax during sex, women get a worse deal – only 11% almost always achieve orgasm.

Massage can be effective – 54% of Japanese who achieve regular orgasms have embraced the power of sensual touch compared with just 32% of those who don’t climax regularly.

The research was conducted among 26,000 people in 26 countries, who were questioned on key aspects of their sex lives: health, general wellbeing, education, beliefs, sex and relationships, attitudes to sex and social circumstances.

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What a waste of time and money.

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43 percent of males almost always climax during sex????? now you know this study is cmpletely bogus.

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"What a waste of time and money." Conducting a survey, then having the Durex name in headlines around the world, is neither a waste of time nor money.

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We demand more orgasms from the government

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This study was done by Durex, a maker of condoms. It would be like walking into a gym and ask if they think you might have metabolic syndrome. On the other hand, Japan is the place where all you gotta do is hit the spot, and she's yours.

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These findings are pretty confusing, not that it affects me a great deal. Never use Durex products either! I wonder if the respondents were not sure about the difference between 'having sex' and 'having intercourse'.

43% of Japan’s males almost always climax during sex

???? What happens with the other 57% ????

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I think that this study shows reality in Japan. It is the country where marriages are sexless. I do not know if the same happens with Japanese-foreigner marriages but most of my male Japanese colleagues complain that they have no sex with their wives because they do not like it. I imagine that maybe people are very active when they want to have a lover or marry. After marriages and have a kid sex disappears. My girlfriend is foreigner and in the group of more active nationalities in this statistics so I have not this problem. But does sexless life happen to foreigner-Japanese marriages? I am just curious.

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Durex is not welcome in Japan, we`re trying to get it up....the birthrate I mean.

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"the power of sensual touch"

It's something you're born with - you can't teach that. Tee hee!

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Interesting article. In any nation if the guy really wants his partner to feel as satisfied as he, he will work towards helping her. It's no secret that men get there faster than females but some men have the endurance, stamina, patience, and some really care. Although, there are females who do not care, why?, maybe because they never really experienced it. They kind of just do a performance and fake it. A friend of mine says she she just goes throught he motions and if she doesn't really want to she will say something in the middle of it like "Are you done yet!" It's sad, this article, because I think that many Japanese would benefit from identifying with their partners.

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Sounds like sex in a marriage in Japan is meant only to make a baby. I thought sex was a way to express one's love for their mate?!

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but only 19% are happy with their psychological health – the lowest in the world. (Japanese)

Does this expain the high rate of people taking their own lives as was writtten about in a previous article in this newpaper?

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Sounds like sex in a marriage in Japan is meant only to make a baby. I thought sex was a way to express one's love for their mate?!

I thought it was both. Hang on...it is! whoo hoo!

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Now japanese will say forget "Durex" talk about "Okamoto".

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Oh lord, i cant believe i am saying this but i am going with the chick on this one. Kitsune's post is dead on the money.

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a sexless marriage occurs when you have 2 kids and both partners work. Enough said.....

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Amazing. Japanese don't connect with each other even when they do connect with each other. Is this society getting less human or what?

A co-worker once said that he paid his wife 10,000 yen a pop when she does the nasty with him. One day he proudly announced he paid his wife 20,000. For the month.

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borscht: not sure what's worse that a good month meant getting laid twice or that he treats his wife like a prostitute. No wonder people have problems.

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a sexless marriage occurs when you have 2 kids and both partners work. Enough said.....

You too, hey?

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What does porn teach people? Especially Japanese porn? Nothing but disrespect to the woman and treating her like an animal. If there was a survey about how often the man watches porn in comparison to how often his partner orgasms, the statistics wouldn't be surprising in the least. It's not because japanese are genetically dificient at making love, it's just that the ones that watch this porn will probably apply it to real life being the only visual example of sex they have. That is the delema. (Note: this is not a generalization of all Japanese; I'm just commenting on the ones that watch porn)

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Interesting that this time, they actually looked at the psychological component. Usually, it's only the physical aspects, not the psychological ones. Feeling happy about yourself is paramount: you can't give love if you don't have it. Practice loving yourself. you are, after all, a nice person and are significant to the others in your life. and exactly who said the males have to climax exactly each time. delaying the oragasm is enjoyable for both.

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Why do some of you think this actually has to do with porn? It has nothing to do with it. That is like saying that men who watch action movies take that to real life. I'm sure some men do, but that would not make much of a difference. I watch porn, and I am over the age of 12, so I would like to think that I know the difference between porn world, and the real one. And for the record, where else do men get other visual examples of sex? That is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. Could the lack of sex, orgasms, etc have anything to do with men, usually, who would rather work from sunup to sundown, then go home to their wife and spend some time with her? Think that overwork might have something to do with it? Open your mind a little bit and get off what the anti porn crowd is telling you to think. I'll bet you believe that violent video games are causing all the youth violence too, huh?

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does sexless life happen to foreigner-Japanese marriages? I am just curious.

Antizombie- It doesn't matter where or whom you marry, sometimes it just happens that way. I am married to a Japanese women, we are just like any other couple, sometimes you get in the sack sometimes you don't. I guess it depends on your partner and how comfortable they feel with you. I have no complaints.

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I am a man who happens to reach orgasm 100% of the time; am I strange?

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of course Italians do it better. If the woman does not have many orgasms its seen as a failure. there is a social pressure to perform. also we listen to them and sense what pleases them. we are passionate, not sleazy and lustful. I would think that Japanese guys in general only have a sense of their own satisfaction and take the task on full of sleaze and lust.

i.e, a couple of western woman stated to me "there was not so much a size deficiency, that may be a myth. however, the technique is grope, fumble,slobber and spit all over the place, then hump like a rabbit for 3 minutes and fall asleep".

In Italy, the woman will tell everyone about you if you behaved like that. You will be shunned by you friends and never get laid again.

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Proxy, Strange: No. Funny: Very. Thanks.


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if the woman does not have many orgasms its seen as a failure. there is a social pressure to perform

Yeah and the girls perform perfectly!! Who could say that one was a fake one? Seriously, not all girls reach orgasms easily, not to talk about "many orgasm" so that would mean most guys "will be shunned by you friends and never get laid again."

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i dont feel sorry for them, cant expect to just lay there lifeless and get their nut off.

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I wonder if anyone will cite this research in The Lancet or The New England Journal of Medicine.


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In the words of Nelson, Haa Haa!

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I know a Japanese woman who can get excited and orgasm much faster than I learnt back in the States. She didn't need all the foreplay stuff I had religiously learnt. It doesn't always necessarily seem to be a factor of more time for women.

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RMGTTF, you don't know Italian woman. they are pretty upfront and have no problem letting you know if you not hitting the spot. also all this fake orgasm stuff....sure, if men last 10 minutes and do no foreplay, she will fake it for sure. foreplay starts in the morning and consists of helping with housework, cooking, listening, sharing, being affectionate without expecting anything in return, making her laugh, being romantic, sensitive but strong etc. if men cannot do these things they are gonna have a hard time arousing a woman to an extent where she achieves orgasms. you also have to talk with your partner.

Man. "when we made love did you have an orgasm" woman. "no" Man. "what can I change in my technique to give you an orgasm" woman. "explains...."

some men think that just hammering away is enough but there are certain positions and angles and speeds etc that each unique woman prefers. sex is not all about the man and how great he is in the sack. its about enjoying each other, being passionate and unselfish whilst taking time to build to a massive crescendo together.

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Another reason why Japanese women are crazy about foreigners.

I know a Japanese woman who can get excited and orgasm much faster than I learnt back in the States. she didn't need all the foreplay stuff I had religiously learnt. It doesn't always necessarily seem to be a factor of more time for women.

Probably she needed the foreplay initially. After they trust you, they don't mind being "taken". I wouldn't do that regularly. They still prefer the long slow foreplay, but the quickie can be exciting, too.

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yes romulas, Italian man says "what can I change..." and woman replies "shave your back fo Gods sake, I am humping a silver back..."

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Romulus wrote:

foreplay starts in the morning and ...you also have to talk with your partner.

Now we understand, why Rome was not build in one day. The romans where busy with their wifes and girlfriends.

Ganbatte ne!

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Romulus wrote:

"Some men think that just hammering away is enough but there are certain positions and angles and speeds etc that each unique woman prefers."

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! There's only one way to drill her, sort to speak. The most erogenous part of a woman is her brain, not her actual sexual organ. You want her to orgasm? Go read a romance novel!

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"I am a man who happens to reach orgasm 100% of the time; am I strange?"

Are you sure you are having an "orgasm" or just "ejaculating" ! They are different !

My personal experience ( and isn't that what this story is all about ?) I have found J girls to be more than orgasmic in bed. Seems to me the problem is poor technique, few opportunities, and a lack of privacy hamper the poor buggers to no end. I mean lets get real, you can't have a healthy sex life when ya live at home with mom and dad, work 14 hour days, and waste most of yer time surfin the net for porn ! Thus is life for the J male... and make no mistake, j girls know this !

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I had to restart writing this 3 times, because I promised I would act my age and make no juvenile comments. I think this "survey" (or shameless promotion) is stating the obvious. There is a direct correlation in most cases between feeling good about yourself and being able to receive and give orgasms. And since powerful endorphins are released during the orgasms, feelings of happiness with ones partner are often associated with said orgasm, fair or not. They could have paid me to write this report.

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"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! There's only one way to drill her, sort to speak. The most erogenous part of a woman is her brain, not her actual sexual organ. You want her to orgasm? Go read a romance novel!"

Son, when you finally pop your own cherry, then come back and enlighten us on how technique does not matter. For once I agree with RR3. While reading to your partner may help set the mood, you need to be able to scratch her itch - so to speak. Good luck.

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Romulus is totally right. Nothing makes you feel more manly than a woman who enjoys your...business so to speak IMO. Technique is paramount, and it starts with being an attentive partner before you even undress. The problem most likely stems from lack of proper knowledge of the female anatomy on the part of the japanese men in question. Ron Jeremy, who made his living knowing the female form, says that one should approach a woman like you never been with one before. All the things your ex liked go out the window. Ask what she likes. Most women will apprecate your commitment to her enjoyment. I highly suggest you read "She comes first: A Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman" by Ian Kerner. It's very informative.

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ANOT SUSAGAMI, I hope you and Romulus take this message to the streets of Japan, because this almost more than any other 'cultural barrier' makes me nervous about getting into a serious relationship with a Japanese man.

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Son, when you finally pop your own cherry, then come back and enlighten us on how technique does not matter.

nice retort and wow! we agree on something. never mind the underdeveloped lover. he can satisfy his thrusting technique watching others do it.

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racist stereotype from a dim witted punching bag no doubt.

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If someone asked me if I have an orgasm when I have sex, I'd have to respond with "Do you really have nothing else to do than ask people such an extremely personal question?"

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Face the facts JT readers... When it comes to quality sex, the J boys just don't "measure up", err, at least according to Durex. A mere 27%, quite the puny number if you ask me.

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Romulus, Italy is not a race its a country. Other than that, lighten up, and use an insulting phrase that the common world knows. This aint your living room, or living cave as the case may be.

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"Son, when you finally pop your own cherry, then come back and enlighten us on how technique does not matter. For once I agree with RR3. While reading to your partner may help set the mood, you need to be able to scratch her itch - so to speak. Good luck."

Guys are so dumb and arrogant, thinking they have to rub a woman's clit a certain way to stimulate them, etc. If it all comes down to technique, why do women even bother to complain that they "didn't feel anything last night"?

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And yes, you'd be surprised at the % of women who fake orgasms in order not to offend their husbands.

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I don't think that this survey is accurate. I believe there are allot of quiet ones who do have great orgasms but don't need to talk publicly.

( Is this the top of the Japanese disscussions today? )

What happened the the NK kidnapping?

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