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© 2013 AFPJapanese, Spanish climbers, guide perish on Nepal mountain
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© 2013 AFP
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There are times when I read articles like this that make we stop and pause and wonder why Nepal continues to allow people permits to climb those mountains.
@ yubaru - money. Nepal is dirt-poor, and I guess each climber means big bucks to them.
@BurakuminDes-Nepal is still a developing country so there might be problems with infrastructure and systems @yubaru - Nepal is rich in natural resources so the people who loves adventures can't stop enjoying there which made Nepal top adventure destination in world you can see in lonely planet and daily telegraph for references
RIP. At least they went out doing what they loved most. It's what they wouldve wanted. Still no word on the 81-year-old Nepali chasing the old japanese guys record? I'm starting to fear for the old bloke - sounds like savage weather up there.
Why wouldn't they allow climbing. The climbers know what they are getting into, why should the Nepalese stop a person who knows the danger and still wants to climb the mountains? That only makes sense in a nanny state.
A lot of people DIE and HAVE DEADLY injuries, playing football or BOXING, so WHY isnt SPORTS BANNED ?
Everyone knows, climbing such world'd top mountains are very dangerous, they dare to, because of their passion. Its their decision. Who is Nepal to STOP them ! and yes MONEY ! Tourism is a BIG BIG business in Nepal.
and well Yourssun said it well, Nepal is one of the richest in natural resources and thousand of people visit to adventure and see the worlds best natural destination.
Strangerland and pasanewa. I think one issue is that rescuers have to risk their lives looking for and trying to rescue the climbers who get lost or trapped. I think climbing these mountains must be exhilarating but it is also a little selfish.
@ pasanewa - I certainly don't support any restrictions on climbing in Nepal. Tourism is a massive industry there and employs thousands. Wouldn't mind a crack at Everest or K2 in future myself if I can scrape the bucks together!
Onniyama I think rescuers are risking their life being a rescuer bcoz a rescue job that too in such extreme conditions isnt easy. I dont have much idea about how good or bad their rescue team is, though !!
The Chronic me callous but I have no sympathy for persons who put themselves purposely in harms way for a cheap thrill....
Nepal charges a lot of money for climbing permits, a permit for Everest is $10,000 USD. Add the cost of the required guides and other expenses and you can see how lucrative these mountains are to the Nepalese economy.
It makes me wonder why they want to climb them in the first place! Because it's there, right?
C Harald Hansen
Meager consolation for their loved ones left behind imo.
I'd love to climb in the high himalayas. Money, time (for going but also for training and going to smaller, but still big and distant from me mountains), and timing (time of my life and when I got interested in hiking), have kept me out of the game on that level,
but hiking the jpn N alps and S alps, and other smaller mts around Kansai have been great experiences. And dangerous enough, I might add I have been at risk of serious bodily harm/ death more than once.
I suppose the danger may be a part of it, to feel alive.
But the mts are just so beautiful, and can change you in so many ways. It is not at all a "cheap thrill".
RIP to them, at least they died doing something they chose and something they loved...
@BurakuminDes Nepal is dirt-poor, and I guess each climber means big bucks to them.
Regarding the sentence, your mind seems more dirt and poor.
@ bnewa - english may not be your strong point - please look up the meaning of "dirt-poor". It is no slight on the Nepalese at all. If a GDP per person of $1400 per annum is not dirt poor, then I'd be interested in what is. Geeeeze...
They are all perfectly aware of the risks of mountain climbing, it's a calculated risk and they should absolutely be allowed to take it.
Dhaulagiri is a stunning mountain. I've had the great pleasure of seeing it up close. It's etched into my brain as one of the most incredible things I have seen.
Ravi Tandukar
@BurakuminDes - your attitude seems dirt poor, not Nepal. Its a naturally rich country and developing. It is a slight on Nepalese. Besides, get out of your little squalor in wherever you are holed up and search your info properly before making comments like this about other countries. Or better get there. There are rich and poor like anywhere.
@ Ravi - just stating facts. If you'd bothered to read my comments, you'd have seen I was not having a go at Nepalese people, all of whom I've met are great, just replying to Yubaru's question and stating the fact that Nepal obviously benefits so much from tourists and mountaineers. Fact : Nepal currently rates 157th out of 187 nations listed by the UN in the Human Development Index (2013). I am not going to refrain from calling Nepal dirt-poor either: clearly it is. You can bury your head in the sand all you like, but don't attack me and get personal for stating facts.
You wanna talk about squalor? Take it up with the government (or whoever it is running the place now) inflicting it upon the good people of Nepal. 57.3% of the population living below the poverty line of $2 per day (World Bank, 2012). Don't shoot the messenger, Ravi.
Although an amazing achievement to climb Everest, it's becoming over-commercialised. Read today that on one particular day in 2012 there were over 230 climbers who reached the summit and they had to wait in line to get there. Starting to sound like a Mount Fuji-type affair! Anyway, any biggish mountain being climbed comes with risks.
RIP to those climbers.
Done my fair share in the Alps(incl military service), Everest is the highest but way far from the toughest climbs.
I am very sad to hear of these loses. But ...why in the heck do people climb mountains? there is frankly NO point to it. it is romantic nonsense propagated by romantic nut thinking. No reason at all for it at all.
@BurakuminDes - Japanese mountaineer Yuichiro Muira (80) reached the peak of Everest May 23 and set a new record. But a Nepali climber may best that record this week.
point of climbing mountains? it's just like any other form of recreation. it's fun.
Sorry to hear they died. But, better to die doing something you love/enjoy than slaving away in an office wasting your life with each breath. RIP.
Ravi Tandukar
@BurakuminDes: You may live in a castle, but your attitude seems to be stemming for squalor for sure, or in real terms, it is squalor level. Don't throw around stats, do you know how many are homeless and poor and 'dirt-poor' in your own country?There are 'have's and 'have - not's everywhere. Even in Developed ones. You keep repeating you don't mean to demean Nepal or Nepalese, but cannot stop throwing mud on them, says a lot about you, could be your up bringing. Just shut up.