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© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Japan's radioactive water leaks: How dangerous?
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Fish don't stay in one place. So closing the Fukushima fisheries seems a partial solution. Since there is only a part way to treat the water if the purification systems was working, seems like a partial solution. Decommissioning will take at least 40 years, assume they can. So the answer to the last question is NEVER.
How dangerous? More than you want to know.
There are some here that will believe what they want to believe no matter the truth.
Even if it poison the whole Pacific Ocean, and the sea foods we consume.
How about the effects of this contamination to the population of Fukushima and surrounding prefectures?
Actually, the biggest problem(s) are the melted cores in their containment vessels (at least partially breeched?) which have been sitting in corrosive salt water for 2.5 years. This is a much bigger issue than all the water issues combined. The fuel rod issue is also a major problem, but still smaller than the core issue.
Unfortunately the article doesn't actually answer the question of "how dangerous?" Perhaps that isn't really known at this point.
You can't remove all radiation from water, it binds with the oxygen in the water. Japan needs to hire some science people or at least google things before they blurt out they can do something that is not possible
It's not nearly as dilute as you'd hope. Fish swim in a pretty consistent loop between Japan and the U.S. West coast, as do the currents.
You drop some blue dye in a tub of water with a slow but steady current ,and it's not going to suddenly disperse as much as possible.
And as mentioned before, the leaking water isn't the issue. It's the thousands of fuel rods that need to be removed, and any single mistake could be deadly. They still aren't sure how they are going to do this.
Talking about leaking water makes is sounds like all they've got to plug the leaks and they're good.
They're a far, far cry from good, and there are still unknown issues that have unknown solutions.
There's still a very real potential for much, much more damage and death.
Maybe this is a way for J-Gov to deal with their enormous debt problem. By not looking for contaminated food, they can lower life expectancy and there by reducing pension payments. And if you like conspiracy theories, the US looks the other way for the same reason. And at the very least, J-gov can increase the military budget by reducing the pension benefit by not doing anything about Fukushima nor product safety similar to the Kanebo.