Japan Today

Japan's whaling fleet departs for hunt despite international outrage

By Teppei Kasai

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"scientific". everyone knows it's for food. no research is done

16 ( +22 / -6 )

defying global outrage

Defiance is really what this is all about. Unfortunately, the 'scientific' whale hunt has become nothing more than an act of face-saving defiance encompassing Japan's politicians, agriculture/fisheries ministry and the nation's whaling community. Part of that attitude is an unintended consequence of very public pressure to end whaling by Greenpeace and governments of other countries.

If the government were to put a stop to whaling, some in Japan would praise the move, but many others would be furious at lawmakers for bowing to pressure from overseas. I think many in Japan would like to put an end to whaling, but doing so will be impossible unless somebody magically comes up with a back-door, face-saving means of doing so.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

the western city of Shimonoseki that is home to much of Japan’s whaling fleet and part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s election district.

Right, that statement speaks for itself.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

everyone knows it's for food.

Which few people are eating. It's "we" vs "them" stubborn national pride, nothing more. Japan would rather waste millions in taxpayer money rather than put an end to the program

8 ( +14 / -6 )

the ships sailed away under a clear blue sky

Here's praying for a change in the weather, with storms and sea-sickness all the way there and back.

May the icebergs rise high before you at every turn, and may your harpoons rust and jam in the wind and rain.

And may the minkes stay well away from your bloody boats.

11 ( +18 / -7 )

Officials, including Abe, have long said their ultimate goal is the resumption of commercial whaling - a pledge Abe repeated in a message read at the pre-departure ceremony.

When will these stone-headed cronies wake up and realize that, they will NEVER be able to legally resume commercial whaling in the southern oceans! Furthermore, this 'whale eating culture' they keep spouting off about comprises of around 2% of the population. It will be interesting to see how the Australian environment minister responds to this. Let's see if he has the balls to put some actions up instead of just words.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Japan is greedily grabbing large beautiful wild mammals on the opposite side of the globe...

For what?

Just so that a few oyajis can chomp on a bit of whale jerky and reminisce about their high school lunches.

The Japanese government is trying to push an international image of "Cool Japan".

Now we see another side...

Greedy Japan.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

There’s nothing as happy as this day,” he told the fleet’s crew at a ceremony prior to their departure.

Until Sea Shepard catches up with you. Then its going to be pure bliss.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

I am no expert, but I sort of think this is one part just enjoying everyone's grief and one part securing government funding.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Sorry, Japan - As the great philosopher Yogi T. Bear would say if he was here: "Japan - you are not smarter than the average bear."

So stop lying. Stop the BS. Find something else to eat.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

A very foolish move. It is going to sorely test the patience of Australians and New Zealanders. I predict major gains for the Green Party.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

So, it's acknowledged that it's not actually for science but for selling for food, and also acknowledge that no one eats it anymore.

Why not just change the title from "despite international outrage" to "to spite international outrage", because clearly there is no logical reason for whaling and it is merely a knee-jerk reaction to opposition to the program. Just say, "I'm against it" and watch a Japanese person, who does not even eat whale to begin with, get upset and support whaling. And when they say, "You're just pushing in on my culture" and you say, "I thought it was for science," watch them turn bright red and ask you to leave Japan "since you don't like it", knowing they're on their way home to eat beef.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Japan spitting in the face of the rest of the world.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Lets spice things up a bit shall we! is there any U boats/submarine still around? they should be allowed to sink any whaling ship the see fit, the hunter becomes hunted!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Go Whalers!! Do it your way! Don't take any notice of the sanctimonious hypocrites who criticize and abuse you!

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

here some scientfic facts about whale meat that people should know about:

there was an independant study done, and published in the 2003 June 15 edition of the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. It indicate that packaged whale meat in Japan contains dangerously high levels of mercury. Tetsuya Endo and his colleagues at the Health Sciences University of Hokkaido traveled around Japan between 2000 and 2002 and purchased fresh and frozen whale and dolphin meat from vendors and processors. They analyzed the total mercury content in samples of red meat, or muscle, which is the most popular whale product sold for human consumption in Japan. The researchers found that mercury levels in all 137 meat samples exceeded the guidelines of 0.4 part per million set by the Japanese government. In fact, samples of false killer whale and striped dolphin surpassed the regulations by 200 and 160 times, respectively. In total, the team identified nine different whale species and six types of dolphins and porpoises being sold as food, and determined that average mercury levels in meat from Northern cities were higher than those in samples bought in southern markets.

The authors suggest that guidelines, much like those instituted in the Faroe Islands in Denmark regarding consumption of pilot whales or the Food and Drug Administration's warning to pregnant women to avoid longer-living large fish because of potential mercury exposure, should be implemented in Japan. The metal has been linked to neurological defects and may damage a fetus's developing nervous system. "These particular meat samples were from packaged food products that someone would have eaten, if they had not been purchased for pollutant analysis," notes Frank Cipriano of San Francisco State University. "This is a clear signal that Japan has a major health problem that the government has not addressed."

So the next time your at the supermarket going to buy that whale bacon, stop and think, am I going to trust a J government funded study on whale meat nutrition study, or a study on mercury/heavy metals study done by scientists from Health Sciences University of Hokkaido?


7 ( +12 / -5 )

What scientific research? What is it the LDP needs to know so desperately about whales that its fleets are killing the poor things when the stockpile of whale flesh is practically overflowing Japan's freezers? Food? Whale meat is not being wolfed down by the tons every day by the average Japanese, who knows whale meat is full of toxins and should be eaten sparingly if at all.

It's not science. It is not even commercial fishing because the whole business is a dead loss we taxpayers must pay for. What is it?

Abe and the LDP are fishing for votes. Whaling is a bribe. Just like subsidizing Japan's medieval agricultural sector is a bribe.

For that Abe is ready to risk the wrath of the world. And Japan will get it.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Wtfjapan - As much as your information is correct, it only applies to toothed whales and dolphins. The meat from baleen whales (minke, southern right and humpback) is actually quite clear of contaminants. This has been proven by marine biologists taking tissue samples with a bow and arrow from a rubber dingy. Very much unlike the Japanese style of research where they need to shoot hundreds of whales with grenade bearing harpoons that explode on impact 'sometimes' killing the whales instantly. In Japan's defence, information on what the whales are eating can only be gathered by lethal research, but they only need to kill two or three whales, instead of two or three hundred. Furthermore, this research doesn't need to be done every year. It only needs to be done once every decade or so to determine if their eating habits are changing due to the effects of climate change. There is nothing in Japan's research that can be justified with killing hundreds of whales every year. This is why the international court ruled their 'research' to be a farce and a cover up for commercial whaling. They have openly admitted they are researching to prove that commercial whaling is viable, which is also illegal under international law. Using permission for lethal research hunting from the anti-commercial whaling group to prove that commercial whaling is viable is just a slap in the face to every other country that has stopped hunting whales. It is a well known fact that Japan has no friends in Asia and they are doing their best to keep the rest of the world as enemies too. Japan is but a spot on the planet that relies on imports from every other country in the world. The way they procrastinated over the TPP agreement shows their selfish resolve very well. Japan is nothing without the resources from other countries and would starve within six months of import boycotts. This is the only way Japan can be thought that hunting whales in a southern ocean whale sanctuary is illegal and imoral.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

it only applies to toothed whales and dolphins. no it applies to all types of whale meat sold in Japan, toothed whales and dolphins had the highest levels of mercury recorded. All long living sea creatures especially whales have high levels of mercury due to the huge amount of fish they eat. please read the publication in full . Just because whales are caught in the southern oceans doesnt make any differance, theyre only there during the winter months, they then spend the other 6-7 months in the northern oceans feeding also. Whale, dolphin, killer whale etc. all have much higher levels of mercury in there meat than, pork, beef, chicken, land based animals. Having safer and cheaper healthier meats readily available make you wonder why people would want to put that crap in there bodies, good taste or not!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

They have openly admitted they are researching to prove that commercial whaling is viable

And they are doing it in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, where, even if the global moratorium were to be lifted and commercial whaling once more allowed, would still be a sanctuary where commercial whaling would be illegal.

'Proving' that commercial whaling is viable in a whale sanctuary ....?

They should go back to their countries.

That's exactly what lots of people feel about the whalers, tina. Go home.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Officials, including Abe, have long said their ultimate goal is the resumption of commercial whaling... Shimonoseki...is home to the whaling fleet and part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s election district.

'nuff said.

This guy would sell his granny to slavery to stay in power, so what's a few thousand whales.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Japan STOP! You're embarrassing yourself. #JapanwhaleGate

6 ( +11 / -5 )

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled last year that Japan’s whaling in the Southern Ocean should stop

No they didn't. They ruled that JARPAII whaling should stop, which it did. They then went on to explain what changes would have to be made to produce a research plan that might be acceptable. Japan produced a plan with those changes.

and an International Whaling Commission (IWC) panel said in April that Japan had yet to demonstrate a need for killing whales.

And that is great. But Article VIII of the ICRW gives the member countries unfettered rights to issue research permits. The IWC has no authority to limit those permits in any way.

Australia and key Japanese ally the United States both opposed the hunt.

And the US has opposed the hunt since 1987, but other than saying they oppose it they have done nothing else.

“It is completely unacceptable for the Japanese government to ignore the International Court of Justice,”

Then I guess it is a good thing they are NOT ignoring the ICJ.

When will these stone-headed cronies wake up and realize that, they will NEVER be able to legally resume commercial whaling in the southern oceans!

Sure they will. Quit the IWC and then they can whale in international waters to their hearts content.

What is it the LDP needs to know so desperately about whales that its fleets are killing the poor things when the stockpile of whale flesh is practically overflowing Japan's freezers?

They have very clearly stated they want to resume commercial whaling. To do so they need the IWC to lift the moratorium (or quit the IWC). The IWC claims they do not have the data they need to determine if it is sustainable to hunt Minke whales. So obviously the LDP needs to provide the IWC with the data they lack so the IWC can determine whether hunting Minke whales is sustainable. And the 'stockpile' goes up at the end of the hunt and drops over time until the next hunt. The annual average level has stayed fairly constant for years.

And they are doing it in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, where, even if the global moratorium were to be lifted and commercial whaling once more allowed, would still be a sanctuary where commercial whaling would be illegal.

Well except the sanctuary was established in violation of the IWC's own regulations. And as the regulations allow, Japan objected to the sanctuary. So if the moratorium was lifted it would NOT be illegal for Japan to hunt Minke whales in the sanctuary.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

"You're just pushing in on my culture" and you say, "I thought it was for science," watch them turn bright red and ask you to leave Japan "since you don't like it", knowing they're on their way home to eat beef.

Agreed. Getting a logical rationale from them over whaling can be a difficult task

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Dom is correct in his points. To add one more point, in the initial moratorium it was written that there would be a scientific review of whale stocks in '90 (if I recall correctly), and this has been blocked by other countries ever since.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

and this has been blocked by other countries ever since.

Little relevance to the issue. Due to lack of demand (no food shortages anymore) resuming commercial whaling simply isn't viable. That it continues is simply due to stubborn amakudari, oyaji pride. Nothing more

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Dom Palmer -

I guess it is a good thing they are NOT ignoring the ICJ.

Erm, except that Japan has stated that they will not be bound by the ICJ, i.e. they are, quite blatantly and in-your-face, ignoring it:

the Japanese government has told United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in a special declaration that it will take a sweeping exception to the court's jurisdiction. It says the court's jurisdiction "does not apply to ... any dispute arising out of, concerning, or relating to research on, or conservation, management or exploitation of, living resources of the sea". The declaration was made by Japan's ambassador to the UN, Motohide Yoshikawa​

In plain English, we will do what we damn well please, and you can go whistle.

<http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/japan-rejects-international-court-jurisidiction-over-whaling-20151018-gkc7rm.html#ixzz3t4FiZrZT >

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Little relevance to the issue.

Extremely relevant to the issue. If the IWC evaluated the status of Minke whales then no matter which answer they got it would remove a reason Japan has for collecting more data. Also if the IWC removed Minke whales from the moratorium then the Japanese government would lose that as a reason for funding the research because no more research would be needed.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Extremely relevant to the issue.


that as a reason for funding the research because no more research would be needed.

And here we are back at the original rationale. Japanese people believe that hunting whales is their culture - even though most of them don't eat it. Japan on the other hand is telling the world that they are conducting scientific research. A lot of doublespeak is going on here, and sorry Japan, but no-one is buying it. If Japan were truly consuming what they "hunted", it would be another story. But instead, to pretend it isn't about pride alone, they have their citizens believing one thing, and tell the world something else

0 ( +4 / -4 )

This just highlights the larger problem of there being no international organisation with the authority to control overfishing (whaling/shark fining) in international waters. No country should be allowed to sail half way around the world and exploit the ocean's resources for their own commercial gain. Just imagine if all 200 countries in the world sent factory ships down to the southern ocean to 'conduct research'. If we don't act soon, every living thing in the ocean will end up on Asian diner plates.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Nobody may impose their views on anybody else, provided species are abundant and trust me, they are. I have participated many times in IWC meeting and have been a government fisheries negotiator for many years. The are an estimated 650.000 minke whales and 125.000 newborn every year. Nobody may impose on Japan their values or even called on lawless organizations such as Sea Shepard ro ram Japanese vessels endangering lives in the high seas for hunting under perfectly legal conditions in international waters. Peoples from the world have different culinary and food intakes which show diversity. Some of us will always defend Japan's right to hunting abundant species and the principle of sustainable use of living marine resources. Good sailing and God Speed.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

The dark side of Japan...

2 ( +5 / -3 )

WTFjapan Disillusioned? What does it mean? And you say "

Japan is nothing without the resources from other countries and would starve within six months of import boycotts. This is the only way Japan can be thought that hunting whales in a southern ocean whale sanctuary is illegal and immoral" (sic)

It is not a "sanctuary" as many nations do not recognize it and Australia has no jurisdiction as they are going into international waters. It is perfectly legal and why is hunting abundant species "inmoral" or whatever you tried to say ?

Why try to impose cultural habits on other people if you would not accept them in your own country?. I would not. Science say Minkes are overly abundant so what seems to be all these adrenaline and Japan bashing over? All the best.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

@Carlos Mazal

With all due respect Carlos, most of us commenting here actually live in Japan and it's our tax money that ends up financing these ridiculous and uneconomical whaling expeditions. I think we have every right to try to impose our views on how our money should or shouldn't be wasted.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Australia is first and foremost upset about this, correct? Well, they are in a unique position to do something about it. Abe announced that he supports this mission and has made it part of his mandate to have commercial whaling resumed, right (forgetting that they lie that it's about science!)? Well, Abe has also said he wants the deal with Australia to make their subs.

So, Australia can use this for grounds for choosing Germany or another country to make their subs (that and the fact that Japan said Australia can't do it domestically). They can justify it by saying they cannot morally make a deal with a country that spits on the international community like that.

That's the only talk people like Abe will understand, since they openly go against all other logic.

Don't choose Japan to deal with in terms of subs -- clearly we don't want them in the Southern Ocean.

Moderator: Sorry, but the submarine deal is not even remotely relevant to this thread.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The are an estimated 650.000 minke whales and 125.000 newborn every year.

There are an estimated 7.3 billion homo sapiens and 131 million newborn every year, but that doesn't mean it's OK to go around shooting exploding harpoons into people.

It is not a "sanctuary" as many nations do not recognize it and Australia has no jurisdiction

The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was established by the IWC, not by Australia.

why is hunting abundant species "inmoral" or whatever you tried to say ?

You think that blowing a hole in an animal and dragging it through the sea literally spilling blood and guts until it dies (taking anywhere from several minutes to over an hour to do so), is anything but immoral?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

@Cleo. Precisely

3 ( +6 / -3 )


Why try to impose cultural habits on other people if you would not accept them in your own country?

Well isn't that what Japan is doing here? Going to oceans neighboring other countries and kill the whales which are protected and respected. I would say Japan is imposing it's culture on Australia and NZ.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I would say Japan is imposing it's culture on Australia and NZ.

The international waters do not belong to Aussie or NZ. You should understand how much you are making Japanese angry.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

“This is not ‘scientific research,’ this is straight up commercial whaling.”

. . . .@least have the common decency to just call it what is.

They really give the world a bad impression of Japan.

. . . .Yeah, they do.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Sure they will. Quit the IWC and then they can whale in international waters to their hearts content.

Let's hope they do because then they will become poachers and their ships can and will be confiscated if they are fishing in another country's economic zone. Japan will not quit the IWC because it is the only thing protecting them. There is an Indonesian ship graveyard in northern Australia of confiscated fishing vessels. I would love to see the Nissin Maru hauled up on the beach and used to make BBQ plates for every Australian home.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Erm, except that Japan has stated that they will not be bound by the ICJ, i.e. they are, quite blatantly and in-your-face, ignoring it:

Erm, except that you are wrong. They are not ignoring the current ruling by the ICJ. What they have done is said they will not allow any future case involving marine resources to be heard in the ICJ, just like Australia has said they will not allow any cases dealing with their Antarctic claims to be heard in the ICJ. Since in both situations no case will be heard and thus no ruling will exist there will be nothing to ignore.

@Christopher Glenn



No country should be allowed to sail half way around the world and exploit the ocean's resources for their own commercial gain.

Except the UN has said that all countries actually have the right to do just that. Like the Taiwanese boats that fish in International waters of the Atlantic.

and it's our tax money that ends up financing these ridiculous and uneconomical whaling expeditions.

Then change your government.

The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was established by the IWC

And they violated their own rules, so really from a legal standpoint it doesn't exist. But even if you ignore that reality, Japan objected to the sanctuary as allowed by the IWC's rules so for Japan it doesn't exist.

taking anywhere from several minutes to over an hour to do so

Hardly. It is international waters, the fact that Australia and NZ are close means nothing.

Presumably "Dom Palmer" is the poster who used to post as "davidattokyo".

Presumably you are clueless and don't know what you are talking about. But nice try at an ad hominem, or as most people call it 'an admission of failure'.

Let's hope they do because then they will become poachers and their ships can and will be confiscated if they are fishing in another country's economic zone.

First it most certainly ISN'T another countries EEZ. Second if they weren't part of the IWC then the regulations wouldn't apply and they would NOT be poachers. Or do you believe Canada is poaching whales every year, as they aren't IWC members yet they issues permits to Canadians every year to hunt whales.

Japan will not quit the IWC because it is the only thing protecting them.

Just what is being an IWC member protecting them from?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Hey Japan, the world is laughing at your lies. Research? lmao... You can't remove stripes from zebras, can you?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The anti-whaling crowd are buried in erroneous information leading to heated emotional reaction. You folk really out to actually stop and read the facts before hopping on the lynching truck.

The Resarch Whaling is permitted by the IWC under Article VIII. The IWC is NOT a whale conservation organization, it was created and existed for the purpose of regulating the WHALING INDUSTRY. That's Whaling as in shooting them with harpoons folks. The Moratorium is a TEMPORARY BAN on commercial whaling. Research Whaling is necessary to maintain data on stocks that will allow actions by the IWC. Actions to manage the populations FOR THE WHALING INDUSTRY. Japan's research whaling is carried out in INTERNATIONAL WATERS. Neither Australia nor New Zealand have ANY JURISADICTION over theses waters. IWC Article VIII EXEMPTS Research Whaling fro recognizing Sanctuaries. The Japanese are NOT forcing anyone to hunt or eat whale meat. The Anti-Whalers, Especially Australia which disguises it's territorial claim unrecognized by the entire world and Nationalism as "anti-whaling" are the ones attempting to apply Cultural Imperialism in telling another country what they can or can not eat. And for those who think Whales are special, they are not. Star Trek IV was just a movie, grow up. So in a world where innocent unsuspecting people around the worl;d are being blown up, some folks think that whining about NON ENDANGERED WHALES and supporting Eco-Terrorists lead by a fugitive from justice is more important.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

taking anywhere from several minutes to over an hour to do so (=to die, in agony)

Hardly. It is international waters, the fact that Australia and NZ are close means nothing.

'Hardly' what? Do you imagine pain doesn't hurt if you're in international waters?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan: It is for scientific purposes, since gastronomy is a type of science.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

God bless the Sea Shepherds, and may they prevent Japan from taking any whales. Hopefully, the whaling fleet will be met this time by the Australian Navy and taken into custody.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

'Hardly' what? Do you imagine pain doesn't hurt if you're in international waters?

No. I made a bad edit before posting and didn't realize it. The quote I meant to respond to was:

I would say Japan is imposing it's culture on Australia and NZ.

Hopefully, the whaling fleet will be met this time by the Australian Navy and taken into custody.

So you are hoping that Australia declares war on Japan? Because taking foreign vessel into custody in international waters is either a declaration of war or piracy.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Have a safe trip,,,Sad what they make people do for money

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What is wrong with whale meat and oil ? We live in Kyoto ken and it takes 40 minutes to Obama where you can buy lovely whale meat. For hundreds of years the Japanese people hunted those animals and why not ? Soon their are gone anyway with all that climate change and meanwhile enjoy. You people all cry out and live your life without thinking.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I feel like no matter how hard anybody tries this is just going to be something that you can't change their minds on. It's so sad though.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Australia was one of the biggest Whaling nations until the late 70s. Oh how times change ... The Australian government will do nothing. Simply too much to lose by upsetting Japan on this issue. Nor is a contract for submarines going to be used as a playing card to try to stop the whalers. People really need to look at the bigger picture. Next time you go to the supermarket check out the amount of Aussie beef that is sold here.That is just the start of it most bakeries in Japan use Aussie wheat. The list goes on and on.... Aluminum, Coal, Gas, Iron Ore are all massive export markets for Australia and guess who the number one client is.Not to mention the mining projects and investment Japan has there.So good luck SS think your out there alone.Will be very surprised if the Australian government intervenes on the matter.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Australia government won't send its navy to the South China Sea instead going to Antarctic to watch Japanese “scientific whaling”.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The Japanese people themselves ought to stand up to their government - and to the big business that is behind whaling, and stop this because it is sending a clear message to the world that barbarism still exists in Japan today. It is as simple as that.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

You should understand how much you are making Japanese angry. oh no Australia NZ are really scared now,

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Carlos mazal - I take your word as an insider in the whaling world, that the stocks of minke are 650,000 and newborns are 125,000 / year.

So, that being the case, it's time for Japan whaling inc to state categorically that there is no longer need for research - the numbers are in abundance - and just begin to openly hunt commercially. What's stopping them? Why the pretense?

And re your last comment - what's god got to do with it?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The list goes on and on.... Aluminum, Coal, Gas, Iron Ore are all massive export markets for Australia and guess who the number one client is. yes its CHINA,Australias biggest export partner. If Japan doesnt want it then fine im sure China will take theres and Japans share. think about it who need who the most, without Australias resources Japans economy would operate, without Japans auto, electronics, Im guessing Australia would have to settle for european autos, Korean electronics. Im very sure I know which economy would survive much easier if Japan and Australia suddenly banned two way trade. LOL

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"international outrange"? Actually, only a few hotheads. I watched CNN and BBC. Nothing. Where is the "international outrage"? Nobody cares.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

nowhere near the 25,000 you indicate. But perhaps you already knew that.

Exactly. IF the majority of Japanese are against the government support of whaling then they should use their voting power to change things. On the other hand if the majority either don't care about or support whaling, then they are already doing what they should.

So, that being the case, it's time for Japan whaling inc to state categorically that there is no longer need for research

They have said that. But the IWC refuses to do their job and make a scientific claim either way. So Japan continues to collect data for the IWC to use.

What's stopping them?

The IWC moratorium on commercial whaling.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

My J-wife cannot understand why Japan needs to do more research on whales every year. One year is enough and all these additional scientific sorties are BS and don't make any sense. Why is there not any accountability of or for the supposed scientific research that is needed to justify the slaughter of these whales? This makes no common sense and is a bunch of lies by the Japanese government and the rest of the world should place economic sanctions on Japan until it forces their illegal whaling industry into extinction.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

One year is enough and all these additional scientific sorties are BS and don't make any sense.

No one year is definitely NOT enough. Since they are trying to determine the life cycle and population over time they require data on the long term population dynamics of the species. That requires collecting the same type of data over many years so that trends can be found and studied.

It is the same reason that countries don't conduct a census just once. They repeat it at set intervals to monitor for changes.

the rest of the world should place economic sanctions on Japan until it forces their illegal whaling industry into extinction.

Japan's whaling isn't illegal, but economic sanctions probably would be illegal.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


Since they are trying to determine the life cycle and population over time...

No one believes this. Let's face it... they are just trying to grab some food... It's just greedy...

1 ( +3 / -2 )


So in a world where innocent unsuspecting people around the worl;d are being blown up, some folks think that whining about NON ENDANGERED WHALES and supporting Eco-Terrorists lead by a fugitive from justice is more important.

It's more serious than you think. Humanity is trying to move away from exploiting natural fauna for food - we have done enough pillaging of wild animals in our history. Japan (and Norway etc.) are stubbornly refusing to move forward. It may only be a few hundred wild whales but it's about 'intention'. The intention to move towards wildlife protection and away from wildlife exploitation. It's not like Japan needs whale meat tom sustain its population for heavens sake.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan (and Norway etc.) are stubbornly refusing to move forward

Stubborn is a word typically the parents use for their children.

It's not like Japan needs whale meat tom sustain its population for heavens sake.

I'm sure your country is also eating something not critical to sustain its population. You are being selfish and hypocritical and arrogant.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

No one believes this.

So NO ONE believes that Japan wants the IWC to remove Minke whales from the moratorium? Really? WHat do you base that claim on? Maybe the fact that Japan keeps petitioning the IWC to do its job and review the status of Minke whales is all just part of an elaborate scheme to not remove the moratorium.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Australia should detain the vessels when they enter her waters.

Then let Japan appeal the detention. In the ICJ...

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

What the hell... another case of a big power ignoring an international court-ruling or norm. Japan has learn a lesson from the super power America (e.g. USA defied ICJ ruling which favored Nicaragua) to disregard ICJ. No wonder Beijing is using a technicality to ignore Philippines' petition against PRC in international tribunal for SCS dispute.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Australia should detain the vessels when they enter her waters.

Yes they should but Japan never entered and never will.

Yes, but NO animals roaming free in nature!!!

Since when is it a law?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

When they get down south by Australia the Ships will be impounded as the Japanese has not paid the fine as Japan was told they will impound the ships if the fine was not paid, only time will tell, as they have been told no hunting in the Protected Waters. Why not just fish outside Japans waters you catch enough there, soon you will catch so many in your area that there will be none left to have, Don't put your Addiction onto the International Community we like the Animals so do it where you live not where we live, Do not bother asking where the ship went if it does not come back as your going to awaken the Whale god up and the ships will be swallowed by the seas, Did everyone have their wonderful Last Good Byes?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

When they get down south by Australia the Ships will be impounded

No they won't. First Australia has threatened similar actions before but when push comes to shove they backdown. Second Japan doesn't hunt in any waters that are actually Australian meaning any seizure/impoundment would be illegal and technically a declaration of war. Third international treaties allow foreign vessels to transit a nations waters and again any seizure/impoundment would be illegal and technically a declaration of war and would also make any Australian vessel in any nations water liable to seizure, like all the Australian merchant vessels that deliver coal/beef/sheep/iron to Japan.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

would still be a sanctuary where commercial whaling would be illegal

Well not really. First the IWC violated their own regulations when they 'established' the sanctuary, so whether it even legally exists is yet to be determined. But second and more importantly, the IWC regulations allow any member to object to any resolution and Japan objected to the sanctuary as it applies to Minke whales. So if the moratorium was lifted for Minke whales, then it would NOT be illegal for Japan to hunt Minke whales.

The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was established by the IWC, not by Australia.

True, but Australia established their own sanctuary that covers much of the same area as the IWC sanctuary.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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