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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.LGBTQ summit calls on Japan to enact anti-discrimination law
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japan shouldn’t be a member of the G7 if it discriminates, oppresses and commits human rights abuses against this community.
Dango bong
not interested
LGBT and Black Lives Matter also, the way they’re in the news every day bores me senseless.
I support the rights of these people 150%.
I wish them victory
But I don’t want to read about activism every day of the week
Michael Machida
If you can not change peoples minds. force it on them?
Peter Neil
I don’t have any heartburn about recognizing marriage and rights of people, regardless of sexual orientation.
I think that’s fair and reasonable. Recognize it and there is no problem anymore. It goes away and everyone can get on with their lives.
There are more important things to worry about.
Personally speaking here, there are a hell of a lot of "rights" issues that Japan needs to do something about.
It is difficult to prioritize which one should take the lead, as all have valid issues that the Diet should codify into law!
Shouting, calling, complaining, crying G7 is totally invisible.Why? Because the LGBT issue and the number of people concerned are so few and especially do not involve money!
I hope they don't call it the LGBTQ anti-discrimination law, tho. That would be an awful name.
gay/bi people make up 10-12% of G7 populations. In countries where gay marriage is allowed, their income is in the top half, and are a target for marketing.
So sick of the current news cycle and this topic in particular!
Japan has not condemn homosexuality and was legal for 8/9 hundreds of years ( 1100 to 1900) The only law is no same sex marriage. Until western culture demand Japan put a stop to homosexuality in the 1850,s. Marriage was only allow for the elites because of the money involved as dowery. During the same period Europe were killing men and women for the act of homosexuality because it was illegal until recently. Japan will keep it proud history of non discrimination of Homosexuals for the longest time in history than any other nation. It only been legal in the west for 50 year where in Japan it was legal 800 years. Shinto has play a big part in not condemning Homosexual. While Shinto play a big role in keeping homosexual active in Japan. Europe were killing millions. Shinto oppose marriage of Homosexuals for 900 years yet they are the institution that keep it legal. You have to respect this act if your Japanese. Then you have except they opposition to Gay marriage. Gay marriage will never happen in Japan unless Shinto changes it position.
Then why is there a g7 at all?
Japan might change their position if the pope and catholicism change their position. Europe and the west has until only recently stop the condemning to death any union or cohabitation of the same sex. What a aborent practice vilifying homosexual that Europe inforce. Where Japan allow partnership and cohabitation of the same sex for 800 years That proves Japan had more understand of homosexuality than the west. Then west told Japan,. if you don't do has we say and make homosexuality illegal we won't do business with Japan. Even today most Japanese don't see an issue with partnering up with the same sex. It the tradition of marriage they oppose also they dislike outsiders tell them how to practice their culture. It will never happen in Japan even after a referenda because most will still oppose same sex marriage but will except partnering or cohabitation and alway has.
Thank you, and this is crazy that we have to repeat this over and over.
Humans cannot change sex!
You can wear whatever you want, feel whatever you want, just respect same sex spaces and stop womanfacing.
Roberto Figari
Not again, please!
Bit difficult to do though with the Unified Church still holding sway over the LDP and being vehemently against gay marriage.
Patrick Jordan knew the law before he move here and knew his partner has no legal right as a marriage couple in Japan Why move here and place the person you love so dearly in this worst position from where they moved from ? This is strange love.
Why? Does the idea of LGBTQ people having legal protection and rights under the law, make you feel sick? If that is so, please share your reasons why.
SAME#Today 11:25 am JST
No. What is crazy is that we have to keep telling you, over and over and over, that sex and gender identity are two separate things.
Stop saying "sex" when you mean "gender."
Rights that heterosexual opposite-sex couples have that same-sex couples do not:
get married
have your spouse recongized as your spouse, as a dependant for tax purposes
inherit as a family member
adopt childiren
have their biological child recognized as their child; have their husband's/wife's biological child recognized as their child
have any kind of parental rights to their child, as they cannot legally be considered a parent
get a dependent visa as a spouse of a visa holder
get a marriage visa as a spouse of a Japanese
visit a loved on in the hospital
rent an apartment together as husband/wife: many apartments don't allow "roommates".
the right to not get fired from their job only because of their gender identity
the right to not get fired from their job because of their sexual identityAnd so on. I'm sure there are a good number of examples I missed here.
Stop claiming that LGTBQIA have the same rights as straight people, because very clearly, they do not.
They clearly do.
Two straight individuals of the same sex also cannot have those you mentioned.
You mention legal rights heterosexual couples have. Let me just add a few informal, or social, ones that a potential anti-discrimination law and support systems might help tackle:
A name designating who you are is not used as a slur.
Your parents won't disown/reject you because you shared this important piece of information about you.
When looking for housing, you don't have to look for places that are "heterosexual-friendly", because you always assume someone might have an issue with who you are. In fact, you don't have to make that assumption ever when you meet new people.
Your group isn't vilified by large parts of society and accused of trying to destroy it.
These are things most of us never even have to think about, which is why every society is slow to respond to the needs of marginalised groups. Asking to receive support in these situations isn't asking for anything more than others, it's just to approach a daily life most other people can enjoy without even thinking about it.
The fact that this needs to be spelled out repeatedly on a forum presumably mainly consisting of non-Japanese people living in Japan (and, therefore, experiencing some of the same issues as LGBTQ+ people in their daily lives) only shows how many of us can't think beyond our own lived experience, empathise and have little interest in creating a society that caters to the needs of anyone different from us.
Since you are so knowledgeable, pleas enlighten me as to what is gender identity?
Gender are stereotypes that not everyone adheres to and that are different on each society e.g women wear dresses, have long hair etc.
And yes, people are chopping off their healthy body parts to change sex, look it up.
Great posts. I admire your patience shutting down the bigots.
It's a constant wonder how Japan managed to nab a seat on the G7 committee considering how it's always the only one of the G7 to "not recognize", "not provide", "not meet", "not uphold etc. etc. etc.
I think you're confusing gender with sex. Sex is the biological category assigned to one at birth but gender refers to the socially constructed roles and behaviors applied to the identities of men, women, non-binary, and gender fluid and diverse individuals. The plain fact is that human are intrinsic and complex creatures and when it comes to one's sexuality, more often than not, it cannot be neatly put into one box or another. To discriminate based solely on the fact that a person loves another of the same sex or they identify themselves outside of what is socially considered the norm is a gross and blatant violation of basic human rights. It's like saying, "hey, you like cats instead of dogs? Nah, you can't work here." Bit of a trite comparison but apt.
BroncoToday 01:51 pm JST
You just demonstrated the law does not apply equally to same-sex couples, which is exactly the point.
Japan Violet
I think this is not going to end well.
SAME#Today 01:22 pm JST
I do not think you're asking those questions in good faith, since you have the ability to look up this information online. If you are really interested in learning, then I suggest you check the websites of organizations such as the American Psychological Association where it is explained quite clearly.
ianToday 12:24 pm JST
This is not a true statement.
Just to take one example, a straight man can marry a straight woman who has children, and he can then have parental rights over his stepchildren.
A gay man cannot even get married to his gay partner. And if one half of a gay couple has children from a previous relationship, their partner cannot act as a stepparent and has no parental rights.
So clearly, your statement is false.
Given that the Prime Minister recently said he was against homosexual marriage, and that the Japanese constituency elect his party 100% of the time, I don't fancy their chances....
Japan is the only G7 country to discriminate against same sex marriage denying equal rights to all of its citizens. Time to join the modern world on the issue of same sex marriage.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@girl_in_tokyoToday 12:08 pm JST
Oh, and have you considered why heterosexual couples get that list of privileges you referred to? From the viewpoint of the State and Society, it is desirable that babies are produced - to not reproduce is to accept slow death. Marriage is fundamentally a licence to produce babies, and the perks are there to flatten the path of the couples to make babies.
A homosexual couple, at present, generally cannot make babies. At most, they can adopt one that's already produced. That, in itself is a worthy act because adopted babies have better average prospects than those in an orphanage, but not AS useful to the State as a whole new potential worker to the population.
BroncoToday 03:23 pm JST
You kind of made my point. The law IS based on sex, and because of that, it discriminates - since not everyone is straight, the law does not treat everyone equally. That's the exactly issue in a nutshell.
Kazuaki ShimazakiToday 04:15 pm JST
@girl_in_tokyoToday 12:08 pm JST
It seems then you admit that heterosexuals get privileges that others do not get. Interesting.
Many married heterosexual couples do not have children, so obviously, marriage is not solely about children.
Sexual orientation also has nothing to do with one's ability to have children - same-sex couples can have their own children.
And by denying same-sex couples the right to marry, it actually makes it more difficult for them to have children - so how is that logical?
And how exactly would a gay couple having marriage rights stop a heterosexual couple from having children? Obviously, allowing same-sex couples to marry is not going to halt or hinder the number of children born.
Well, he could move to the countryside, far from any neighbors, and that would solve his problem. As for citizens fleeing Japan... Like a mass exodus? I have hard to imagine that. Maybe he could flee Japan?
Anyway, Japanese laws are outdated overboard, so maybe people should lower their expectations...
A better solution: Remove all straight men in power! Men need to show off their big weapons to prove their manliness. So, let's just allow women and gay men in politics! No more wars!
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@girl_in_tokyoToday 04:29 pm JST
Marriage, to be more specific the privileges and/or perks that come with them is the State's investment. It wants to incentivize the coupling together of men and women - because when they are together, they might bother to corpulate in a fertile manner. Or maybe protective rubber would suffer a convenient (to the State) tear and they'd decide to Keep rather than Dump. The State doesn't care - it cares about reproduction having taken place.
Sexual orientation also has nothing to do with one's ability to have children - same-sex couples can have their own children.
Yes, through procedures that are still complex, expensive and thus inaccessible compared to the naturally built probe and drogue.
That assumes they will. It's possible, of course, but what do you think sounds like the better bet when investing - the couple already with all the equipment built in, and will just impregnate while having fun, or the couple where the conception process is significantly less fun, less intuitive and more expensive?
Not directly, but you have to remember that the privileges given to married couples are not free. For example, if a couple has a higher collective tax limit before they have to pay a more onerous tax bracket, the State is losing out on taxes they may otherwise get. That's why I said the privileges are the State's investment. In forcing the State to invest in bad bets, fundamentally less can go to the good bets.
That's the loss.
Not all heterosexual couples want or can have babies.
Kazuaki ShimazakiToday 04:55 pm JST
It makes no sense to say the state should invest in heterosexuals to have children, but not invest in same-sex couples who also can have children.
One method of having children is not better than another, so when a straight couple and a same-sex couple use IVF, the outcome is exactly the same as couples who don't use it = children.
Same-sex couples pay the exact same taxes that opposite-sex couples do.
@Kazuaki Shimazaki,
This comment section is an endless source of amusement.
There are more reasons to have same-sex marriages than those which oppose it. Fear is what prevents acceptance.
It's a risky take, but I'm guessing all these "It's already equal" folks are Americans? It seems to go the same direction regarding any topic "doesn't affect me so why should I care". Maybe lets make interracial marriages illegal as well while we are at it, it wasn't that long ago people held that in the same regards as gay rights.
Like in other countries, the law can be changed.
BroncoMar. 31 05:56 pm JST
I was simply using the term you used in your post.
But if we are going to use the correct terms now, then yes - the law is based on sexual orientation, and it favors straight people and discriminates against people who are not.
And again, since not everyone is straight, the law is discriminatory.
A lot comment are about Japan attitude not coming to party on same sex marriage. This is because the MAJORITY of Japanese are against it. They FEAR it will affect the community. You need to convince the community there that they need not fear. So get out there and convince them not the fear your group. Jamming down their throat is not working. This group need to get out into communities and start door knocking each and every household. Talk face to face, invite to them personally to gathering and show them their fears are unwarranted, that hard work which has to be done. Sitting around a table with pretty flags isn’t going to work on this audience. It hard work but other before with difficult topic have did this for their topic to get it over the line. Show the community you are prepare to do the hard work by talking to them. Whining at them will only make it harder.
John-SanToday 10:31 am JST
The article point out that the majority of Japanese people are in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage.
As a member of the LGBTQIA community, I can assure you that we have already been doing this for YEARS, just by existing and being out in our communities, to our families, friends, bosses, co-workers.
In addition, we have known for a long time that visibility is the key. That means Pride parades, projects and all the groups out there (PFLAG, for example) doing community outreach every day.
But we are only 5% of the population and can only do so much -
What we really need now is for our straight allies to speak out, show their support, talk to their friends, families, bosses and co-workers, and to push back on to those who would denigrate and demonize us.
You have the majority on your page on for homosexual which has never been an issue. History evidence this fact since Buddhism had a foothold. You don’t have a majority on your page on marriage and adoption rights. Like I explained, only hard work will achieve this and it will take 2/3 generations but don’t give up with your hard efforts you put in, it will lay good ground for the next generation. Don’t sit around on the internet keyboarding. it a waste of good time you could be using door knocking and face to face contact convincing the community.
Lord Dartmouth
I'm tired of having to hear the whinging of a tiny minority who think the world revolves around them.
Back this up.
I think you should want same-sex marriage done ASAP as it is inevitable anyway.
It would save you getting upset reading these stories which you don’t have to read.
ord DartmouthToday 02:34 pm JST
You mean straight white older men, right? Agree!
Again, thanks for the advice. I’ll get in touch with the Big Gay Council and let them know what you think, I’m sure they’ll want you in as a consultant since none of us has ever thought of “hard work” as a way to achieve equality.
Much sooner than that.
The walls are closing in on opposition to it. The numbers are only going one way.
Get it done ASAP. It's a no-brainer. There are far more difficult issues to solve.
Also tell the BGC that getting in bed with gender diversity has harm your cause in Japan. Check the argument Dylan and Jenna are having on Twitter. If you think airing their argument is promoting same sex marriage.It a complete turn to any sane community. Is this what your cause needs. again this show the keyboard isn't friendly to your cause. Hard work is. Is the BGC going come and do the hard work of disowning and outing the T,I + from your community.
Alfie Noakes
Wow, the octogenarian folkie and the British actress Jenna Coleman are having a twitter spat? Who could imagine such a thing?
Lord Dartmouth
I was once asked if I was an 'ally'. I asked them if they were MY allies. They didn't like that. Apparently they're the centre of the universe. No one else can possibly need allies.
alfie. Wrong pair. It the two poster children for male transgender Dylan Mulgravey and Jenna the next male Olympic come Spokesperson representative for male transgender. While the Pride meeting in Japan is one step forward these two personalities just give same sex marriage movement in Japan 7 steps backwards.
GirlinTokyo: The Gay intellect and Author Douglass Murray who support same sex. marriage However, he has said that he believes that homosexuality "is an unstable component on which to base an individual identity and a hideously unstable way to try and base any form of group identity.