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Malaysia bans Ultraman book over use of Allah


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The government says Allah should be exclusively reserved for Muslims because of concerns its use by others would confuse Muslims and tempt them to convert.

Is the faith of Malaysian Muslims really that frail?

23 ( +25 / -2 )

People in Japan can play a bit fast and lose with other religions, especially when it comes to art, fashion, and accessories. It's good that people be reminded to be careful.

I thoroughly disapprove of Catholic rosaries being worn as decoration, for example, and wouldn't complain it the Pope had a go.

-20 ( +4 / -24 )

Would love to know the context of this reference to Allah. Did another character point at Ultraman and say "Ultraman is considered and respected as Allah, or the Elder, to all ultra heroes.” If so, doesn't that imply that Ultraman is a narrow context was being called Allah, and thus any depiction of him was tantamount to drawing a picture of the prophet? Should we be worried? Will Ultraman be drawn in the future in a bear suit so he doesn't offend anyone?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


"fast and loose" "wouldn't complain if"

If someone used the venerated name of any other religious leader for a cartoon character, I imagine there would be protests. In fact, I hope so.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

'The ministry said Allah is holy for Muslims and warned that such irresponsible use of the word can provoke the community and threaten public safety.'

Wouldn't the core, deeper tenets of a 'religion of peace' such as respect and tolerance for others and love of your neighbour override fury about someone using a sacred word irresponsibly? It's not often I agree with those of theocratic leanings but I'm with them 100% in knowing that they wouldn't.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So, Islamic people (the religion of peace and tranquility) are afraid that the use of the Islamic word for God could insight violence within communities? Ah huh! Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

9 ( +14 / -4 )

malaysia Govt bakayaro!

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Will Ultraman be drawn in the future in a bear suit so he doesn't offend anyone?

That can be offensive, escpecially if you're a bear.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

First of all, save everyone all the fuss and trouble, Malaysia, and set up a Ministry of Allah to protect the name of your god. But all kidding aside, there is such a thing as theocracy and I see it happening in Malaysia. Possibly most comical is that the government fears conversion of faith--from a comic book! Of course children need to be protected, but not by the elders of faith; they need to be protected from them--imposing religion on a child is abuse, plain and simple. Perhaps the Malay Government ought to worry about that first.

The first rule of faith should be this: Let anyone show as much disrespect and hatred toward anyone's religion, including your own. If the faith can stand the heat, it will need no support.

I'm just so glad I'm an atheist. I don't go out to offend for the sake of offending; religion brings on the criticism in its arcane and, frankly, uncivilized 'laws'.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Is the faith of Malaysian Muslims really that frail?

No...The Faith of ALL Muslims are that frail.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

'People in Japan can play a bit fast and lose with other religions, especially when it comes to art, fashion, and accessories. It's good that people be reminded to be careful.'

One of the great things about this country is the fact that it doesn't generally take religion too seriously and we don't have to put up with this kind of nonsense. Some like to get a bit snooty about KFC for Christmas or use of religious images and many Japanese tend to react quite sheepishly to this kind of criticism. They shouldn't. They should be proud of largely relegating religion to tradition, not something which is taken seriously enough be a cause of public violence.

12 ( +13 / -2 )

so malay kids are so feeble minded that they could confuse ultraman with allah? or are just the politicians just that feeble minded?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This is daft.

Maybe they should change the name of Godzilla (yes, I know it's really GOJIRA, but in the west he's Godzilla) so as not to offend Christians and other groups who worship God?

I'm fed up with petty minded religious zealots demanding that this or that can't be said or done because it offends one religion or another.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

I love Malaysia but them too seem to be suffering from an idiot government as of late. A shame that there is a push towards "Isalamification" because it is a lovely country.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

How weak must your religion be if someone were to compare, in a good way, an animation character to a 'god' because having such an 'interesting rule' in your religion that forbids one from making a reference to a likeness.

Sounds pretty weak to me that a religion treats its followers like dumb little children that can't be trusted to know right from wrong. Frankly, ANY religion where by the thought of not being a "God fearing man or woman" is spoken, really should make all think long and hard about that logic. Does that make any sense? Fear that God or be what? Be punished? By whom? Clearly, not by that God but by the instruments of that 'MAN MADE DEITY', man.

Let's see here. If we refer to Ultraman as 'Allah', by whom will the wrath be dealt. Pretty sure it's not Allah. Religion is nothing but a way to control others and frankly it shows which people have evolved and which still need to. When government is so tightly interwoven with religion you will have serious problems. If you could reason with religious people then there would be no religious people, plain and simple, logic clearly dictates that.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The government says Allah should be exclusively reserved for Muslims because of concerns its use by others would confuse Muslims and tempt them to convert.

Yup, this says it all. The Malay government believes Muslims can easily be confused.

We can't confuse the Muslims because if they convert we will have no simpletons to control with religion...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

if this was the case related to Christian God ( Yaweh, Jesus Christ ,or The Holy Ghost) we will just remind the author , with love, that idolatry is a sin. Nothing , no one on earth or in the universe or anywhere can replace God.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I'm just waiting for a Japanese news announcer to express her surprise at this incident by saying あら〜.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

"We can't confuse the Muslims because if they convert we will have no simpletons to control with religion..."

They're not allowed to convert. It's a crime there and the ones who try are often jailed.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

malaysia have a bad Govt and leader.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

No...The Faith of ALL Muslims are that frail.

Great grammar. What a shock..

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

'luckiy in Japan we have a good PM and King. may god bless malaysian citizens and hope they can free from their evil Govt.' Japan doesn't have a good PM, doesn't have a king and there isn't a god to bless anybody. That aside, I agree, I do hope the Malaysian people can one day kick out the theocrats.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

so, if you muslim, you cant convert legally but some word might tempt you anyway... can we assume if it was allowed to convert muslim population numbers would dramatically drop ... ? Pathetic power hold attempt eh..

1 ( +3 / -2 )

In Malaysia, only muslims can use the word Allah. This creates big trouble for other religions because Allah means god and christians for instance used to use Allah to speak a bout God (the pope's boss).

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Watch what Dr. Wafa Sultan has to say about Islam and its prophet:



And she came from devout islamic parents.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The government says Allah should be exclusively reserved for Muslims because of concerns its use by others would confuse Muslims and tempt them to convert.

Yes, because Heaven forbid that there were religious freedom, right?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Malaysia is another place I prefer to avoid.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

JeffLee quoted me "We can't confuse the Muslims because if they convert we will have no simpletons to control with religion..."

They're not allowed to convert. It's a crime there and the ones who try are often jailed.

This speaks volumes as to how much of a power trip these Muslim leaders and the Malay government are. It almost seems to be a last ditch effort to hold onto what little power they have, 'you're either with us or we'll throw you in jail to punish you if you try to quit the club'. If that doesn't sound like a 'dictatorship religion' run by a goon squad hiding behind a curtain, I don't know what is.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Don't be angry.

Thank Malaysia for making it plain to you where you should NOT be spending your next holiday.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

“Ultraman, The Ultra Power” contained elements that can undermine public security and societal morals."

Oh for crying out loud, it does not.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yes, we gots to make sure our kids are not tempted by these Japanese mangas!! (Oh my allah?? Ojala, as we say in Spanish from Arabic, anyway sounds like they are afraid of Malaysian kids trying to kick the faith)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What an issue. I don't think "Allah" needs to be used for anything related to a superhero that fights giant monsters and I don't think Muslims should get out of shape over it ether.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I am offended at their faux offended stance.. Religion has no place banning any book ever.. grrrr

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why would the one God designate a word in a culturally bound language of men to be holy? Islam and all other culturally bound religions are ridiculous. People are stupid.

That said, Japan does tend to take a lot of liberties and probably needs to lay off including sensitive groups Gods in their literature. But Japan is not really a sensitive country when it comes to outsiders. They kind of just do what they want oblivious to outside reactions unless it hits them in the wallets.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

People in Japan can play a bit fast and lose with other religions, especially when it comes to art, fashion, and accessories. It's good that people be reminded to be careful.

This was the second post, and IMO, all the rest since then are superfluous. Spot on Maria. Except you could add minorities and races to religions where Japan "can play fast and loose".

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

So, in case it wasn't clear enough already: Islam has a problem with liberty.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

When you think about their reason. They do not want children to think there is any other deity or fictional character that comes close to Allah. Young children, of course, are very moldable / impressionable. I see their point... I do not totally agree but it is their way.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Well, this is what happens with theocratic governments which the majority of is Islamic states. Only other theocracy that is not Islamic is Vatican city.

For a fact I know I will not be visiting any country that decides its religion should rule the State. It's a shame too since Malaysia used to have its own culture before Islam ruined it. Same with Persia.... what a waste.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Yes, it is their way. And their way is wrong.

Religious liberty is non-negotiable.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The government says Allah should be exclusively reserved for Muslims because of concerns its use by others would confuse Muslims and tempt them to convert.

Islam is a strange religion but Malaysia has taken it to a whole new level of strangeness. If Malaysia had their way, nobody who speaks Arabic could talk about their God in written or spoken communications unless they were Muslim. George Orwell's vision in "1984" is here, only 30 years late.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Malaysia is most likely one of the least theocratic islamic states. But the muslims base (about 60% of the citizens with vote right) is a clear majority to be pampered by the Malay government. This is why they promulgate excessive charia rules and other benefits to the Malay ethnicity (written on passport!), like 7% discount on real estate buying, water supply during draught when other neighbourhood just remain dry, free kindergarten, and so on. Thus this is more a - corrupt - political issue than a real theocratic issue.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Pretty cool! Malaysian muslims will be the first to proclaim that they can actually describe what God looks like and what he does...they should be proud they have someone in a space suit that does his best to save humanity! But I think he belongs to all of us, whatever his/her name is! Ultra man sure was my kinda God when I was a kid!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Oh Yes, we don't want Muslim Children to get confused and think Allah and Ultraman are actual living beings that share the same spotlight in humanity right?

Are we missing some logic here? ...never mind.

Anyway, I read an article on Yahoo News about a year ago that Jesus was actually Japanese!

They tied the theory that in Leonardo Da Vinci's "Last Supper" painting; Jesus was eating "Unagi" - Fesh Water Eel and at that time in Biblical History (as painted by Leonardo) Fresh Water Eel was only found in Japan.

Therefore, Jesus was Japanese ->


0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Malaysia has banned an Ultraman comic book because it uses the word 'Allah' to describe the Japanese action hero." I understand why. Although Ultraman may be an action hero, it is a comic figure. Comic is an untruthful story. You must respect other's religion, culture and the social environment. The Malaysia government may be even considering the safety of the Japanese people who live in Malaysia. Religion is a very complicate issue and can divide a country or people within, or even kill each other for a religion. The government's extraordinary caution only saves the country and the people both in Malaysia and from Japan. I wish those who comment on this site to be more careful what you write. Your opinion can even trigger violence against the Japanese in the country. Many Japanese have very little understanding about what the passion for a religion will do.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

They should be proud of largely relegating religion to tradition, not something which is taken seriously enough be a cause of public violence.

Yeah, just a shame they replace religious bigotry with other things.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It seems to me that, rather than banning the entire chapter over this reference, they could have just gotten permission from the authors to use a different word in its place when it was published in the Malay language.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Let's be sensitive. This is someone's religion and they have their right to protect their religion. Since the western world is so liberal, why don't just use Jesus or Jehovah instead, if such a connotation is necessary in the first place!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I couldn't disagree more, not all things deserve respect, I can respect someone's freedom of belief, after all who wants thought police, but that doesn't make the contents of their belief free from conversation, questions, enquiry, satire and ultimately criticism where it is due.

And in top of this; Freedom of information, freedom of association, freedom of movement, equality of race, gender and sexuality, education based in substantive reality for example are more far more important to discuss and address than someone offense because of their chosen religion.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think this response is rather measured when compared with the 'JoJo's bizarre adventured' incident a few years back.

And it looks like there is more and older problems in Malaysia, mostly being a language one.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just wait until the real hard-core Muslim countries hear about it! Happy jihad, Japan!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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