A 54-year-old man was bitten by a pet dog Sunday and was in a serious condition in hospital in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture.
Police responded to a call at around 7:55 a.m. Sunday about a man who was lying on a farm road, with blood coming from his right arm and ear, Sankei Shimbun reported. He was taken to hospital and remained unconscious on Monday.
Police said Shoichi Onitsuka had been walking his dog, which is a cross breed resembling a beagle. The canine broke free from its leash and ran off but was later captured by Onitsuka's wife.
The pet dog has reportedly been in the family for about four years. However, the dog bit Onitsuka on the elbow last year.
© Japan Today
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People and their dangerous dogs, guy is lucky to be alive. Dogs need to be licensed like guns. Especially now that we know they carry the Corona virus.
Bit thin on facts, why is the man in a serious condition, did he fall down after getting bitten or was the dog rabid?
I cannot imagine a beagle biting someone to death!!!
Maybe he was holding some food. Anyone getting between a beagle and its lunch is asking for trouble.
A Beagle???? That's like saying your pet canary got free, chased you around the house and pecked your eyes out. A beagle is elongated, fat, slow, has legs like a tortoise, and is about aggressive as the same. Something missing here.
Another ’first’ but many details omitted from this story. (Let the speculation begin ...)
A larger, more aggressive breed (you choose) inflicting ‘serious’ injuries but “*a mixed breed, *resembling a beagle”?
Mixed with what? (Again, you choose).
Firstly, dogs are not dangerous if raised in proper, loving environment. Dogs are not aggressive by nature, on the contrary, they're extremely loyal to their owners. If this guy was bitten, it means it the poor animal must have been abused in some way and did it in self-defence.
Secondly, since when are dogs carrying covid? Evidence pls.
A beagle is one of the most passive dogs around. Are they sure it was not a bear or a wolf?
People should not be allowed to keep pets, which normalizes violence against animals. (and of course, zoonotic diseases). Nonetheless, dogs are animals and many people don't realize that.
This poor boy ended up with a disfigured face, when he tried to save his sister from a dog.
The story says it resembles a Beagle. Maybe it has beagle in the mix.
Anyway, beagles are actually pretty quick on their feet and athletic if they’ve been fed and exercised properly.
Not usually passive. They are usually vocal ( part of what they were bred to do ) and excitable. Dogs that size have enough bite force to inflict serious damage.
Sounds to me like he fell and banged his head.
Sven Asai
I wouldn’t call that monster beast a pet, but a monster beast.
Sounds like there’s a few cat lovers here
englisc aspyrgend
Properly trained dogs don’t bite their owners in normal circumstances, there are other factors not being reported here.
I can't see how any male 54-year old could be savaged by anything resembling a beagle.
SimonbB A beagle is elongated, fat, slow, has legs like a tortoise
Think you're referring to a basset hound
Non-binary here. Got both.
Mmm, no. There have been a few cases reported of dogs or cats being infected with coronavirus from humans, but not in the other direction.
Dobies get a bad rap, mostly undeserved in my experience. I've lived with two, know another well through a friend, and all three have been/are great big softies.
Yes. You never know.
Hope the poor man gets better soon, and that he and the dog resolve their differences.
My sister has a beagle and it’s dumb as a loaf of bread.
"...dumb as a loaf of bread."
Benign, in other words. Gentle and friendly; non-threatening; good with children; all qualities exemplifying the ideal pet and unlikely to render its owner unconscious...
Peter Bowie
Yere sure, a vicious Beagle.
or is that Bagel?
Maybe the Beagle was a cross between an American Pit Bull Terrier.
I certainly wouldn’t stand in front of an American pit bull, and it’s food.
jiji Xx
cleoToday 06:28 pm JST
Non-binary here. Got both.
love it!!!! thanx for the Monday evening smile....
Dollars to donuts he kept the dog in miserable conditions outside. Every dog breed is friendly if treated well, but some breeds are capable of great damage if not.
Blood coming from the guy's ear does not sound very good. The dog may only have caused him to fall over in fright, but that is dangerous enough in itself.
Some Japanese dog owners are completely hopeless, so the story does not surprise me. It is not the animal's fault.
Snoopy NEVER attacked Charlie Brown. I wonder what Lucy would say about this accusation!
If you've ever seen a crazed dog - then it doesn't matter whether beagle or Chihuahuas, they're equally as dangerous - the Rabid ones are lethal, so beware..
NCIS Reruns
My sister-in-law bought a Wheaten Terrier. The dog was lovingly treated as a member of the family, but became aggressive. After it bit her and her daughter, she had to have it put down. She bought a second dog of the same breed, but from a different breeder who explained to her what had probably happened, that the first breeder was irresponsibly running a puppy farm, and many of its dogs had issues. There have been no problems with the new dog.
I'm not a fan of Dogs - some so-called breeds are akin to engineered wildlife - I like domesticated Cats, but I'm not allowed to keep a Tiger at home, so why doesn't the same rule apply to Dogs ? (That said, I wouldn't want to keep a Tiger at home, they need space and freedom to roam within their Natural Habitat). Some people are completely irresponsible, clueless and indeed simply want such a "pet" as a show-off item.
Hervé L'Eisa
"a cross breed resembling a beagle"
By that description, it is tricolor (white, brown, and black) with ears that hang down, and an upturned tail that usually has a white tip.
In the countryside areas, there are some foxhounds(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American Foxhounds) that are used for hunting.
Though they are larger than the beagles, American foxhounds resemble beagles. I happen to have a hybrid beagle/foxhound which is only slightly taller than the standard beagle. I temporarily housed a true foxhound that had been abandoned and that dog needed very assertive training because it was poorly socialised as a puppy and easily became aggressive. It had bitten the original owner (a person unfamiliar with hunting dogs) but was placed with a well-trained new owner. Now, that dog is happy as a lark.
The biggest problem is with owners who have little to no training or experience with dog behavior. Yes, even small dogs can cause serious bite injuries.
The man may not have known how to handle the dog. I hope he recovers quickly and the dog gets properly trained.
So his beagle bit him? Was the bite infected? Otherwise, I a beagle bite does not sound that scary to me. We are not talking about a pit bull.
Nippori Nick
Really now. So all the benefits pet dogs and cats give us should just be discarded because you don't like them?
I have to wonder if the man suffered from some medical condition related to something in the dog's saliva...unless the dog's bite hit a major artery I can't imagine a regular bite caused this much damage.
William Bjornson
A Beagle? A 'vicious', attack-dog Beagle? Isn't Snoopy a Beagle? Clearly it's 'his wife's' dog. Last year, I had to pick up our female Husky who was trying to get to someone's pet duck and stuff her into a car and she was in full 'attack' mood and my right arm got some damage but losing consciousness never seemed likely. I hope they checked for head trauma in the case that he was pulled off balance, fell, got knocked out, the dog gets 'crazy' and tries to get free and...right arm and ear. The 'unusual' press story a century ago used to be "Man bites dog!", but now, in our new age, perhaps it has become "Dog cold-cocks man". I like it... [really? A Beagle?]
Boku Dayo
Chances are he never really bothered to show the dog love and affection.
Also, if he's like a lot of dog "owners" I've seen, he probably treated the poor animal like a piece of furniture.
Maybe, the beagle mix was a good judge of character.
Desert Tortoise
How come my first thought was "poor doggie, must have been abused".
Desert Tortoise
At worst my Three Musketeers are squirt guns. Ferocious snarling beasts! They'll lick you to death.
I've had 4 different types of dogs now during my life, one of which was a beagle. The beagle was the friendliest and nicest one among them. I'm curious about the circumstances surrounding the upbringing of the beagle and also what the other type of dog was that it was crossed with. Maybe it was crossed with some type of watch dog. Beagles by the way are not very smart and love to run at the slightest opportunity, but they're also natural and excellent hunting dogs.
Dogs are great. Man's best friend, by a mile.
Get real, such an over paranoid comment.
Once bitten, twice goodbye! (not implying killing the dog, just put up for adoption)