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© KYODOMan dies in Japan after receiving dose of recalled Moderna vaccine
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Medical Grade Stainless steel will not cause death we can all agree on that, so what else was in these vials that caused this almost instant death?? this is as scary as hell.
It said any causal relationship between his inoculation and death remains unknown.
So why and How the causal** relationship between the vaccine and safety is known. **
Completely incoherent and fishy. do not take that guinea pigs SHOT!! when you will die, they will say unknown guinea pigs.
As a human being, an accountable member of the community and especially as a father, I have some simple, valid and common sense orientated questions... how could these vaccines be considered 'safe'? I wonder when they give out the first and second doses and multitude of future booster shots, do they take into account any and all pre-existing conditions or even any autoimmune diseases and other factors that people may have or don't actually even know they have, including physical trauma and illness? How do we know what the long term effects are? What issues will it cause in years to come? And why are none of the manufacturers liable in any way, shape or form? I'm asking for all of the people that don't seem to have the capacity to ask these simple, rooted in logic questions, that each and every one of us genuinely deserve to have the option to ask without the fear of being shamed and ridiculed as "irresponsible" and labelled an "antivaxxer."
1. how could these vaccines be considered 'safe'?
2. How do we know what the long term effects are?
3. why are none of the manufacturers liable
How many people die in air travel every year, or in cars? Yet we consider those things to be 'safe'.
By analysing the results over the longterm, or by having a time-machine. This question seems spurious.
Because if they were, there would be no vaccine. "Limited Liability" exists for a reason.There you go, three questions, three answers. Hope that helps.
The cause of death in the three cases is still being investigated.
Will we ever know the results of the investigation?
If the result let the vaccine looks bad, then probably not.
I and millions of other humans have gotten multiple doses of the vaccines and still we do not die!
Causation and correlation, not the same.
Jay, if we use your logic there would be no vaccines period! Do you think when they created the polio vaccine they first did small scale programs and monitored the effects for years, just to test the efficacy? Did they take into account growing children and their pre-existing conditions or allergies? No, they went ahead and administered the vaccine and saved countless millions of lives. I'm sure some children fell ill, and perhaps even died, which is tragic, but the good that society received far outweighs your petty concerns.
If those at Moderna and Takeda really believe that stainless particles are harmless, just inject them into their bloodstream to prove their safety.
Just a bit of context for those jumping on the story to scaremonger about the vaccines: while these cases are tragic, Japan has administered around 200,000,000 shots so far.
60% of people have had a shot
50% have had two.
These stories (which again, are tragic and worthy of serious investigation) are an anomaly.
Such kind of articles brings fear in the average media,the vaccine has been successfully administrated to millions of people around the globe and unfortunately some deceased cases happened.
But this can happen with any kind of vaccines if there is for example an allergic reaction.
People have faith in the vaccination which is the safest way to contain this pandemic.
Albert DeFilippo
First, I am vaccinated (so not an anti-vaxxer) but in no way get a booster. Eventhing told to date has been changed or just flat out lie. Still not enough data to even say that the vaccines work. Young vaccinated people are getting the virus and not dying and young people without the vaccine are getting the virus and are not dying. I even know a few who have been tested positive twice without complications and not vaccinated. Are they spreading it (as I'm sure you are thinking) no one knows. This China virus is still, after almost two years, a big mystery. Still too many theories on how and where it is spreading. Think back to what we were told in early 2020 and over the year of 2020.
So people need to stop blaming "anti-vaxxers" for spreading the virus because vaccinated people are also spreading the virus. Those vaccinated relax their guard where as non-vaccinated people are keeping their guard up. So who's the spreaders? No one will ever know because no one knows where they got the virus.
Jay, there are good websites that offer good information for the questions you ask. And if you still have doubts, ask a medical professional or your doctor. If you trust them to take care of you when you are sick, then trust them to help you prevent from getting sick. Here is one website I visited when I was still concerned:
Mr Kipling
Yet we get the sensational headline?
A tiny particle of stainless steel small enough to fit down the hole in a hypodermic needle (for Moderna it's a 22 gauge needle so less than .2mm) injected into the deltoid muscle would not cause death or anything more than localized soreness if anything.
This is not first time. Some (not many) healthy people died from new vaccines in the past. Still unknown.
Perhaps all new vaccines should be tested on politicians, pharma company execs and mainstream media reporters. Then we'll see how safe they really are before release into the general population.
@jay an accountable member of their community would get the shot. Why? It protects you and those around you.
why you should wear a seatbelt or follow the speed limit. it is the same reason.
coming sooner than later there will be vaccine passports. Just the reality of the world today.
In a climate where so many people are erroneously preaching the danger of vaccines, I feel this kind of story is actually dangerous and doing a public disservice. It fuels the anti-vaccine hysteria despite being a massive outlier and might encourage some people on the fence not to get the vaccine, putting themselves and everyone they come into contact with in danger.
I would not be surprised if investigations DID report a tainted batch the cause of death. However, how many people have died of covid? What is the percentage of people vaccinated versus those that have had a serious issue?
Ultimately this is the problem with a bad batch, not the vaccine itself. Of course the company should be liable, but even if it were a problem with the vaccine and not just one batch, your odds are a heck of a lot better getting it rather than not.
We are going into year 3 of this pandemic soon, largely on the back of people's ridiculous stubborn streak. Get vaccinated. Do it for yourself, or your family, or whatever your reasoning is. Just do it. It'd be nice if I could go to a restaurant or see people I knew sometime before retirement (Something I am 30 years off still), but that is seeming less and less likely.
Why do vaccinated people feel the need to gloat online about being vaccinated? Just get your jab and continue with life. Same with the unvaccinated people - no need to go around and boast about being too woke not to buy into the hype of getting a vaccine.
Every year, some people get flu shots, some don't. I've never heard of or seen anyone ridiculing a person who has/has not taken a flu shot.
People let's not make this a moral obligation. Our bodies react differently to any vaccinations injected. People should be allowed to vaccinate or not to without being ridiculed.
Boy this story was conspicuously absent on the morning news shows.
No surprise there…
Quite more than 3 people died of the COVID-19.
conclusion: better get Covid than the vaccine?
Why are you making it “either/or”?
Less than 0.2% of people contracting covid die from it. Yes, you read that right.
The chances are overwhelming that the people dying from the vaccine that the hysterical vaccine pushers are trying to force on us would have been perfectly fine had they not been vaccinated. Instead they are dead.
I have lost my dentist because she will not treat anyone that gets vaccinated because of crazy anti vaxxer stuff going around saying vaccinated people can transmit illnesses to others.
You should listen to your dentist.
HelixToday 10:17 am JST
And I rest my case!
You actually believe that somehow a Vaccinated person can cause illnesse in others just by being vaccinated.
It all comes down to this. People who do not mind being vaccinated, get vaccinated and continue to follow mainstream medical advice.
On the other side there are people who for what ever reason, do not want to be vaccinated and see the whole thing as a way for government to make them do what they do not want, even if it is in their benefit or for benefit of others. These people will find any reason to prove that it is dangerous, even if there is one negative piece of information compared to a thousand positive pieces of information. And nothing can be done about that. The problem that I have is that these people keep screaming that it is dangerous and in doing so influence others, thus spreading their ideology. Secondarily, these people keep looking for alternative medicine for COVID and in the process while listening to charlatan's advice consume much more dangerous substances than they say the vaccine is. But if they are injured in an accident or have a medical condition these people go to a hospital for treatment, what is very interesting is that they do not refuse every injection or medication they get!
Without wanting to appear unsympathetic - what did the guy die of? The article doesn’t say.
Did he have an allergic reaction to buckwheat? Did he have a heart attack? Brain aneurysm? Did he have a specific reaction to something metallic? Did he fall and hit his head? Did he have any underlying conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease etc.? Did he have any undiagnosed problems?
The link between having the vaccine and dying the next day seems rather tenuous without some specific information regarding the relationship between the two events.
The problem that I have is that these people keep screaming that it is dangerous and in doing so influence others, thus spreading their ideology.
Not at all. people just want the right to choose. Among friends, colleagues and acquaintances I’ve never urged anyone not to get the vaccine. If Im asked I give my opinion, if Im not asked I dont.
I think most people who know the reality of the vaccines are the same.
Its a choice people are free to make.
Helix, the problem with that mindset is that it isn't something that affects you only as an individual. It is a public health concern. You don't defeat diseases with selective vaccinations.
Declining blood transfusions on religious grounds is a dumb thing to do, but hey you have that right to make the free choice. Nobody is hurt by your decision except yourself (unless you force it on your kids, but that's another argument).
Think of it like smoking. Yes smoking or not is a personal choice, but by choosing to smoke you actively hurt those around you regardless of whether they made the same choice or not. This is why smoking has been banned in so many public areas.
If the rules of biology changed overnight and vaccinations benefited nobody but yourself, then sure I would say every anti-vaxxer can go out and choose not to be vaccinated. That isn't how it works though.
0.2% is a number that doesn’t tell much especially if you don’t situate it in a context.
Come on. That number says it all.
AntiquesavingToday 10:24 am JST
Not any more outrageous than believing that somehow an unvaccinated person can caulse illness in others just by being unvaccinated, though. Which is something that I see being perpetuated.
Meanwhile millions of others have been vaccinated and are fine. What other health issues did this person have? These type of stories just give delusional anti vaxxers some sort of vague justification in their ridiculous beliefs .
*There are no comprehensive data yet compiling all the side effects the COVID vaccines had on people who went through it and how it affects their lives now. When it will settled, we will know much more on how much damage it is doing on people’s lives. *
Fixed it for you.
90% of Israelis are double vaccinated and are catching covid at alarming rates, much higher than the unvaccinated. Now they require people to get a 3rd and 4th shot. This will never end because it is not supposed to. Just because people were inoculated and didn't die on the spot doesn't mean that these vaccines are safe long term. No one knows and that is the issue.
I think the walls are closing in on the anti-vaccine crowd.
They are shouting louder but the numbers get smaller.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
People are getting vaccinated just to have some returned normalcy in their life is worrying.
I understand and emphasize.
Personal choice.
In reality the long term effects of recieving vaccines that are only approved for emergency use ar not known.
All these comments about "just hurry up and get vaccinated" are being made .
Only time will tell if those who chose to be vaccinated at this time made a wise decision or not.
It should be a personal choice whether to receive vaccinations or not.
Lets not forget the natural medicine's that were proven effective against the spread of the bubonic plague .
Vaccinations are not the only way to use medicine to cure or stop viruses.
Is the "real test" on the entire population not enough for you?
People who are unvaccinated are the ones getting severely sick nowadays. So I don't care if you are unvaccinated anymore as long as I can protect myself from irresponsible selfish people like you.
Raw Beer
How often are people immediately strangled the moment they buckle up?
Indeed, information is seriously lacking. He died over 3 weeks ago (the day after his second dose), they must have some information they are not telling us.
Are there other deaths they are not telling us about? Maybe we only know about the deaths of these 3 young men because of the lot numbers of the contaminated vaccines.
I suspect some anti vacer is sabotaging the vaccine.
So the importance come because of time? how long time has to pass so a person dying from wearing a seatbelt for him to be back to life? What if he dies from completely unrelated cases after wearing his seat belt (for example because he was being driven to the hospital for a heart attack) will you blindly assume his death was because of the seat belt as you do with vaccines.
Raw Beer
That test is still ongoing; the data is not all out.
With the PMDA approval of the vaccines, they announced that they would carry out "intensive post-approval activities". "For example, all cases of vaccination to 10,000-20,000 healthcare workers, who are prioritized to receive vaccination first, will be followed up for symptoms and illnesses for about 1 month after vaccination. In addition, postvaccination health status survey will be conducted in a questionnaire form in general vaccine recipients with prior informed consent. Results of these activities and other routine post-approval measures will be released publicly once available."
I wonder how that investigation turned out?
BlitzwingToday 10:57 am JST
AntiquesavingToday 10:24 am JST
Big difference one is backed up by science and fact, the other is from rumours spread by anti vaxxers with zero facts, zero science and frankly unbelievable to anyone that can think.
Sven Asai
Even I have to admit that @vic.M ‘s vaccines ingredients list above is of course rather frightening. Nothing I would inject even my hardest enemies….lol Personally, I am of course vaccinated, but I surely wouldn’t have gone there if all those were the ingredients of the written official announcement. So it seems to be more part of anti-vaxxer propaganda and I doubt that this list is what Moderna vaccine tanks or vials contain. But we all never know, or does anyone?
blue in green
I feel bad for anyone who dies from this experimental 'vaccine'.
They took it, thinking it was the best action.
But without any accountability or full disclosure of all ingredients and dangers,
how can anyone give 'informed consent'?
How many die from ivermectin?
How many treated at home with ivermectin recover in days?
How many patients given ivermectin in hospital, recover?
There is no truth to any bad press on this simple, cheap, and effective drug.
Sharing information is considered "an ideology",
when any question is censored, or simply not allowed.
Sven AsaiToday 11:51 am JST
Then look up the facts as most of it is false or decades out of date regarding vaccines long ago no longer used.
He pulled out ever Anti vaxxers rumour in the book and posted it.
Not used in covid Vaccines and no longer used in most others.
Again not used in vaccine used in the production of insulin for diabetics.
I could go through the list but perhaps people should do it themselves and used a reputable university or hospital site.
A total of 58 people under the age of 40 have died with COVID. A very small number.
RMToday 11:42 am JST
You claim the information is out there everywhere then cannot even post a link to a serious news or medical site just a rumour site that reposts twitter from others without verification.
proxyToday 11:59 am JST
Where in Japan only?
And I guess seeing they aren't you family it doesn't matter.
Concerned Citizen
Otherwise healthy 49 year old man takes a vaccine and drops dead the next day........BUT "any causal relationship between his inoculation and death remains unknown". What a bold faced lie! No wonder so many people are skeptical of big pharma and their flunkies.
There are risks for and against the vaccine. At least be honest about both, and then we can all make our own informed decisions.
@Jimizo I think the walls are closing in on the anti-vaccine crowd.
You keep saying this. I think its what is known as projection.
Well, a young healthy member of my family got a dose from one of the contaminated lot numbers, but you don't care. My family is done with these vaccines.
That applies for everthing else you can think about, this does not mean we dont already have enough data to prove vaccines are much safer than the infection in any way you can look at the data.
Using the excuse of never having all the data applies the same to the microbial theory for infections, or the shape of the planet Earth.
So, where is your evidence to prove this is a lie? people die every day, it is not unthinkable that out of the millions of people being vaccinated one of them had this misfortune, specially if the risk is the same for unvaccinated people.
What if someone died the day after rejecting a vaccine? would you be as angry if someone says that this death may not be because of the rejection?
The whole scientific and medical community agrees in that vaccines are much safer than the infection, even for young healthy people (cue people that will tell you this is not true, presenting zero evidence of this mistaken belief). Option out of vaccines is still an irrational choice and it has consequences.
The whole scientific and medical community agrees in that vaccines are much safer than the infection,
Not true.
The lengths anti vacc people will go to stop vaccinations. This will kill a lot more people than the few tainted doses. I am trying to get my 3rd dose.
The joints, valves and hips are IN place and whole structures, tiny loose shards of metal floating the blood stream are an ENTIRELY different thing!
The lengths anti vacc people will go to stop vaccinations.
What lengths ? No one is stopping you.
I am trying to get my 3rd dose.
Go right ahead.
AntiquesavingToday 11:50 am JST
It's pretty common knowledge that the vaccine doesn't prevent infection, but merely weakens any symptoms. That's literally how it is designed to work. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can get infected and spread the virus.
My point was that quite often unvaccinated and infected get conflated, which is of course nonsense. No person, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, is in a continuous state of infection.
People that want to take the vaccine to feel protected should totally do so. Likewise, those that feel they don't benefit from it should be free to pass. Pretty simple.
According to Moderna, there are the ingredients in their vaccine.
messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA),
lipids (SM-102, polyethylene glycol [PEG] 2000 dimyristoyl glycerol [DMG], cholesterol, and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine [DSPC]),
tromethamine hydrochloride,
acetic acid,
sodium acetate trihydrate,
and sucrose.
Quite different from what vic.M posted above.
Michael Machida
Even if one person dies from taking the shot, that is way too much. What if this was your Father or Husband. Then things look different.
I disagree with those who site numbers disrespecting the one who has past away.
They are primarily driven by fear, which can in extreme cases, turn into hysteria.
You’ll find them collapsing into hysterics on other subjects. It’s a pattern.
This is indeed very concerning. These are not elderly in a care home who may not be expected to live very long. The lack of any concern by some is alarming, these are people who died, who had families and friends. Is there are double standard regarding deaths, a Covid death is a tragedy and a vaccine one is ok?
The vaccine is meant as protection, not to be a killer.3 similar deaths in a short period of time is not ok by any standards. How many others were made seriously sick from this?
Are the deaths from the vaccine or something that’s tainted them? We need answers.
@Anonymist The point is that the vaccines are actually unsafe.
We all know that COVID kills.
Stop changing the subject.
The truth is vaccine at this stage is still experimental, it takes 3 years of study to be approved.
Currently who gets a shot just makes part of this experimental part.
Medical grade stainless steel might not cause a problem, but I doubt the steel in those vials was medical grade. It could be metal shavings off some mechanical part on the assembly line that wasn't aligned correctly. There could have been paint and grease on the metal.
Minister taro said the Moderna vaccine is safe, what is his excuse now???
Then again you can't provide a reference from any medical or scientific institution saying vaccines are not safer than the infection, which mean the consensus is real.
As long as they deal with the consequences of that irrational decision that is not a problem.
So what if one (or many) people die from the infection because of efforts done to exaggerate the risks from vaccines and disinform people? would not that be also too much?
For what? investigating a death so see if it is related to the vaccine? blindly assuming something is not a reason to make people take responsibility for that.
So prove this is not to be expected from following the same number of people for the same amount of time but without vaccines. Else you are just saying life is not ok.
False, this is just a myth repeated by antivaxxer propaganda without any basis in reality. None of the COVID vaccines used in Japan are experimental.