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© KYODOMany schools allowing students to use classrooms after closure
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Chip Star
Kids that are taught that washing your hands means letting water run over your hands for ten seconds shouldn’t be in large groups at the moment.
This is just stupid. The outer doors should be locked.
I don't know then what's any difference if schools hold regular operations (with caution). While talking a lot about safety or economy under the virus crisis, people have rarely addressed the value of basic education and students' entitlement, in a way infringed by sudden closure.
JJ Jetplane
When I reported this, no one believed me.
Not to mention that teachers have been sitting face to face in the staff rooms like sardines through all of this anyway. But yeah, the boogieman is coming for ya' wherever you are...
My selfish take on this is that I hope it gets some discussion going on the Japanese practice of shutting classes down with no warning for anything infectious, normally the flu. This countrywide shutdown because of coronavirus is exceptional, but individual classes or sometimes entire year groups can shut down at any time at any school with no notice when a low number of kids get something infectious, usually the flu. It's called "gakkyu heisa" in Japanese.
At my kids school, 20% of the class means 3 kids, so we get a shutdown for a week pretty much every year. I have Googled before in Japanese to see what working parents are supposed to do in this situation, but I didn't find much sympathy. Certainly nowhere near as much sympathy or as many newspaper articles or "how are we supposed to cope?" type comments I've seen since the coronavirus school shutdown. I'm almost a little surprised at the reaction, because my own kids do not normally have many full days at school in March. An instant gakkyu heisa during term-time announced the night before strikes me as much more inconvenient than a school closure during what is ostensibly the holidays.
(My own kids go to clubs but they are only half days as normal in March. As it happens, their clubs are continuing, but with the coach as a "child minder" at the parents' request, not as a club employee. They also can't use the school and all competitions are off)
Kenichi Mitomi
I've expected sensible head teachers and municipalities will keep the school open for those who cannot find carer. Well done and god bless.
Survival of the fittest, it will be those who survived mentally
This is absolutely good news. And I’m so happy that this was implemented, and it would make sense that this would be implemented.
Now one question, what exactly do the kids do in the classroom? Some kind of self study? Seriously, I want to know.
This can be a good thing to help parents with no options for child care, while they are at work. Also, it keeps the kids busy because you know what they say about idle hands. It could also be an opportunity for students who are struggling with school to get some tutoring with the teacher.
I don't expect for teachers to have regular lessons because school attendance will be eradict, but they can review what has already been covered so far this term.
And if the child becomes sick as a result of going to school to do self study, who is to blame? The school, the parents? Or if a sick child goes to school and infects others....?
Does, "Allowing students to use classrooms" include supervision? Or, are they just left on their own?
@Disillusioned I imagine it would. If they’re concerned about the kids being unsupervised in the home, you would bet that they wouldn’t be allowed to be unsupervised in the classrooms.
The primary school next to me has masked pupils in a couple of classrooms. They appear to be running about and playing. At the international school around the corner it's business as usual.