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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Masks too dangerous for children under 2, Japan medical group says
By Chris Gallagher TOKYO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Why doesn’t the media write any article on “ Mask being dangerous for people with breathing difficulties “. I fully support the wearing of mask and do so myself but there are people out there who suffer from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We can’t be implementing compulsory mask for people in that regard. It is always dangerous for people not to wear a mask but also can be lethal for people with breathing difficulties if they wear one!
I am actually worried about my son, who just turned 2, drowning in his mask lol. After 10 minutes, the mask is soaked with drool. He insists on wearing it because the rest of the family is doing so.
Raw Beer
Kids do not seem to suffer from Covid19. So if your kid does not have any health problems (diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease...) avoid the mask.
That’s not entirely true, they do, but it’s a little different in children, they have heavy fever, sweating and very heavy diarrhea and in some rare cases it can turn deadly and effect their lungs.
It would seem common sense that little kids shouldn’t wear a mask at that age, they usually don’t even eat Sushi until after 3-4
Children under the age of two shouldn't wear masks because they can make breathing difficult
They make breathing more difficult for a lot of people. That being said...
Kids do not seem to suffer from Covid19. So if your kid does not have any health problems (diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease...) avoid the mask.
Most people under 70 do not seem to suffer from the virus. But if you have it and aren't wearing a mask and are near an at-risk person, you could kill that person.
Seen parents wearing masks with their kids not wearing masks and the kids coughing inside stores where there are also people over 70. Not good.
Jeff Huffman
It's well-documented that children that age are susceptible to the virus anyway. However, everyone else needs to be wearing a mask when indoors in a public space.
It should be obvious, also that people with enough breathing difficulties to make wearing masks dangerous should never be in a situation where it is recommended.