The Planetplan group on Saturday will open a new reflexology salon in Akihabara designed to help weary customers relieve their stress with the help of some cute girls dressed in miniskirt police uniforms.
Called Action! Akiba Fumimomi Police, the salon's "police" will massage customers' hands and feet. “Our purpose is to give stressed-out workers some enjoyment away from the grind of their daily jobs and heal them," said a Planetplan official.
The treatment menu is named after police procedures. You can order the "basic punishment" course, or the "jail sentence" course. If you wish a longer course, you can opt to be "rearrested."
Customers can also have their shoulders and head massaged and ears cleaned while they lie on the girls' laps.
© Japan Today
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Reading the description of mini-skirted, uniformed 'police' massaging my hands and feet ain't going to relax me. I can only assume they are providing the entree before they give me a flyer advertising a real massage parlour next door with a 30% discount.
Does health insurance cover this?
This may encourage recidivist behaviour amongst the bar-code set.
at least a picture with the garment in question cleary visible would be nice
They can help me at anytime. Their help is always welcome with me.
After the happy ending they slap the cuffs on you.
Yet another business catering to the fetishes of sickos. Grow up!
Sometimes I wonder why I live in Japan. And then something like this reminds me...
Good grief.
A sizable chunk of salary men summed up. Stressed, inability to talk to opposite members of the opposite sex, and having their desires met in almost childlike fashion, and their anger and stressed levels curbed by airheads in uniform.
Pathetic. Grow up.
Please detain me officer. I've done some bad shopping.
The commenters saying "grow up" might do the same. It's all in fun, only the prudes are unhappy.
Japan is too often depressing, vacuous and sometimes downright inispid. Why on earth would anyone need miniskirted cosplay police girls to find relaxation?
Ok. I get cute girls and I like short skirts. I am a guy afterall. But why police outfits and why some parlor for relaxation. Why don't you guys try to find a real girlfriend and spend some relaxed time chilling out with a nice wine, a good DVD and a warm blanket? I can promise you this is far more relaxing than some squeaky voiced 20 year old in blue pvc.
Just another example of Japan looking to shallow pointless solutions to very real problems. And they they wonder why people are out of touch with reality or toss themselves in front of trains. Answer, your modern society is very, very, very, very sick with social diseases that you can no longer ignore.
Thats where this lost all creditability.
Ive been bad officer...I need to do hard time.
i wonder if all the old guys will be lining up outside before opening time as the young dudes do before the pachinko places open!!!I hope that line aint too long because i have to start work at 9am. suppose i could squeeze in a quick head "massage" job at lunchtime.
Great news story...
Darrin Flores
i have a lot of stress... this is one of the best ideas i've heard in a long time.. lol
Yeah, sure! Until some fetish sickened loon starts stealing your wife's underwear or worse. It is not fun! It is pathetic!
"Assume the Position!"...I'm lovin' it!
I should've added, I feel sorry for the girls doing this. Although I wonder of them actually care whose ears they're cleaning.
It's not just fun though. It's designed to cater to werid sexual fetishes that are endemic and ultiamtely NOT GOOD for society in general.
I went there and asked for a 'happy ending' and all I got were my charges dropped.
In the eyes of prudish people, I think I would fail to pass their membership test and may well end up on their "destined for hell" list. So it is not just prudes who think this behavior in Japan is unhealthy. Many of us from very liberal and open backgrounds also see grave social illness in the behaviors these places encourage e.g.
1 .Addressing real stress and social issues with escapte rather than real solutions.
Further objectification of women in a culture that already has severe problems with sexual exploitation, sexualization of children, unrealistic and irrational sexual expectations
Japan already has serious sexual disfunction issues from groping, attacks, displacement of sexual desire to objects and animation and the growing problems with normal relationship based sexuality.
Denial. This escapism is just one more way that Japanese run away from problems and deny that society is in decline.fds
this is top national news?
What do you think watching porn is?? An escape from reality..imgaining being with someone else. In fact, I think watching porn is worse...
ReformedBasher -- to a great degree, I agree with you. I mean this is not that much different from a Hooters restaurant in the U.S. But, tkoind2 also makes some fair points. I mean come on, ear cleaning with their head in the girl's lap? Certainly not my cup of tea, especially when I consider who's head was in her lap before mine. But, as you say, who are we to keep the stressed-out salarymen from having some relaxation. Especially since they cannot aford to go to hostess bars as often as the used to.
Society should be finding other solutions for the stress of salarymen. For a start enforcing labor laws to allow these guys to have a life outside the office. A little exercise, a social life, some hobbies would be far better and healthier releases for stress.
But beyond all this we keep reading that men are turning more and more to this kind of service, virtual girlfriends and porn for their romantic and sexual outlet. Meanwhile women are laboring under unrealistic expectations, dropping guys all together or having dysfunctional sexual relationships with partners. How does any of this read as healthy?
I believe that the excessive presence of such outlets is harming the willingness of men to work harder on having real working relationships. And the media is helping to create unrealistic expectations about human male female interaction across both sexes. People need to take a step back and try to fix this before things get worst.
I agree this is not news, but rather free advertising. In any case, this is Japan, and while backwards and immorally objectifying at times, it is still their culture. Let us know when the prudes find a morally just and harmonious society.
Until then, I`ll be gettin rearrested again...and again...and again...
There are a lot of 'salons' in Japan where you can relieve stress
Patricia Yarrow
What IS it with the cleaning of ears here? Using those dangerous sticks. That's what a cotton swab is for. OH, putting the guys face close to the girls' you-know-what. Sigh.
Patricia Yarrow
Can women go, too?
wonder if being discharged from the penal institution is on the menu???
I am quite astonished...perhaps they have the "search the prisoner" course also :O
kawaii ^(OO)^
how could any man be opposed to women dressing in mini skirts and doing cosplay?
It baffles me
"Society" shouldn't tell consenting adults how they should and shouldn't release stress. He's paying, she's getting paid, everyone is in this willingly. Nobody has to like it, but if you are not involved, so what?
Sounds like harmless fun to me. People need to loosen up and not turn every little article on here into a referendum on the moral state of Japan.
What do you think reading about mini skirt j-girls on JT is?
I don't think this 'reflexology' is gonna help men relax at all--just make them horny and excited!
The only thing that makes me go HMMM is the last part--'while they lie on the girls’ laps.'
When I get any massage done I have a guy do it. They are stronger and better at it. If a cute girl in a mini skirt cop out fit massages me, I think the flag would raise itself for an embarrassing moment.
Wasn't there a case in the past year where a girl who worked at an ear cleaning salon was murdered or something like that? I realize that for the most part this sort of work is safe, but it does tend to attract the misfits and whackjobs. As does any job where a guy can pay to force a woman to pay attention to him for a while and pretend she gives a crap.
The ear thing is just ten times more creepy than any other service, since it's recreating the way a mother cleans out the ears of her children. I'd always heard that Japanese men want a second mother rather than a wife. I guess that's fairly true.
is this news, surely we're tugging at staws here?
HAha...this story cracks me up. Sounds good to me. I'd like to go and stand in line just to see the "SORRY, NO FOREIGNERS" sign.....;)
Elbuda Mexicano
God I love mini skirts and if these cuties are going to do the arresting, well throw me in their jail any time!
More keystones? I opt for the one in the minis.
The next salon will have employees dressed in school girl uniforms and the interior of the shop will be made up to resemble a transit train car......ain't society just grand!
I'd put money down that there already is one. Someplace where the chikan pro's (losers) can practice thier trade.
Could be a Pulitzer prize in the future if you maintain this standard of journalism.
Gives a whole new meaning to headline-indeed!
ummm i'm feeling very stressed ....
And if you're willing to suffer even more punishment, you can ask them to apply the "three strokes law."
Well, it might be for stressed out "Japanese-Only" customers and prohibited for gaijins.
Where oh where to put the hyphen...
Book him, Keiko!
I'm opting for multiple beatings and a happy ending!
'Policewomen' is a misnomer for their function. Comfort women is more appropriate.
There is one missing information, address? telephone number? I want to go there!!!!
Is that a nightstick in your pocket, or are you just glad to see us?
osaka had 2 back in 1989...hard to believe there aren't more now
Folks, this isn't like the mizu-shobai you may be expecting. Just a massage by a lady in a costume. Big deal.
Nessie: Took me a moment, but that is certainly an editorial dilemma!
tkoind2 said:
I agree 100%. What happened to the days of going out chasing skirts (courting, chatting em up, meeting them at the mall, in the library, in the park, at the gym, at the beach, rollerblading, on campus in a social setting)?? Could this be the fallout from Japan's high tech culture of video games et al? Just a thought.
Do they do strip search ? Do they have internal affair division ?
Max, it's not as easy as it once was, in this era of sexual harassment paranoia. Chat up the wrong woman and you might find real police officers taking you to a real holding cell. A regular guy might be able to adjust and sense when he's dealing with a woman like this, but the "herbivore" guys? Forgeddaboutit. They're terrified enough as it is.
The next time one of the miniskirt police gets fondled on a train I hope she gets a clue. Yeah, I know if I walk around certain parts of many cities with money hanging out of my pocket and I get robbed it is not "my fault" but the criminal's fault but in my opinion the miniskirt police girl that got touched on the train last year dug her own grave and the graves of thousands of woman in Japan.
So if I get robbed or killed, it's my fault? Ah, OK. I surely deserve going to jail because of my imprudence. LOL
Slap the cuffs on me I've been real bad.
These girls are in a dangerous profession. Wasn't an "ear-cleaning" technician murdered last year when an over-amourous customer couldn't handle being rejected? I wonder if the fake policewomen have to hire bodyguards?
Hand massages are nice. I don't think I'd be so evil as to make them have to deal with my feet, though. (Think "Dumb and Dumber" when they were getting their pedicure)
Don't knock having your ears cleaned by a woman until you've experienced it! It's quite pleasant :)
"Anything you say can and will be used against you." Sure, baby, sure.
Good idea: copping a feel.
Bad idea: feeling a cop.
This is a great idea.
Good one lostrune2.
I can relax with a backrub, but with my head in a mini-skirted lap, not all of me is going to be relaxed for long. Then I have some more stress that needs relief.
It is actually MUCH safer to meet someone in a public mall setting, with the open intention of receiving a massage than it is to risk approaching a stranger with the nervous tension of hoping for a date. There is very little worry of inappropriate groping because the malls are well lit and there is people moving all around, unlike the trains where people are often crushed very close together, depending on the time of day. The girls are supposed to look inviting, sekushi, fun, so the men or women CAN lay down in a pretty girl's lap.. they CAN receive a few minutes of physical contact with somebody.. with no worries of embarrassing misunderstanding.