Police said Monday that a 79-year-old hunter was shot and killed by a fellow hunter who mistook him for a wild boar in a forest in Sano, Tochigi Prefecture.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 10 a.m. Sunday. TBS reported that the dead man, identified as Yoshio Abe, was part of a group of eight hunting club members who had gone into the forest to hunt wild boars.
One of the hunters, Kazuo Sato, 62, told police that the group had dispersed and he fired at what he thought was a wild boar, but hit Abe in the chest instead.
Abe was taken to hospital but died later, police said.
© Japan Today
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And I suppose there will be those here that blame the poor victim because he wasn't wearing orange!
I do believe the "fellow hunter" who killed him was also a senior citizen as well. Seems to me that these so called hunter's need to have their vision checked if they think a human being is a wild pig!
Always be sure of your target, simple rule. This is the second time this year I read a story like this here.
man, what is up with hunters in japan? all these oyajis need a vision check or a crash course in hunting.
Alex Einz
pig genome is quite close to a human one... maybe its spiritual... some people do resemble pigs
Jesus Christ, didn't exactly the same thing happen just last week as well? Not to mention fairly frequently in general?
It's always these geriatric 70-80-year old hunters 'mistaking' someone for a wild boar and then shooting anyway. Seriously, if you're going to play with guns in the mountain at your age, get your bloody vision checked and pay more attention before you shoot.
Absolutely ridiculous that this can keep happening. Why does nobody pay attention even though it KEEPS happening?
The second one in a fortnight? I guess we should be grateful it is difficult to get a shooter's license in Japan. However, I have to ask, do they actually receive any training when they receive their permit or is it just a case of paying the money? For a country with very few shooters these 'accidents' happen very often.
Guy seemed to have been a good shot though as he hit what he was aiming at.
What? Was the victim rutting around in the low underbrush or something. How do you mistake a man for a boar?
Mistaken for wild boar
That's definitely not the kind of epitaph one would dream of...
Once again, idiots with guns cause irreparable damage. Mottainai
Bad enough they still get to drive, but they're allowed guns to go hunt without vests?
Not again!
When hunt in a group, you should always know where you're buddies are. Coordinate your movements for Christ's sake! This is bound to happen when you just split up and start shooting at anything that moves.
That would make way too much sense...
Hunting in Japan seems like playing Russian Roulette.
Another one? Surely there are eye tests for people with hunting rifles? Next time I'm in Japan I am steering wide of any wooded areas.
... no, he wasn't. Have you seen the Japanese wild boar? The ones I've seen barely come above my knees, and unless this guy was crawling around on all fours then I don't see how any half-way accurate hunter could have managed a chest-shot on an adult human and be considered "a good shot".
This old guy is obviously half blind and a lousy shot.
Dylan Smith
Again? WTH?
Leszek Rybicki
In other news: mistaken for a drunken salaryman, wild boar rides the last train from Shibuya.
Looks like the phrase "if it moves shoot it" is being taken too seriously. I will keep buying pork at the supermarket.
This old guy is obviously half blind and a lousy shot.
It's possible that the guy was crouched down behind a bush somewhere. Part of hunting is staying out of site.
Anyway RIP old guy who got mistaken for a pig.
Sight, not site. And if your approach to hunting is to crouch down behind a bush then you're asking to get shot. A bright orange jacket does no good if its behind a dense bush and nobody can see it. If you're aiming for a Darwin award then this is a great way to go.
Wild animals don't respond to the sight of something bright orange, they respond to movement. Leaning against a tree and remaining still will get the animal plenty close enough. I'm not a hunter but I have a lot of experience with wild animals and if you're still and upwind they'll ignore you unless you move. I've got some fantastic pictures this way, and if I can get a nice clear picture then a hunter can get a nice clear shot. I probably have to get closer to get my pictures (generally about 10~15 meters because I can't get a nice photo if there's shrubbery in the way) than a hunter has to get to take a decent shot (10~15 meters is accurate handgun range, rifle range is considerably longer and rifles can fire through light foliage).
Hunters in the US generally wear orange. Is that not the case in Japan.
There was no mention in the article about what the victim was or was not wearing. Besides, unless you're talking about a "bullet-proof vest", it wouldn't have made one bit of difference. Someone shooting at a noise isn't looking for blaze orange (in fact, they're not looking at all).
If you pull the trigger without knowing beyond any doubt what your target is then you've just made a huge mistake. I wonder if this guy will do jail time?
Graham DeShazo
"Man mistaken for a wild boar".... This joke almost writes itself!
In this case the hunter was only 62, not young, but not really old enough to have senility as an excuse either.
How do you know he wasn't wearing a vest? Were you there too?