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More than 10 million in Japan have received COVID-19 vaccinations so far
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Wow! That number shot up quick!
Not good enough. Too little, too late.
This story is presented as if this is a great fantastic achievement, the same on the TV news, rather than the abysmal failure it is. More importantly where is the 1,000,000 vaccinations a day expressly promised by the Prime Minister. Why do the media never question this.
Of which few are authorised to give injections. Et voilà !
There's a big difference between receiving just one shot versus being fully vaccinated. Still not fooled Japan...
One of the official b.s. excuses.
Alan Harrison
More than 10 million in Japan have received COVID-19 vaccinations so far.
That is good going, although it is still only about 0.8% of the population.
That photograph at the head of the story is NOT how you administer a vaccination! The Deltoid muscle is a good bit higher.
@Alan Harrison, you do know that 10mill is around 12.6% of the japan population right?
How did you came up with 0.8%?
@Alan Harrison,
You should re-evaluate your math....
...Or simply read the article,
uhem. hahaha. i mean 8%. Got a little confuse. Still a little sleepy right now.
Ten million shots in 105 days.
That's only about 95,000 shots a day.
Step on it, guys. People are dying.
Still a minuscule drop on the ocean. Nothing to brag about for sure
10 million?
Only 116.3 million more doses to go.
Some posters don’t like it when something is done well in Japan. Pathetic.
Japan is slow about inoculations but it secured 400 million doses. It seems most people would get vaccinated sooner or later by summer or fall. The most important thing is to keep lowering cases and mortality even they were vaccinated.
Michael Machida
How many people live in Japan?
Aly Rustom
I agree with most above. 10 million is only a drop in the ocean. I would generally applaud them only that we are still holding the Olympics which I don't think we'll have enough people vaccinated by then
Good job PM Suga!
I think 30-40 million at most by Olympics. Rest would be vaccinated by fall. They get vaccinated in big hurry all over the places such big centers, hospitals, clinics, and they start it at companies from end of June.
Yes, Japan's low covid death rate is amazing.
Lol people are actually bitter that Japan is picking up the pace of vaccination
470,000 senior citizens. a small percentage of the 10 million.
The intrepid Japanese journalist who wrote this article did no more than rewrite a government press release.
For what? He hasnt done a thing, unless you consider being a snake-charmer as a "job"
And people were laughing at me when I said they would be at 50m doses by the Olympics.
Things ramping up quickly.
Tom Doley
Lots of propaganda coming out of Tokyo to promote the Olympics.
Since when is 8% doing something well? And that’s only the first shot.
The propaganda makes a good work pretending that these numbers are a great achievement when in fact the numbers are ridiculous.
Just to compare two developed countries highly affected from the pandemic Germany and Italy are vaccinating at a much much higher rate even with Italy as half of the population of Japan and Germany around 80 millions.
But the naive and sleepless media of this country will swallow everything their masters wants them to believe.
wait........does this mean that possibly a large percentage of the first 10 million people were not vaccinated properly?
Not even 10% of the entire population. Ridiculous.
Aly Rustom
that's a very optimistic number. but still not enough if they are holding the Olympics
Good Job Japan! You are doing amazing work! Keep it up PM Suga! You are an AMAZING Prime Minister!
This seems like propaganda for the 10 million number without any context. How long did it take? How many shots are being administered daily now? Is that number enough to reach the goals the government has stated? Will we have to wait another three months for a "25 million vaccinated, ten million of them twice!" article?
fwiw, I suspect it is actually going to be easier for old people in parts of the countryside to get vaccinated. On a per capita basis, there will be more doctors and government workers for the admin there.
That photograph at the head of the story is NOT how you administer a vaccination! The Deltoid muscle is a good bit higher.
But to get a licence it would appear that it is, it's the wrong way but to pass the test the right way.
Only one shot and it takes up to 4 weeks after the second injection to get immunity to non variant SARS-COV-2.
The vaccines offered in Japan are already outdated. Those vaccinated will need a third booster for new variants. Let’s look at 2022-3?
stay safe, anything is better than nothing.
I think they mean to say LESS than 10% of the population, and LESS than almost anywhere else in the world.
Any why is this Japan?
Oh Yes. Even in a global pandemic, Japan refuses to allow trained lay-people to administer life saving medicine.
It has to be done by Doctors and Nurses, or their respective unions and professinal associations will be having stern words with the politicians.
New research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs.
Richard Burgan
Full vaccination requires 35 days! Twenty-one days after the first shot you can get your second shot then you have to wait fourteen days to be fully vaccinated. That means you have to get your first shot on or before 18 June 2021, to be fully vaccinated by the start of the Olympics. I don't think that's going to happen.
Ok? So?
And do you know what else reaches almost every organ tested, replicates endlessly inside and ends up killing those cells? SARS-CoV-2.
I was not laughing. I know the Japanese mentality and it is always the same. They are only good when working in a group. It always takes long time, endless talks until they all agree and then they start to work day and night, 7 days a week to reach a certain goal.
I am very confident that the number of vaccinated people will strongly go up within the next few weeks.
Even now the number of infected patients is declining. Today nationwide only 49.170 people are active cases out of 126 million people. Covid-19 deaths are 13,177 total since February 2020.
Ever wonder what this govt was thinking or doing everyday from Aug to Feb when we knew we were going to have a vaccination drive?
After 5 months of this, they've finally started 3 mass vac centers and are now getting ready to start uni and vets giving shots.
Why do we pay these dummies so much money?
I heard Sumida-ku has started sending out vaccination ~~coupons~~ to those over 16 y/o (ex-colleague of mine received theirs). Vaccinations will apparently begin sometime in July.
Meanwhile in places like Shinagawa, everything is still 未定.
Please also consider adding vets to join the rollout. They must know pretty well how to shot a job and handle mass vaccinations at farms in peace time and at regular basis. Animal doctors are also familiar with infectious diseases and curbing responses.
Strangerland Today 09:38 am JST New research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs.
Ok? So?
Follow the link below if you want to know more about the claim :
In a short version, the vaccine is asking, through the messenger RNA, cells to manufacture spike proteins so your immune system can develop antibodies against it, however it appears that those vaccine-induced spike protein can unexpectedly enters the bloodstream and accumulate in tissues and organs, they do not stay in the Deltoid muscle region like the manufacturer assumed it will be (this was confirmed by the Japanese Ogata biodistribution study), spike protein has been identified as the toxin which lead to many side effect of the Sars-Cov2.
Interesting opinion that guy has. I'll wait for the consensus from the medical community thanks.
Droll Quarry
Why don't they just train X number of individuals how to properly give a shot, Have one doctor on site to monitor the application of said shots and get on with it. This is a muscle shot for crying out loud.
Key areas. Their in-house doctors are well-prepared as they practice regular mass vaccinations for seasonal flu to employees. Let's hope the rollout will be accelerating.
接種加速へ二の矢、三の矢…1日100万回に現実味 「風向き変わった」
This is nothing surprising, nobody expected the 100% of the vesicles to remain at the site of injection (it doesn't happen to any vaccine, why would this be different?), since preclinical trials this was not related to an increase of pathology, it was confirmed in the clinical trials and in the millions of people already vaccinated.
The problem is thinking that a vaccine has to be perfectly and absolutely beneficial without any kind of deviation from the theoretical mechanism of action, this is invalid. The vaccine is meant to be much safer than the viral infection, so if a tiny fraction of the microgram level expression of the protein is done outside of the muscle that is still a million times better than the huge amounts of protein produced by the virus during the natural infection, something that is also observed in almost every organ examined.
Though 10 million is good we have to look at some factors.
The easiest group to vaccinate "medical personnel" are still not all done after 4 months, how is that possible, they work in hospitals ,etc.. where the personnel and equipment are available.
It has taken around 75 working days seeing nothing the government is involved with does much in weekends and holidays.
So that is about an average of 131,000 a day and I am being generous by using 76 days if I used calendar days the daily number would be far lower.
With about 1.5 million medical personnel needing to get at least one more shot ( quick count about 500,000 need their first shot) and about 30 million Seniors over 65 supposedly before the Olympics.
That is a minimum of 40,0000 just to get one dose in all of them.
There are 50 days until the Olympics and that includes weekend and holidays,
They had better get the 1 million a day going by yesterday and even then as far as I could find they can barely get 500,000 as it is.
Now add in supply problems unless they release AZ the numbers will not be even close to what the government claims they will be.
Now I for one hope I am wrong, I hope the government final has it's act together and we get out6 vaccinations but I am not holding my breath.
And what does the government expect?
The local Izakayas an Kisatens near my place are now opening and serving alcohol, the Ramen shops are no longer closing after 20:00.
Ask them why?
I did and the reply was simple, the ¥600,000 total support for closing doesn't even cover basic cost of rent, etc... Even less any salaries ( most let everyone go and only the owner's family are helping) on top of it all they have no income to support their own families.
The sweetest bar owner that did his all to keep his workers paid and employed has finally had to call it quits 30 years the bar existed now it is closed permanently.
The government hasn't the slightest idea what or how the regular Yoko and Taro live and work, does the government actually think rents and payroll are covered by the tiny amount offered?
Raw Beer
Much of the damage in infected people is caused by the spike protein. And now millions are getting injected with the mRNA vaccines that get into the bloodstream, resulting in the toxic spike protein spreading and accumulating throughout the body (brain, spleen, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries...).
Our immune system (innate and adaptive) is well designed to handle natural coronavirus infections through natural entry points. If you are healthy, the virus will not get far. But being healthy does little to prevent the mRNA vaccine and the spike protein from spreading throughout your body.
@virusrex, Some can continue to push their sales-man narrative everyday here if they want, I believe It is a normal process that researchers are doing their work to research and raise alarms when they feel something might be wrong and should be monitored, questioned and answered by the manufacturer to eventually fix & reduce the side-effect of a any drug/vaccine which was never used before on human at that scale. The "tiny fraction of toxin" you are referring to is now tolling 4,000 death to date reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of May 21 (as written in that article), 4,000 person with a life to live and families, not just a number in an excel sheet, why they had to die so other can be protected should be the only main priority of any vaccine manufacturer right now and not the "how can scale this up"?
Bloomberg's report on this yesterday has much more information and graphs. It looks like great improvements have been made and 300,000 shots a day has been reached for the general public after a wretched start. I hope the increase so far is not just low hanging fruit, that there is no drop in pace when it goes from medical staff to public only, and of course that the program can be expanded further.
Great, now open the pubs back up, I'm thirsting.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Here's a better summary of the situation from JapanTimes:
Oh no the (VAERS) junk again brought up by people that with don't understand how (VAERS) works or are deliberately using it to spread false information.
In the history of (VAERS) the vast vast majority have been proven to have no connection with any of the Vaccines.
(VAERS) is a reporting system and by law any possible connection no matter how small must be reported.
So people please learn the facts and if you know the facts then stip6 spreading false information.
The problem is "raisin an alarm" for a completely expected and natural process as if safety depended on avoiding it, it is not. The vaccines are demonstrably much safer than the infection, without the perfectly normal biological variation of the delivery having any detectable effect on the millions of people being already vaccinated.
One, the spike protein itself is not considered a toxin, it can be related to negative effects, but obviously that would be much more important in the natural infection that produces millions of times more of it (and a couple dozens other proteins that are made specifically to mess up the immune system) not to count the direct cytotoxic effect of the viral replication itself.
Two, VAERS data requires a comparison with the rates of complications and deaths on the normal population, thinking that any death registered automatically is caused by the vaccine is a complete mistake frequently used by antivaxxer propaganda to mislead people. If 4000 unvaccinated people of the same demographics have also died during the same time what do you think it means?
So no, the first thing that was needed to be done is to stop the countless unnecessary deaths from COVID, since every person being vaccinated have a much lower risk of complications and death then it is perfectly valid to scale things up and protect as many people as it is possible before they are infected.
If better vaccines are developed in the future with an increase of the already excellent levels observed for this generation they of course would be the new best option, but meanwhile vaccinating is the best option.
Hideomi Kuze
Present Suga government thrusts only vaccination but no interest about how defend people from infection until popularization of vaccine.
Tragedy that patients have died by healthcare shortage are still repeated in Japan.
Number of victim per day don't decrease yet.
Well obviously, the vaccine is a tiny drop in the ocean compared with even an asymptomatic infection. If the purpose is to have less of the protein in the body the vaccine is a terribly good way to do it.
That has no importance, vaccines are still a much safer way to train the immune system as demonstrated scientifically, healthy people have died from the infection, and also have spike protein spreading throughout their bodies, that is a natural part of the infection, except of course at much higher levels than what is observed with the vaccine. Once again this is precisely one of the better reasons why vaccinating has demonstrated to be safer than getting the infection.
salty dango
These very obvious options could've and should've been "explored" very many months ago, but no rush.
blue in green
@FtGuy2017, @mattfuller, @Raw Beer
It is frustrating, to state truth and be ignored and/or down-voted.
But many who are silent, still read.
Japan is can be so slow and backward sometimes, its mindboggling. Meanwhile the US that doesn't have an olympics, already vaccinated most of its population. Also I don't see why old age persons are being prioritised?? No statistic show that old people in Japan were the only ones that died of the virus. Japan is too backward in its operations. Here shouldn't even be considered part of the G8. Too slow!!
Only a couple more months of window to get vaccinated, as the vaccination drive will crash to a halt after the Olympics. Been asking around offering 300,000 yen to get called on when someone cancels on vaccines, while other countries offer incentive to get vaccines, here we have to spend big money to get a chance to be on the call waitlist. Thanks to the article yesterday, pretty much have to use corruption to get vaccines in Japan.
Terribly sorry but the article you link to makes absolutely no sense, For example it recommends "attenuated antigens" instead of spike proteins, but the spike protein ARE the antignes the writer is recommending, and its attenuation would refer to the virus, not the antigen, meaning that instead of having one kind of RNA producing viral proteins in your cells you would have a couple of dozens types, and since the virus would replicate it would mean higher amount of the spike proteins (and the others). So apparently he thinks more spike protein is better?
It gives exaggerated importance to traces of the vaccine being able to enter the brain, but somehow makes no mention that the virus itself does that without problem, and what is worse it replicates in the brain and kills cells while doing it. The virus has already proved to produce permanent neurodegeneration.
I would really recommend choosing better sources of information, there are many people that have no real idea about what they want to have opinions and end up promoting mistakes and falsehoods.
The problem with the data is that they still only publish numbers from Monday to Friday for medical staff. Every dose administered during the weekend or on a holiday will be added to the next weekday. Last Monday the data lists 273,255 doses which include both Saturday and Sunday for example, so it is impossible to say how many were administered on those three days. There have been a few days in the past where around 250,000 doses have been administered to medial staff but in the last few days it seems to have dropped down to around 140 - 160,000.
Overall 4,725,022 have received at least one shot with 3,227,298 being fully vaccinated. That means that slightly less than 1.5 million medical workers will still need a second shot. I don't know how many have yet to receive any vaccine at all though.
For the elderly they are somehow able to release numbers for every day. 6,266,076 had the joy of receiving at least one shot with 557,469 also having received the second one. So roughly 5.6 million elderly have yet to receive the second shot.
So now 3,784,767 people in Japan are fully vaccinated. So roughly 3% of the whole population of 12,536ten thousand (sorry, I just couldn't help copying it how it is listed on the website of the Statistics Bureau of Japan, lol).
Raw Beer
Some of us might be scientists (I know for a fact that at least one is), but most of us can spot the obvious sale-person BS trying desperately to sell as many vaccines as possible. Plus, many of us are providing information from actual scientific experts that are ignored by the controlled media.
No, not proven, they just add a statement that the numbers are perfectly normal. And please note that only a small fraction of adverse reactions (ca. 1%) are ever reported.
Except that they generally don't look at effects over the same time. Some will look at the adverse reactions (or death) within a few days of vaccination and compare that number with the normal frequency over a year and say they're about the same...
But the spike protein is the one that is causing most or all of the problems. If you have multiple antigens, then you are less likely to have problems with variants. That is why I tend to prefer the Chinese vaccine (inactive virus) which cannot replicate in your body. Unfortunately, it's Chinese so I don't trust the quality of the cell lines used to produce them.
Talk about an oxymoron!
In USA so far about 611.000 people died of covid-19, they had no vaccination and you should consider that too.
The problem is that many are "providing" baseless opinions or even information that is completely incorrect or false. That would explain why they are being ignored by the media, nobody wants to publish false, mistaken information as some people have done here. This could be avoided if people considered for a moment why no scientific or medical institution of the world supports the conclusions from the "ignored" experts? it is not like every single one of them around the whole world is in a conspiracy or something.
Statistically speaking yes, they have been proven unrelated to the vaccines. The actual statement is not that the numbers are "normal" but that they are expected from the usual, normal incidence rates of people that have not been vaccinated, and do you know who reports adverse effects even less than a person that has been recently vaccinated? a person that haven't.
Any reference for this? if for "they" you refer to the people doing the professional analysis of VAERS data they are experts epidemiologists that fundament their conclusions in open data that anybody can confirm by themselves.
What adverse reactions have been compared in different duration of time on the CDC page? obviously this is not just some baseless accusation, right?
That is false, because the immune response is primarily directed to the spike protein, so if you have more antigens that contributes nothing to the neutralizing ability, What is the use of antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein that is inside of the virion? it will not even interact with its target protein, much less neutralize the virus. On the other hand having more viral proteins means having more chances of the immune system mis-recognizing any of those extra sequences in something present in the body, increasing importantly the risk of auto-immune problems. So, no increase of neutralization (on any variant) but higher risk of problems? that is not a better vaccine.
I hope so, but I don't believe you
@Yohan, Who wrote about forgetting about the one who got infected by the virus and sadly died? Certainly not me and not that scientist, it is an article about the rest of the world (the majority of us) who are not infected yet and the risk for them after receiving a protein now known as being pathogenic during the vaccine process, please read again thank you.
Ricky Kaminski13
Ok, the rollout until now has been a nightmare, but if Japan can spring into action and use its massive networks of hardworking citizens to pull off this logistical mammoth all will be good. It’s never too late to get things right. The over cautiousness can be overlooked.
Raw Beer
Yes, a great example is:
That does not happen in healthy people. And I hope you won't bring up again the 1 gram of viral protein in asymptomatic people.
No it would be the opposite, it is a terribly easy way to make the comparison and it is based on completely basic science. You repeating that healthy people have nothing to fear from the infection is the one that the scientific consensus have debunked many times, it may be your personal opinion but it is still wrong according to the people that actually treat the disease. You saying the opposite of them simply doesn't carry any weight.
And no, sorry if you thought differently but the vaccine still makes a tiny microscopic fraction of the amount of spike pritein produced in the body (as in all tissues including blood) during an infection, including an asymptomatic one.
blue in green Today 12:49 pm JST @FtGuy2017, @mattfuller, @Raw Beer
It is frustrating, to state truth and be ignored and/or down-voted.
But many who are silent, still read.
Frustrating but not surprising, indeed it is pretty common to witness manufacturers jumping into denial-mode downvoting comments and ramping-up the troll-bot army to fight any articles which refer to possibilities that their products might have a flaw in the design and/or being not as harmless as advertised. Personally I cannot judge however I have nothing to sell and no conflict of interest in that matter and I only wish people who are about to get the shot with mRNA form themselves or children just have enough reading to give a real consent and not a forged/imposed one.
Brian Wheway
How many people have had there second injection yet?
I posted those numbers a little bit further up
3,227,298 medical workers
557,469 elderly
You can find the newest numbers on the website of the Prime Minister's Office of Japan
Data for the medical workers up to the 9th of April is on the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare though.
Except the report simply states that there have been some 4000 deaths after vaccine shots, it does not make a correlation between the vaccine and the actual death. You are misinterpreting and misrepresenting what it says. (And Tucker Carlson is a lying bastard).
Carlson’s comments are misleading, Moss said, because they imply “that the deaths were caused by the vaccine when in fact that is not the case. . . . Deaths are not unexpected in the weeks following Covid-19 vaccination when these vaccines are specifically administered to elderly adults, nursing home residents and people with underlying medical conditions,” Moss added. “Approximately 8,000 people die in the U.S. each day, and by chance some of these deaths will occur in someone who was recently vaccinated.”
As they should. The link you provided reports the views of American Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). Reading further, I find descriptions of this organization as a right-wing political organization that is promoted by the Tea Party Patriots. That alone doesn't mean the report is wrong, but it does raise big doubts in my mind as I think it should with most people.
It certainly must be frustrating, especially if you are doing it with genuine helpful intentions.
That however doesn't make it true or the truth. Rather, it is merely what you believe is the truth.
Which brings us to how and why you believe it's the truth.
Are you a doctor yourself or a practitioner of a related field that makes you competent to judge the "truth" of these matters?
Why do you consider your understanding to be better than the doctors and other health practitioners?
Tens of thousands of health practitioners volunteered and continue to volunteer for clinical trials of untested candidate vaccines. They understand the science and the risks.
Now that the vaccines are approved it is also the doctors and other medical practitioners who are first to take these vaccines.
These medical practitioners administer the vaccines to the elderly which include their parents and grandparents.
Soon they will be administering it to younger people which could include their children.
You think these medical practitioners are fools?
@jsapc, you have perfectly the right to have the opinion that the VAERS's data means nothing and have no correlation with the act of doing the vaccination and that the whole process is a waste of time and resources if you want, I have a different opinion.
It's not a matter of opinion. There is at this point absolutely no proof the 4000 deaths spouted by Carlson are related to the covid vaccines. None. Your "opinion" on the matter is irrelevant. Read the article.
The article said that vaccination for the coronavirus has been delayed in Japan.
I agree with the article. It’s because, recently, a lot of people go out in other countries. However, almost Japanese cannot get vaccinated. I’m young people in Japan, so I haven’t got vaccinated yet. I heard that I can get vaccinated after this summer. I can’t wait!! But, so many people who relate medical work hard to help us! So I think that this is a time to stay patient!!!
I would like to be careful not to get the coronavirus!
The article said that vaccination for the coronavirus has been delayed in Japan.
I agree with the article. It’s because, recently, a lot of people go out in other countries. I watched this situation in the news.However, almost Japanese have not got vaccinated yet. I’m a number of them. Besides I heard that people around the same age can get vaccinated after this summer! I can’t wait! But many people who relate medical work hard to help us!
I think that this is a time to stay patient! So I will be careful not to get the coronavirus.
I know that the vaccine rollout is really late. But at the same time, due to the discipline of the Japanese people, masks are worn and people socially distance, so our infection rate is a small fraction of other countries like the USA or Brazil or India, just to name a few.
Consider the possibility: with increasing evidence from studies and reports around the world about the efficacy and the KNOWN safety of Ivermectin in treating CV19, perhaps Japan has been fortunate with the slow vaccine rollouts.
After all, no one can honestly say that the vaccines are more proven for long-term safety than Ivermectin which has been around for 40 years.
Now, if only the government, the media and, maybe most importantly, the places of commerce to sell Ivermectin were to get their crap together and we can all drop the worry over Covid or the need to try the vax experiment and get on with our lives.
Huh? Have you had your head in the sand all this time? Myself and others have been stating here countless numbers of times that Japanese are no better or no worse than people in other countries.
If this year has been a shock, be thankful you FINALLY had the scales blown off your eyes! Nothing has changed with the people here, just YOUR perception of them!
Train volunteers to give the vaccine.
It’s a start a good start , I had my first shot just a tip move your arm around after getting it your muscle .
Meaningless, it takes 60 day to take effect, how many of those 10 million have received their second shot and 60 days has past? A very small number I imagine!
Still waiting for mine and I am over 65.
Hope the best for ya guys. Already got the vaccine card; didn't even get sick once, no biggie
Not really.
Assuming the time you mentioned is correct, thats how long it takes to reach maximum effectiveness.
Even just one shot provides significant protection
Even if your claims about said drug is true, it will not diminish the value or need for vaccines.
It's for prevention. To control the cycle of infections.
Without vaccines we will continue to experience what we are experiencing now indefinitely.
Well not actually indefinitely, even if the virus failed to kill us, hunger will , if this continues much longer
Ai Wonder
A pathetically small number compared to the UK and a lot of other countries.
So if I turn these percentages around to reality. 92% of the population have NOT had a vaccination and 97% have NOT been fully vaccinated!!!!!
I wonder why 92% and 97% were not used in the headline???
That is not nearly enough to prevent another surge. What happened in India could happen in Japan. Like Japan, India has had only about 3% of the population fully vaccinated.
Has the Japanese government heard of people called pharmacists?
Why aren’t pharmacists giving shots?
I think I heard Pfizer delayed vaccine allocation on to Japan due to how the virus was spreading so rapidly in the US and in Europe. Can someone elaborate this?
Well, nothing is known about long-term side effects of these mRNA treatments yet. The coming years will be interesting.
to mattfullerJune 3 09:30 am JST
New research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs.
I read that too. Japan is doing a better management of this crisis than any western country.
" mattfullerJune 3 09:30 am JST
New research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs."
I read it too. Japan is managing this crisis better than any country in the western world.
little by little vaccination started, but it is too slow. needed to be speed up is necessary for us.
@japantrojan, YES, exactly this. Thank you, J-govt!
What 'discipline'? I live in Tokyo and have seen barely any of this so-called discipline from people here in the last year. People don't even wear their masks correctly, I saw one guy yesterday wearing a mask that only covered his bottom lip... Fashion statement? Social distancing doesn't exist in any way, I barely see anyone use the hand sanitisers that are available at the entrance to convenience stores. What does it say when only the gaijin is using the hand sanitiser... Trains are still crowded and packed as usual from what I hear, I saw restaurants filled up with people during Golden Week 'state of emergency' when I went for my walks. Please do tell me where this discipline is. The infection rate is a small fraction of other countries only because testing is also at a small fraction.
The way Japan has handled COVID has been a disaster, it's all been so dishonest, sneaky, underhanded from the government. Has seriously made me consider whether I want to continue living here.
After everyone feels like crap after the first shot, it will be a challenge to get them to have the second one when they know they will feel 10 times worse...
Commodore Perry
PaulToday 07:05 pm JST
First shot was a breeze for me (Pfizer). Second was even better.
I think the Japanese government absolutely did the right thing going with the vaccines that are approved by the American CDC.
For months now, I have read how Mongolia had a very high rate of vaccination. Due to their position between China and Russia, both of those countries have been supplying doses to Mongolia.
Today I read that the rate of infections and hospitalizations with the new Covid-19 virus in Mongolia are ten times higher than they are in the States, despite the vaccination rate being higher in Mongolia. The bottom line is that the vaccines developed in China and Russia are far less efficacious than the Pfizer, Moderna, or even the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
A similar story played out in the Maldives. They reported the highest rate of vaccinations of any country on Earth, but then experienced a surge even worse than what India has been going through. In the real world, it turns out the Chinese vaccines they have used have an effectiveness rating only in the high 40s, rather than the high 90s.
On the subject of what rate of vaccination is necessary before we see a significant reduction in hospitalizations, we can again look to real-world examples that are happening over here in the States. In states and communities where the fully vaccinated rate is near 50%, or more, the pandemic has been receding. In states where they do not believe in the science of vaccines, and where the fully vaccinated rate is below 30%, we are seeing a surge in cases. So, based on preliminary news reports, it looks like aiming for a rate of 50% being fully vaccinated should be the first goal.
Commodore Perry
oginomeJune 5 03:57 pm JST
The way Japan has handled COVID has been a disaster, it's all been so dishonest, sneaky, underhanded from the government. Has seriously made me consider whether I want to continue living here.
For people in places where the only vaccines available are the ones with an effectiveness rating in the 40% range, I would say, go ahead and get it. A 47% chance of immunity is better than nothing.
When and if one of the vaccines becomes available with an effectiveness rating in the high 90% range, then, if it were me, I would go ahead and get that vaccine.
I would prefer that the Russian and Chinese vaccines were safer and more effective, but that just is not the case.