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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013.Over 80 Japanese nationalists approach disputed islands
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Toyota and the other carmakers must be so happy!!!
Cortes Elijah
Meh china does this daily...
Weird it may seem but I applaud the undertakings of these Jnationalists. Assertion is one trait the Jpeople still have to learn. Notwithstanding me as a longtime foreigner here who is sufferring from a form of bullying .
This is nonsense. When is the Japanese government going to grow some hair and construct a JCG lighthouse and station on the Senkakus? A non-military facility with search & rescue capabilities to assist fishermen and mariners of all nations in distress. A small medical treatment center and a helipad would be nice. Something China can't complain about without looking like complete goons to the rest of the world.
And the SKorean official who cancelled his trip here because of sentiments of previous war. Here they go again. No moving on. Sort of emotional blackmail to whoever is the PM . Such a hard job !
Just when the things are calming down...Traitors.
“If you encounter problems from Chinese vessels, please run away,” Yes the will be able to run walk and skip on water because .....
These people can go all they want, step one foot on the islands, and I hope they all get arrested. The islands are off limits to folks without a permit from the national government. It should be treated the same way that would happen to anyone who tried to get on a JIETAI or US Military base without authorization.
Oh and a side not here; I wonder why the name the islands were not used in this article until nearly the end. It would be very easy at first to those that are unfamiliar that this was about Takeshima and not the Senkaku's. Poorly written I would say.
I thought it was quiet lately around Azabudai, where these idiots scream around in black vans with huge speakers playing war songs.
House Atreides
It reminds me of the battle cry from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "Run away!"
It says in the first sentence that the islands are at the centre of "tensions between China and Japan".
Anyone who thinks that might refer to Takeshima is probably going to be confused however the article is worded.
In today's Chinese press, this news is typeset with another news saying that Japanese cabinet councilor, Tomohiko Taniguchi, wishes to offer help for rescue tasks in the lately-happened earthquake in China. To be honest, it feels emotionally conflicting when I read both of them on one page. So, regardless of the asserting action itself, only speaking of the timing, I don't see the wise part of it.
They should stay there and make it there home, together with Korean, Chinese and other countries nationalists. Then lets build a big wall around it and everyone else can life in peace after this. Brave new world!
The japanese government under Mr Abe is too militaristic, his intention is to militarizing Japan for further aggressions in the pretext of japan in seige! Here are those brainwashed rightist fanatics wreckless provocation attempts!
When my 2 year-old grabs a toy, doesn't let go and says 'mine'...I try to teach him about sharing and playing nice with others.
“If you encounter problems from Chinese vessels, please run away,”
'Run away' but 'stand firm'?
Yeah but you got the easy part, you don't have to try and teach a billion of so children about playing nice now do you?
Tony Ew
@OssanAmericaApr. 23, 2013 - 07:31AM JST
You are either in bed with Ishihara or his agent. Even Abe show some 'cow sense'
Do we have nationalists here??? Calling the nationalists in the article "traitors" has given me 3 negative points.
Can the Japanese Coast Guard sink Japanese ships? Just asking.
Actually 4, now, but why do you care? What difference does it make if they are nationalists anyway?
I suppose you would call any and all nationalists from any country a traitor? What makes them traitors?
Abe, listen to your people, build a lighthouse, A Patriot defence system, and a Tourist Resort.
Tony Ew
It will be interesting to see the Chinese Surveillance Ships hose the smallish Japanese nationalist boats. Video them and show them swimming into the jaws of sharks nearby. Now what? Taiwanese will be very very happy watching this amazing video!
I doubt it seeing as how Taiwan and Japan just concluded an agreement regarding fishing rights in the area.
Even though I dont condone their actions she should be allowed to go to the islands as its Japanese property.
However since the last time they did that and sparked an outrage in China, I wonder why the Japanese coastguard DOESNT stop them, preventing to escalate the situation. As SauloJpn said, if this again ends up in riotting I hope toyota and other JP carmakers sue the hell out of those nationalists.
Yubaru: Yeah, 'traitors' is a little strong, but Hiroicci has a point -- people who 'stand up' for a nation by endangering it aren't really acting in said nation's best faith at all. These idiots will be more than happy to run away and hide behind Uncle Sam's patriot missiles when China gets upset as a result of their provocation.
They are traitors to the Japanese, because they damage Japan's national interests, just as China and Japan are trying NOT to agitate as much as possible.
Would I call ANY nationalists "traitors"? No, I wouldn't. Only those who damage national interests for the sake of their own narrow targets and cheap satisfaction.
“Don’t let them come on board, but try to avoid fighting or shouting insults. We want to show everyone that we are polite and upstanding Japanese citizens.”
What is polite and upstanding about what they are doing?
Yet you were the same one bleating on endlessly about how the Japanese had no need to scramble jets to deal with "simple unarmed (communist) surveillance planes". Nice double standard there Tony .... not that I expected anything different.
The island is government property and no civilian is allowed to land on it without government permission. Actually, this is the reason why PM Noda bought the islamd from a private owner, to avoid escalation of situation by right wingers.
There is no law that prevents Japanese ships to sail in that sea area.
CH3CHO: " Actually, this is the reason why PM Noda bought the islamd from a private owner, to avoid escalation of situation by right wingers."
A fat lot of good that did, obviously.
"Ishigaki, a Japanese island west of Okinawa" I think somebody needs a geography lesson....
No different than what the Chinese do, and heck, the Japanese own the islands.
Here's a about China just go home?
Go ahead and Land!!
It your Senkkaku Islands AND enjoy the Fishing :)
How 'bout we nuke these islands so NO ONE can have them? Kids who fight over toys deserve to lose them...
Tony Ew
@hidingoutApr. 23, 2013 - 11:30AM JST
No, you do get it wrong! I am trying to figure out a 'wiggle room' where both sides can save face and go back to pre Ishihara mastermind ploy to purchase the islands for tourism. Nobody owns me even though it looks like I operate for China. In fact I favor the islands as belonging to Taiwan. I just want Japan to be more flexible and behave with maturity!
I apologize to all readers for being a jerk.
Because hoping that people get eaten by sharks is how you display your maturity? Don't worry Tony, pretty sure everyone on this site sees you for what you are.
Shinjuku 108
Its funny you ask that Japan behave with maturity when in fact, China is the biggest BABY of all time. Everytime an article on this issue comes up it just reaffirms that fact.
Just look to the comments that the Chinese government makes regarding the islands. Particularly the ones made by their foreign affairs minister are laughable. Like a stubborn brat who refuses to just acknowledge that the islands are DO NOT belong to China.
"Hurr derr we are just doing survelliance around our soverign territory so we don't know why Japan would scramble jets..."
Also, China considering doing tourism excursions to the islands? Seriously? China constantly having boats around them, survelliance planes... I can go on and on.
If the island were bought by Ishihara, he would have built a port, a lighthouse and a surveillance building by now. I support what PM Noda did and that was a good move for peace with China.
Tony Ew
@hidingoutApr. 23, 2013 - 12:39PM JST
Just relax! We all want to have a little fun, don't we? I may feel a little gleeful to see some kind of divine punishments for the extremists, but of course I don't wish them dead! My maturity have nothing to do with the heavy responsibilities of a public servant, government policies. Me, I am just happy to be a loud undiplomatic mouth for as I see, all those civil diplomatic talk, courtesies leads nowhere with intransigient parties, so I DO fill a certain purpose to hopefully get the populace to THINK and get involved!
Yeah but you got the easy part, you don't have to try and teach a billion of so children about playing nice now do you?
If their parents did the same, adults on both sides might be able to solve this dispute without making themselves look like children.
ugh, the send sentence should be quoted, as well.
“If you encounter problems from Chinese vessels, please run away,”
'Run away' but 'stand firm'?
Indeed, Politics 101 which ever way it goes you can always claim to be right!
Just put a Japanese Flag on the island and be done with it.
Japanese citizens have a right to visit because the islands are Japanese territory, provocations notwithstanding.
Chinese boats shouldn't be anywhere near the place, full stop.
Thanks for your compliment. That Islets has been under Japan administration since 1971. Uncomfortable truth is no Japanese citizen or co-operation has not make any commercial development yet. Another word is Japan is insecure landlord who is helpless for developing commercial interest.
Reality is Chinese and Taiwan boats come and go since 1960s. That year is 2013. Your post is too late for changing the reality.
Whilst Japan was intruding southern ocean, Australia was very diplomatic and did not make any noise about it. There is no double standard for south China sea too.
Octagon, should perhaps do a little more reading to ensure a firm grasp of historical facts before posting on this issue.
No, probably not. Mythical lands from fictional novels rarely feature in the political dealings of the real world.
Mods, but Octagon is the one who started talking about Oz. I'm not sure why you would let him/her reference a mythical place in the context of this argument, and then censor everything that comes in response to that?
So with this line of thinking then there is nowhere in Japan where a Japanese person should be barred access to. Nope don't think that'll fly.
Do you realize how goofy this sounds? China is not trying to agitate things yet they send patrol ships almost daily to the islands, and have planes fly over the area, and allow their fishing fleet to enter the disputed waters.
No, the Japanese in a meaningless gesture you call traitors but the Chinese get a free pass? Go figure huh? I can not understand the logic.
If you actually know what the word traitor means you are implying that they have or are going to commit treason for attempting to trespass on the islands that are off limits without government permit or permission.
IF they land, they are breaking the law, but it's trespassing. Nothing more nothing less.
@ Tamarama
You whinge too much. Octagon only made reference to OZ in his/her last statement. Most of the comments relate to this article. In fact I fully support his comments.
Impromptu confrontations are not the way to conduct foreign policy. A strong healthy nation makes considered deliberate moves decided by the commander in chief. That Abe allows this to happen is a sign of weakness not strength. Yes, every other country does it too. But that doesn't make it right.
Do you?
You are satisfied that the earliest control of the Senkaku Islands by the Japanese is 1971?
You are satisfied that there has never been any commercial Japanese venture based on the Senkakus?
You are content to ignore that China ceded the islands to Japan in 1895?
You are satisfied that a reference to Australia has a relevant place in this argument?
Oh, and by the way, I was being facetious, not whinging.
A dictionary will help you with that.
The civilized world is over this childish little game. Quit being babies Japan and China.
So now most people understand the logic why the islands were bought by the govt. While it was being done, so many hecklers are against it. Indeed, the seeds that the DPJ had sown is being reaped now. Ditto for the past admi and for the present one too.
Rieko Webber
Mr. writer, I believe you are writing from the standpoint of Chinese espionage. All the writing is biased and a view of notorious China that is provocative, boasts of war. The Gambare's courteous activities now represents the Japanese nation who has awaken and are urged to protect its own country, from the evil communist. I would advice your paper to replace the name to The China Today.
I'm no fan of these nationalist groups generally (and what an annoying, cloying name for that group), but I am impressed at how disciplined and composed they appear to be. Is there a learning curve here? They vow not to land on the islands to avoid making the situation worse, and they will avoid direct conflict, violent or verbal, with the other side. This seems like it could be a solid strategy. Let the other side show their incivility first. Can you imagine what an interview with their Chinese counterparts would sound like?
Tamarama San
You may guess a very small commerical entitiy. Truth is Japan is very reluntant to develope large scale commercial project like natural gas exploration or fishery farms. Imagine that year is 2013. Not 1972 anymore. It is true that Japan is impotent about making commercial gain due to prolong conflict with neighbors. Japan will keep losing commercially from nationalist sentiment.
The fact is Japan is not only having dispute with China. Others too. That dispute is South China sea. If we go further south, it will reach to Southern Ocean. It is partly relevant as Japan greedy expansion for maritime resources. Japan has a victim mentailiy. It will always whinge and exaggerate about everything. The fact is the dispute has existed for many decades now. Abe or Abe disciples can not change anything about it.
Correction for first paragraph as
Japan lost the WWII and surrendered unconditionally. Even Japan was owned by US before. Japan did not make any pre condition for leaving Senkaku for them. Japan may be or may not be satisfied when it was ruled by US after WWII. Loser has no luxury for demanding.
Japan has been transferred as administrator of that Islets since 1971. Another word is Japan is a trustee. Whether we are satisfied or not, it is beyond our control for changing the past. Nixon admin was responsible for current mess.