Japan Today

Morimoto says Japan may send SDF to disputed islands


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The reason is, it has always been China's ambition to conquer the world. If you look back into history, they've made countless attempts to invade every neighboring country, but their asses were handed back to them. Now they think they are strong enough and want to take control of the world again.

Can you please provide some examples? Or is this your guesswork?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Bumbling politicians at their best.Conflict is not what is required. Do these people not know how to conduct dialogue. Saber rattling only lines the pockets of those who will benefit out of a conflict, the only ones to suffer are the general population of the countries concerned. Politicians and defence contractors only sit back and watch and line their pockets. Its about time all politicians are held accountable for all actions that don't benefit the public they represent. Has nobody learned anything from past conflicts or the present conflicts in the middle east. Have we as humans not seen enough suffering.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Seems like this is typical of U.S. advising Japan to instigate the problem and send out the small fish ponds in a chess game to see what the reaction of China will be. China might bite the bait.

sfjp330 -- nonsense. The U.S. is in a no-win situation here if this escalates. On the one hand we have a mutual defense pact with Japan. But, on the other, we know that China will be the dominant economic power in Asia for the foreseeable future, so we can't afford to bite that hand. Could you please accept that this is simply a squabble between two countries that has nothing to do with the U.S.. and , for once, stop trying to spin this into some form of U.S. conspriracy theory? That is so tiring.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

This is how wars begin.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

A+B: "What is hypocritical or foolish as to warrant the wish to be free of a foreign power inside one's own homeland? Can you justify an apposing view? I'd like to hear it."

What's hypocritical about it, if you bother to read her comments on this thread, is that she demands US help on the island issue when she hopes Japan uses force against China when it comes to these islands, then turns around and asks them (US forces) to leave on other threads. Do you not see the hypocrisy there? She wants the US out of her homeland? fine, but don't then demand they fight your battles for you when it comes to China.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

blackrock: "You don't understand ,do you. It's China that created the tension."

It takes two to tango, my friend. Japan is not a victim here -- both parties are trying to be the aggressor.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

There is just one word for this kind of action - STUPID!

Leave well enough alone. Don't stir things up, Japan. I don't think the US is in favor of this action and it is NOT going to defend you. And if you keep pushing, you will get SPANKED by the CHinese! The years of peace have gone to your head. You know nothing about what it takes to secure peace and freedom. You have just lived under the US umbrella for years. This will not work out for you at all. What do you think China' reaction is going to be? Use some common sense and stop playing with fire, knuckleheads.

Just plain STUPID! But what am I talking about here. J-Gov peeps hardly make any sense half the time anyway.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

blackrock: "Dear Smith, I hope it were only a sweet tango, but it isn't. China is bitching with every neighbor. Be it India, or Vietnam, or Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan. See the point?"

And Japan is 'bitching' with China, South Korea (and the North, for that matter), and Russia about islands as well. Just because Japan seems to be bitching with fewer nations on this one issue doesn't mean they're not being equally aggressive over the islands in question here. They need to step back and take the high road -- allow China to have its tantrum and cool down, though go about the island issue in a more political manner (without increasing tensions). Japan has more claim to the islands, in my opinion, and given time they'll have even more. Forcing China to be more aggressive only runs them the risk of LOSING the islands and weakens their claims to the others.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

toguro: "Do you remember the Vietnam War between North Vietnam and the U.S. among other nations involved? How was North Vietnam's navy compared to the U.S. navy back then, and what was the end result of that war?"

Yuri only looks at white-washed textbooks, not real history, hence some of her confusion. You could also point out her hatred of the US presence and constant appeals for their defense in the same thread, but they'd warrant you naught but lost looks and an inability to explain the shifting opinion.

Yuri DAILY demands the US forces leave Okinawa, and then when it comes to issues with China demands their defense. If there is any statement more true of a typical Japanese politician and their hypocrisy and outright foolishness I say it's this. You don't poop where you eat, kids.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Morimoto says Japan may send SDF to disputed islands



Really decisive!



3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Japanese Coast Guard cannot secure the Senkaku Islands by themselves.

Can you please elaborate as to why YOU think this is a true statement? I am curious to hear what proof you have.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Relativism is the last refuge of a vanguished argument.

Relativism definition: The term is often used to refer to the context of moral principle. Yes, I have morals. Thanks!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

And it's hypocritical when you ask for war but are living far away (in USA no less!!!) and won't be caught in the action.

@puke: how do you know where I live? Did it occur to you that I live in Japan? Perhaps not. By the way... can you expand on the "asking for war" part of your reply? I am not comprehending what you are trying to say.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


So Japan leave those islands alone cause China won without causing any casualities.

Slight mistake on your part. The island which you read about on the URL link above is for SANSHA, which is in dispute between China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. This article is speaking about SENKAKU.

3 ( +6 / -3 )



I recommend you back to your own post Jul. 28, 2012 - 10:26PM JST , and note carefully, whom you addressed it to. If you make a mistake, admit it.

3 ( +6 / -3 )


Whether China actually said so or not doesn't dismiss the fact that IF China said so they would not.

I understand what you are trying to say. I am just curious about the information that was posted, since it seemed like it was true in the mind of [just-a-bigguy]. If it is, I think its interesting. If not, OK.

China owning so much of the US already there's nothing the US would risk doing for a few rocks.

By the way, how much?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Big mistake if they do, for force will be met with force, and Japan would lose. The US won't step in to help on the island issue because there's too much to lose, and there's no way in hell Japan could fight off the Chinese. If Japan doesn't want things to escalate, they shouldn't escalate them. This particular island dispute looks in favor of Japan (ie. ownership) for the moment, and given time, but forcing China's hand could flip the tables pretty quick.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Does Japan and China want to create this much tension over the Senkaku dispute, when they remain as one of the biggest trade partner? Annually, Japan and China do $250 billion in bilateral trade and future is starting to look bleak. What happens if the tensions esclate? Can 20,000 Japanese companies inside China run their business like nothing is happening? What if Chinese goverment freeze all the Japanese companies bank account and cannot tranfer the monies back to Japan?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Japan talks, we may do this, and we may do that... Only after china goes out and does it. A little late.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This is common sense.

Tell that to the idiots stirring the pot.

I truly believe that since none of those islands have any place on them that are livable the Japanese and Chinese governments should continue with their previous plans to jointly develop the resources that supposedly lie underneath them. Both countries could benefit from them and it would, (dreaming here right now) hopefully bring about a new era of cooperation between the countries.

China and Japan have much more in common than let's say Japan and the US. It's unfortunate that arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity rule the day.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Stop letting 50+ year old nationalists make decisions.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

YuriOtani; "smithinjapan, there is an important difference between Japan and the other countries having trouble with China."

Agreed. Japan spend decades raping and murdering Chinese for no reason other than to look superior, and now changes its textbooks to look like it wasn't Japan's fault. I'm surprised you would ever want to admit that. Hey, when was the sword contest to remove 100 heads again?

"Then again if we stand united against the Chinese foe, we can not lose."

You already have. Asking someone YOU (and I do mean, YOU, Yuri) daily ask to leave to turn around and protect you is what is considered a 'lost cause'. Why is it whining Okinawans only want US help when China rears its head and Japan can do nothing about it otherwise?

I'm getting sick of this hypocrisy.... I hope China just goes and takes the islands and that's that -- we all know Japan cannot do anything about it, and the US will do nothing, considering it an island dispute. Okinawans like Yuri will demand the same US presence they say is not needed to do something on their behalf, then ask the US presence to get the heck out once the Oolong Tea supply is up to snuff.

Again, Yuri and others, Japan is free to do NOTHING on this issue, and that's all. Doing ANYTHING will lose them the islands permanently (oh, and complaining you're the victim to nations you've victimized wins little pity, my friend).

2 ( +6 / -4 )

"toguro, The Vietnam Peoples navy has 7 frigates and 11 corvettes against the Chinese Peoples Navy. Then again if we stand united against the Chinese foe, we can not lose."


Do you remember the Vietnam War between North Vietnam and the U.S. among other nations involved? How was North Vietnam's navy compared to the U.S. navy back then, and what was the end result of that war?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If a country claims dominion over an island based on something it deems rightful however absurd it may seem, it is within the sovereignty of the country to do so. Buying the island from the present owner cannot change anything. Ownership and dominion are two separate things. It's only the state to state diplomacy that can deal with the situation. So the wisest way is to make diplomatic efforts to prevent situations from developing into a military confrontation when the two countries are so interdependent economically on each other.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

herefornow....The Obama administration has explicitly initiated a ‘pivot’ in strategy to reemphasize a focus on military domination of the Asia-Pacific region, in a broader imperial plan to counter China’s regional influence and unnecessarily provoke China and increase tensions with its neighbors. U.S. will use Japan, Philippines, & Vietnam will be used as ponds.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I would certainly not discount Japan for past transgressions of taking a long pacifism nap. (1) After Pyongyang launched a Taepodong ballistic missile over Japan's main island of Honshu in 1998, Tokyo started a major program to build up sea- and land-based ballistic missile defense. It outfitted four destroyers with Aegis capabilities and installed advanced SM-3 interceptor missiles, while building up its radar network in conjunction with the Americans and deploying PAC-3 batteries on land. By any measure, Japan has become America's closest ally on missile defense, cooperating especially closely with the U.S. Navy, and is currently jointly producing the next version of the SM-3. (2) Tokyo decided earlier this year to purchase the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter as the replacement for its obsolete F-4s and F-15s. This decision will give Japan 40 or so of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world. (3) Another potentially significant change Noda has instituted is to begin revising Japan's decades-old prohibition on arms exports. (4) Japan's Coast Guard is among the finest and best-equipped in the world.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

No, this is the way to go. China is bitching with not just Japan, Vietnam & Philippines are in it too, the same territorial disputes. If these countries don't apply force, China will never shut up.

Vietnam and the PI are not bitching about the islands in question here. Different area, different islands, different circumstances.

Diplomacy is the way to go here.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Does Japan and China want to create this much tension over the Senkaku dispute, when they remain as one of the biggest trade partner? Annually, Japan and China do $250 billion in bilateral trade and future is starting to look bleak. What happens if the tensions esclate? Can 20,000 Japanese companies inside China run their business like nothing is happening? What if Chinese goverment freeze all the Japanese companies bank account and cannot tranfer the monies back to Japan?"


Your last comment totally contradicts your earlier anti-American rant. Why in the world would the U.S. want Japan to get into a confrontation with China, when they are both 2 of the biggest, if not the 2 biggest trading/economic partners of the U.S.? Are you really hurting that bad for a conspiracy?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

it's good to see a map for a change, puts things into perspective geographically.

not to mention that as far as the continental shelf is concerned, the land is part of the taiwan/china landmass geologically.

it's not a clear cut scenario, but japan does have possession.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

A lot of Japanese people simply assume that Senkaku islands are "theirs", but we don't really know who the Senkaku islands belong to.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Once mainland China has built up their navy enough, they will have no qualms to do exactly that. So I can understand it when Japan does it as long as there is time. Once there is a mainland Chinese naval presence on the Sengakus, good luck with removing that...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

We have the means to fight back!

Yuri, seriously? Not even close. How ridiculous!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Yuri, listen to Yubaru!

Diplomacy is the way to go here.

Exactly. This is common sense. Find a way for all three parties to enjoy the islands. We are too big now to be scrapping out back like a couple of schoolboys. Too much is at stake. War is dumb but so are provocative actions like these. Pointless. What do you think China is going to say? Oh, you have sent some boats there, so we will just let the whole thing go? Not hardly. They are going to up the stakes. And you will have no choice but to either put up (which you can't) or shut up, of which you will do and it will send a message to the other countries that have feuds with China, that China will up the ante. Nonsense and pointless policies just lead to disaster.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Yuri sure is entitled to her opinions. But I find it cowardly to egg on one's own country to go to war while living comfortably and safely on the other side of the Pacific. I would think that there are many many people in both China and Japan who don't care and just want to lead peaceful lives with one another, but I don't sense that with posters like Yuri or our dearly beloved Chairman Ishihara. Perhaps she can come back home and work for the SDF.


Tell that to the idiots stirring the pot.

Exactly. There are a few here who are happy to sit back and watch nations go to war (see above).


The reason is, it has always been China's ambition to conquer the world. If you look back into history, they've made countless attempts to invade every neighboring country, but their asses were handed back to them. Now they think they are strong enough and want to take control of the world again.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but China was never in control of the world. Yes, they've had disputes with bordering countries and ruled over some, but I don't recall them going overseas to invade or attack other nations ending in horrendous results (not counting the attempted Mongol invasions of Japan). Japan, on the other hand, have had a nice little record on doing this (think Korea, China, SE Asia, Australia, Hawaii, etc). The problem I have is that there is a very very vocal and influential group in Japan who deny any wrongdoing - if you don't admit the evil wrongdoings of the past, then you can't expect others to trust you. How does this make Japan any better than China?

I just can't see anything else apart from keeping the status quo. And that goes for PRC-Taiwan, the S. Kuriles and Dokdo.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

A + B: "First of all, please do not call me "brother" I am in no way related to you."

Where did I call you 'brother'? I said the word, 'bother', as in, coincidentally, "if you bother to read her posts on this thread..."

"Secondly, for someone to have an opinion should be their right, you are not the monitor on this website -name calling doesn't make you any better."

I never said people can't have an opinion, I merely pointed out how hers switches daily and is often hypocritical.

"I recommend you back to your own post Jul. 28, 2012 - 10:26PM JST , and note carefully, whom you addressed it to. If you make a mistake, admit it."

So will you admit the mistake about the 'brother' thing? :)

Anyway, I absolutely encourage people to give their opinions on this site, and differing opinions make the site, and often the conversation, more 'colorful', if you will, although it can get heated at times when the ideologies or what have you differ so much that no common ground can be reached. Again, the point with Yuri is that one day she wants the US out (which is fine) and the next she demands their protection against China (again, in and of itself fine -- it's the hypocrisy that is not), as is the case on this thread. Pointing out 'hypocrisy' isn't "name calling".

1 ( +1 / -0 )

China told Obama not to attack North Korea in 2010 after sinking the south Korean frigate and that indicated America is know-towing to Chinese leader commands!

Can you provide the link so I can read this story? Very curious as to where you got this info.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"There were more than 46million americans rely on foodstamps to survive, America is in the darkest situation since 1973 oil crisis, a conflict with China will sure brought her own to bigger troubles! America's so called committment to her asian allies were totally rubbish, a hoax to fools those naives to stick closer her belly! You know China told Obama not to attack North Korea in 2010 after sinking the south Korean frigate and that indicated America is know-towing to Chinese leader commands! If America cant afford the escalation of Korean peninsula, how can they afford to take a much larger enemy who holds the biggest chunk of their debts!"


LMAO... Thank you for the comic relief. Exactly where are you getting your information that the U.S. was ordered by China not to attack NK? And if China is the one pulling the strings as to what happens in Asia, then why is it that Taiwan hasn't accepted the PRC as their seat of power? Also, why is it that the U.S. keeps selling arms to Taiwan, which would also be against the orders of China? Please share your evidence of these so called orders with us. This thread could use the laugh. LOL

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The problem is that if clashes erupt over the Senkaku islands, China may find itself in a position where it cannot compromise without severe damage to its domestic legitimacy. In these disputes, Chinese nationalism collides with other nationalisms, especially that of Japan, which embodies strong historical resentments. It means that most of China’s neighbors want the U.S. to remain militarily present in the region. Even if the U.S. were to withdraw, it is highly unlikely that these countries like Japan, Vietnam, and Philippines would submit meekly to Chinese hegemony. But if the U.S. were to commit itself to a military alliance with these countries against China, U.S. would risk embroiling America in their territorial disputes. In the event of a military clash between Japan and China, U.S. would be faced with the choice of either holding aloof and seeing its credibility as an ally destroyed, or fighting China.

Neither the U.S. nor China would “win” the resulting war outright, but they would certainly inflict catastrophic damage on each other and on the world economy. If the conflict escalated into a nuclear exchange, modern civilization would be wrecked. Even a prolonged period of military and strategic rivalry with an economically mighty China will gravely weaken America’s global position.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Here we go again... This is exactly how Japan got into WW2, This is why teaching REAL history in Japan is so very important. I wonder if they think for an instance that by Japan, sending troops, onto an island that China claims, will make them give up...?

They only thing this will accomplish is merely upping the ante.

While you're at it Morimoto, why don't you go ahead and send some troops to retake Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands?

I haven't yet heard what our resident (self-proclaimed) Historian Y-San, on all affairs Japan (specializing in Okinawa) has to say, although, some how I'm sure it's, "Full Speed Ahead Morimoto!" LOL....

0 ( +7 / -7 )

They dont see how this will escalate the situation. Bad idea. Seems like China is already looking for a fight. Strategically its a bad idea. The islands are too far from JP and then you will get Taiwan involved since you are bringing your troops too close to their borders.

Can Unesco or some group claim the island as some type of land mark or something? One side is going to get the island go digging on it and YEA!! they will find oil, something that the world is trying to move away from.

I got it, They should just play JANKEN for it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think Japan needs to hold on to what they see as theirs. China is testing the water with Vietnam right now so some should stand up right now. Chinas - middle eath view is not the world view, nor should it be if they continue unchallenged then there won't be an end. Look at Hittler and other alike. Be brave ASIA.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You have the means Yuri? Or do you expect the US to step in and fight your battles - like usual.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yuri, Japan can not hold China's jockstrap in terms of military power. You have got to be kidding me. And the US is not stupid enough to create an international incident by backing Japan up. They must have gotten too much confidence in dealing with the Sea Sheppard, but China is not the Sea Sheppard. This is dumber than dumb. Japan needs to get some common sense. With all the disputes China has with its neighbors do you think they have the luxury of letting Japan get away with this? Nope.

This is just plain Stupid on all levels.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

OMG, J Govt, is it really necessary to send the SDF force if you don't want armed conflict or does J Govt want armed conflict ? How big is China's Army, if they start a draft the army could total the whole population of Japan easy.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


China now can imagine what imperial Japan felt in the 30's .................. history often repeats itself.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yuri only looks at white-washed textbooks, not real history, hence some of her confusion. You could also point out her hatred of the US presence and constant appeals for their defense in the same thread

@smithinjapan: If you any sense of fairness. Allow YuriOtani to have his/her opinion. I do not think your statement adds much more than an attempt at insulting an opinion.

Yuri DAILY demands the US forces leave Okinawa, and then when it comes to issues with China demands their defense. If there is any statement more true of a typical Japanese politician and their hypocrisy and outright foolishness I say it's this.

What is hypocritical or foolish as to warrant the wish to be free of a foreign power inside one's own homeland? Can you justify an apposing view? I'd like to hear it.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

@ hatsoff Excellent link, it looks like China had moved in on those little islands. They have a hospital, post office municipal offices, supermarket and more I guess they were all bulit last month. A 1000 citizens of China live on the little islands now. So Japan leave those islands alone cause China won without causing any casualities.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Then again if we stand united against the Chinese foe, we can not lose.

United??? YOU are pushing for this, not anyone else. So I guess that you realise that Japan go it alone. In that case, stop talking trash.

And yes, from the safety of the other side of the pond. Demands the US leaves Japan and then turns around and expect the US to stick their neck. You tihnk Vietnam and the like is going to join forces with Japan considering the history? Karma my dear, karma.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


What's hypocritical about it, if you bother to read her comments on this thread

First of all, please do not call me "brother" I am in no way related to you. Secondly, for someone to have an opinion should be their right, you are not the monitor on this website -name calling doesn't make you any better.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

A+b/a=a/b≡? - You probably need to read a little better. Nobody has used the word "brother" in these comments apart from you.

Relax, bro ;)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

All readers, please stay on topic and keep the discussion civil. Fovus your comments on the story, not at each other.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I recommend you back to your own post Jul. 28, 2012 - 10:26PM JST , and note carefully, whom you addressed it to. If you make a mistake, admit it.

I addressed it to you, because you were quoting what Smith was saying (JUL. 28, 2012 - 09:26PM JST) and in his post (JUL. 28, 2012 - 09:12PM JST), he was talking about Yuri. For your benefit, this is what Smith said about Yuri:

Yuri DAILY demands the US forces leave Okinawa, and then when it comes to issues with China demands their...


So, to answer your question again, I was talking to you, but I wasn't talking ABOUT you. It's not always about you. Sorry, but I'm not playing games anymore.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A + B: "Can you provide the link so I can read this story? Very curious as to where you got this info."

Whether China actually said so or not doesn't dismiss the fact that IF China said so they would not. The US will not step into the island issue aside from verbally berating China and saying they stand behind Japan -- they aren't going to risk WWIII, and with China owning so much of the US already there's nothing the US would risk doing for a few rocks.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Guys - Just-a-bigguy doesn't provide facts. None will be coming. That was just pro-Chinese propaganda. Nothing new. Accusations of this and that, but nothing ever supported with facts.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japan cannot count on US power in a confrontation with China because the foremost security threat for the United States is its financial deficit.

US Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged as much last year. China currently holds nearly $2 trillion in US Treasury, agency and other securities. In any serious confrontation, or in the lead-up to it, China would naturally sell or demand repayment of its US debt holdings. The disastrous consequences for the US economy are now being factored into the US Defense Department’s scenario analyses. The military power of the United States cannot be relied on to turn against its Chinese banker.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

mergui1205Aug. 01, 2012 - 05:23PM JST

Japan cannot count on US power in a confrontation with China because the foremost security threat for the United >States is its financial deficit. US Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged as much last year. China currently holds >nearly $2 trillion in US Treasury, agency and other securities. In any serious confrontation, or in the lead-up to it, >China would naturally sell or demand repayment of its US debt holdings.

The flaw with this is argumernt is that anytime relations have become hostile with another country the US has historically seized and frozen all of their US based assests. Those Treasuries could not be sold nor can anyone demand repaypayment, in other words they would have zero value.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan is testing if it can lure Americans to fight wars the Japanese want. If not, they can "freely" divert more Fukushima disaster relief funds to finish building their nuclear WMD capabilities.

Japanese politicians are tiny robber barons. Thank god they're so inept at that as well.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


You do realize the Vietnam has been victorious against China in the past, don't you? What makes you so sure that Vietnam is unable to hold their own against China?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The ignorant idea of everyone standing up to China is just going to get a lot of people killed over greed.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Japan is looking at what's happening close by and correctly taking precautions.

China is the aggressor, make no mistake. It has recently created a new municipality on a disputed island, called it Sansha, and stuck 1000 people on it. It is an island also claimed by the Philippines and Vietnam.


Looks like China has decided to use force in the area.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This is just psychological warfare by China, seeing what kind of mania they can stir up in NIPPON!!!

They are not going to make an aggressive move with their armed forces, that would be self-defeating.

Since the governor of Tokyo and even the Japanese central government have embarked on plans to "buy" the islands, what do you expect?

Gun Boat Diplomacy!?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"I get he feeling that the world (NATO mainly) wouldn't be bothered much even if China takes these islands woth military force. Japan is not very important to the West, as its economy doesn't seem to be ever catch up to China and Korea, and China has long taken the place that Japan had until the 90s. If Japan stays stubborn like a child, then it will be treated like a child. That is, ignored until it changes its behaviour."


First of all, what exactly would you expect NATO to do. Other than urge the parties involved to use diplomacy on the issue of the islands, there's not much more for the North Atlantic Traty Organization to do, seeing as how Japan isn't a NATO ally (member). NATO is bound to come to the defense of NATO members only, hence their policy of "An attack against one of us, is an attack against all of us" or something to that effect. Japan had the chance to be seen as one not to mess with on the issue, when they had the captain of the Chinese trawler in custody, and well within their rights to do so. Yet, Japan caved under pressure from the Chinese no less, and released the captain without any consequence for the offense whatsoever.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Here, here tmarie. Great post.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

These islands obviously belong to Japan, China is just instigating the matter.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Maybe it's better for the world if east Asia finally lets some fists fly and resolve their issues. Akin to having to dogs fight it out once.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I get he feeling that the world (NATO mainly) wouldn't be bothered much even if China takes these islands woth military force. Japan is not very important to the West, as its economy doesn't seem to be ever catch up to China and Korea, and China has long taken the place that Japan had until the 90s. If Japan stays stubborn like a child, then it will be treated like a child. That is, ignored until it changes its behaviour.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


If China so much as sneezes in her sleep Japan will back down quicker than timid kitten at the dog pound for the rapidly insane.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The Noda government is paranoid, he has no balls when things goes wrong!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


What is hypocritical or foolish as to warrant the wish to be free of a foreign power inside one's own homeland?

It's hypocritical when you turn around and ask for US's help with a war many people don't want. And it's hypocritical when you ask for war but are living far away (in USA no less!!!) and won't be caught in the action.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


@puke: how do you know where I live? Did it occur to you that I live in Japan? Perhaps not. By the way... can you expand on the "asking for war" part of your reply? I am not comprehending what you are trying to say.

Yes, it did occur to me that you may be living in Japan, which is why I was referring to Yuri, and not you. Go back a few posts to refresh your memory.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

In a somewhat related news, the Philipines are taking bids for exploration of gas/oil fields in the disputed South China Sea upsetting, of course, the Chinese.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

No, this is the way to go. China is bitching with not just Japan, Vietnam & Philippines are in it too, the same territorial disputes. If these countries don't apply force, China will never shut up.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Brilliantly, Chinese gov is teaching their people that half of Asia is China's and want to reclaim everything.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The japanese laws were never valid in high seas, why they released the trawler capatin after ramming their coast guard ship? Because they were not enforcing the law within their territory!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Dear Smith, I hope it were only a sweet tango, but it isn't. China is bitching with every neighbor. Be it India, or Vietnam, or Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan. See the point?

The reason is, it has always been China's ambition to conquer the world. If you look back into history, they've made countless attempts to invade every neighboring country, but their asses were handed back to them. Now they think they are strong enough and want to take control of the world again.

I'm all for peace, but the Chinese gov is definitely not. They are USA wannabe, want to be the boss. Don't get me wrong, I'm living in US and I know most of the US people are friendly peace lovers, with the exception of the top top governors and the weaponry industry.

I really really wish the Chinese would stop and reflect on their stupid actions. Every war mongrel too.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

toguro, The Vietnam Peoples navy has 7 frigates and 11 corvettes against the Chinese Peoples Navy. Then again if we stand united against the Chinese foe, we can not lose.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I am really happy to see those paranoid statement from the Noda government, what he likes to do is his business! For my interest is pushing the Chinese government exerted from the military to abolish the no first use of nuclear arsenal committment, an outdated game rule not lived up with the rise of China!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

HansNFranzJul. 28, 2012 - 05:05PM JST

Maybe it's better for the world if east Asia finally lets some fists fly and resolve their issues. Akin to having to dogs fight it out once.

I've been saying this for years,

The problem with the japanese is that they think they lost the 1941-45 to the US and allies, and while they have accepted the penalties that such a defeat entailed from those powers, they don't think they lost the war per se.The Russians, Koreans and Chinese had nothing to do with Japan's defeat, so they think, and therefore all pre-1941 territorial positions and agreements are still valid.

Add to this that most japanese alive today, thanks to censorship and a white-washed education system, don't really know - forget the token lip service - about the horror and cruelty the Japanese imposed on the rest of north east Asia before and during WW 2, I had a very intelligent PhD student last week tell me that Nanking never happened. Therefore most Japanese today don't understand the still present dislike and distrust of Japan from her north east Asian neighbours.

Really, we, here in Asia, are in a Europe of the 1920's-30's, where Germany created its own mythology of the first world war, which evntually led to a second world war. It was only with the total defeat and destruction of Germany in 1945 that Germany accepted the position and consequences of being the vanquished.

Maybe Japan needs the same.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

herefornowJul. 28, 2012 - 08:26AM JST

sfjp330 -- nonsense. The U.S. is in a no-win situation here if this escalates. On the one hand we have a mutual >defense pact with Japan. But, on the other, we know that China will be the dominant economic power in Asia for the >foreseeable future, so we can't afford to bite that hand.

No, the above is nonsense. If you honestly think for a moment that we are afraid of China because of their "predicted economic power in the future" you're in dreamland. Ths is the fallacy sputed by every China supporter.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Is U.S. advising Japan to be more aggressive on the Senkaku issue or is Japan handling this issue sperately and independently? Seems like this is typical of U.S. advising Japan to instigate the problem and send out the small fish ponds in a chess game to see what the reaction of China will be. China might bite the bait.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

The Japanese Coast Guard cannot secure the Senkaku Islands by themselves. Send the SDF there. The Red Chinese Government is too chicken to occupy the Islands by force anyway.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Japan lodged two formal complaints with Beijing last week summoned the Chinese ambassador to Japan in protest.

Why didnt they call back their ambassador out of beijiang forever, he has committed treason and trail him in tokyo supreme court!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Forgot to add, I met lots of Chinese people in US too. They wouldn't give a crap about that. It's the arrogant government's stupid action.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Japan have had ebough of China and China have had enough of Japan, thats the real situation! The wars of our frandfathers has started but without ending, lets continue their wars and leaves it to our grandchildren to carry on!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

@sfjp330:The U.S. is in a no-win situation here if this escalates

There were more than 46million americans rely on foodstamps to survive, America is in the darkest situation since 1973 oil crisis, a conflict with China will sure brought her own to bigger troubles! America's so called committment to her asian allies were totally rubbish, a hoax to fools those naives to stick closer her belly! You know China told Obama not to attack North Korea in 2010 after sinking the south Korean frigate and that indicated America is know-towing to Chinese leader commands! If America cant afford the escalation of Korean peninsula, how can they afford to take a much larger enemy who holds the biggest chunk of their debts!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


So, you think your own nation has been pure of such atrocities during wars/battles? Surely you can't be that naive.

Relativism is the last refuge of a vanguished argument.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

smithinjapan, there is an important difference between Japan and the other countries having trouble with China. We have the means to fight back! The PI and Vietnam is helpless against China. Once China can take those islands, we would have to be the aggressors. Appeasement does not work! What you are saying now was said about the Nazi. Look what happened when they let Hitler have his temper tantrum? When China comes to take what is ours, we will fight them! They will be coming and soon, appearing weak makes us irresistible to them.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

I say bring it on.

Japan needs to learn who is number one in Asia now and the Chinese would feel better with a little payback for the 20,000,000 they lost between 1937-45.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

You don't understand ,do you. It's China that created the tension. If Japan backed down now, next they will claim Okinawa is China's too. And then, the whole Japan, and Hawaii, and guess what, one day they will claim that America is Chinese soil. Deploying military is the right decision.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

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