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© 2012 AFP
N Korean rocket passes over Okinawa; U.N. Security Council to meet
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Another failure, it is being reported.
where is this being reported? can't seem to find breaking news anywhere! =(
In the Asahi. (In Japanese, obviously).
Why did they not attempt to shoot it down. All of these threats from Japan and the US of "harsh punishments" for launching their rocket are empty. Without taking any action ever how are they supposed to deter NK from doing it again and again. It's like saying to a bully: "You better stop that or you're going to make me angry, and you don't want to see me when I'm angry" then instead of turning into the Hulk, going to a spa and grabbing a gelato afterwards.
Princess Sheila
To my wife be safe
No word on the success yet.
Japanese Yahoo reported it as the second failure this year, following the April launch.
NK should ask China for a refund.
Because the warning to shoot it down was if the missile ever threatened to fall onto Japanese territory. Not a general threat to shoot it down at all costs. It's all in the fine print.
The earlier Japan Yahoo 'failure' news has been erased. The only comment I can still find is this, suggesting that the third stage fell into the sea 300 km off the Philippines. J Yahoo: 一方、日本メディアによると、日本政府は北朝鮮が発射したロケットが同日午前10時5分、フィリピン沖に落下したと発表した。
"The missile that North Korea calls a satellite..."
I don't think they call the ROCKET (which Japanese media call a missile) a satelitte, but rather insist it CONTAINS a satellite, for which the rocket is intended to put in orbit (if you believe them). In any case, seems it was more successful than the last launch, which is troubling.
Amidalism: "Why did they not attempt to shoot it down."
Two reasons: a) they said they would shoot it down only if it appeared debris would fall on Japanese soil. b) what if the interceptor failed? that would mean not only a loss of face, but bragging rights for NK. Better to give the illusion they COULD have shot it down but chose not to, just in case.
I can think of two reasons why they didn't attempt to shoot the rocket down. 1) the north koreans aren't really right in their minds, and gets provoked by anything. Who knows how they would respond to a shoot down (although it's not okay that north korea is existing anyhow) 2) it's a chance for japanese intelligence to get data on north koreans current technology by watching the rocket.
Galactus Jack
Most news international news sources, including S. Korea and Japan report the three stage rocket flew over the island of Okinawa and landed near R.P.... sounds like some sort of success and not a failure.
Millions of people are starving in NK. Hundreds of thousands are being tortured in political concentration camps. Average NK citizens live in dire fear of the secret police. Billions of dollars wasted on the glorification of a deceased mass murderer. The world's largest stockpile of poison gas and germ warfare weapons in the hands of an 20-something incipient megalomaniac. And now this feeble attempt at ICBM development in the guise of pseudo-science. The pogrom against the poor denizens of NK by its paranoid junta clique will go down in history as one of the worst crimes ever perpetrated.
Found this on J Yahoo: 日本政府は、発射された機体が10時1分ごろ沖縄県上空を通過し、10時5分ごろにフィリピンの東方約300キロの太平洋に落下したと見られると発表した。
The above quote from J Yahoo says the Japanese government announced the object fired passed over Okinawa at 10:01 and at 10:05 fell into the Pacific 300km off the Philippines.
If the pieces fell within the windows previously announced by the DPRK, then it does sound like some kind of success. The real proof will come if we hear an announcement of a satellite safely in orbit.
Galactus Jack
We can only guess as to the reason for not "shooting" down North Korea's missile. Obviously, it was not for the reason (a) you placed in your comment. because.....
As others have posted, I can't help feel bad for the average Kim in DPRK. Even if the launch is a sucess, it's such old technology. I can see the point of self reliance, but they're being left in the dust.
I think it's really in the hands of a deep seated military leadership. They look so self important everytime I see them on TV clapping away while everything around them looks 50 years out of date.
Poor irresolute Japan- so much for the Samurai spirit !..........................noone wil ltake it seriously anymore.
Okinawa was too busy with other matters didnt see the Rocket overhead! haha
So an Osprey lands and the local Okinawans try downing it with kites. Meanwhile NK shoots an actual freakin' MISSILE over their land and they sit around doing nothing!? Come on people, get your priorities right!
To busy protesting the osphrey, than to look up and see a rocket?
my buddy in Okinawa said he just saw 2 US fighter jets take off when teh rocket flew over Okinawa....that is US fighter jets...not JSDF! Please remind all the Okinawans they need the US troops there or they would be speaking Chinese
Just what the people of Okinawa didn't need. Now a rocket overhead in addition to the dangerous military bases and personnel occupying their island.
I don't see any irresolution here. The Japanese said they'd shoot down the rocket if it looked set to fall on Japanese territory. It didn't, they didn't. End of story.
this is what i had predicted two days ago and got three thumbs down :)
Just found a short article on J Yahoo quoting Japanese experts are saying it may have been just a test of their rocket and there is uncertainty whether it was even the same rocket that NK had originally been preparing to launch last week. 日本の軍事専門家によれば、北朝鮮が打ち上げたこのロケットが元の計画で東倉里から打ち上げる予定とされた衛星と同一のものであるかどうかは不明だ。また、今回の打ち上げが、北朝鮮の長距離ロケット技術のために行ったテストではないかとの指摘もでている。
The Japanese TV just reported a satellite was successfully launched into space.
It was high above Okinawa, where does a countries airspace end? The UN said missile test but not satellite launch. Makes me wonder if their Satellite is going around the earth every 90 minutes?
combinibento, and what was the military doing as well?
smithinjapanDec. 12, 2012 - 10:56AM JST
If it has a guidance system and can be used to carry a potentially dangerous payload, it's perfectly acceptable to call it a missile. All NK rockets pull double duty as surface attack or ICBMs, so it doesn't matter what the actual payload was this time.
basroil using that thinking Japan could not launch satellites.
megosaa time mark..
damn computer lag...
What is this so called satellite used for? ...Military? I know, everyone should of shot it down, and keep NK sanctioned, airspace and all...Why let them gain intel...? Is the satellite in orbit or the deep blue sea?
Most of the world's people tend to be trusting of others' intentions and want to believe what others say.
If NK says it's a rocket, then people will give them the benefit of the doubt. Without hard proof the world will hesitate and continue to believe the best.
Like a teenager lying to his/her parents, NK has always played on the world's gullibility.
I wonder how many billions of yen were wasted "protecting" Japan from this rocket launch.
Does anyone have any idea?
The US has two Cobra Ball intelligence gathering airplanes in Okinawa helping to monitor the situation. When and if they decide to disseminate the information that they have gathered is one thing.
But to suggest that the Japanese are doing nothing is absurd as well. Both the US and Japan are working in conjunction with each other to determine the best course of action.
Because Article 9 of the Constitution postulates that Japan Self Defense Forces can shoot back only if a rocket/aircraft/ship, etc. attacks the sovereign territory. With no attack being launched (reportedly no damage was caused) the JSDF was not legally allowed to “counter”-attack, or in other words to shoot back and destroy the rocket/missile.
Galactus Jack: "We can only guess as to the reason for not "shooting" down North Korea's missile. Obviously, it was not for the reason (a) you placed in your comment. because....."
Even in the quotation you post you clearly acknowledge it did not land on Japanese SOIL, which was the stated condition for shooting it down. They said nothing about shooting it down if debris was going to land in the sea. So thank you for backing up my point.
There is a dark side too. This launch is the bright news.
The dark side is, as Shiniyata said above, hundreds of thousands in filthy concentration camps.
basroil: Then Japan's H-II rockets can also be called missiles, by your definition, and therefore the media should stop calling the H-IIs 'rockets' and start panicking and calling them 'missiles', no?
"All NK rockets pull double duty as surface attack or ICBMs, so it doesn't matter what the actual payload was this time."
The payload most certainly DOES matter, or are you saying it wouldn't matter if it was plutonium instead of the supposed satellite?
UFO, Rocket, Osphrey ??? Okinawa is under an unbrella of ill tiding's...North Korea is the main reason for it all...
According to CNN:
The article continues with an interview with a NK spokesman who said, "In fact, it wasn't a simple satellite, it was a SPACE STATION - and it has a Jacuzzi and a 50-meter tall statue of Kim Jong Il made entirely from gold! And a laser - a "space laser." Why are you all walking away? Pay attention, I'm talking here! Wait 'til you hear about the Stairway to Heaven!"
There is no confirmation of a satellite.
ka_chanDec. 12, 2012 - 01:16PM JST
The pentagon has just confirmed it left something in orbit successfully.
this comment is classic. Sorry sensitive guy.
According to CNN:
North Korea says its rocket has successfully put a satellite into orbit, state-run Korean Central News Agency says.
The article continues with an interview with a NK spokesman who said, "In fact, it wasn't a simple satellite, it was a SPACE STATION - and it has a Jacuzzi and a 50-meter tall statue of Kim Jong Il made entirely from gold! And a laser - a "space laser." Why are you all walking away? Pay attention, I'm talking here! Wait 'til you hear about the Stairway to Heaven!"
@smithinjapan I do agree with you regarding fact that it is a rocket launch and not a missile launch, and to accuse the DRK of ballistic missile testing, I would think that it is up to any nation to decide its defense needs and let us not talk of the nation being impoverished by the autocratic leadership... The African continent has been for centuries impoverished, and is still being impoverished, not only by an embargo-like control on the transfer of technology, but especially by western supported leaders whose personal fortunes stashed in western banks and benefitting western economies can, many times over, write out the debts these nations, liberating resources for health, educational and infrastructure programs...come to think of it, lets not forget that many potentially rich nations in Africa have their Human Development Indexes lower than that of DRK, but their life presidents are not being obliged under UN sanctions to repatriate stolen money to feed their people. How many young Africans perish on desperate crossings of the Med sea or freeze to death in aircraft cargo hauls or landing gears? On the other hand, lets not forget that Japan has ballistic missile capability as well as potentially the ability to go nuclear with two or lest years...don't mind the constitution, a self defense force or an army is just a matter of semantics... In the world of today, who can be trusted with the truth? I bet that was what justified the second gulf war against Iraq...
smithinjapanDec. 12, 2012 - 12:48PM JST
Why does it have to be one or the other? We know nothing about the "satellite", and it could be using plutonium batteries for all we know (thermoelectric coupling with plutonium core, small ones can give off about 60W which means up to about 15W power), or radioactive heaters.
Many applauds will coming from South Koreans
Well, taxpayers, are you satisfied? WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY! Earthquake damage, deteriorating schools, lack of care for the elderly, but, the military looked so polished standing around doing nothing when everyone knew that nothing was going to happen.
Can anyone explain how or WHO notifies commercial airliners NOT to be in the flight path of an unpredictable missile? How does that work exactly? Or does the DPRK just shoot it off hoping that a plane full of people doesn't happen to be in the way? Curious....
NK Satellite, reaches space.
Now that NK has a bird's eye up in space, how about some food, and medicine for the people...and less military pride.
I don't see what the big deal is.....
They would do far better to make sure their poulation is fed properly. Imagine having to applaud another rocket launch whilst the state, on which you are entirely dependent for food, allocates your portion according to the amount of loyalty you show to the cause.
There is no progress in the rocket launch. It's wildly irresponsible by a cruel and sadistic regime.
Well, hate to say it, but someone should demolish that sattelite until NK learns to play by international rules. Once they learn to play by the rules, then launch your sattelites.
Neither do the starving masses in NK, I imagine.
Here are some excerpts from another source,, which tells a completely different story. One of the subtitles they use is "GETTING INTO ORBIT". Relating to the capability of the carrier rocket they say
"That was enough to get the Kwangmyongsong satellite into orbit, a historic victory for North Korean scientists who had four failures since 1998, including April's first-stage flameout 90 seconds after launch."
They also comment that
"Getting a satellite into orbit is an extremely tricky undertaking, requiring all of a rocket's complex systems to operate at peak efficiency."
Bipolar country.
If you swivel this thing around to point it at Australia or the USA for example, where are the intermediate stages calculated to fall, or wouldn't it matter?
Why all the fuss and FUD over NK launching a satellite into Earth orbit?
Yesterday the US launched a "Secret Space Plane" on a mystery mission:
Why isn't this news?
We don't know what this is, either.
Manami Medoruma
I live in Okinawa. When North Korea launched a rocket, I was in class and many i-phone rings an emergency alarm. After the alarm, they said "oh my god! North Korea launched a rocket toward Okinawa." We were very frightened. I hope no more rocket launch and terror.
You do NOT "shoot down" a missile when the trajectory shows it to be headed somewhere harmless.
First off, there is intelligence to be learned. Trust me... we learned a lot from this launch.
Secondly, since it's not headed anywhere dangerous, you'll just give the little madman a soapbox to accuse the world of everything under the sun, including the lack of crops in the North.
Nahh... let him play his reindeer games. If one of 'em ever targets someone's SOIL, take it out and send the fat turd a daisy cutter to downtown Pyongtaek.
BertieWoosterDec. 12, 2012 - 05:44PM JST
1) This isn't the first attempt the US made, it's the third, and all were successful.
2) The US rocket was launched from an optimal location close to the equator, in towards the Atlantic Ocean where there are few, if any, densely populated places within the 2000 mile track.
3) The rocket (Atlas V) is a commercial and military satellite transport system designed from the ground up for NON-WEAPONIZED LAUNCH. While you can theoretically put a bomb into space and then have it launch itself, it's pretty stupid because the USA already has dedicated ICBM rockets that have better control and faster deployment.
4) NK launched a completely unknown payload, pointed at three countries and several million people with an ICBM rocket.
Comparing the two launches is like comparing a swimming pool to a gas execution chamber. Sure they use the same technology (chlorine) for a similar purpose (killing bacteria/people), but the intents and possible outcomes are vastly different.
and SK is secretly applauding waiting for the time for the unification and gladly point it against Japan together with an armed nuclear warhead...
basroil, I am afraid that you are confused: The Korean carrier rocket was also designed from the ground up for non-weaponized launch. It is not an ICBM, and was not pointed at anybody. Its payload is known to be a satellite.
Even nuke nations like India and Pakistan still not possessed ICBM. It can not be developed within a few years. Both Hamas and NK have improved their long range capability. May be NK can develop ICBM With MRITV in the future.If they want to attack Japan, it does not required such a long range. Their real target is other side of Pacific.
How will Dear Fatty respond when the world cuts off food supplies in response to this launch? Is he going to throw a tantrum and rain rockets down on Seoul? Aid sanctions will unfortunately hurt the general people, but it will be the only way this crazy regime will learn, and hopefully improve, or ultimately collapse.
Actually many S Koreans are having a bad day today being beaten by their poor crazy brethren up north in successfully launching a rocket of that size. SK have tried and failed four times with the most recent one at the end of last month.
It's like the Russians beating the Americans in the manned space launch.
For this situation I will say this. Though the launch of a rocket or missile by North Korea was probably not the wisest thing to do, and I am sure they will be further sanctioned for it. At the very least they let the rest of the world know they were going to do it. It is the missile that they don't pre announce the launch for that I would be very concerned about. I have no problems with the North Koreans per se, its the government that is too blame for all the trouble that happens with them. The average NK citizen only cares about the same things everyone else in the world cares about. Taking care of their family and having a decent life for themselves. It is unfortunate that they are forced to live in a place that controls every aspect of their lives and after 60 years of this they really don't know any other way. They are blind to what the rest of the world thinks of their leaders and actions because of those very leaders, told lies and twisted truths and today for them it was probably a proud day to hear of a successful "Space" Rocket Launch. The sad truth is that the only way that their situation will change is if their government goes away and they are provided a chance to think for themselves for the first time in many decades.
To those that would suggest that the outside world has no right to protest this launch I would remind you of this. The NK government never keeps its promises to anyone including the Chinese who are their closest friend. That have said many times that they will attack and reunite the 2 Koreas and destroy Japan and the USA. As a Japanese or American or anyone for that matter you would seriously question their motives and any actions they take.
I am only sorry that it is the normal NK citizen that will be hurt by the repercussions of their governments actions.
Anyone who would like to see what it is like inside the North I encourage you to check out VICE news's Guide to North Korea (you can find it on the net.) for a pretty objective look at NK.
On the other hand, if Cuba had launched a MiSaRiRu towards - , I dunno, the Bermudas, what kind of reaction would you anticipate from the USA? Japan is quite justified to be concerned. No news on how the Philippines felt?
Amazing how it's OK for China, Russia, the U.S,. Japan, etc., to launch rockets, but not North Korea.
Anri Nakamine
I was surprised what they did today. The announcement in Okinawa said missile past threw above our town. That made me so scared and didn’t know what to do. Why they use the money for missile even people there are so starving or need food. Why they try to fight with us??
Looks like my prediction is correct and the satellite has entered orbit. How long it maintains it is the question? Also if it is under any semblance of control? In time it will reenter the atmosphere and burn up. About being scared in Okinawa, it did not come within 100 miles and straight up on a trajectory sending it into orbit. The rocket is at best 50 years out of date and would make an awkward weapon. So they put a Sputnik in orbit, do not see what is so wrong. The world is overreacting to this event.
I think the point was that even N.K. wasn't calling the missile a "satellite". That term is reserved for the payload that's intended to enter orbit. The "missile" was the launch vehicle and fell back to Earth. So "missile" and "satellite" are two completely different entities.
That's because the leaders of those countries are not bat-(guano) insane, unlike North Korea's "leaders".
The baseless fear and hysteria, as well as the misinformation and incitement, which are spread and cultivated among the population, are astonishing. Can't they just tell the people "we dispatch satellites and spacecrafts regularly, and so our neighbor did the same"?
First, the report by South Korean intelligence that there is a significant problem with the launch and hence a major delay. Then comes a successful launch by NK coupled with the fact that SK has not only failed their own version but the latest one being delayed for uncertain time. Just a bad day for South Koreans.
Sorry fellow armchair strategists, looks like it's a success for the North Korean and no need to ask China for a refund.
Continue to belittle your enemies and most likely you will be caught with your mouth opened when the brown stuff hit the fan. Just sayin'..............
Mike Critchley
"its second this year after a much-hyped but botched mission in April—is for peaceful scientific purposes"
Scientific research. Like research whaling and other BS research projects.
Well played, Pak-Un, well played...
Yeah, looks like I owe you a bottle of Okinawa's best.
NK may have put a satellite into orbit but satellite launch technology and ICBM technology are the same thing. The US Gemini capsules flew on the top of an ICBM launch platform. So, no matter what the payload was this time, the launch escalates the NK threat. If you can put an object in orbit the only other bit is where do you want it to some down. Re-entry technology is 50 years old.
Why NK did this is anybody's guess. I don't see any progress made in negotiations and this certainly isn't a good way to start them.
This successful NK launch makes us to believe that NK can attach a nuclear warhead now and can easily aim at US and possibly attack Alaska, Hawaii someday. This is very serious.
I've always told people that I don't believe in God but I do believe in Evil. Mankind has demonstrated that Evil does exist in this world through acts of Fear, Murder, Torture, Threats, Intimidation, Despotism, and the Evil Lust for Power and Control. The Communist regime of North Korea operates under the umbrella of Communist China. These 2 Communist Regimes are Evil. They demonstrate acts of Evil by Manufacturing, Testing, and Delvering Weapons of Mass Destruction throughout Asia and the Middle East. This Rocket Launch was not only a "Provocative Act" (as coined by the Media), but an act of Evil and an act of Fear and Intimidation to their neighboring countries that practice Democracy and Freedom!
Got to applaud the North Koreans for their efforts. They were able to do this despite outside opposition and little to start with unlike their counterparts out South where they steal/copy technology and later claim that it's their own when it succeeds while blame someone else when it fails.
Hahaha Japan talks big but it's all bark no bite. They talk...but take no action, once again... Empty promises.
Just a matter of time before Iran and North Korea become real close friend's then, maybe Russia and China, then turn on us all in the name of Israel's destruction , and all other's who do not conform to the sacred teaching's of Islam. Islamic power to truly trying to gain control and rule the world, with a new Muslin Brotherhood. North Korea could possibly open that door,... now.... Just a thought...
Saketown, since you raise this point, I would like to ask you as follows: Could you recall who OPERATED weapons of mass destruction in Asia? Do you remember where it was?
The payload was about 30 miles under where it was supposed to orbit, so whatever it is, it's going to fall to earth sooner rather than later. On the other hand it was a big deal that NK media even told it's people that the last one failed. NK is about where Russia was in the 1950s. Bad news is the program is very obviously about putting a warhead a rocket and hitting the Japan, US, etc.
I feel a war coming on, anyone else? At least China was also asking Pyongyang not to launch the missle
China Wong
us n japan goverment so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, they said want to shotdown ????????
us n japan = real PaperTiger !!!!!!!!
It is actually called a booster and the difference is the payload. A missile would have a guidance platform, heat shield and warhead. The satellite has a extra booster and it is its own guidance. It is probably a Sputnik type (no guidance) and will stay in the orbit it was inserted. In time the orbit will decay and it will renter and be destroyed. The difference is one sets up the proper orbit and the other a ground target. Similar but different and the North would have to test it as a missile. We would know for sure if this happens.
Enough hysterical slogans. North Korea has launched a rocket and placed a first satellite into the orbit. A great ahievement for the tiniest country.
If NK's target with a nuke is a developed country they don't need a reentery vehicle to cause mass panic. They can detonate within the stratosphere which cause a massive EMP which will knock out most of the electrical systems within a 3~500Km radius.
Chief government spokesman Osamu Fujimura said 'We cannot tolerate this...' Considering the obfuscation, inaction, and lack of accountability relating to the Fukushima NPP catastrophe; leaving a whole population living in shelters now over a year and a half along; allowing the restarting of the Oi NPPs before the newly formed regulatory agency was installed; insane chatter about meddling with the Constitution Article 9, the no war article; drafting new plans for Monju, one of the most spectacular and most covered-up failures of the Jpns atomic village; pork-barrel politics and fiscal management leading to sovereign debt of 230% of GDP; failure to address the shrinking population issue, it does seem like 'they' can tolerate a lot. Japan does not need to worry about external threats: inflexibility and clinging to a status quo that became unviable long ago, Japanese leadership is doing an efficient job at tanking the country on their own. If Japan is to have a credible voice in international affairs, whether is be NK missiles, ASEAN, or multi-lateral currency interventions, it must demonstrate some responsibility at home first.
i'm glad jp didn't shoot it down coz if they did...impending war