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© KYODONagasaki survivor urges nuke weapons abolition at U.N. treaty confab
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I guarantee you that if Japan could access the nuclear bomb, they would use it .
thanks to the nuclear bomb, the WAR and Kamikaze stopped.
Nagasaki survivors are used to create victim propaganda.
Indeed, Japan is a US colony and partner where the US own thousands of nuclear warhead.
if Japan is sensitive about nuclear bombs, then Why does Japan not apply sanctions on the US....
Ricky Kaminski13
Although the sentiment of this old fella is still worthy, unfortunately you just need to take one look at the world right now to realize that we are not even a single step closer to this lofty nuclear weapon free world goal.
In fact , if anything , we are just regressing back to what maybe the base imbedded human program to rabid tribalism , irrationality, barbarism (and barbarism apologists) and self destruction. Let’s just hope the final counter philosophy of nuclear weapons as a deterrent holds. If not, it’s game over.
The world is a tinderbox again and we have watched it crumble one brick at a time. We do it to ourselves too, and it makes you really wonder if there is some sort of inherent flaw in our genes or something. The cruelest irony is that you meet people individually, no matter where they hail from and in most cases , face to face, they are wonderful. But then somehow this team stuff kicks in and we all go blind.
Was never really religious, but may god help us all.
They'd have to apply them on Russia, China, and India, too. Doesn't leave a whole lot of countries left to trade with.
I am not a fan of nukes, but right now they are literally saving lots of lives. Nukes stopped WW2 and we didn’t have any wars between countries who have nukes on both sides. All the countries should have access to nuclear weapons.
How is that going to work out with Yemen and other countries with civil wars having nukes?
Sorry, but it’s not going to happen.
Mr Kipling
The wonderful thing about nuclear weapons is that they give weak countries the ability to stand up to stronger countries. That is why the US will never go to war again with North Korea and NATO will not actively get involved in Ukraine.
You're right, it was absolutely shameless how Russia lied to get Ukraine to get rid of its nukes.
What a ridiculous claim.
thanks for the correction!