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© 2013 AFPNew Chinese video game lets players retake disputed islands
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Steven C. Schulz
I wonder if they took their cues from the Argentinian game that lets players "retake" the Falkland Islands. Likeminded states thinking alike. Maybe their next blockbuster can be Taiwan Conquest.
I wonder if they'll have a side mission where you can run over protesting students with a tank.
Bwahahahahahha! How childish can China get?
...and what if a Japanese person played this game?
Mirai Hayashi
Have at it hoss. Seems pretty damn silly that the Chinese Military is backing it.
If it was a private company I don't think you could really complain much.. but being backed by the military puts it in a pretty bad light.
Surely a more realistic game would have the Chinese practicing surrendering to the Japanese?
I'm just waiting for the Square Enix version of Senkaku island RPG?
On the third hand, it's about politics.
So, does that mean in this game they are fighting against Americans and Russians?
Ex Animo
I believe the game title is 光荣使命 written in Chinese characters.
And guess what, other games allow zombies to take over the world -- doesn't mean they have, or they will.
Not really a big deal, The USA has tons of big title games where Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, et all are getting their butts handed to them, got to remember its just a game.
"New Chinese video game lets players retake disputed islands..."
Interesting Game for the PLA, however, how can you RETAKE something that never belonged to you?
That would be called "WE'RE TAKING IT ANYWAY!" right?
we hate to see the shoe on the other foot don't we? 'Call of Duty' we think, the pinnacle of maturity, 'Protect the Daiyou'? man, that's just sacrilege, someone is going to hell. Don't get me wrong, I Couldn't agree more! U.S.A., U.S .A, U.S .A ! Peace on the seven seas !
Mirai Hayashi
They are all done by private companies and don't get backing from the US Military.
Ah yeah, I see the usual PRC defenders standing up for their favorite nation to whip up the masses for war.
But, sadly for them and the PRC a war would be the worst thing that could ever happen to them, but the best thing that could happen the rest of the world.
Imagine all that real cheap labor in the hands of nations that have a better way of doing things!
Now Senkaku, than what??? Okinawa and may be whole Japan...? Hold on guys we'll have "virtual world war III".
For china admits they have to "re-take" the islands and they dont belong to them.
Anyway, as gogogo mentioned, they are basically admitting that they do not have the islands (they can only dream to have them).
No, it is still on the bad side. But I guess the Japanese side will be portrayed in a very negative way. I'd be curious to see this game, is there a trailer somewhere?
Yeah, but there was a big scandal a couple of years ago when one of those games allowed players (in multiplayer mode) to fight against the US.
Mitch Cohen
Another day, another conflict in east Asia.
And to think of the enormous mutual benefits if we had unity seen in much of Europe.
Where did it all go so wrong?
That the Chinese military is behind this game separates it from the ones we have in the west. At best simply "a game". At worst a preview of the future with an ever more powerful and aggressive Chinese military and increased nationalism and hate among the young Chinese.
Aaron Loki Brummett
Only in video games could China ever win!
Somehow, I don't think this game will be popular in Japan. It is a pretty crazy stunt, but I'm sure most people have killed Japanese in other war video games. There's not really that much difference.
They should add a portion to the game that tortures people who had never been convicted of any crimes on a remote island, like the one in Cuba, hint hint....
My last read of Tom Clancy's book, I was amazed at the popularity of US popuganda in mainstream Western society.... amazing. Chinese have much to learn!
New Chinese video game lets players retake disputed islands
That's the only way it's ever going to happen... in a children's video game for children thought up by people with the mindset of a child.
I don't see how is this different from the billions of war games we have over here in the states.
Gradually China's youth turn into overweight fantasists.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
The more they do such childsh thing, the more I laugh at them and their pathetic attitude.
Mitch Cohen
By saying the game is 'backed by' the PLA, the news seems to imply it was in some way produced, funded, or supported by them in addition to playing an advisory role to ensure authenticity.
The military playing an advisory role to movie or game producers cannot be seen as a problem really, but it won't stop posters here having a field day.
I'm not in any way a supporter of the Chinese cause, and am fully aware of all the political propaganda that seems to be an ongoing issue there. But this one is wide off the mark.
Take it to international court China, oh wait, you refused to do that.
Imagine if the Japanese SDF was backing a Japanese game about retaking Manchuria.
CGB Spender
China... a nation full of adolescent nationalists. I hope they kept the game at least realistic, with China's outdated hardware being regarded. The game will just make China look more worse to other countries. Too bad that they blinded by their arrogance and don't notice this.
OssanAmerica: "That the Chinese military is behind this game separates it from the ones we have in the west"
And you think the Japanese or American film/gaming industries don't censor or make separate footage/scenes? If I recall correctly, while FOX news was showing 'video game' footage of the war in Iraq (missile tracking, etc.) the US government was also banning photographs of US soldiers' coffins. China's movie industry is now #2 in the world in terms of sales, so Hollywood movies are changing content in which China is 'the enemy' to appeal to Chinese consumers. Other nations edit in very similar if not exactly the same way. Certain movies which paint Japan in a certain way will never appear in the movie theater, and go straight to video two years after it won Academy awards, but movies where samurai are cool are released in Japan the first in the world (time-zone-wise).
gogogo: "For china admits they have to "re-take" the islands and they dont belong to them."
Actually, if you want to be so simple and literal than more precisely 're-take' would be taking back something that previously belonged to them. Or do you agree that the drills Japan does with the US off the coast of California where they 're-take' islands means the islands in dispute do not currently belong to them? You see how easy it was to flip that kind of logic?
Another brainwash at work (targeting the young who will grow up and run the country). Seriously China (and korea) need to stop educating their young how to hate. I hope the young generation will realize this and reject from being used by their gov as 'objects'.
Not much of a story really. the news media went fishing and came up with a minnow :)
sorry, just is pretty tame topic and if the Chinese want to play games with themselves well that is better than trying it in real life..maybe it will get it out of their system and let the adults get on with managing the real world.
all of this is starting to look pretty silly.
Mitch Cohen
The story boils down to this:
A private Chinese game developer produced a computer game about capturing enemy lands, and sought advice of the Chinese military to ensure authenticity of the weaponry featured in the game.
To say the game is 'backed' by the Chinese military is an exaggeration and clickbait.
Shinjuku No Yaju
And does this mission end with US Marines with drone support re-retaking the islands? Because if it doesn't, I think all the little boys and girls are in for a rude awakening
That should help.
What happened to the Taiwan game?
Bluescript, you seem to have made a lot of enemies. Ah well, I guess those zombie scenarios are no so far fetched after all.
I support this game. If living in the fantasy of a game will help calm the communists down then I say go for it. After all, fantasy land is the only place that the PRC will ever see themselves back in control of these islands.
Ex Animo
Well unfortunately, the Command of Nanjing Military Region (南京军区) did involve in the project. Go to Baidu, type in “关荣使命” in the search engine and learn more about the developers.
Leonard Anderson
Activision teamed up with Tencent (Chinese game maker), I wonder if the next call of duty with have a Chinese twist?
As offensive to the Japanese as an online game like China's "Happy Lucky Golden Dragon Island Mission" - or whatever they call it - must be, let's put it in perspective:
The Japanese have typically produced only two types of PC game: schoolgirl anime porn that would be illegal anywhere else, and drab turn-based strategy games focused entirely on the impossible feat of actually winning the Pacific war against America.
What goes around comes around.
Your longwinded "other countries do it too" argument is rather pointless because other countries aren't authoritarian dictatorships, on a massive military buildup, teach nationalism in schools with mandatory "patriotic education", and aren't considered major threats to the region by all of their neighbors .
Frederick Shapiro
What can one say about nthe Chinese? You fill in the blanks____!
I think not. The island itself has not important structures or resources (the disputed resources are in the oceans around the island). The game would be pretty boring really, because this is how it should go if there's an ounce of realism:
Opening scene - You step off some Chinese military transport (in reality probably a commandeered fishing boat, but for drama they'll probably have you parachute down!). Yay, you and your brave Chinese Army comrades have conquered the island!
Scene 2 - Lacking any opposition you raise the Chinese flag and stand by it dramatically.
Scene 3 - 50 minutes later it starts raining bombs from fighters flying by at Mach 2 out of range of any of your puny hand-held weapons. You and all your brave (idiotic?) comrades die.
Scene 4 - 4 hours later the SDF arrives to give medical help to any survivors (slim chances). The rest of the game consists of you sitting in hospital for several months in Japan before being sent home to China in a wheelchair and spending the rest of your life in a wheelchair.
... exciting game. Not.
What worries me about this game is that it treads a little close to reality, and will give Chinese people the idea that the Chinese military has the faintest hope of standing up to the Japanese military. The reality is that the Japanese SDF is insanely strong because it isn't fighting foreign wars on 5 fronts like the U.S. military, spread across the whole world. Instead it just has to focus on one small set of islands, and it is equipped with this single function in mind. It doesn't need to waste money on equipping itself for a dozen different climates, it just needs what is required for defending Japan. Taking this into account the Japanese military spending is HUGE, and anyone testing the Japanese military would be in for a VERY unpleasant surprise.
You see this "the marines will save Japan" nonsense all the time. The truth is that Japan is perfectly capable of defending itself. The Marines in Japan are absolutely and utterly irrelevant. The U.S. Airforce would be of some assistance, but not actually required.
.. and those fabulous drones people keep on going on and on about? ... they're made in Japan. If the Japanese military doesn't have at least 3 times as many as the U.S. military I would be SERIOUSLY surprised.
Well said Frungy, and other comments also well made.
Yes this game was developed as a training exercise sort of approach to the issue. Yes, it is about the islands that Japan owns and are part of Japan but which along with a number of other disputed areas, China is making self generated claims to, mostly everyone in the region is laughing at them and mostly ignoring this, but such attempts on a large scale have to be paid some attention to. This individual issue, this game, is hardly news and should be in the entertainment section. There are literally hundreds of fantasy games both simulations and historically themed games that portray all sorts of whims and fancies about past, present and future history. This has always been part of literature, stories, operas, movies and now computer games. They are ALL fantasy, not reality. There is little chance that even the Chinese Army is so fooled by computer simulations to think this is a possibly reality. So please don't credit this project as any more than yet another game and yet another fantasy story.
As for Japanese Anime, it is far far far more than girls in risky stories, it is a huge and vastly sophisticated and accomplished literature of hundreds of thousands of stories and series of all genres, and is vastly superior to Western animation in just about every area of comparison. As for Japanese computer game development, there are some of the very best game titles being developed and released from Japanese firms and developers and they rank among the best in the world in this field. They publish among the most innovative and accomplished titles in a wide range of genres and are the cutting edge of this field. In both areas I am an expert and have been working as a researcher and facilitation and have the greatest respect for Japanese vision, skill and accomplishment in the creative fields related to both Anime and Game Development.
The virtual Chinese Army is welcome to their dreams of glory, reality will be decided by other means than computer games.
Actually the territorial dispute between China and Japan has already been settled after WWII when Japan agreed that those islands aren't part of Japan in a series of WWII peace treaties/ agreements that Japan signed with the Allies such as the Potsdam Declaration, Japanese Instrument of Surrender and San Francisco Peace Treaty.
For example, the San Francisco Peace Treaty demands that Japan gives up its claim over the South Kuril islands (the chain of islands between Hokkaido and Russia) and Ryukyu islands (the chain of islands between Taiwan/ Diaoyu islands and Kyushu). And it also obligates the US government to hand over the Ryukyu islands to the United Nations under the UN trusteeship system (UN system for decolonization founded in 1945) for future independence.
And the UN trusteeship system did help many former colonies throughout the world to gain independence since its foundation as can be seen from its website:
So instead of trying to regain the territories it lost to the Allies in WWII by force, why don't Japan honor its own words and comply with these peace treaties /agreements it signed with the Allies?
Japan made no such agreement and was in no position to do so. Territories not taken by greed or force were exempt from being taken away from Japan. The Senkakus were never taken by force or greed. How could they be, they have always been and were inhabited. It is only after China started making claims around 1970 that they claimed that the Senkakus were "taken by war". This despite Chinese maps from the 1950s and 60s showing them to be Japanese territory.
No it calls for Japan giving up the Northern Kuriles which it won from Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904/05. The Southern Kuriles were always Japanese. Why do you think the United States, the UK and European Parliament consider the four southern Kurile islands to be "Japanese territory occupied by Russia"?
Wrong, it was stipulated that Okinawa et al would become US Trusteeships. Not UN.
It is China that is breaching the Cairo and Potsdam declarations, as it was the ROC which represented China then, and it is China that is breaching the 1951 San Francisco Treaty. China (and you) are simply posing false information to justify taking Japanese territory which was never theirs, just as it is doing to other Asian countries.
Love the way some of the PRC's supporters just make up stuff to support their,"we own the world" stance.
Logic and reality take a back seat when it comes from brainwashed nationalist.
OssanJapan, the fact is Japan did make the following agreements with the Allies.
Potsdam Declaration:
"The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine."
Japanese Instrument of Surrender:
"We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China and Great Britain on 26 July 1945, at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers."
Imperial Rescript of Emperor Hirohito
"Our Empire accepts the provisions of their Joint Declaration (i.e. the Potsdam Declaration)..."
San Francisco Peace Treaty
Article 2 (c) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of 5 September 1905.
Article 3 Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole administering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29 deg. north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands)...
Obviously you didn't even bother to read. Please read Article 3 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty carefully before making such an ignorance statement. It is UN trusteeship system, the UN system for decolonization which was founded in 1945.
And the UN trusteeship system did help many former colonies throughout the world to gain independence since its foundation as can be seen from its website:
** OssanAmericaAug. 03, 2013 - 02:45AM JST
Guru29Aug. 03, 2013 - 12:13AM JST Actually the territorial dispute between China and Japan has already been settled after WWII when Japan agreed that >those islands aren't part of Japan in a series of WWII peace treaties/ agreements that Japan signed with the Allies >such as the Potsdam Declaration, Japanese Instrument of Surrender and San Francisco Peace Treaty.Japan made no such agreement and was in no position to do so. Territories not taken by greed or force were exempt from being taken away from Japan. The Senkakus were never taken by force or greed. How could they be, they have always been and were inhabited. It is only after China started making claims around 1970 that they claimed that the Senkakus were "taken by war". This despite Chinese maps from the 1950s and 60s showing them to be Japanese territory.
For example, the San Francisco Peace Treaty demands that Japan gives up its claim over the South Kuril islands (the >chain of islands between Hokkaido and Russia)No it calls for Japan giving up the Northern Kuriles which it won from Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904/05. The Southern Kuriles were always Japanese. Why do you think the United States, the UK and European Parliament consider the four southern Kurile islands to be "Japanese territory occupied by Russia"?
And it also obligates the US government to hand over the Ryukyu islands to the United Nations under the UN >trusteeship system (UN system for decolonization founded in 1945) for future independence.Wrong, it was stipulated that Okinawa et al would become US Trusteeships. Not UN.
So instead of trying to regain the territories it lost to the Allies in WWII by force, why don't Japan honor its own words >and comply with these peace treaties /agreements it signed with the Allies?It is China that is breaching the Cairo and Potsdam declarations, as it was the ROC which represented China then, and it is China that is breaching the 1951 San Francisco Treaty. China (and you) are simply posing false information to justify taking Japanese territory which was never theirs, just as it is doing to other Asian countries.**
David Elson
There are plenty of USA made video games where Japan is the enemy...
This would be more interesting if they allowed Japanese gamers to play this online and counter China's attempt to reconqure the disputed island...
Kind of like Battlefield BC2 (a game that allows players to fight against the US) except on a more international level. The winner gets the Island for real.
Or all parties to the dispute could just grow up and jointly develop the resources surrounding the dispued islands (hadn't they agreed to do this once before?) WW3 benefits no one.
Is this the standard Japanese reply when they are proven wrong?
David Elson
That's ok, if it makes it easier you can return the territory to the peaceful and democratic Republic of China (Taiwan).
Why would Japan embark on a non-viable survey for ten years to determine without any doubt that Diaoyu was terra nullius? If, as Japan claims, the ten years spent surveying the islands would mean they were likely to encounter Chinese fisherman taking shelter there in a storm and not actually terra nullius, would Japan have accepted that the islands were visited by Chinese fishermen? Then why Japan did not lay claim to Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands before 1894 the year Japan vanquished Qing China’s navy? Why wait until 1896 after Japan forced an unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki on China in 1895 to pass an imperial decree to make Diaoyu a Japanese territory? Surely it is obvious that Japan had not surveyed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands to verify that it is no man’s land or uninhabited, because Japan could not as Japan knew the islands belong to China.
That accounts why Japan could not claim to discover the islands unless by outright war of conquest, which Japan did in 1894, and issued an imperial decree in 1896 to make Diaoyu a part of the Japanese Empire after the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki. Thus it would appear to me Japan is disingenuous, as Japan well knew long before her 1894 defeat of China, the Senkaku Islands were named as Diaoyu, a fishing platform for Chinese fishermen to take refuge in storms and route markers. To say Japan surveyed ten years the islands she called Senkaku Islands was a pretence Japan did not hear of the name Diaoyu used by China for centuries before Japan renamed it Senkaku in 1900.
The truth is very much lacking from Japan. To claim terra nullius is to say no one ever lived there before, and at the point of time, the discovery was made. Thus, having ‘proved’ terra nullius, Japan purported to land in Diaoyu and claims it as a discovery. That was what precisely Japan trying to legitimise their theft and answerable to no one with what is suspiciously a big lie.
Mitch Cohen
What do the Japanese and supporters of Senkaku think about the fact that Taiwan also claims ownership of these islands? There must be more to it than Chinese making ridiculous territorial claims, if the cool-headed and pro-Japan Taiwan also makes such claims.
Here is a Taiwanese perspective on the Senkaku/Diaoyu issue, for anyone interested:
Ossan: "Your longwinded "other countries do it too" argument is rather pointless because other countries aren't authoritarian dictatorships..."
Nah, no other countries are like that at all. You don't have people with the name "America" strapped on their handle and dictating what should and shouldn't be, blaming Korean prostitutes for the world's problems, etc. etc., at all!
Oops! You do! You just CALL it another name. But please, go ahead and tell me how the governments that wipe their bums with the constitution so they can spy on their own people are so much better.
Its a video game. Meaning its a fantasy. You guys are complaining about a fantasy.
So let me get this straight, if the main character in this video game is a 4 headed alien troll trying to kill every Japanese in living in Tokyo and then take over these disputed islands, are you people going to freak as well?
Seriously? Complaining about a video game when your Finance Minister is technical praising the Nazi's constitutions. I think you guys should make a video game Jeopardy style on which Japanese leader opined those foot-in-mouth brilliant phrases. I will pay to play that game.
But hey, we live in a free world, freedom of speech, you are entitled to your opinions and posts.
I will repeat... respectfully......
the truth is the truth, trying to edit history for political causes is hardly new, but still just does not change the facts. China has no valid right to claim territory occupied and owned by other countries. It has a huge country of its own, ..a. huge population as well that is true but that is their own responsiblity, not Japan's or the fault of the other Asian nations that China is trying to bully into relinquishing territory.
The actual game play can be seen in the following YouTube link.
If any Koreans watch this, they'll see a Rising Sun Flag! a-i-go! Will they make a complaint like they did with War of Warships?
CrisGerSan: "sorry, just is pretty tame topic and if the Chinese want to play games with themselves well that is better than trying it in real life..maybe it will get it out of their system and let the adults get on with managing the real world."
What's 'hikkikomori' in Chinese, anyway?