Japan Today

New island emerges after underwater volcano eruption south of Tokyo


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Really good news.

But Japan should act quickly - China will absolutely try to claim this new land.

25 ( +33 / -8 )

Quickly stick a Japanese flag on it.

0 ( +17 / -17 )

Too late. I have already claimed it for England. God save the Queen.

Dooh, King.... Still doesn't sound right.

7 ( +25 / -18 )

Isn't nature wonderful, so the nationality of the team of geologists/scientists that first detected the phreatomagmatic eruptions?

Years from now the Government of China could naming another fully armed fortified sand castle..

Adding a few more dashes to the soon to be flexible Nine-dash line

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Send a fax to UNESCO.

-7 ( +11 / -18 )

It could disappear just as quickly so don't build an airport just yet

And there is only one King!!!

7 ( +11 / -4 )

What new island?! China has been visiting it since at least 1000 years and they have old documents to prove it!

17 ( +21 / -4 )

Tiny too tiny inhabitable

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

The headline is really misleading.

Certainly, the eruption occurred south of Tokyo, as the headline says, but it occurred near Iwojima, about 1,200 Km from Tokyo.

At any rate, Earth seems to have entered the active phase of volcanos. Be aware of Mt. Fuji, which is just sleeping for now.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

How about creating a micronation? Could base it on other successful self-proclaimed entities, like the Maritime Republic of Eastport, the Dominion of Melchizedek, or the Principality of Islandia.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Global warming? Climate change? Act of God?

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Send a fax to UNESCO.

And UNESCO would send a fax back to you saying: Do some research. And look up Unclos



0 ( +1 / -1 )

I like pumice. Always knew it floats and brought a few chunks home from Sakurajima, several years ago. Was surprised they didn't seize it at Haneda. But, back to the topic of the article - yes, it should have been headlined as 'near Iwo Jima. I can also remember a similar occurance near Iceland, years ago. The wonders of nature are truly wonderful.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Global warming, climate change, act of God ?

Nope, none of the above, just the geology of planet Earth; the article mentions a resumption if magmatic activity.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Not quite the same intensity as 78 years ago.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Global warming? Climate change? Act of God?

Is it your belief that volcanism is related to climate change..?

Please take a basic geography course. Review an episode of "Bill Nye the Science Guy", or something.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It's so rare in a lifetime to see a new island form. This is just cool stuff. I hope it gets big enough for future generations to be able to use it. Just awesome.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Today 05:45 pm JST

What new island?! China has been visiting it since at least 1000 years and they have old documents to prove it!

Chinese president Xi keeps that document in his suit pocket the same way that former US president Trump keeps the document proving his innocence.

Mods: please don't delete. Related to the island situation and having a go at world leaders (which is allowed within parameters, which are met).
2 ( +4 / -2 )

Happy Birthday!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yup, some one will come along 50 years from now and claim it, like what is happening all around us these days, wars being fought, women and children killed all for LAND and GREED.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Don't write the article only for Americans. It was originally Iwoto and American changed its name to Iwojoma during colonization. Then the J government revised it back to iwoto.

Previously iwoto and now also iwoto.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

NicolòToday 02:49 am JST

Don't write the article only for Americans. It was originally Iwoto and American changed its name to Iwojoma during colonization. Then the J government revised it back to iwoto.

Previously iwoto and now also iwoto.

Who colonized it first? The name is a calqued from a Spanish name, Isla Sufre.


3 ( +3 / -0 )

It's so rare in a lifetime to see a new island form. 

A new volcanic island broke the surface near Tonga in September 2022. The island periodically emerges and then is washed below sea level, only to reappear during the next series of volcanic eruptions.

Surtsy began as an underwater volcano south of Iceland and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Japan grew some landmass in 1974 when the island of Nishino-shima poked through the surface and it grew again in November 2013, a next-door neighbor breached the surface, Niijima

A new island may be forming south of the island of Hawaii as plate techtonics slowly moves the island of Hawaii north and west of the hot spot in the Earth's crust that creates the volcanos that form the many islands in the Hawaiian Island chain. There is a very active volcanic seamount called Loihi southeast of Hawaii that could break the surface to become the next Hawaiian island.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Don't write the article only for Americans. It was originally Iwoto and American changed its name to Iwojoma during colonization. Then the J government revised it back to iwoto.

Historically inaccurate. Iwoto means "sulfur island." Since the Japanese word for island can be expressed as "shima" or "to," the meaning will stay exactly the same. "Shima" and "jima" mean the same thing, but the pronunciation changes to "jima" depending on the character that precedes it.

Prior to WWII some mainland Japanese and some maps called the island Iwo Jima while local residents called it Iwoto.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

I am sure it is found on an ancient Chinese map.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't think the Chinese can claim this new islet. It is only a few hundred meters offshore and is closer to the airfield than Mt. Suribachi is. If it grows to any size it will merge with Iwoto.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Memories of Iwojima. I remember riding on the US Coast Guard bus from the tarmac to their HQs building. Landed there so many times that it was almost home. The caves were quite hot. At Mt Suribachi there were few male goats in the cliffs. This was in 1984-88. But then the LORAN station got returned to the Japanese government. Same with Minami Tori Shima or Marcus Island. This one was much farther and smaller.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The island in question is "硫黄島", literally meaning "Sulpher Island". The Chinese characters can be read as either "Iwojima" or "Iwoto". The Americans called it "Iwojima", which became customary even among the Japanese after the war. It was only recently that the Japanese government decided to restore the traditional way of calling it: "Iwoto". The Chinese characters remain the same.

Note that there is another volcanic island called "Iwojima" written in the same Chinese characters, just south of Kyushu.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Today 05:45 pm JST

What new island?! China has been visiting it since at least 1000 years and they have old documents to prove it!

Chinese president Xi keeps that document in his suit pocket the same way that former president Biden keeps the document proving his family's innocence.

Mods: please don't delete. Related to the island situation and having a go at world leaders (which is allowed within parameters, which are met).

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Memories of Iwojima.

Hercolobus, Iwojima has no harbor, not even a pier for a ship to tie up to. How did ships bring fuel and supplies to the island?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They bring supplies,and evacuate injured by JSDF seaplane.

There is a military airfield with a fuel farm. At the very least they will need to use ships to bring the fuel. Transporting general freight, spares, food and the like by air is quite expensive. I have to assume ships bring at least the fuel and some of the bulky goods to the island.

What is weird is the island is basically a lava dome on top of a much larger caldera that is submerged. It is rising about a meter a year. Ships that were sunk offshore during WWII are now high and dry a hundred meters or more from the new shoreline. It's like bread dough rising.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Some truly earth-shattering news.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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