A baby boy with its umbilical cord still attached was found in a toilet in an Internet cafe about 300 meters from Shibuya station on Wednesday, and was pronounced dead at a hospital shortly after.
A female employee who checked on the women’s toilets at about 5 p.m. found the baby naked in the toilet bowl and called police. The baby was not breathing at the time and was pronounced dead about an hour later, police said.
A young woman in the cafe who later told an employee she felt unwell was also taken to hospital, where she is being questioned by police.
© News reports
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A Baby Hatch in Tokyo gets my vote. Good to put it where 20 million people live.
How about putting a machine that sells birth control devices first?
There are a lot of young girls having babies in Japan, and I doubt many have the mental capability and stability to raise a child.
It cost a lot of money to be able to raise a child properly. The Japanese Govt. in Japan dosen't give enough Welfare aide for these young girls to be able to bring up a child in a single parent family, nor the guy that gets them pregnant.
Having babies is just some fashion they realistically can't complete without Welfare support in a bad economy. What happened to the old generation of Japanese girls who were strong, loyal, affectionate, and polite? This new generation of Japanese girls stink, and most are going to the porno industry, degrading there future and morals. They won't make a good mother or spouse to no Japanese man, and who is to blame for for recruiting them in the sex industry?
If Japan keeps allowing these sex agencies to ruin there youth with filth, then that will be the down fall of the family unit, and when the family unit falls, a great nation falls just like Rome did.
The govt should banned porno industry street workers, from approaching girls at the stations and every single corner of the block. If you want to protect the morals and family unit, you have to start with respecting yourself and family. Makes me wonder how many Japanese babies dumped were born in the porno industry.
How about teaching mothers to take some responsibility for their actions and not treat new born babies like puppies and throw them to one side.How on earth can anyone carry a baby in their womb for nine months and cast the child away like a piece of rubbish the moment after birth???????Sick human being and hope she is caught. This is a crime and i hope she is dealt with regardless of what people say about her stress levels and her mental capabilities at that time. She let this baby die plain and simple. RIP little one. I hope the angles take more care of you than the person chosen to carry you into this world.
Really? Most of them, as in well over 50% of a generation of Japanese girls are now involved in making porno? That's quite a claim- care to back it up, or were you perhaps...wildly exaggerating?
Moderator: Readers, stay on topic please. Porn is not relevant to this discussion.
Now, I'd say that about celebrities like Madonna and Angelina Jolie whose hobby seems to be collecting babies, but I don't think it's representative of most Japanese women...you haven't read the articles on the falling birthrate? Lowest since WWII?
Back away from the crack pipe, slowly....
Moderator: Readers, we have already requested that there be no further discussion (or rebuttal) on porn. It is not relevant to this topic.
Two problems in one: the allowing of basically ANYTHING to go on in internet cafes (which have turned into homes for quite a few), and the lack of baby-hatches across Japan.
Poor baby.
These kind of tragic events just shoots to shreds the whole pro-life movement.
How sad for the little boy who was born into our world to only die moments later.
No matter what problems people have it eventually end up in the internet cafe. Besides showers, blankets, drinks and food. They should also offer counseling in these cafes. Wait a minute that would be a shelter or a half-way house, right? That would make it seem like a bad thing probably.
I use to go to cafes for the novelty at the beginning of my stay in Japan. Now I only go if I need to stay somewhere overnight. It is becoming pretty trashy at some of them.
Umm...they have those. Haven't you seen condom machines before? They are often labelled "Happy Family Plan"
She is a killer, and a very cruel one.
they may have them, but I suspect some of these kids really don't see a connection, or think of it at that time of passion. they should put in big bowls for free where youngers get together, like they've done in some bars in the west. Not only that but make it socially acceptable to do so.
Sad story, hope the $&%*^ gets what she deserves. R.I.P little one.
poor innocent child
Girl screaming from pain of child birth and no one calls the police. Let's think about that for a while. Babies just don't pop out. She must have been in their for at least a hour, but being her first wouldn't you think it would be longer? I have heard of short birthing, but silent birthing? not!
Not all women scream while giving birth, that's a stereotype. Also, if this baby was at all premature, which I'm thinking is quite likely, it would have been easier to give birth to without attracting attention.
The whole society should be responsible for the death of this baby and for the deaths of more babies like this in the future. Young ones should wake up to reality from the 'cuteness' malady and learn to be responsible. Awareness and support programs should be available to remedy this situation.
I can answer Noboritos questions. Here people are taught that if it has nothing to do with you just ignore, pretend you did not hear the cries or noise.
This young girl was all by herself, the guy who got her pregnant is not there to help, no family to help. I agree with AK619, it is the breakdown of the family unit.
noborito -
I know it's difficult to believe after watching all those harrowing birth scenes on telly and in the movies, but in fact childbirth doesn't necessarily involve screaming and hours of unbearable torment. While first births do normally take longer than subsequent births, it's not unknown for young women to give birth quickly and quietly.
To the contrary, noborito. If a woman has an addiction to alcohol, drugs, food (really fat, 99% sure this isn't this case), or if the baby is premature as Apsara said they may end up giving birth very easily.
I noticed that there are some people here who have already condemned the woman and made some pretty nasty accusations and hope she gets what she deserves etc. Since they don't know the situation isn't it a little hard to draw such conclusions. Has any of those accusers considered she may be under some very serious stress and as horrific as it may seem to those who have self acknowledged morals and believe they are pure and righteous, that she maybe in serious trouble and probably could not get the help she needed? Given the number of nasty comments I would say it would be hard to get any sensible help.
For the record, we don't even know if the woman mentioned in the story is the mother. They just said a young woman wasn't feeling well, not that it looked liked she gave birth.
Society should allocate more resources to helping young women give birth safely. It just seems so low to let someone in that situation face it alone. How much more effort will society give to pillorying this young woman in a misogynistic fit?
Think of all the money society spends on anger, selfishness, waste, parties, and spectacles. Things like this show what a sham it is. How can life be right if it does not start right? Mystery to me...
RIP little angel. These horror stories always bring me to tears. May your mother burn in hell for this. And do not anyone try to defend this piece of human trash!!
Whether the girl was screaming in the bathroom or not, it is definitely NOT easy and NOT safe to have a baby without an assistance of a doctor/nurse. She could have killed herself not only the baby. Anybody who've had a baby knows you cannot just walk around like nothing happened after delivering a baby.. I think those ignorant young girls think they could just drop the baby out and walk off... sigh..
Elbuda Mexicano
Tokyo needs these AKACHAN POSTS, the drop off places that have saved many babies lives down in Kyushu? Not too sure where, but we need them big time here in TOKYO! OSAKA etc..RIP little baby boy.
buggerlugs, then what do with the father of that little angel?
Long before Akachan-posts came along, I think there were temples and shrines to do the job... There are also 120 or so orphanages for babies called the Nyuuji-in. I saw that there's even one in Shinjuku.
If the mother was familiar with internet cafes, she could've at least checked these places and asked for help...
klein2 and fishy: I don't think the problem here is "safety" in child birth. If the mother really wanted to give birth to the baby and either keep him, give him up for adoption, or take him to the hatchery, then she surely would have gone to a hospital or called an ambulance.
The problem here is that the mother obviously put some other priority ahead of her baby's life... and, if you want to back track further, she either wasn't taught, or was just ignorant of the responsibilities and consequences of unprotected sex. Very very sad.
Anyone who has dated young Japanese women will know that basic knowledge of sexual/pregnancy matters is woefully, indeed dangerously, low. In six years of living here I can only recall two occasions when a Japanese girl brought up the issue of protection/contraception before I mentioned it myself. Also, it's a sad fact, but abortion in Japan is an accepted means of contraception. I know of a few girls who have had more than one abortion and they talk about it as if they just lot their 'Hello Kitty' key-chain etc...it's no big deal to many girls here. Similarly, if a girl can't afford an abortion, leaving it to die would be the next choice. Such a girl really doesn't have to make that big a leap between the two. The fundamental issue here is attitudes to sex in Japan. The cutesy image fronted by all the snack bars/brothels doesn't help to make people realize that there are serious things to think about. This means unplanned pregnancies ans abortions, not to mention STDs, which must be through the roof here.
Did I miss the part were it said the baby was born alive, after a full 9 month pregnancy? Because I've looked and I can't actually see that anywhere.
Look over there. There's a conclusion. Let's jump to it.
Seems that these net cafes are a real lawless zone. Last week we had the fallen "charisma" foreign exchange trader (who was a former pxrn startlet) found at a net cafe. This week we have babies in Toilets. Anyone for cause of death? I wouldn't rule out drowning.
Anyway, considering such high profile cases, you just know where the cops are going to start looking in the future.
I agree. This kind of thing happens from time to time, not only in Japan, and it is almost always the case that it was a very young, fairly uneducated woman and that the baby was premature. Stillbirth is also a possibility. Some of the girls genuinely do not realise that they are pregnant, or are in a serious state of denial. I am in no way condoning what this mother did, just saying that it was quite unlikely that this baby was fullterm.
"These kind of tragic events just shoots to shreds the whole pro-life movement." "How sad for the little boy who was born into our world to only die moments later." Zurconium you contradict yourself magnificently. Unless your stating that the 600,000 feotuses hoovered to oblivion annually don't count as patent life forms.(they have umbilical chords and the desire for life). If you are really worried just look on this as a really late term abortion and stop fretting. I hope the woman got shot of the placenta at the same time..otherwise she may have a toxic shock, she needs to seek medical treatment.
This is so sad, poor baby he doesn't deserve any if it and I hope the mother rots in jail.
Fear can lead to a lot of poor decisions. If the "mother" has any conscience at all, I wish her luck in dealing with it.
Avoid Sex totally if you cannot face the post sex consequences. I feel sad and sorry for the baby - his mother and father were cowards to have taken his life to save themselves from the consequences.
This is murder and the punishment for murder is death - biological mother and father should be found and put to death without fail.
Clearly this women is evil to the soul.However,I wish abortion was available to girls in Western countries,as any teenage pregnancy destroys lives.
I thought there was sex education was in the Japanese school curriculum.
So sad. The poor child. I'd like to know how old the "young woman" being questioned by police is (provided she is the mother in question). Is she a teenager? A twenty-something? Age would go a long way to explaining this young lady's mindset at the time that would lead her to leave her newborn child in the toilet. Again, we're faced with the question: was it fear? Or was it selfishness? I can't pass judgment until I know. Whatever the reasons, a baby is dead, and that justifies mourning. RIP, little one.
I don't think it's such a huge conclusion to jump to, though it wasn't explicity stated. Clearly the baby was gestated long enough to have been identifiable as a baby boy, which would lead me to believe it had at least reached the second trimester. This isn't to say the child was born alive and it may well have been too premature, especially if the mother was unaware she was pregnant and/or hadn't chosen to alter any habits that may be risky to an unborn child. But even if the child had NOT been born alive, there's still the matter of abandoning the baby's body in a toilet bowl. I think that is what gnaws at people, even more than the tragedy of abandonment alone. I can understand a young mother being terrified of this alien THING that she's suddenly given birth to and doesn't know what to do about, but leaving it behind in such a fashion is unforgivable to many people. Even if a coroner determines that the child was not born alive and therefore this isn't a case of fear-driven manslaughter, the mother could still be charged with abandoning a corpse. It's a crime either way, and a terrible end to one -- or two -- young lives.
I think I'm going to throw up now.
I can understand a young mother being terrified of this alien THING that she's suddenly given birth to and doesn't know what to do about, but leaving it behind in such a fashion is unforgivable to many people
So there's no such thing as post traumatic stress then? At least not in the eyes of the JT posters. We have very little information, yet the vast majority think this woman is evil scum. She may be. But there are also a number of other different answers.
And to think that the vast majority of people on JT are worried about the jury system in Japan. This girl is guilty as hell based on six or seven lines of news.
A tragedy, pure and simple... R.I.P. baby doe...
So many posts full of venom and misinformation.
Japan has national health care but it does not cover prenatal care so the odds are this gal had no idea what to do nor any medical care at all. Baby hatches and orphanages are of limited help when a girl is just struggling to get thru the month as it is... a hundred and a half for a visit to a doctor is a lot when you make 750 yen an hour part time. Not to mention the 3 to 4 thousand bucks to deliver the tyke... All in all I would say that society at large is quite criminally negligent in many of these and other similar cases.
Does it really matter how the girl got pregnant? What is with all the blame for the pregnancy in the first place? I had a condom bust wide open last month and it is far from the first time that has happened to me. Shxt happens. What was it that Jesus said? Something about "He who has not sinned.."
Once a baby exists it is all of our responsibility to assure its well being. Does it matter if it is born or not? That is what separates us from the animal kingdom, or at least it should. Viability is at about 21 weeks now with modern technology and yes at 20 weeks it looks just like a full term baby only smaller. Yet literally hundreds of these babies are ripped from their mothers wombs each week here in Japan. Where is the outcry? What hypocrisy.
Certainly a crime against humanity was committed here but the simple knee jerk reactions here do little to address the depth of complexity that led to this tragedy. I would not want that this tragedy is compounded by making this mom a scapegoat and denying her the medical and mental help she is desperately in need of now.
Heda_Madness - I totally agree with you. There is no proof that the baby was born alive, no proof that she killed it - some posters are alluding to drowning in the toilet - no proof that she knew she was pregnant and planned for nine months to abandon her newborn.
poor girl. she will never get over this, or the condemnation from some anonymous posters.
How unfortunate that that is true. Taught to be selfish and you become liable for whatever goes wrong (or sometimes in trouble if it was right) if you attempt to help. Sickening deviation from humanity.
This is the breakdown of this family unit indeed. However, this is certainly not the norm nor the breakup of the family unit of Japan. However, since we don't know the whole story, it is possible her boyfriend/sex friend/whatever didn't even know about the pregnancy. She may have been trying to keep this secret. Of course, the guy might have left her, leaving her to deal with the situation on her own.
In any case, it is sad that the victim in this situation is always the child. No chance at all.
Ken Watanabe
It's getting so disturbing to hear/see the news about failing young adults who can't take responsibilities for raising kids due to their bad choices in (pre-)marital relationship.
Who said this kind of thing was Japan exclusive? In my home country we have the same problem, the only difference is that American women leave their babies in dumpsters, not toilets. I feel sorry for the person who found this baby, all they wanted was to use the toilet.
1,600,000,000. That's a lot of murders. One every second. If she'd had an abortion there'd be no problem, would there?
Arctic Fox
Abortion is Murder
Morning After Pills are Murder
Not Wearing a Condom is Murder
Not Having Sex is Murder
Let's Do it.
honey abortion is murder.
only in Japan