Japan Today

No uncontrolled chain reaction at Fukushima nuclear plant: TEPCO


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Excellent. So the Xenon was just hanging out all this time and waiting for the new detectors. Strange

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Of COURSE there's no risk! Same as there never is with TEPCO and radiation leakage.

6 ( +8 / -3 )

Why is everyone picking on poor Xenon, hes just chilling there, minding his own business and people start trying to pick fights with the poor fella....

4 ( +5 / -1 )

can they really be trusted they said this before the tsunami as well

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Sure, sure, people, no worries! All is OK! Just think, half of Japan can transform into Chernobyl, what nonsense!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Since there will be no uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction at the site, will these bumblebums manage to pull off a "controlled" chain reaction ... ??

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Why is it so hard for TEPCO to tell the truth?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

What a relief!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

they forgot to mention - there is no IMMEDIATE danger to health in their press release

same old same old - wait for few days and then SLOWLY more details will come out of much larger scale of emissions....

3 ( +5 / -2 )

No uncontrolled chain reaction at Fukushima nuclear plant: TEPCO

In addition, there was no earthquake or tsunami on March 11th.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Zichi I have been reading this website for months and you are truly on the ball! You always make me laugh and whatever you say generally makes very good sense. Good on ya mate.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This is such a mess

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Oh I believe you mr tepco. Im so glad it's not an uncontrolled reaction. So I guess you planned it, right? Mr tepco. Why does my spell checker keep trying to change "tepco" to "lying halfwits"?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

TEPCO said Wednesday that it had detected small amounts of xenon-133 and xenon-135 inside the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima plant that came from fission


“We believe this is not a case of criticality,” Hosoda said

Then what else can it be called, recriticality?

The level of xenon also matched the level that would have been produced by spontaneous fission, which could happen in a normal reactor, she said.


There are stating yes and no in this one article.

2 ( +3 / -2 )

Nice one Tepco I seem to remember you saying:

No radiation leaks No explosions 10% of chernobyl radiation leak 20% of chernobyl radiation leak now at 40% of chernobyl.

Whatever it is Tepco is hiding the truth

8 ( +8 / -0 )

New problem that is not a "problem" I actually know someone who is going to work there, cleaning up. Despite my heated No no no. Gambling problem easy cash- not a friend so do not judge me.But I am interested in his observations once there. We have seen this for 8 months the downplay card has been used to death. Now extrapolating the small amount of information results in " the sky is falling" only to find it actually has and I am walking on it. Consistent fudging and ambiguity is not tolerable.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Utrack - I agree it sounds like splitting hairs but in this case it's not.

criticality [ˌkrɪtɪˈkælɪtɪ] n

(Physics / General Physics) the state of being critical (Physics / Nuclear Physics) Physics the condition in a nuclear reactor when the fissionable material can sustain a chain reaction by itself

By itself is the key point here. But of course, that doesn't mean it's nothing to worry about.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

TEPCO is so confusing denying the truth and stating a truth or differences to opinion in one article. Is it recriticality that is happening in reactor 2 and possibly 1 and 3 as well?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Half of Japan can transform into Chernobyl? What nonsense!

Punctuated so that it makes sense.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ hatsoff

Thanks, So what's going on in the reactor

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Utrack: "Thanks, So what's going on in the reactor"

It's easy. Just ask TEPCO the same question, and after stalling for a few months, when some one month-long employee gets back to you, just realize that the truth is the opposite of what he's been ordered to tell you.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Utrack: or to be more specific, replace all 'no' in their statements with 'major'.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Congratulations to JT for the changes in the commentary policy on Fukushima.

In March, we couldn't say half of what people are allowed to say now here.

Keep on the good work.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


It's easy. Just ask TEPCO the same question, and after stalling for a few months, when some one month-long employee gets back to you, just realize that the truth is the opposite of what he's been ordered to tell you.

You said it all right there.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


I meant to say the above as Utrack but I had to give you a double thumbs up

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Gee. The media must be running out of panic materials but it hasn't stopped the usual crowd from posting. Things never change I guess.

It's easy. Just ask TEPCO the same question, and after stalling for a few months, when some one month-long employee gets back to you, just realize that the truth is the opposite of what he's been ordered to tell you.

Yep. TEPCO hasn't installed the decontamination unit, the power is still out, and the sea water injection never took place. Furthermore, the radiation level within the plant and the nearby monitors are just false figures and hence, the radiation levels that are recorded in various cities/towns/municipalities are all understated as this is a mass coverup conspiracy that involves TEPCO, Cabinet, Ministries, Diet members, and city/town/municipalities.

Back to reality.

I'm getting the sense that TEPCO should just stop reporting every little discovery since there are always going to be media and their panic starving readers who will always try to put a spin on this.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

nigelboy: Perhaps if TEPCO reported the facts and tried not to cover things up so much, as they very well have on numerous occasions (or are you going to debate this as well?) your comment might be taken without the grain of salt.

"I'm getting the sense that TEPCO should just stop reporting every little discovery since there are always going to be media and their panic starving readers who will always try to put a spin on this."

What spin? the idea that the Xenon has been there for a while, as they claim, despite the Xenon having a very short shelf life? So... who's spinning what again? How about you provide some of those trusty links you always pull out, this time on TEPCO scandals from past to present and we'll talk again about spinning. :)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

nigelboy: Oh, forgot to ask... how is it that TEPCO released this 'old news' suddenly for things they claim were in place for a while? As Zichi pointed out: "I also wonder how TEPCO installed more sensitive instruments because the radiation inside the building remains very high. TEPCO had been using a Quince robot until it "lost it" on Oct.20."

Yep, it's us spinning things... not TEPCO.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

oh man, this is not going to end well :(

good article: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/fl20111101ad.html

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Perhaps if TEPCO reported the facts and tried not to cover things up so much, as they very well have on numerous occasions (or are you going to debate this as well?) your comment might be taken without the grain of salt.

Actually, we had this debate before which usually revolves something like this.

TEPCO states "they don't know." Media and their knee jerk panic starving followers start chanting "they must be hiding something". TEPCO subsequently announces the results of what "they didn't know". Knee jerk panic starving followers chant "See!! They were hiding something."

Repeat steps 1 and 2, ad nauseum.

And as it turned out, TEPCO didn't know simply because there was no power, the measuring device and equipment were gone, and the workers couldn't verify many things visually (high radiation coupled with limited working hours),

What spin?

Read the headline. "No uncontrolled chain reaction"? As if the yesterday's report on the same discovery showed signs of "uncontrolled chain reaction"???

nigelboy: Oh, forgot to ask... how is it that TEPCO released this 'old news' suddenly for things they claim were in place for a while? As Zichi pointed out: "I also wonder how TEPCO installed more sensitive instruments because the radiation inside the building remains very high. TEPCO had been using a Quince robot until it "lost it" on Oct.20."

I'm not understanding your statement. If you mean "old news" as this particular news, Quince robot has very little to do with measuring the contents of the gas vent attached to the chamber. As for the breakdown of Quince, it was reported on October 22nd.

0 ( +2 / -3 )


A really good article.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Don't worry folks. Everyone keep smiling and radiation cannot effect you. Go about your business.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Nigelboy, You keep believing what you want...I bet you think the book about the thousand is completely fictitious, too.....good luck w/that!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

and we should believe this because.........

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

TEPCO states "they don't know." Media and their knee jerk panic starving followers start chanting "they must be hiding something". TEPCO subsequently announces the results of what "they didn't know". Knee jerk panic starving followers chant "See!! They were hiding something."

I might be answering my own question here but why would any company release information followed by "I don't know", I guess Tepco would but... it either proves Tepco and just plain stupid and honestly don't know what they are doing or release the info (before the press gets on it) with a "I don't know" and then uses the extra time to come up with a way to cover it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just been reading some Japanese Mainichi news (Nov 3rd) that gives various experts' points of view as to what has been going on inside No. 2 reactor. Whatever it is, they reckon it is probably happening inside 1 and 3 as well, and it will be picked up by the gas measuring instruments to be installed there. The corium is lying under water, and this very water seems to be agitating the neutrons. Xenon is being given off by some fissive sparking, but the radioactive Iodine that should have been also released or picked up may be in a solid state as the temperature is low, they say. One expert says that Tepco is measuring the bottoms of the reactors, but we really do not know where the fuel itself has gone. Another says that Tepco needs to devote all their energy to containing and managing releases of radioactive material into the outside environment.

Since the introduction of the gas measuring system in No.2, the level of hydrogen gas has gone from 1% then to 2.7% by the end of October. At 4% there is danger of explosion, so they will start to reinject Nitrogen.

And lots more. If you read Japanese, have a look at this informative article: http://mainichi.jp/select/jiken/news/20111103k0000m040123000c.html?inb=yt

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh, they also said with such new unpredictability, cold shutdown by year's end now is now being given a yellow light...

Anyway, I think we should try and keep such JT articles above and threads like this one alive.

Today's headlines make it look as if the world has gone back to normal and humdrum, and we can all go back to sleep forever again.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My sushi had been glowing green-ish light lately, and I thought it was caused by uncontrolled reaction. After I read the title of this article, I felt so much better, Thanks TEPCO ^_^!! I will always cheer for you!!! GO TEPCO GO!!! ~This comment is certainly NOT from someone related to TEPCO

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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