Japan Today

One girl dead, one injured after jumping from building in Osaka Prefecture


One teenage girl died and another is in a serious condition after they apparently jumped from an apartment building in Suita, Osaka Prefecture, on Monday night.

According to police, a passerby found the two girls lying on the ground on the premises of the apartment building at around 11:10 p.m., and called 119, Kyodo News reported. The two were taken to hospital. One was declared dead on arrival and the other remained in a serious condition on Tuesday.

Police said shoes, belongings and what appeared to be suicide notes were found on the ninth floor of the building. The two girls were wearing their school uniforms, police said, adding they were third-year junior high school students.

The scene is in a residential area about 400 meters northeast of JR Suita Station.

Editor: If you or someone you know in Japan are having suicidal thoughts, help is available. Click here for more info.

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No doubt these girls were being bullied, but certainly can't address THAT problem.

-23 ( +4 / -27 )

Sad. But really, no policy makers or the public really cares about such things as this, or any of the myriad of social issues in Japan that are swept under the carpet. But stocks are way up. Now what time does the next circus start?

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

So sad. I have junior high school girl and a high school girl.

I am haunted by the idea just to think about it one second.

Please discuss it at school everytime and give real positive outlook to life !

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Protestant: "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Tragic nevertheless."

Absolutely! RIP to the girl who died, and I hope the other survives, gets the help she clearly needs (and I mean REAL help), and decides to live.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

So sad. I have junior high school girl and a high school girl.

I am haunted by the idea just to think about it one second.

Please discuss it at school everytime and give real positive outlook to life !

Well, I might be wrong but I dont think this kind of problem affect kids with foreign roots, especially Westerners.

It's a completely different mindset, we actually talk with our kids, and they trust us as one of their best friends.

I cant picture a foreign kid jumping into train tracks after being bullied at school or a young European deciding to jump from a building over changing jobs.

Besides, how can a parent cannot notice if their kid is worried, absent, depressed? Mind-boggling.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

14-15 years old. Very Sad story especially for their families.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

@Bobs Your Uncle, I think I can agree with your post I say this because, I think people commit suicide for a multitude of complex reasons, often involving a combination of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, along with significant life stressors, such as relationship problems, financial difficulties, chronic illness, or trauma. Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and isolation can also contribute to suicidal thoughts and actions. Additionally, societal factors, including stigma surrounding mental health, lack of access to mental health care, and cultural norms, can influence an individual's decision to take their own life. All of which you basically suggested. We don't know why these girls decided to try to end their lives but I am sure one of the reason lie within what we posted. Its sad that these young girls who I think were very good friends, whom confided in one another who basically thought no one probably understood them and their shared the same problems, perhaps they tried to talk to someone, or perhaps they didn't want to bother other people. In any case these two young women had a whole life a head of them struggling with suicidal thoughts just couldn't deal with life as they lived it and saw it, in a real world they probably couldn't grasp the idea that they had so much to live for and friends, or family members that loved them. This is so sad because if the one girls survives her mentality is going to be perhaps even worse from the guilt of knowing she was suppose to go with perhaps her friend.

smithinjapanToday 04:56 pm JST

No doubt these girls were being bullied, but certainly can't address THAT problem.

You don't know that.

Suicide is not caused by external factors it is caused by internal factors.

If they were then all people who are bullied (which is everyone at some stage) or had some other stressful life experience would commit suicide. They don't. So you need to look at what's different. It sure ain't the external circumstances of life.

This is so logical but people refuse to accept it for reasons I have yet to discern.

Humans can be a bit blind sometimes.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If you calculate that the solution to your problem is jumping off a building. You have made a serious miscalculation. If it is bullying, poor parents, bad grades or whatever.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

3rd year junior high school students would have just finished taking tests to decide which high school they're going to get into - lots of pressure from school and parents.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Japan today should stop publishing how people commit suicide. it serves no purpose except to put the idea into someone who may NOT have a plan. And there is clear research on this.

Then I will leave this here because the evidence is clear.


It is absolutely clear to even the layman that the method should NOT be reported nor the place. Osaka...maybe.


If this is a copy-and-paste article then Japan today could amend it. it's not enough to just pop a get-out clause.

if you or someone you know in Japan are having suicidal thoughts, help is available. Click here for more info.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Don't take your own life..

Everything in life has a solution..


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

They are collateral damage of the ridiculous high school entrance exam system in Japan. So sad and unnecessary.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Proxy, I was going to make the same point, that these girls did not pass their entrance exams into the high school of their dreams, and which is an extremely big deal not only for the girls but for families, too. Tokyo has made high school free for kids from this year, however, I don't even believe this is going to make much of a change until the culture changes on the demands of entrance exams.

The other change that needs to be made is changing the school year from September to June or July. This would allow both teachers and students to have an actual summer vacation without all the stress of summer homework and clubs, putting a full-stop of stress on teachers and students and giving them a complete rest for 6 weeks.

Condolences to the one girl's family and prayers for the other girl's family that she will recover.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@justasking Who, knows maybe they actually did pass or one did and the other didn't. The incredible physiological pressure on children at that age has very negative consequences regardless. The pressure and lack of sleep on young brains is not good. Do a search for symptoms of brain damage to the frontal lobe and they are similar to what you can see every day in Japanese people under the age of 50.

It hasn't always been this way. My over 50 aged wife did not experience anywhere near what society places on children these days. Shame on the older generations in Japan for heaping all of the structural and societal problems in Japan onto the shoulders of 15 year olds. Older generations expect the young folks to work themselves to death to pay off the debts governments have incurred in their names. Leave the kids alone!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Dear Abe234,

Your liberal call for censorship and virtual signaling because of a desire for narrative shaping to other people,

Fact: Not one person ever saw that text statement and decided not to go along with a plan that had been manifesting inside a person.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Another sad sign of stresses and outside and internal burdens placed upon young people. And it doesn't get addressed at all, it's just shoved under the rug time after time. Tragic.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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