The principal of the school in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, where a 13-year-old boy was repeatedly bullied before killing himself, on Saturday apologized for not taking action to prevent the tragedy.
The news conference by principal Ichio Fujimoto was his first public comments on the bullying case which led the boy to kill himself by leaping from a building last October.
Fujimoto said that a classmate of the boy reported the bullying to a teacher six days before the suicide, Fuji TV reported. However, the teacher reportedly said that when he spoke with the boy about it, he said he was OK. The teacher discussed the incident with other teachers and they concluded it was just a one-off fight, Fujimoto said.
The principal said that the school failed in its responsibility to protect students and that teachers should have followed up on the first report of bullying, Fuji TV reported.
Meanwhile, Shiga prefecural police said they plan to question classmates of the bullied boy next week. The children will be asked if they wish their parents to be present during the questioning or if they wish to be questioned alone, Sankei Shimbun reported.
© Japan Today
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Saw him on TV, he was not showing any remorse and was not apologetic in any sense of the word. And yes, the school had a death resulting from bullying few years back in the same school that's why the national outrage...
He, the school, the municipality, the federal government should be sued in billions of yen - a lesson they would not forget. His words are empty, they will not correct his failure as a supervisor of children's lives, they will not prevent now what happened in October. His words will be forgotten in weeks, a harsh financial fine would not.
What in the hell is this world coming to?
He should have apologized last October. In fact, he instructed the teachers and students to hide the evidence and not discuss the issue with anyone. He should be fired immediately. As for the issue of apologizing to the public make him forfeit all assets and then arrest him for criminal negligence. Dobut if the clueless, keystone protecting, common-sense-will-tell-you-that-the-bullied-student-was-murdered, incompetent, face-saving, unable to argue a case before a competent civil law attorney, prosecutors will do anything though.
And what now will happen to the bullies themselves? Will they face any, any kind of punishment for their behavior? And what kind of family did they grow up in?
There is lots of responsibility on the school, and this time it seems the school screw it big time. But hey, the school didn't bully the boy, it was some kids. Should this be forgotten?
It's a little too late for an appologize. He should be fired with his staff.
So, he has made a public apology, now everything is ok. It just shows exactly how much of an idea these teachers have of what is going on in their school and how little control they have and, it is not just this school. From my experiences, most schools have no idea what is going on or how to control what is going on in their schools and this is because the teachers have no real punishment options besides verbal abuse and the 'buzz-cut' for the bad boys. Plus, the teachers are shit scared of monster parents, so they do nothing.
Let the bullies be severely beaten. If the law will not do it, then others should.
I sincerely hope that the parents and the public will not stop pushing this issue until they get a satisfactory outcome - a belated and probably forced apology by the Principal is not it.
This is a systematic failure that goes all the way through the education system, from the teachers, to their admin staff (Deputies and Principals), the regional boards of education and the national board of education. They have tolerated and allowed bullying to be an integral part of the system. I'm not even sure it's really appropriate to punish one or two people when it's endemic in the system. It can, and should be addressed. Bullying is always going to exist, but it can be dealth with swiftly and harshly at all levels of school life - they need Federal Legislation to make it criminally negligent to ignore bullying, perhaps inclusive of parents who do so.
I once read that one of the main successes of human social groups is they they are actually coalitions of the weak, whereby the bullies and tyrants are ultimately ostracised or destroyed for the good of the group. Given Japan's history, perhaps they have done less of that than other social groups and it is not so natural to do so?
And allow the circle of violence to continue right? You just end up instilling the idea in these children's heads that the way to fix problems is by violence. Not the smartest thing to do in my opinion.
So the teacher talked to the boy, the boy said he was okay... What exactly is supposed to be done then?! It seems the teacher did do something whereas everyone is saying he/she didn't.
Why aren't the bullies and the bullies' parents apologizing?!
Thomas Anderson
Yes, an apology sets everything right... of course...
If there's any justice in the world, the parents can sue the school, the teachers, the other kids' parents, and that will follow them around the rest of their lives.
But one thing that people are very good at is shifting responsibility to somebody else. Especially a society like Japan where being the biggest victim is cause for celebrity. Everybody will always blame everybody else, and nothing will ever get solved.
Wasn't there an article a while back about a parent who came to school, walked into the classroom, and beat the kid who bullied his son?
That's one of the biggest reasons, IMHO, why people love such a collective society like Japan. Sure, it keeps the cream from rising to the top, but it's VERY easy to avoid responsibility, as everything is always a consensus built group decision. Whenever something bad happens, it's NEVER an individuals fault, and there's ALWAYS the ability to blame somebody else, or some other group.
In this case, sadly, nothing will really get done. Maybe somebody will get fired in six months or a year from now, but nothing that will change the system that led to this event will occur.
Nobody has the authority or the balls to do anything about it. They'll just get in a big circle jerk and the weakest finger pointer will take the blame.
Gaijin, suing doesn't bring the child back.
I agree with the rest of your post though. Japan is great for passing the buck and no one having to take blame. It is shameful. Things need to change but it won't if the adults don't change THEIR behaviour.
gaijin info
nobody will be fired 6 mos from now or ever. probably the principal will resign and still get his pension.
the principal and others are certainly at fault for covering this up, but what about the bullies and their families?
they should certainly be kicked out of school for this, and charged criminally for the abuse they put the kid thru.
it is too easy to hide everything in japan. too easy to hide behind group responsibility. I agree suing could possibly change that- but the culture's different. the judiciary is loathe to award damages relative to the actual damage. i keep hearing about lawsuits for several thousand or a few tens of thousand dollars us, not really a deterrent.
This is a misconception. Plenty of people have the power to do something, the problem is an over reluctance to use it.
Nothing short of seppuku would even begin to atone for his wrongs.
Ali Khan
This is one of the problems of a large picture, individualism, family system breakdown and lack of communication, shyness is cute, now is the part of this culture.The people do not share their feelings often and now the children doing the same thing.
feeling sharing and communication should be encouraged in the society and in schools in particular, Parents Teachers Association can play a big role in this part, workshops, dramas and awareness programs should be arranged regularly.
in this particular situation and to avoid further loss of lives Teachers have a big role and responsibility. sensible and caring teachers always know the behavior of their students and in any particular group of students inside or around the school a teacher can sense what the students are talking about and they should tickle if harmful things are happening and should keep a consistent watch.
Being parents is not the easy task and growth/caring of a child is a big responsibility and the parents should realize this,it needs many sacrifices to raise a child with good manners. unfortunately a large numbers of couples do not change their life style after becoming parents. The parents know about the behavior of their children and they should cooperate with the teachers in this regard.
The parents should also know the meaning of motherhood and fatherhood. i would like to share some quotations in child raising,
1,Respect your children and cultivate in them the best of manners 2,children should be treated with considerations
Moreover this is the collective responsibility of the society to have Marcy on children and to take measures for the solution of such situations.
Is it only us, foreigners who are somehow related to Japan, who are outraged about this episode? What about Japanese activists?
Thomas Anderson
No it's all over the news.
With an attitude like this I home you never have any kids yourself. Seriously, how can anyone be so lax in their thinking that just because it happens, and accepting it as the norm, that it justifies your opinion?
Can I make the assumption here that you only read JT and do not watch the Japanese news or read Japanese newspapers? There is no Japan bashing going on here, the comments made here by foreigners only is a tip of the iceberg in comparison to the amount of outrage that the community around the school has right now.
It's not fair to assume that what is written or discussed here is the "only" commentary going on,
Unless things have changed a lot, when I taught in a Japanese public school, the principal was merely a figurehead. The vice-principal did most of the actual work. The principal was simply buying time before he was transferred to the BOE to finish out his career. As far as I could tell, he attended the morning meetings, sat in his office and drank tea, occasionally met with visitors, and got stinking drunk at enkais and tried to grope the female teachers. The teachers had no respect for him and I have my doubts that the students even knew who he was! But, this was a high school, I don't know if the situation is different in a junior high school.
He's took action. He willfully did nothing, which seems to me to equal to criminal neglect.
His callous smirk holds not a smidgeon of remorse, or compassion.
Civil suit, and dismissals, all around.
Ali Khan
No japan bashing here, human being is human being all over the world and every body is sad for the loss of a life. just think the children who did bullying was considering this a fun, which ended in a loss of human life, this is a horrible ignorance of those children who did bullying and those who are still doing.
I hope that this discussion will bring awareness among the public/Authorities and discussion from the foreigner can bring new idea and solutions to this problems.
I said it the other day and I'll say it again. The homeroom teacher and the principal of the school should be fired immediately, stripped of their qualifications in education, and fined and/or put in jail for criminal negligence resulting in death. The bullies should be put in reformatories up until they are legal adults, depending on how involved they were in the incident. The system should be reformed allowing for greater discipline in schools, such as a zero tolerance policy towards bullying; with bullies or those engaged in fighting suspended on first offense (with no legal access to school grounds), and expelled over any subsequent offense.
This, or put up cameras in all the hallways and grounds outside the schools. As it is, the system has failed, and quite frankly I'm tired of reading about this happening time and time again with the 'best' outcome being the apology the likes this man was forced to finally give after months of denial, then passive admittance.
Whilst I share your outrage at what I, as someone involved with education in Australia, consider to be incredible negligence on several levels within the Japanese Educational system, it sounds very much to me as though this is a systemic problem that requires a complete overhaul from a Federal level down, beginning with legislation that clearly outlines the expectations and processes for properly addressing bullying in schools and the appropriate criminal charges for failing to deal with this kind of abuse. Whilst the fact that ignoring the abuse seems scarcely believable to the likes of you or I, the teachers are, in some respects, a product of the system they work within, and are constrained by it's limitations. I'd hate to think that they charge the teacher, or the Principal, and then consider it case closed; problem solved. This is a symptom of an irresponsible system, and it's the system that needs fixing. And it is entirely do-able, but I'd say they are going to have to rip off a Band Aid that will reveal a very nasty festering wound beneath it that will require the Japanese to confront some terrible realities about their educational system, and their society. It remains to be seen as to whether they have the courage to do so.
Smith, and what should be dine about the bullies parents?! Why do you let them off the hook?! They created the bullies and raised them since birth!
There are monster parents and now monster children.
Apologizing is always such a cheap solution here. Fire his incompetent ass!
Blair Herron
According to Shukan-shincho, an emergency parents meeting was held last fall after the boy committed suicide. One of the bullies mother was a head of the PTA then, and at the meeting, she said, “They were just playing fighting(プロレスごっこ)My son is treated like a criminal and cannot go to school now. If my son committed suicide, the parents and teachers here are all responsible for it.” The bully’s father also said, “I have something to say, too. I know a lot of things…” in a threatening voice.
A 13 year old must die for him to apologize for not doing his job. How many more must die before he actually starts doing it? I will tell my children that monsters do exist.
Tamarama: "it sounds very much to me as though this is a systemic problem that requires a complete overhaul from a Federal level down,"
Perhaps you didn't read ALL of my comment, for as soon as I finished saying what should be done with people directly involved in this incident, I clearly stated: "The system should be reformed allowing for greater discipline in schools, such as a zero tolerance policy towards bullying; with bullies or those engaged in fighting suspended on first offense (with no legal access to school grounds), and expelled over any subsequent offense." Nowhere did I say these people should be charged and the case closed. That may well be what would happen, but I'd even then sooner see that (for it would prove an indirect warning) than what's likely to be yet another incident of 'case closed' after the apology, and likely the resignation (with full pension and benefits) that will follow.
tmarie: "Smith, and what should be dine about the bullies parents?! Why do you let them off the hook?! They created the bullies and raised them since birth!"
Can you give me an example of another nation that charges the parents for their child's bullying? Hell, even the parents of the suspects in the Columbine massacre were not charged with anything despite there being obvious signs of what their kids would ultimately do! I'll tell you what they SHOULDN'T be allowed to do, be allowed to threaten the way it seems they are on the link Blair provided. They may well be crappy parents, in fact I have little doubt, but what can they be charged with? I have no doubt the social shunning they'll get is punishment enough, and the suffering they feel when their kid is locked up in a reformatory -- or at least he should be -- would be more.
Blair: Thanks for the link.
"My son is treated like a criminal and cannot go to school now. If my son committed suicide, the parents and teachers here are all responsible for it.”
And yet the mother of the bully has no qualms about saying the forced 'play-suicide' and mock funeral and what not were just 'play fighting'? First things first -- get the kid in the reformatory and let her be PTA there. Then let the dad scream and holler about how he 'knows a few things'.
Calm down. You should recognize that I basically agree with your sentiments, I'm just concerned that by charging the teacher and principal they might sweep under the carpet a problem that is clearly systemic. I'm betting they would rather do that than have a good long hard look at themselves in regards to this issue.
Tamarama: I'm calm in regards to posting towards your comments, but quite upset by what's gone on and going on in Otsu, as well as the system in general, and I think everyone should be as well. I'm also concerned about that -- but that's the alternative? It'll get swept under the carpet WITHOUT them getting charged. What I see happening is that by the end of next week the principal will 'retire' (to a BOE amakudari position in a different prefecture). I agree that they don't want to take a good hard look at themselves, but hoping the thing goes away as is isn't going to change that, whereas charging the Principal and teacher in charge, or at least firing them and stripping them of all qualifications, will at the very least serve as an indirect warning. Ideally they'll be fired and charged, and the public will turn towards another culprit in this, the BOE (who will in turn run to the government).
If history serves, and it usually does here, the Principal's retirement will be what causes this to quiet down and eventually get swept under the rug, and I simply don't want it to stop at that. I'm glad this issue is finally getting PART of what it deserves in terms of attention, now I just hope something is actually DONE about it. Sadly, I just can't see it happening. The government may form a panel to discuss bullying and say that we are all responsible, but that'll be it.
Ivan Coughanoffalot
There we go. The ritual has been observed. The penitent has been seen to say the correct phrases. Thus, the grieving parents will have to accept their lot, as there is more chance of Ozawa winning Mr Universe than there is of any significant penalty befalling the man on whose shoulders responsibility for this tragedy should sit.
Yet as always here we an inverse proportionality between seniority and responsibility.
This is the land of magic words. "I am sorry" = nothing ever happened.
Sorry but you are wrong. To understand the culture one has to also understand the meaning of "hansei" 反省 , はんせい, a period of reflection; reconsideration; introspection; meditation; contemplation; which is inclusive of an apology.
No one is saying that an apology forgives the action(s), but to "hansei-sure" or to make an act of contrition, means more than just an apology.
No one can take back what has happened, BUT, to the Japanese people, someone who shows true regret and sorrow for their (lack of) action or responsibility goes a long way to easing the sorrow and grief.
Not satisfied at all with his apology (like most people here). I wish there was some way to make the school and all of them do something to stop these kinds of bullying from happening. I don't want to live in the same society as these bullies when they grow up. Scary shit
No matter where you live, no matter the country, you already live in a society where bullies live and breed.
Yubaru: "No one can take back what has happened, BUT, to the Japanese people, someone who shows true regret and sorrow for their (lack of) action or responsibility goes a long way to easing the sorrow and grief."
You honestly believe he shows true regret and sorrow? And sorry, but I don't call 'denial', and he did deny any knowledge and wrongdoing before admitting it later, the same thing as 'reflection'. In what world are they the same thing? Had the media and society in turn not shown outrage over this whole thing, do you think he'd suddenly be coming forward now and apologizing? I think not. So all that stuff about 'hansei' is just a fancy explanation of 'excuse' and 'cowardice'.
Yubaru: "No matter where you live, no matter the country, you already live in a society where bullies live and breed."
Nice pun! And I agree with you there. Bullying is not at all limited to Japan in any way. The only problem is that it goes relatively unpunished, the teachers and admin. have no power and so turn a blind eye until children kill themselves, then deny it -- and go unpunished. THAT part, as well as accepting an apology as contrition and letting the issue go, IS unique to this nation.
@Yubaru. All countries and cultures should be respected. "hansei" may have been applicable decades ago in Japan. However, today, it does not seem that people are making a true "act of contrition" using hansei (for example TEPCO, Olympus, etc.). Do you really believe the principal is "remorseful"? In fact, by him now apologizing it is equivalent to a "confession", I would say. Perhaps, now the police can arrest him. All in all, past generations in Japan may have taken hansei seriously. Today, people seem to be using it to "walk away" free. The parents of the young boy who was murdered needs justice and closure. Time now for prosecutors to act.
Tom Webb
Nothing is going to happen. After a big show of pretending to inquire, investigate, and resolve to do better, nothing is going to happen. No one is going to be held responsible. This is routine followed by the majority of JP corporate and government types. At the worst, someone resigns and go on to a better job.
Manuel D. Valencia III
Forget this "hansei" thing. Where I grew up, we had no hansei. We didn't even assume the BOE or teachers would handle bullying. We (as students) handled bullying ourselves. We busted their heads. Seriously! This hansei thing I believe is just a thing of the past. I would teach my daughters to do the same, too.
One of the bullies mother was a head of the PTA then, and at the meeting, she said, “They were just playing fighting(プロレスごっこ)My son is treated like a criminal and cannot go to school now. If my son committed suicide, the parents and teachers here are all responsible for it.” The bully’s father also said, “I have something to say, too. I know a lot of things…” in a threatening voice.
Oh shock, the parents are bullies!! Where do you all think these kids learned how to bully?
Can you give me an example of another nation that charges the parents for their child's bullying?
Bullying? Nope. How about skipping school though? I have ZERO issues with holding parents responsible for their kids' behaviour. Good or bad. Skipping isn't so much and issue here. Bullying is. Jail the parents. Regardless, who cares what gaikoku does in cases? We live in Japan and this is a problem here. Perhaps if parents were held responsible for their kids, they might actually take an interest in them instead of expecting schools, jukus, clubs.. to raise their kids for them.
look guys, its a disgusting situation but the fact is NOTHING will come of it because bullying is not just ingrained in the education system, but Japanese culture itself. You can't ask the Japanese to make laws against what is second nature to them. It will likely never be taken seriously and always seen as another "shoganai" hurdle for kids to overcome. Want proof? Look at any group of adults in this country, any office or club, and see how they still bully each other well into their golden years.
Well said hoser. Until the adults stop bullying, the kids certainly won't. As I have stated numerous times in the past week, systematic and they always need a pecking order. I mean, look at kohai/sempai and the whole language system used to figure out who is the strongest and who is the weakest.
Not that I'm defending the Board of Education or faculty involved with this case, but since when did responsibility for rearing children and guidance with issues such as bullying become the sole responsibility of the educational system? Aren't the parents to be held accountable for something as well?
Armchair analysts can explain apologies and culture all they like, the first basic question is: Is the apology sincere? Mikihouse has seen the TV report and said it wasn't in any way sincere, and that the school had a death a few years ago too. Anyway, even a sincere apology is not enough. People can also explain that this and that won't bring the boy back. Yeah, we know that. What this thing needs is real action, names and jail sentences. Bullies exist all over the world, just as bullying is often hidden from parents all over the world too, but the suicide rate from bullying here is what is so alarming. Real punishment is what's needed here, whether administered by the authorities or other means.
Everyone is guilty of negligence.
the principal and the BOE head were mechanical in their apologies. I don't personally think they are very sincere. They are projecting a feeling of a pain in the ass/ how dare you challenge me. My call.
THey are kind of circling the wagons, as they are receiving an incredible amount of publicity and coverage from the whole country about this.
This is not new in Japan Schools especially in public schools. It keeps on happening but nothing has been done by the Department of Education. It's about time to sacked those ministers or heads of the department of education with their incapacity to solve the bullying problems in schools. Educators main task are not just to teach but also to observe their students and be able to detect any signs of a student 's behavior and psychological conditions while in school premises. It is also a job for the school guidance councilors. Parents should also check their children for any unlikely behavior at home. Bullied kids are easily detected by their behavior and actions at home and at school. It's wrong to say though that Japanese system are to mechanical and always based on manuals.
Actually, that's a great point. My Japanese wife and I live in Australia and since arriving here she has been very careful not to get caught up in the tentacles of the Japanese ex-pat community - and has shown a particular aversion to older Japanese women. She has explained several times that she has no interest in subjecting herself to the Japanese social hierarchy and system here, and that one of the joys of living here for her is that she is free of those pressures. And the funny thing is, there have been a couple of clear examples of times when we have come across some of these women in one situation or another, and they clearly try to establish dominance, or seniority or attempt to pull her into this bizarre little web they spin. She has a number of Japanese friends her own age here, but avoids the older people like the plague.
My wife said pretty much the exact same thing when we were in the states. At first I didn't understand it too well, but I learned quick.
ja! case closed the japanese way.
It is probably important to be reminded that the JPY75Mn lawsuit by the parents, while finally bringing everyone's attention to this incident of last year, has also turned this into a legal conflict in which the people on the defendants side will never acknowledge their full responsibility over the boy's death, while they may continue to apologize for more indirect matters of negligence. The case in itself needs to be legally settled ASAP so everyone can focus in more productive fashion in a conflict-free environment on identifying root cause and preventing recurrences in other schools and homes.
Lostin nagoya and other who think the school should be sued. Money solves nothing. The persons at fault continue to work and the bullying and lies continue. Bullying is bad, I know first hand as one that was bullied. The educators are the ones who should be punished and the bullies as well. Kick them out of the school. Money mainly comes from the tax payers so the school never really pays for the incident. We tax payers do. Kick the bullies out of school! Fire the educators involved. Save the Children!
Did I ever say or infer that? I was posting an observation about how Japanese think about apologies. Was he regretful? I'll bet he was. Only regretful from the point of view that this incident blew up in his face and he didn't do enough to stop that from happening. Only regretful because in a manner of speaking that he got caught.
Was he sorrowful? I don't know, never saw the man before in my life so I can't make a judgement about it. But I don't know what people expect to see, croc tears? People would have complained that it was fake.
What did you expect from him? How is a person unfamiliar, generally speaking here, with taking responsibility for the actions of others supposed to act? You tell me.
Yubaru I can't tell if you are supporting or condemning the principal.
In any case, he should do the supposedly Japanese honorable thing and resign.Unfortunately modern day Japan insulates those in positions of authority from any responsibility and blame. The whole point of reaching these positions is not for any other reason than to enjoy the perks and s*** on those below you.
Will be happy to comment. As a principal, he should have better supervised his teachers and schools. Second, he should have apologized to the grieving parents last October as a principal. As a principal, he should not have instructed his students and teachers to conceal evidence from the public and police. As a principal, he should be the lead teacher of his school.. As a principal, he should have resigned immediately after apologizing to the media. As a principal, he should have ensured that his students were able to learn in a safe and free educational environment. Surely, the Ministry of Education has policies in place to promote a safe and free educational atmosphere as well as the Japanese constitution.
To answer your question the principal should have taken responsibly for his actions by immediately resigning.
@Yubaru. The principal is not taking responsibility for the actions of others. The bullying occured at his school and he was aware of it or should have been aware of it. It is called "withitness" in the educational profession. Was he promoted to principal not because of his teaching style and talents but because of his "time and rate" at the school? Also, the issue is not suicide but murder. Prosecutors must investigate.
Not enough information.
In a manner of speaking both. We have very little information with which to base our judgement on. People are condemning him based upon their emotions. Which is understandable considering what had happened. Yet I try not to assume to know what he knew of didn't know. If he did know, and did nothing, firing isn't enough of a punishment. However if he didn't know, and I mean truly didn't know then that is another story.
Not enough information.
If he didn't know what he is doing is apologizing after the fact for the lack of action and guidance that his teachers failed to provide. If he did know he is doing both.
The first and most important job of a principal is to ensure a safe learning environment. The other students reported that the bullying has been going on for quite some time and apparently this school is notorious for being a zoo. The principal failed miserably in this basic responsibility (as did the homeroom teacher). Both of them are guilty as sin and should resign immediately. (wishful thinking, I know)
Taking this at face value and accepting as so I would like to add another layer of responsibility that goes beyond the school. The BOE, which for the most part are career government employee's and depending upon the city the head of the BOE is either a former teacher or career government employee as well, should have been aware, (probably were) of the problems in the school.
The BOE and prefectural BOE as well should have done something about this years ago. I am curious to know if the rumor is true that this is not the first suicide that has occurred at this school. If it is not, and it has happened before for the same or similar reasons, I would think that the axe needs to fall on more than just the principals head.
The school is apparently an easier target taking all the charges from the media at current. As the truth unfolds through police investigation and we have confirmation that the atrocious acts rumored to have been committed have indeed been committed, media attention will immediately shift towards the criminals involved and their families. While the school and the BOE did a terrible job at their handling of the incident after it happened, given the series of events leading to the suicide seem to have taken place within a fairly short time span (couple of months) gross negligence on the part of the school in preventing the suicide may be questionable. All in all let us not lose our focus in that this is by all means a very serious crime (if all rumored is indeed true) and the criminals (however young they are) should be convicted and appropriately punished.
I agree with your last statement Yubaru. However, the principal tried to cover up the evidence from other parents and police. As such, he should be forced to resign, be fired, and/or arrested.
Ms. Alexander
If he had apologized from the start, I would believe his apology was sincere. But since it took this long, I can only help but think he's apologizing cuz that's what he thinks the public wants to hear or cuz he's told to.
So many kids commit suicide every year yet Japan doesn't take bullying seriously. Japan lives like it's the survival of the fittest or something. Instead of expelling these bullies, the bullied changes school; stays home or kills themselves. I don't think kids are born bullies. They learn it from home or friends. So until everyone responsible is held accounted for, Japan will never take it seriously.
For now, I'm sure these particular bullies will be quiet but I'm sure they'll find another victim sooner or later.
Kumi Fujimoto
Too late. I can say the young boy killed by unusual society named Otsu Shiga.
One member's of parent of the bullying group are South Koreans in Japan, and they are occurred many problems between Japanese society.
Here is the detail of this case. A news of bullying in school, Japan.
A junior high school boy commited suicide last year,his family name is kouki Honda. He commited suiside cause of bullying, When the fact of bullying are vicious, its no longer just school bullying but crimes.
This problem has been discussed extensively in Japanese internet society. Focus of the problem is this case covered up (hide) by assailants, schools, the boards of education, the polices, and mayor of Otsu,Shiga, And Japanese media still never broadcasting details of this problem. Some brave students testifies for media for the actual condition of bullying of an applicable school, The bullyings never be sorry about the suicide of Honda. (2 of bullying students changed school at Kyoto after this incident.) At PTA meetings these parents of bullyings said to Honda's parents, 'We are victim to Honda's suicide. Your son is dead but our sons have future' (Testimony by more than one attendee the meeting) Then the gag rule came from the principal. The gag rule from a principal is recorded by a student, and the student provides the gag rule from a principal,media and internet. Honda's Family, the victim bereaved does not have an incident report received by the Otsu police Department. (The bullying group's parents are has strong influence of the town, One bullying student's grandfather has influence of the police department of Otsu. The bullying group came to the house of Honda, damaged the house, and stole the wallet several days before the death of Honda, There is a point unnatural for suicide in the dead body of Honda but the autopsy is not performed. ) Then Honda's family makes demands on the mayor for a meeting twice.,all were refused. One of family of the bullying group are Burakumin(Japan's feudal outcast group) The Buraku guroup appears and is donating money to Mayor Otsu and the Shiga governor. Honda and his family isn't Burakumin.
Fact of bullying (testifies by students) Honda is made to practice suicide with a height or a rope from bullying group. Honda was said to practice the way of suicide by the group. Honda is made(force) to eat the corpse of a bee and frog. The group blackmailed Honda, and also from the bank account of the parents of Honda, draws out cash and plays.
The group showedto Honda to the photograph of dead person's body and they asked to Honda that 'how dou you want to become if you gonna death'.
The group forced to do shoplifte to Honda and threatened says to the police. When Honda refused to do shoplift, Honda received the assault of kick from the group. The group calls with today's haircut and roasts Honda's pubic hair over a lighter.
The group applied the stimulus (mustard) etc. to the Honda's penis , and they laughed at Honda's pain. Honda had pressure adhesive tape stretched on his mouth, and was got a full nelson on him and knocked by the group.
The group was gang up on Honda and beat him up. threat to Honda by the school and extorted money from Honda by threats and violence. 400000yen( about 3 thousands and 7 hundreds dollars)
The police announced that Honda committed suicide by jumping down, by 14th froor of his apartment He was found in the state with the face upward by the first discoverer. There was no damage in the dead body,but there were marks which received violence, and Honda's cloth was torned. (Possibility of the fall from lower floor)
Honda's shoes and bag placed on the 14th floor. There were no his will. Honda's cell phone was operated (by someone) after the estimated time of his death.
Some students testifies for media for the actual condition of bullying was called from the teacher. Teacher said to those student 'If you want to get good grade and go to high school where you want, don't tell about this case to media' The school principal and teachers also said to all of students. 'If you want to tell about this case,then tell your teacher first , dont tell even your parents and don't discuss between students Trust us and protect our school' The school also said to all of student's parents. 'Please keep quiet, Don't tell about this bullying to media' The contents of bullying is ABC News is not written in detail in the ghastly thing About Buraku(dōwa problem)