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© KYODOOver 30% of lung cancer patients exposed to passive smoking: survey
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Michael Jackson
@ WTF, I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying that an internet survey is not scientific at all because they could say anything with no personal data to back it up
Is it any surprise? Go to practically any bar or izakaya here and you can't taste the food and drinks due to the amount of smoke. This over time results in various forms of cancer appearing at higher rates.
Those numbers are dubious at best, as this is an unscientific survey. there is mountains, over 40yrs worth of evidence both in the UK and US of the dangers of passive smoking, many people have contracted lung cancer working in a smoking environment and they havent been smokers themselves. yep its finally caught up with Japan and smokers now will have to smoke where their habit doesn't effect anybody else health except their own.
Raw Beer
"Over 30% of lung cancer patients in Japan who have jobs are exposed to passive smoking at workplaces", but how many of them are smokers themselves?
And what percentage of people who are exposed to passive smoking at workplaces have lung cancer?
Meanwhile the US States back in '98 sued Big Tobacco from 200 to 365 Billion in compensation costs. It's high time that the Japanese government started standing up for Japanese rather than pretending it's a corporate partner.
Here comes the junk numbers the math on 15,000 in all of Japan... given the liberal smoking laws of the past 50 years....the mortality rate should be astronomical....I get it do not like solution was not patronize establishments that allow now you drag it into the work place...well played
The numbers are not so much dubious as unclear. I'm assuming the 30% mentioned are non-smokers, but it would be helpful if it was made clear. Also, what percentage of the working population are exposed to smoking at work? If it is close to 30%, then there would seem to be no difference between lung cancer patients and the rest of the population.
I'd say the workplace issue is more important than bars, restaurants, etc. But even in those places, people have to work.
Actually, there isn't.
do not patronize establishments that allow now you drag it into the work place...well played actually smoking was banned in government buildings in Japan about 12yrs ago, it only a matter of time until all work places go the same way. Smokers need to live with the fact that smoking wherever you please isnt acceptable anymore or do your health a favor and quit being a slave to the cigarette.
Dan Lewis
Smoking in any public area should be outlawed. Parks, roads (don't care if you're in your own car. If you've got your window open, you get fined.) And let anybody enforce fines. 2000 yen a pop.
Just a user
I was thinking the same
Michael Jackson
Those numbers are dubious at best, as this is an unscientific survey. There's no way to directly their cancer with the passive smoke. Also, there's no mention of any other risk factors including their own history of smoking.
If 1/3 of lung cancer patients get it 2nd hand smoke, wouldn’t 75% of all beings be dropping dead from pollution and BBQ smoke, and farts etc?