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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Patience wearing thin in Ginowan over Futenma base issue
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How can anyone reading this article, and knowing the facts, think Japan should just go along with the earlier LDP agreement? A good article, but blaming Hatoyama's reluctance on Fukushima is a bit simplistic. He himself has long felt uncomfortable with the US military's permanent presence in Japan.
I wonder how deep the press is reporting the truth about Okinawa. Yes, they want the bases moved to other places but they also want jobs and money from the central government. Need opinions from construction companies, base workers and land owners etc.
Just make all the U.S military leave Japan and see what happens. The Japanese would be speaking Chinese or Korean within a year. Which was there first the base or the city? If they didnt want to live so close to the base then hy did they move there?
That is one funny, foolish statement.
If the United States never gave back Okinawa to Japan in 1972, this issue would not even exist. But they did so if Japan want's all U.S. Marines to leave they would have to go. Hopefully something will get worked out soon.
Why would anyone build , or buy a home or business around any airfield, chemical plant, sewage disposal plant, animal farm or any other potentially dangerous, noxious venture and then, complain about the hazards and foul odors?
Kapuna - Why would anyone build , or buy a home or business around any airfield
Hey Kapuna, have you ever heard of the El Toro Marine Base (Air Wing)in California - it use to be surrounded by strawberry fields but then they (civilians) started building houses right up to the runway (and of course the amazing thing is that people bought them). I was looking for a Condo near there and one set I was looking at - well when the F-18's came over head they were only 150 feet above us.
Well the same thing that is happening on Okinawa already happened years ago with El Toro - under pressure from the civilians they abandoned El Toro and moved to other existing Marine/Navy air bases.
So what on earth is the big deal here. If Japan doesn't want us there then lets MOVE OUT!
Tom DeMicke
Noise levels? Yeah, planes are noisy, I wonn't dispute that issue. But what about all the noise pollution from barking dogs during all hours of the night including dogs barking as early as 4am? Owners of these dogs (and I'm not talking about stray dogs, either) have a total disregard for their neighbors. Nothing is ever done about it.
Then there is the loud obnoxious announcements coming from vans regarding voting opportunities. They blare up the volume in the evening hours you can't even hear what's on the TV.
Then there is the bozusokus (don't know how to spell that word, but I'm talking about those dumb teenage motorcycle gangs) who ride around their noisy bikes at all hours of the night evading the police.
In most countries of the world, this noise pollution would not be tolerated and would yield stiff pentalties.
So I think the local citizens here should stop always complaining about U.S. military bases and take a good hard look at the noise pollution created by our Japanese hosts. Thank you!
The ironic thing is that without the existence of the base, communities would not have "sprung up" around it's perimeter. I'm sure the inhabitants were all well aware that planes land 100 feet from where they were planning to build a school, then subsequently complain about the noise the place make because of their proximity to the school. Complete idiocy at it's fullest!!!
People move close to bases, garbage dumps, and other lousy places because the land is cheap. But the cheap looses its appeal in a hurry ; ) Especially when they have to build schools and infrastructure to support the population. That that is what planning and zoning is all about. Okinawans did a piss poor job of planning and they are now paying the price. Jigo jitoku.
Though I whole heartedly believe that the US should pull completely out of Japan, the problems will not go away even if that happens. Japans defense is primarily air and sea and those bases are going to exist whether the soldiers there are named Smith or Suzuki.
If Japanese people want progress, they need to think a bit deeper than just getting the damn yanks out. And if they want to have a nice place to live in, they need to adopt rational planning, zoning and embrace the laws of eminent domain. This remains the only country that I have lived in where they put the telephone poles in the middle of the roads ; )
Noise levels? Yeah, planes are noisy, I wonn't dispute that issue. But what about all the noise pollution from barking dogs during all hours of the night including dogs barking as early as 4am? Owners of these dogs (and I'm not talking about stray dogs, either) have a total disregard for their neighbors. Nothing is ever done about it.
Then there is the loud obnoxious announcements coming from vans regarding voting opportunities. They blare up the volume in the evening hours you can't even hear what's on the TV.
Then there is the bozusokus (don't know how to spell that word, but I'm talking about those dumb teenage motorcycle gangs) who ride around their noisy bikes at all hours of the night evading the police.
In most countries of the world, this noise pollution would not be tolerated and would yield stiff pentalties.
So I think the local citizens here should stop always complaining about U.S. military bases and take a good hard look at the noise pollution created by our Japanese hosts. Thank you!
Great point Typhoon Tom!! Totally agree.
"A large city has grown up around the base"
Wow, it must be a great place to live!
"those bases are going to exist whether the soldiers are named Smith or Suzuki"
The Japanese would rather complain about the noise from the Suzukis than the Smiths, I guess, lol.
Dream on! It's laughable and sad that there are still many who think China or Korea (North or South) would attack Japan as soon as the US troops pulled out of Japan. Have China or Korea ever attacked another sovereign state without provocation? I don't think so. 60 years is a long time to hold a big enough grudge to warrant military action. Japan has learned her lesson from getting too militarized and wanting to colonize other countries.
Yes, the US bases create jobs but they also create a very uncomfortable climate for so many, and actually put pressure on other countries to build up their own arms supplies. Surely the goal should be to have no US troops here. It must be possible to achieve and any steps in this direction should be welcomed by all. I hope those who feel the US presence in Japan is absolutely vital can begin to realize that it may not be the case at all. Scary as it may be for some who would then have to question their own purpose here.
Marion Wm Steele
I will remind all that will listen that Japan has sent their Self Defense Forces to Okinawa to share our bases and they are sending over a thousand a week to build a Japanese presence on an island that was literally destroyed by the Japanese during WWII. This phony reversion and the "Secret Deals" that Japan has foisted on the Ryukyuan people is far worse than a noisy helicopter. I say and I have written the President that we should leave Okinawa as soon as possible. Those Marines are actually needed more in the United States than in a bickering Japanese aura of indecision.
Marion, two points; " an island that was literally destroyed by the Japanese during WWII." Last I checked Imperial Japan ndidn't bomb or invade Okinawa. We did. " Those Marines are actually needed more in the United States" Ridiculously incorrect statement. The fast striking capability of the Marines are best utlized by forward deployment to theater areas. The is NO need whatsoever for Marines in the US when we have the US Army and National Guard at home.
Sorry OssanAmerica Marion is right ... Japan did forcibly "occupy," with ever increasing numbers of soldiers from the mainland and China(the unit that was notoriously famous around the Central capital in China was sent to Okinawa) and dug in with almost the same notorious black hearted brutality, propaganda, rape, and sheer nastiness that was dealt to the Chinese against the native Ryukyu-an people as it became obvious that Okinawa was after Iwo Jima next on the US invasion list. Although the US did tear the place up (invasions will do that), they never were as feared as were the Japanese Imperial Army and their Kempitai 'friends' who occupied the place ... Remember the Ryukyu islanders are still mad at Nixon for giving Okinawa 'to' Japan after Meiji Japan sorta just absorbed them from the Kyushu Shimizu family.
But then, you are also correct about the Marines being forward deployed near a 'suspected' theater of operations being their forte ... which lands them right smack dab in the middle of Okinawa ... perhaps we should 'buy back' the land around the base 1.6Km to both "reset" where it used to be, and to prevent further/future accidents... which came first the chicken or egg? (base being there long, long before people of no sense built right up to it perimeter ... same thing happened in Atsugi, Yokota, Iwakuni, and is slowly developing in Misawa ... it would be cheaper than what we are trying to now resolve. The rocks around Ginowan hasn't grown moss yet ... a century has not passed - and as stated in the article, the surronds were once ALL rice paddies
This is a non-story if I ever saw one and only serves to be inflammatory...
Just one point, the people owned the land way before the American or Japanese decided to build a base on their land.
So to say "Why" would you build a house next to a base fence?
Where else you build your house on an island this small? I assume you live here and know what the land north of Nago is like.
Black Night, what a nice solution to destroy the city of Ginowan. What if they refuse to leave? Are the Americans willing to use their troops to force them our? It would look good on the world news. I am sure Japan will not let this happen. The self defense force will not let this happen. An open invasion of the peaceful nation of Japan by the United States. Japan would outright cancel the base agrements. Americans have no rights to have bases in the Peacsful nation of Nippon. I say to the American agressor, get out of Nippon! American bases are subject to local and not foreign approval. Either respect the desires of the local residents or depart.
GINOWAN — According to Japan Today....When the US took over a Japanese airfield here in the closing days of World War II, it was surrounded by sugarcane fields and the smoldering battlegrounds of Okinawa. It is now the focus of a deepening dispute that is testing Japan’s security alliance with the United States and dividing its new government in Tokyo.
To Japantoday, Please get your facts straight. There NEVER WAS A MILITARY BASE WHERE THE FUTENMA AIRSTATION IS LOCATED.!! There was an airfield at Awase, at Makiminato, Kadena, Bolo Point, Yontan, Ie Jima but never, never, never at Futenma, so when you point out this misinformation, it gives all the pseudo military want to bees a chance to tell Okinawans get used to the US Being here on Okinawa. I want you to get out and get out NOW. You do not belong in Ginowan City and you do not belong at Henoko(period) for the idiotic remarks about dogs barking comparing that to the Jets and helicopters as typhoon tom does has been spending too much time drinking sake and needs to wake up and smell his coffee is burning. For remarks as to why would anyone build next to what ever still has no clue, come to Okinawa and ask yourself one question. What country in the entire world that was devistated or touched by WWII has not re-built and attempted to re-adjust to a normal life, yet the number of your readers who continually write their idiotic remarks telling us to get used to the noise, that Japan lost the war or that the military can do as they please needs to get their head out of the sand and look around the world. This is not 1950 it is 2010. Every country in the world has had a chance to rebuild even in any city USA. Populations grow, cities grow yet on Okinawa, all of the mental giants that write their brilliant words here fail to realize that Okinawa does not have the space that even little New Jersey has, yet we are expected to keep taking the same line of baloney that keeps being served on this site. Take you base and go home we do not want you on Okinawa. We do not mind a few bases but we would like to have the chance to rebuild our little prefecture just as all you people have been able to do, yet you still write your idiotic nonsense here as though you have the brilliant knowledge to know what is best for Okinawa and for world peace. If I sound angry, I am, I want the USA out of Ginowan City and out of Henoko, I want these bases moved next door to where you mental giants live and put up with the base problems. You do not have a clue to what Okinawans want. Look back at history to the Koza Riots, this day may come again and Okinawans may be pushed to the brink and let you revisit history. It was not pleasant but I am sure the mighty US Military will be pleased to hurt and kill Okinawans as we are noting but obstacles in your way. As long as there are bars here you are happy. Go Home. leave us alone!!!
For accurate information about Okinawa and the Futenma Air Station look at our 4 part series on you tube link attached. It is accurate and truthful and researched from first hand knowledge.
for the remark about who would build next to the fence at Futenma Air Station or any other location, you need remember just one simple answer for those who need a simple response. Where else would Okinawans that lived next to the fence and inside the fence prior to WWII rebuild following the war? If your family lived in Tornedo Alley, USA and the area was devestated by a tornedo, your family would most likely return and rebuild there, but if they found the military had moved in and taken your land, as the US Military did in Ginowan Oyama Futenma and other villages, and your city was very small, like Okinawa, you would not only be upset that the Military was there setting up a new base on your land, you might build as close to where your family was for centuries, yet Americans and other foreigners never have been able to grasp the importance of Family. You talk about religion and family being important but yet feel Okinawans are somehow different, yet our family values are probably a lot more meaningful to us than to others.
The first paragraph of the story holds the solution. Whoever was there FIRST gets to stay, and those who decided of their own free will to build Ginowan around the base need to MOVE!
Yuri, still haven't recovered from New Year's Eve? This is ridiculous even from you.
KinuyeOshiro - if you feel so strongly about it, why not do something other than rail at US posters? The problem is the Japanese government not the US military, you should direct your anger at Tokyo.
Ken Watanabe
Sorry, you're completely lost in the track of your argument. You divert the attention from the issue of US military base to family value. Speaking of which, Americans and foreigners in generally emphasize family values as much as you Japanese do.
I agree. I personally wonder whether the local residents have a clear communication strategy and resources to make a movement to raise their voices against the government over the issue. They know what is at stake, and they should be able to initiate the public referendum
You know, as each passing day goes by we get yet another article about the US military in Okinawa. The gist of each story is that Hatoyama has absolutely no clue what to do. This is surprising since he has been on record for a long time about wanting to remove the US military from Japan, you would think he would have had some semblance of a plan as a contingency if his party ever came to power, which it has. Each article has the same tired arguments from “mental giants” on both sides of the issue.
I will agree that the posters that say that Japan will immediately fall prey to China if the US military leaves really don’t have a clue – I mean, c’mon, think about it, why would China attack Japan? They would never have to. The same with North or South Korea. All of those countries have a strong military, they aren’t the same weak countries that Japan was able to take advantage of in the past. Why invade when a blockade would bring the same result? Could Japan really withstand a blockade of its oil imports for a long time?
I keep seeing references to what happened with the Philippine bases – does anyone really see the Philippines being in a better situation militarily? The US still helps out with their insurgency problem – which is going to become an even bigger problem for Manila in the years to come. Does anyone see that country being able to defend itself? I wonder what would be the internal effect on Japan should the US withdraw and Japan rebuild its military into something that could actually defend the country? Where are the people going to come from? How is Japan going to pay for it given their economic situation? And what will be the fallout from the US side, which btw is still Japan’s primary trade partner? Think the US will be willing to keep the same unequal trade situation it has for decades? Think China has Japan’s interests in mind in any trade partnership or Greater Asia Co-prosperity sphere? Actually expect that Japan is going to lead that consortium? And the biggest question is why would the US agree to leave here and keep the same level of involvement in Japan’s defense? What’s in it for us? I keep seeing posters say that our being here is in our best interests – what interests?
It would be very interesting to see what would happen. Just the thought of people like YuriOtani, KinuyeOshiro, and alphawolf (don’t know the nationality there) serving in the Japanese military is worth playing “what if”.
perspective, why do you assume I never served in the defense force? I would like to see the last of the US military occupation of Japan. The war is old news. I have not done anything wrong and nobody I know has done anything wrong. I am beginning to see a neutral Japan as a good thing. That is the real danger America faces. How would they spy on China without there Japanese bases?
NuckinFutz at 01:49 PM JST - 3rd January
The first paragraph of the story holds the solution. Whoever was there FIRST gets to stay, and those who decided of their own free will to build Ginowan around the base need to MOVE!
Absolutely True statement. Okinawans were there first. The US Military moved them all to barbed wire camps just as they did in America, and then took their land to build Futenma Air Station. There was no military base there as Japan Today stated. It was all farming/villages/Tombs. The closest Japanese Base was the Awase Air Field that some old military guys called Kubasaki Field, but there was not US Military there. So it should be returned to Okinawans. Changing my response to Family Values? ask Americans of Japanese Decent how they were treated and how many got their land back then talk to me about family values and while you are at it, I believe my history is correct in that Settlers as well as military murdered Indians for their land, so much for thanksgiving. So US Military MOVE! and NuckinFutz needs to learn about Okinawan History, your prejudice is really apparent, "Those who decided of their own free will to build Ginowan around the base need to MOVE! your racist views are very obvious.
okinawa mike is correct.. their may not have been skyscrapers back before the war.. but the fields were farmed by farmers adn people lived in small huts, owned by many people. When they were forced off their land by the hundreds, to watch their land and houses bulldozed they acted like booted out dogs... not going far from the only homes they knew, so it grew croweded around the base. The original land owners more than likely live near that base..
Ken Watanabe
I have two things to say in response to this rant. First, your argument is less persuasive than you think, because you make a hasty generalization on family values. Sure, Japanese Americans are the representatives of those who were oppressed/ marginalized/discriminated in a mainstream society. But that does NOT support your statement that "Americans and other foreigners never have been able to grasp the importance of Family." You know why? Give me a clear definition of "Americans," otherwise, that doesn't make any sense.
Second, your historical assumption on Japanese Americans is totally irrelevant to the issue on the relocation of US military base. You're mixing up these two issues in your argument, as if they WERE related each other. That’s the main reason why you have trouble winning the sympathy from other respondents.
Ken Watanabe
You just sound like the US established the military bases in Okinawa after WWII without permission of Japan. You can blame the US military for seizing the properties from local communities and damaging/destroying the cultural heritage of your land. However, you should be noted that it was the Japanese government who gave permission to the US for founding the military bases in compliance with Japan-US National Security Treaty. It was the Japanese government--namely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs--who deliberately deceived Okinawans and all Japanese people, when Okinawa was to be returned to Japan in 1972. Yes, they paid the millions of dollars(equivalent to billions of dollars today) that the US owed for the ordinary duties and maintenance of their military bases for 27 years since the invasion.
This is definitely not the first time. I reckon that Okinawans had the utmost hostility toward the US over the military base--especially in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. I personally wonder why their anti-American sentiment did not turn into a mass rally or regional/national movement in the history of Okinawa, such as Vietnam War protests, Freedom Rider in Mississippi, Alcatraz(1970) or the second Wounded Knee incident in South Dakota(1973).
amerijap, yes my mum told me about the concentration camps for the Okinawa people on their own island. About all of the cruel practices done to them. I wonder how many were killed for not moving fast enough or for no reason at all. No American people the relationship was foul from the very beginning. The taking of land without compensation. Japan paying money 27 years after the fact does not count. These people were made homeless by the American government. As stated so many times the government is always responsible for the conduct of their troops. How many of them died because they were made homeless? I read so often about the cruel Japanese troops but never about the cruel American troops. This and a lot more is the true reasons the Okinawan people want ALL of the bases removed. Remember this the German people were not put into concentration camps in Germany but the Okinawan people were put into camps. How many people starved to death or died from injuries? The list goes on.
Ken Watanabe
??? Aren't you confused with the concentration camps for Japanese Americans at the time of war in 1941? My school did not teach anything related to the concentration camps in Okinawa nor have I heard anything about the existence of the camps in my life. I wouldn't be surprised if the US military organized the camps similar to the ones for Japanese Americans in WWII, but I dunno.
Moderator: All readers, please stay on topic. Your comments should focus on what is in the story.
Here is an article from the stars and stripes. I believe the past is the key to the future. Today as Americans are using land without any payment to the people of Japan. (payments from Japan does not count) Flying their aircraft without a concern about the local people. The people of Okinawa DEMAND that MCAS Futenma close without relocating in Okinawa. The Americans are not concerned about the needs of the people of Okinawa and this has been going on for 64 years, very soon to be 65 years. I do not know what the Americans are holding over the new PM and his government but they should be ashamed of themselves. America has not changed during these last 64 years.
Ken Watanabe
Yes. The US was supposed to pay all the fees for the land, but they didn't because Japan sounded out a secret deal between the two nations at the time of returning Okinawa. What the Japanese government did was considered to be a political scandal, because it's a gross violation of Japanese national constitution. It was never manifested to the public. A local Mainichishinbun news writer named Takichi Nishiyama secretly got the sources from an unidentified individual from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the secret plan, in his failed attempt to disclose the secret deal. The outcome? Nishiyama was arrested and found guilty for the misconduct. The Ministry of Foreign Affair fired the personnel for her action. Her husband filed a divorce. The mainstream news media diverted the public attention away from the government’s secret plan to the news writer’s love affair with the secretary from the public administration. That’s the hidden fact behind the scene in which Japanese government gave a signal to the US military over the land fees.
Well, isn't that Okinawans' responsibility to create a better strategy to take the initiatives on the issue, articulate what they really need, mobilize the public, and raise the awareness of their situational crisis to the government as well as the US military? People already know this is not the first time they are in conflict with the US military base. I haven't seen any specific movement strategy or political/public agenda set up by Okinawans, despite the fact they have been dealing with the conflict for over 60 years. They should have had several opportunities to make collective actions on the issue in the past, but I wasn't even able to see any sign of their confrontation that would be strong enough to confront the government's bureaucracy and the US military. That's really mind-boggling to me.
I find it funny that some people seem to forget that Okinawa was taken in a war between Japan and the USA, which the Japanese started. As a result of the Japanese not winning the war, they suffered attacks on their home soil, which as is the case in global war, very nasty. Losers of wars have rarely been treated as light as Japan was, though this was not because of a lack of ill will or for the good of ordinary Japanese but to serve a larger geopolitical strategy.
Victors decide the future and write the history, that is simply the harsh reality of life. It would be no different if Japan had won the war. One needs to think, Okinawa is lucky to be apart of Japan. So in many regards the whole issue is even being discussed because the USA decided to give back the land that they took, unlike Russia and China which still territory and Russia has yet to even sign a peace treaty.
Now if the United States wants to continue to keep the good will, yes it already exists despite the claims of a few, with Japan the USA needs to find a just solution to this issue. Force reduction, relocation of bases, monetary compensation and environmental remediation should all be just demands. American, at the state level, need to be less demeaning in its behavior towards Japan. In this I agree with the Prime Minister, equal relationships are based on mutual respect. Having said that, I bet the majority of Japanese are not in favor of having all US troops leave and that most Japanese have a positive view of the USA in general. We need to remember that we are allies, and despite the wishes of a few, will, more than not, remain so.
I think this applies to those who buy into the idea that they are safer with the US stationed in Okinawa.. just like the ones who thought they were safer when the Japanese who were stationed in Okinawa prior to the Battle for Okinawa that resulted in the US bombing Okinawa fro 82 days killing 1/3rd of the civilian population... It also applies to those who are being paid for (prostitutes) whom work MLC jobs on them bases.. aw
The US military or US Govt are not paying Okinawans anything for the land use on Okinawa as Yuritani stated.. the money is coming from the Omoiyari yosan budget. Any payments to Okinawans prior to 1978 was irregular or non existent.. aw
yuritani noticed this also.. i read an article by an old CIA man who stated it was a "program" by the US military during occupation to convince the Okinawans they were not "Japanese" so they could control them easier. If they exploited cruelties by the Japanese soldiers and encouraged "Okinawan hogen" on the american radio stations.. it would prevent the Okinawans from wanting to revert to Japan, threatening US military control of Okinawa. What you see happening right now. However school teachers seen this "plot" to control the "ignorant masses" and pushed hard for reversion.... aw
Editor of Okinawa Times stated the above, which piggybacks on my statement above. Censorship of the news is to control the
As a former US Mil who lived amongst the Japanese people for 8 years, I agree that America should release ALL their bases and pull back to Hawaii and Guam, or perhaps take up Singapore's long standing offer to host the US Mil there. Fact is Japan is growing more and more too big for their little boy pants! Time for them to move to the men's dept and put on the big boy pants and stop flip flopping on the "we need the US, then we don't". Pull out and let it be a lesson in what happens when you spend 12 years negotiating a deal and then break it, just because you feel like it. Let all the whiners keep whining whe the US is gone and suddenly every Japanese male under 25 is subject to the the draft into the JMSDF because few will volunteer to go. Let the Okinawains keep complaining when the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo see the wisdom of the placement of bases in Okinawa and decide to occupy the current facilities with their own JASDF and Japan's newly rapidly explanded Marines.
Fact is folks these cry babies ACTUALLY believe they can simply declare Japan as Neutral and the years of historical animosity between Japan (on the one side) and China and Korea (on the other side) would simply go away. That somehow the need for a real standing Army and Navy with their ranks filled with Japanese (or even big bad oldd USA) is not necessary. That declaring that Japan is a play nice country will thwart any threat from her asian neighbors. As though the war of economies doesn't exist. That economic competition between Asian countries and between the west and the east is not as big much like a war as war it's self.
Whine all you want but until you come back to reality and come up with realistic solutions to problems, your just crying over spilt milk.
Oh, by the way to my Okinawain friends, the good old USA doesn't occupy Japan as you continue to claim. Your Cousins in Japan do. Or did domebody issue you guys passports that say Okinawa now?