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© KYODOPfizer applies for Japanese gov't approval of booster shots for kids
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Kids are fine, they all probably got COVID multiple times so no need.
Focus on important diseases instead of making easy money on useless drugs.
Waste of time! Kids were never at risk from Covid in the first place and this "vaccine" was designed for a variant no longer in circulation.
Open up and Move on!
Well, regardless of whether or not the Pfizer application is approved, Japan has gone all in for vaccines, and will try to prevent the next pandemic with their home-grown technology. The money they are spending on these efforts is truly massive. Prepare to see some stories about misuse of funds....
William Bjornson
Since the ONLY information we get is from those whose PROFITS depend upon what they can sell us, one hopes that Japanese 'Authorities' have more concern for Japanese children than their American peers seem to have. Big Pharma's mentality is NO DIFFERENT than their predecessors who reassured us in the past that "nine out of ten doctors SMOKE CAMELS".
It’s pure evil to inject small children with experimental vaccines whose mid and long term side effects are still unknown.
Even if short lived, safe and effective protection is better than no protection at all, a few months of reduced risks for children (some of which are specially vulnerable) is simply much better than running the full risks of covid.
On one side pediatricians and other specialists say there is need, on the other nameless people on the internet say no need. It should be clear which side is much more likely to be correct.
The evidence clearly contradict you, with many children admitted to the ICU (a horrible experience that can leave scars for life) or even dying. The vaccines still give protection even against Omicron, it is not a waste of time to prevents serious disease or even death.
How did that evidence in adults compares with what was found in the general population? was any contradiction found? that is what regulators require from clinical trials, for them to be pre-registered, with endpoint outcomes decided since before the trial begins, with controls and inspections, etc. This is not something a company does in some secret base nobody has access to. Data is available for review before each trial even finishes precisely because nothing is based only on trust.
Good. Should just become part of the general vaccine programme. We got 'lucky' with Omicron. What if had been a more lethal variant that had emerged? Very easy for the naysayers to dismiss.
@Meiyouwenti: In answer you, What was known about the long term effects of Polio, Diphtheria and Smallpox vaccines when we started using them? The checks and balances, Social Media etc, certainly wasn't about then to promote your sick views.
The opposite, the vaccines are no longer experimental, no confirmed problems until now is still much better than well characterized problems coming from the infection that can last for life. So making this misrepresentation is much more condemnable than approving a vaccine that can actually prevent these problems or worse in children.
It’s strange but I do not know anyone with children having an issue with the virus.
In fact, it is not a significant issue.
It is the old (80+) dying with the virus largely with a comorbidity-fact!
Young people have immune systems that are still developing; do they really need to be pumped full of multiple vaccines every few months?
What are the effects of multiple vaccines in children?
There aren’t any at present but years later they may well be.
Where is the proof that children need to be vaccinated?
There isn’t any.
I’ve had Covid, the Omicron variant and due to a healthy immune system, it posed absolutely no problem.
Instead of vaccines why aren’t governments promoting ways to ensure healthy immune systems?
Something is wrong….
Let's just focus on the vulnerable groups before injecting kids, who are for the most part, not affected the same as older people. There are cases of Myocarditis associated with the mRNA vaccines for males under 30. I don't think the benefits outweigh the risks for young children to be vaccinated.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Hey Pfizer leave them kids alone!
My children won't be having any.
1) They haven't given informed consent
2) Risks outweigh any benefits. - Benefits I am yet to see.
This is a good thing. The booster will reduce chances of death for children from nearly 0 to nearly 0.
Let the parents choose. At least there is a choice then and they can't say government didn't do anything for the kids. if the parents want to vaccinate the kids to feel more secure, then i don't see anything wrong with them getting vaccinated. As long it's not mandatory.
My kids won't be anywhere near this crap.
Name one paediatrician who does and is not affiliated with Pfizer or any other pharmaceutical company with links to their credentials…just one!
The Avenger
A child needs a COVID vaccine as much as it needs Alzheimers medication...
I don't see the evidence in the efficacy of vaccinating young children and therefore recommend against it. The vaccine does not prevent infection and many kids have natural immunity and don't even know it.
Big Pharma is out to make a bundle before the Covid crises goes away.
Yeah! Vaccine and booster every 6-8 months! That would be 120 shots in that kid's lifetime!
Go ask pediatricians then, which are a group heavily supporting making the vaccines available for this age group. One thing is that children are at a reduced risk, another is that this risk is completely absent (which is not true).
There is no known negative effect from vaccination, which is something expected since children get much more exposure to antigens just by living their daily lives. If vaccines were enough to affect children then living outside of an sterile bubble would be impossible.
That does nothing to disprove that many children had to be hospitalized from covid, some had to stay for long time in the ICU and some even died. It may be surprising but personal experience do not make the opposite evidence disappear.
Many children are part of vulnerable groups, making the vaccine approved means these children (that are in real risk of dying if they get covid) are much better protected. What you are arguing against is precisely letting some vulnerable people get vaccinated.
Children can't give informed consent for anything, they are not legally capable of doing it, that is why parents or legal guardians are for. And according to the experts the risks do not outweight the benefits, do you have scientific evidence that disprove them?
There is no part of the label of the Cominarty vaccine used in Japan that says this. Not in the label for those older than 12yo nor in the label of the vaccine used for children younger than 12.
What part of the article gave you the impression this is not the case?
They are not, in Japan they were never considered as such. And if you consider vaccination a "test" then nonvaccinated children are also part of that test, the higher risk group.
At this point covid is a much more important source of medical expenses, vaccination would then address this worry of you and reduce this at the same time it reduces the risk of complications even for children. This would be an argument for vaccination.
Sad to hear about your situation, pediatricians agree children are benefited from vaccination so this means you are really in need for the medication.
Why would they do that? haven't they created enough damage already?
Define "many"? The death rate reported among children under 20 is 17,200. Sounds like the vast majority of children under 20 are doing just fine.
As usual, your posts on this subject omit facts but are strong on your opinions.
On other subjects your posts seem to be balanced but on this one , unfortunately not.
maybe some logical and factual information might guide you to the correct conclusion?
As we know the main variant at present is Omicron or variants there of.
We also know that Omicron is less severe than Delta in the great majority of cases.
And we also know from the link below that no children in Japan have died from the Delta variant.
Therefore , there is no valid reason for parents to see their children injected with a useless costly product which programs their cells to do something which they do not need, right?
Let's make more money selling vaccines to children and abroad. If we can create more innocuous viruses but let the public know they are potentially life threatening, maybe we can sell more vaccines. If we let the public know that there are nutritional gaps in their diet, we can sell multi-vitamins. If we let them know that multi-vitamins are chemically processed and that eating more greens satisfies their nutritional needs, then we can sell more vegetables. If there are a lot of pesticides used on vegetables, we can get them to buy organic vegetables. If the number of homicide cases have increased, we can get them to buy more guns to protect themselves. If the Taiwanese and Australians worry that China is going to invade, we can sell more subs, jets, and missiles. If Russia can cut off their supply of oil and gas, we can increase our exports.
Jon Snow
When will people gonna wake up? This shots is not free! We are paying for it. Do you think pharma and the government will not find a ways to make us ordinary people shoulder the expenses of this shots?
Happy Day
Seems like everyone has COVID these days- vaxxed, unvaxxed, boosted, etc. No one has gotten very ill. People have just learned to live with it.
I think a lot of people have short term memory. And they forget the impact vaccines have on the vulnerable.
The Rabble: "My kid's got a HealThy immune System!"
Til they find out it's not so healthy for some reason. After the fact. And that their kid is suffering from Covid and has long term complications because they had some other underlying disease they never even knew about.
And the rabble don't want to be reminded of the perks of vaccination. Or even accept there are any at all. They've got their pride and indignation, which is really just fear.. and that's worth more than anything based in science and data and history. It's like some kind of primitive instinct, they're literally being threatened. I guess we should feel a little bit sorry for em.
Saving uncountable lives is not "damage".
Myocarditis is not a known problem related to the amount of vaccines children have in general. That would be completely false. And for the specific case of the vaccines myocarditis is more severe, frequent and gives more complications during covid than what has been found for any vaccine. This means that as long as the pandemic is present the vaccines end up preventing it.
You seem to have the idea that children can only die or get a mild disease, that is completely wrong. Even if the only effect the vaccination would have was to help some kids avoid hospitalization (or a painful stay in the ICU) that would still be a complete justification for vaccinating them. Specially because some complications can have life long consequences on their health.
You also seem to have the idea that children with vulnerabilities have been living a normal life during the pandemic and even so none of them have died, that is also completely unjustified since most of those children (that can have problems as common as asthma) have been spared because of many changes in their lives because their families clearly understand that becoming infected can cause their death. If a vaccine can help those children have better chances of survival (or even recover some normality in their lives) that is again a very powerful reason why the vaccines should be allowed for them. Why do you think pediatricians are one of the most vocal groups that asked for the vaccines?
6 million deaths in less than 3 years is not "innocuous", and if anybody would want to make money from it vaccines would be against this interest. Just look how much is spend on medication even for over the counter things people get for mild problems, that is enough to give more profit than one vaccine. A stay in the ICU? that is many orders of magnitude more profit.
Tom San
Translated as 注意一特例承認医薬品
Steven Mccarthy
Wow !!! Look at all the anti science comments …. mRNA vaccines have worked exactly as intended…. To trigger the body to spike proteins in the event of an infection…. Thereby reducing your chances of getting a severe case…. And let’s clear up a few more patently false statements…. No mRNA vaccine was designed for any specific variant …. Which is precisely why when omicron hit around the world and the masses were vaccinated…. Cases didn’t explode…. And this is not double talk …. The 1st 3 months of this year (Japan) were the deadliest of the next top 3 months combined . It’s a good thing the vast majority of responsible adults were vaccinated/boosted. Unless you’re all anti any vaccine for children …. From birth to teenager…. Y’all need to get a grip…. Most anti vaxers are also members of some religious cult and pray for healing….. as for the constant whining about the borders…. The borders are open ….
Tom San
Only the "experts" know everything.
That's why they're "experts".
Children can't give informed consent for anything, they are not legally capable of doing it, that is why parents or legal guardians are for. And according to the experts the risks do not outweight the benefits, do you have scientific evidence that disprove them?
Yes as a parent I don't give consent. They will need to do when of age if they choose.
And yes, I have read plenty of scientific papers that show the risk to children outweighs the benefits of this gene therapy (except for pharmaceutical companies of course).
Which is the same argument given by parents that refuse to let their children get life saving surgeries, transfusions, antibiotics, etc.
And then again the people that do that reading professionally with decades of study and work in the field reached the opposite conclusion, and in public communications they can easily give the basis for this conclusion by presenting the references and explaining how it lead to it, instead of vaguely saying they read something somewhere.
Raw Beer
Out of the 2.5 million confirmed cases in the under 20s in Japan, 15 have died with/from Covid.
For healthy kids, these "vaccines" clearly offer much more risk of adverse effects than any alleged potential benefit.
For vulnerable kids, vaccination might be a good idea, and it might still not be...
Things you personally believe, but are completely unable to demonstrate are very poor arguments, covid not only causes death it also causes other serious health problems that can continue for life, and the risks associated with the infection are much higher than for the vaccines.
If pediatricians and other experts that have demonstrated interest in preserving the health of the children say it is a good idea even for healthy children they are simply much more worthy of listening.
Make money all day . Every day .
Haaa Nemui
No, that’s not what it means. It means it is for emergency use. There COULD be a situation where a vaccine being administered has that printed on the label and that being the reason, but there is generally nothing that equates a vaccine having “For Emergency Use Only” printed on the label with one being an experimental vaccine.
Raw Beer
That is indeed a tough call, because most of the world-renowned experts do not recommend these "vaccines" for healthy kids. Those who do recommend them are health officials of captured agencies and some doctors who tend to have very serious conflicts of interest.
If we have to take shots of same vaccines multiple times within a year then it should not be considered as a vaccine. Its a scam.
Do you have any reference for this or is people just supposed to believe you? the easiest found references from scientific and medical authorities clearly contradicts you.
Once your arguments are reduced to unproven conspiracies where the health authorities of the world are all supposedly exposing their own family members to unsafe vaccines for money you are already accepting you don't have a believable argument.
So you believe the Trump signed EUA are the ones justifying the use of Cominarty vaccines in Japan?
How does this work?
Haaa Nemui
None of which means the “For Emergency Use Only” warning printed on the label makes something experimental.
Tom San
An Emergency Use Authorization only lasts as long as the public health emergency for which it was declared, but can be extended as required. After that, I guess full FDA approval would be the next step.
Raw Beer
You responded by providing references from captured agencies. My comments are mainly based on highly published (with impressive H index) and respected experts, not people who are paid to push a narrative.
Tom San
Oh, gee. I didn't know the FDA was a Japanese agency.
My bad. LOL
most of the world-renowned experts
Really? @Raw Beer. Care to name one that we might actually have heard of? Or hasn't already been discredited. I think not old chum.
The science also suggests that there is systemic risk greater than the actual disease in young males too.
A reason not to get vaccinated for boys then!
Maruko desu
Kids may be fine but you cannot guarantee that.
One thing that many of you have not considered are the children who infect other family members.
Within the past few months, I have had 6 coworkers who contracted COVID from their children who were not vaccinated which means those coworkers have had to quarantine. One of my colleagues was on vacation in Hawaii and had to stay longer at their expense because they contracted COVID from their unvaccinated child during their travels. Some coworkers cannot telework which means they may have lost income from not working.
If you live in Japan, you are required to quarantine for 10 additional days after recovering from COVID by the Japanese government before you can return to work. If you are a close contact, it is 7 days.
So, if your children contract COVID, it will affect your ability to work.
The risk for children with COVID is extraordinarily low compared to elderly with comorbidities.
Myocarditis, pericarditis, and clotting is a known negative effect from the vaccines. Not sure you have been reading any studies.
Why are the cases and deaths higher in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, S. Korea, among other countries post-vaccine with the vast majority of the populations vaccinated? If the vaccines worked the cases would be really extremely low.
Hello there
Are kids even getting the first two? Gotta love the push for the money grab.