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© 2013 AFPPhilippines to seek more aid from Japan
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Japan Govt, if you were going to help Philippines again, sending relief goods please give it directly to the victims, don't let Philippine Govt handle it.
The Japanese people in Tohaku and Fukushima are still living in temporary housing!!! Giving is wonderful, but you have to look after your own people too...
The Japanese government is in debt up to its ears, the Philippines should ask China for help.
Cortes Elijah
I agree with kimuzukashi, you have to help yourself before you can truly help others. I think it is kind of sad we are spending money on another country, when tax paying nationals here are living like homeless people. With winter coming, I hope they make it again.
@Bear27840, yes there are real Japanese who're hard on luck and living in parks and train stations in Tokyo. And there are those with fake Nikkei jin visas and fake marriage visas living in govt housing and at times enjoying great subsidies.Definitely not the fault of the PM alone. The Jgovt giving out scholarships with allowances to foreigners while some real Japanese who avail of student loans are still paying for it even after marriage. Some things are really not fair!
Ruben DelaRosa
I just hope the Philippine government don't squander the aid money. Prime Minister Abe should get President Aquino's assurance that the money will be well spent and create a strict method of accounting and report it to Japanese government.
“The Philippine government said it had received total foreign pledges of up to $484 million. Of that total, only $12.13 million has so far been received.”
If Philippine government’s claim is true, then the actual amount received is quite disproportionate since more than a month of time has passed when super typhoon Haiyan landed on Philippine . that is really disheartening.
The showmanship and lip-service should be never given a place in disaster relief.
Hopefully, the pledged international aids will be soon delivered, helping people in the hard-hit area in Philippine.
Pledges always look Impressive but donated amounts are always lower or years after the pledges.
A key point to consider is the corruption among politicians and organized crime there that redirect funds into their own schemes to build their riches and leave people still suffering and with no aid from the donations.
Michael Alagar
That's sad that only that much has been actually received. What happened to the other $472 million that was pledged?
This is why I don't give cash as donations anymore :(
kimuzukashiiiiiDec. 10, 2013 - 08:35AM JST
So? I think your point is almost irrelevant to the typhoon in the Philippines. In addition, Japanese government or the Japanese people have no plan to GIVE "permanent housing" for the people in the Tohoku disaster area. Sending money and providing temporary housing are all that are intended. They must build their permanent housing on their own.
Whatever Japan does, you keep saying there are people in temporary housing, even when Japan is providing much needed help. Sounds quite funny.
Japan is Philippines' major trading partner and runs a trade deficit with Japan, so Japan is surely going to get most of that money back indirectly.
Many Fillipino working in HK have asked Chinese for donation. President Aquino Motther Corazon Aquino was a 100% of Chinese descendent. Aquino by himself half Chinese desendent. He is incompetent for disaster reflief effort.
Successive Fillipino government were corrupted and influenced by Cronies. Sharing power between and local and central government is making the disaster relief effort is slower and inefficient too. Some of the donation will be disppeared mysteriously.
CGB Spender
Indeed, but that would be like talking against a wall since The fattest cat in town is too arrogant.
Unless countries have concrete plans on funding for 2014, how can they give money pledged? Giving in installments might be a better idea to reign in corruption on receiving end. Usually a mass amount of money magically disappear because of corrupt politicians.
In case of Japan, it can sell US bonds, just only amount of pledge. It is just a drop of backet amount that Japan hold. Didn't Philippine rushed to send aid to Japan when Japan had tsunami crisis? Even Yamaguchi-gumi from Kobe rushed many many truckful of many things to help. Philippine victims were begging water and food. Red Cross can/t handle everything. Other countries inear Philippines were also victims of this terrible typhoon, too. I think Japan is lucky in position of helping Phiilippine.
Back on topic please.
I still think "Charity starts at home". Japan already - recently - pledged money to the Philippines. Japan pledged more money to a couple of other countries (I don't recall which ones) while, as others have said, winter is coming and it can't be all that warm "up north" (viz. the Fukushima area) where people are still in "temporary housing". But other than that, not to worry ! After all, we're getting the Olympics since "everything is under control"...
Louis Tan
Aquino sucks in return for more money. No difference with the American marines enjoying the company of Filipinas.
Good on Japan once again you know who your true friends are in time of need.
The Philippines knows who their friends are and who their enemies are also.
Their friends and allies are there whenever they need help as the Philippines has been there to help their friends.
All truly civilized nations help their friends, while those that claim to be civilized don't.
Nothing wrong that Philippine Govt ask more help from Japan. Many typhoon vixctims live without tent. Just because USA is in deficit does not mean USA people are stingy in helping Philipine victims, either. However, Philippine Govt must be figuring out that Japanese do not mind to help its country. It did not treat Japan as former cruel war monger country, Some day, Japan might need Philippine helps. Japan should give sympathy to Phillippine victims,
It's not often I'm genuinely surprised by the comments on here but I am.
To those of you who don't think Japan can afford or should send extra money to the Philippines.
Simple question. Where would Tohoku be without international Aid? America has social economic problems but still donated millions. The UK the same. Every country that donated to Japan is in a similar situation. Some of it's citizens are homeless. Some are below the poverty line etc etc etc. There is still much to do in Tohoku but if every country adopted the policy that you suggest then the world would be in a lot poorer state.
We should absolutely be focussing on ours but that does not and should not mean that we should be helping others.
What an asinine comment. Of course people are free to discuss.
However l am genuinely surprised that because Tohoku still has problems that Japan shouldn't help elsewhere. The Philippines donated $2.9 million to Japan. New Zealand, a month after Christchurch, donated 2 million
Where would the people of Tohoku have been without that money? Japan absolutely should be doing everything it can to rebuild Tohoku but it should also be helping others in need.
This is a wonderful sign of growing raprochment between other Pacific nations and Japan which all share common goals and interests. I am proud of Japan for its quick and strong response and help for this and other situations in the Pacific as the responsible and compassionate leading nations of the Pacific that it is.
This is nothing but good news for not just the Philippines but for all the free counties of Asia.
It is not enough just to look at how much aid was pledged. We have to look at whether it is for emergency relief or long-term reconstruction. We have to consider if it has been actually paid or not (for example a large part of the reconstruction money pledged by the US and Venezuela after the Haiti earthquake has yet to materialize). Also, we need to consider where the money is going. Again looking at the case of Haiti, "Research found that only 23 out of 1,490 contracts awarded by the US government after the earthquake had gone to Haitian companies.... Contractors from the Washington area took 39.4% ($76m)." There could be legitimate reasons for this and no doubt some politics involved.
Japan is usually quick to pay its pledging obligations for emergency relief aid, though its record on other aid is questionable and is often tied to Japan's economic interests.
There are people living in the parks of Tokyo, there are people who can no longer go home for their home are radiated by Fukushima's four meltdowns and the Japanese government just raised taxes and for what? just to give it away to another country? Abe has gone insane to treat his OWN people less than he does other's in another country.
zichiDec. 10, 2013 - 04:20PM JST
What exactly is incorrect?
I agree that government financial support is needed. There already are low interest mortgage plans for the people in Tohoku disaster area. But, providing permanent housing is not government responsibility.
What do you mean by "social housing"? You mean temporary housing?
I do not think there is any such law.
Low income families receive seikatsu hogo money. Seikatsu Hogo money covers rent and food.
Asking the China to help? Good luck!!! There is a term Chinese Jew.
@Heda: Ths is JT opinion forum so people write their opinions. Then discuss why they like or dislike other people;s opinions. If we get out from topics or become nasty, the moderator delete our comments, You can not brainwash comment writers for your belief that might have holes. /so, let us freely discuss our opinions here. Don;t try to brainwash us. We learn from each other;s opinions.
Agreed OssanAmerica and thank you for your wonderful responses and posts, i am very glad we have you with us here on this forum for you bring rationality and intelligence to complex situations that cry out for both. The True key to success for the entire Pacific rim is for all the strong and free nations to work together, and all will be well.